Colby: September (7 page)

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Authors: Brandy Walker

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Sept 17th - Night shift

olby sat
down at his desk and picked up the phone. He’d transferred Ella’s phone number to his contacts before removing it from his arm the day she’d written it on him. He had a sneaky suspicion Claire had been trying to alter it, or remove it with magic. There was no way to be sure she hadn’t.

That was why he was staring at Ella’s number. He tapped her name and waited for the ringing to start. A burst of relief exploded in his head when she picked up almost immediately.

She sounded breathless, and damn did that ever put pictures in his head. Until he considered why she would sound that way. His mind was an asshole.

“Hi, Ella?”

“The one and only. Who’s this?”

Okay, there was a dash of disappointment dropping his heart. Logically, he knew there was no way for her to know it was him. “Colby. From Satyr.”

“Hello, Colby from Satyr, how are you?” She giggled. He could practically hear the smile on her face. There was a sound in the background. The refrigerator opening and closing. A sigh. A soft smacking of lips.

He wondered what she was doing. “I’m good,” he replied almost on autopilot. It was as if one side of his brain knew there was a conversation going on, and it decided to help the other side out, which was quickly spinning a fantasy about the woman. Naked, standing in her kitchen, flushed with arousal from thinking about him. Rushing to the phone in the hopes he would call.

There was a pause on her end. “Okay.” The word drug out a little unsure. “Was there something you wanted?”

That word wouldn’t be coming out of his mouth though. Too early. Maybe.

For the love of all that was holy, how and when did he get so bad at talking to a woman?
woman. “Um, I just wanted to call and see how your day went.”

She let out a small breath. “Oh.” Disappointment laced that one small word. “It was good. Thankfully, Claire wasn’t the uber bitch she’s showing herself to be. I think Bianca chewed her ass up one side and down the other…or something. Claire would jump a little any time the pixie was near. It was pretty funny. Did you know, not a lot of people like her?”

“I’m not surprised. You’re giving massages and what not.” He didn’t actually know what all she could or did do. The day they had lunch together, they spent most of it talking about Satyr and the things that went on there. And a little about themselves. The basics. He knew she had a couple brothers and a sister. Her parents were living on the opposite side of town in a magical commune. Or something like that. She made it sound like they were a band of gypsies. Which he could see. And that was about the extent of their conversation.

“I am. Saw around seven people today. Oh, and Holden came back in. Claimed I was his favorite and the best at relaxing him. He’s so full of shit. He alluded to wanting to get to know me. I think he forgets that I am a witch who can read a warlock. And I’ve totally got
number. How was your day?”

“Just starting. I have a couple more weeks of this shift before Holden and I switch up. We try to change over every three months. Keep changing it up so we don’t get complacent.”

“Huh, I never thought about that. Maybe once you’re on days, we can get together and have dinner. The two of us. Away from Satyr.”

Colby grinned like a loon. Thank the Gods she wasn’t there to see it. “I’d like that.” His radio squelched and squawked.

“Ah, your mistress is calling you. I’ll let you go put out whatever fire has sprung up.”

“Can’t be a big one. You and your friends aren’t here.”

“Ha ha. I’m glad you called.”

“And now you have my number in your phone. Try not to lose it.”

She giggled. “I’ll do my best. Have a good night.”


Ella hung up. He took a moment to let the happiness flow through his body. Maybe he hadn’t lost his touch after all.

Sept 18th

olby stopped
next to the bar and stood absolutely still. Ella was on the dance floor shaking her ass. She did some shimmy thing that had him tracking the sway of her hips. He could imagine his hands on her hips, gripping her tight, her back pressed to his front. His dick twitched and arousal stirred in his gut.

Her arms went up into the air as she moved from side-to-side. It had to be one of the most sensual things he’d ever seen in his life. Her body was one seductive curvy line. One that needed his hands all over it. His lips pressed to the back of her neck, nibbling and sucking her flesh.

She spun and the grin on her face lit the place up. From across the room, he could see the happiness pulsing through her. The joy of being out on the dance floor, moving her body to the strong beat of the music.

A couple of other women whooped and danced around her. They giggled, and Ella laughed as one of them did a spastic hip shaking, arm flailing maneuver that had people within a two-foot radius moving away in fear for their lives. He cracked a smile at their antics. They enjoyed themselves and couldn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Squinting, he recognized the women, one of which was the really horrible dancer, from the first night he’d met Ella. Christie…Missy…Lizzy!

“Shit,” he grumbled. Those women were pure trouble.

His feet broke free from where he was frozen in place. He kept his eyes on Ella, praying to all of the Gods that they weren’t going to have a repeat of the last time she was in the Club with her friends. He’d just about made it to her when Holden stepped up behind Ella.

She looked about as surprised as Colby felt. Her head whipped to the left in plain view of Colby. She frowned and rolled her eyes. Holden snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her back into him. He ground against her lush ass, and Colby saw red.

Holden looked up and smirked. He’d known Colby had been watching the women. Had been on his way over to Ella. He could tell from that stupid ass grin on his face. Leaning down, Holden whispered in Ella’s ear. Her eyes rounded, and she smacked him playfully on the arm, smiling the entire time.

Colby stopped. She didn’t really seem upset. Didn’t seem to care Holden was grinding up against her. He seethed for all of a second, before his forward motion continued. Holden wasn’t getting away with his woman. He knew for a fact she would never be interested in the warlock. He was on the edge of the dance floor when Ella looked up. Their gazes collided. Hers brightened with happiness.

She shot him a smile different from the one she used on Holden. It was more intimate. Like there was something between them, because there fucking was, even though they hadn’t really gotten started. She waved and tried to push Holden’s hands away. When he didn’t let go, she frowned and looked back at him. An eyebrow arched high in an imperial manner. Holden’s lips moved. She frowned even harder.

Quick as could be, Ella reached out and grabbed Lizzy’s hand. Ella’s lips moved, and like magic, literally, Ella and Lizzy switched places. Holden was left holding Lizzy tight against him, her hips gyrated and arms flung out wide. His friend looked panicked and completely unable to let go of the woman now in his arms. That fucker deserved everything he got.

Ella high fived her other friend, and walked off the dance floor. She didn’t stop in front of him when she approached. Nope, the strong-willed woman hooked his arm and drug him back to the office. Her hand slid over the hidden panel, the door opened, and she pulled him inside.

Okay, so he’d had her handprint added to the bar’s database so she could get in easily. She shouldn’t have known that though. Unless someone, who shall not be named, told her.

He managed a glare back at Holden before the door slid shut and she sighed. One of those
thank god for silence
ones a person has after hours of loud thumping music have bombarded their ears. He let her have the moment. There was a second’s hesitation before he went and sat down at the desk. This show was all hers, and that bed would be too tempting. Every instinct said to toss her down and cover her with his body. To make his interest known beyond a shadow of a doubt, and do ridiculous caveman style banning of being around other men.

Ella canted her head to the side. Her gaze lingering on his face for longer than he thought necessary. Slowly, like a heated caress, it glided over him. She may as well have been touching him with her hands. With her mouth. Arousal thrummed through his veins. His dick hardened painfully.

. Fuck, this was why he couldn’t resist them. Why he couldn’t resist

He had one thought, and one thought only: get Ella into bed. Which would be pretty damn easy, seeing how she was currently standing next to one.

Ella sat down then and leaned back on her arms. She thrust her chest out and tilted her head back a little. The curve of her neck called him. A groan locked up in his throat. The room in his damn jeans shrinking by the minute as his dick filled.

Her arms slid outward until she was spread out on the bed. Her hair fanned around her. Arms at her her sides, fingers curling into the comforter. There was a peek of skin between the hem of her dress and the sexy ass boots she wore.

“Oh my god, this is the best bed ever.” Raising her head up, she looked at him. His eyes snapped up from where they’d been focused on her legs. “Do you guys mind if I move in here?”

Colby swallowed hard. He licked his lips. “Your bed not as comfy, I take it?” His voice came out strained. Fuck, he hoped she didn’t notice.

“It’s okay. There’s just something about this one,” she sighed. Turning her head into the comforter, she made a noisy inhale. “Goddess, it smells amazing.”

It was on the tip of Colby’s tongue to say it smelled like him. Those were his sheets. His pillow. His comforter. He’d slept in it the night before. Holden had pretty much quit sleeping there during the last couple of months. He also worked the day shift and didn’t need to be there late into the night/early morning like Colby.

Ella hummed and Colby just sat there watching her. Needing her.

After a beat, her voice filled the quiet room. “So, tell me, Colby from Satyr. What is this thing going on between us? I know we haven’t spent a ton of time together. Lunch a couple days ago was fantastic. It was a nice surprise when you called last night. And today, you looked jealous as hell when Holden decided to bump and grind against my ass…uninvited I might add.”

No way would he touch on the jealousy issue. He was a guy. He wanted her. Of course he wouldn’t like another man in her vicinity, let alone pressed up against her. “How much have you had to drink tonight?”

Ella snorted softly. “Nice deflection. Not going to work though. I haven’t been drinking. I wanted to be nice and sober for you this time.”

This time?
What did that even mean? Colby pushed up from his chair and stalked toward her. He hovered above her. Legs settling between hers. Holy fuck, she looked good. Plump breasts pushed up against the fabric of her dress. Her nipples hardened. The tie that looked to hold the dress together emphasizing her waist. The wonderful flare of her hips. Her curves might do it for him more than her being a witch.

“What do you mean,
this time
?” His mouth was as dry as the Sahara. Tongue sticking to the roof. It took everything he had to push the words out.

Silver eyes beamed up at him. A smile curved her lips and rocked up onto her elbows. “It was on a Friday that we met. Two weeks ago, to be exact. I don’t remember too much about this room from that night, but I had the feeling you wished you could lay down with me. Snuggle into my side and wrap your arms around me. I think you’re drawn to me.”

Colby nodded without knowing he was nodding. He
want to do all of those things. The call of the witch to his genie. There was a connection to her he could feel in the marrow of his bones. It wasn’t the first time he’d felt that around her. Doubted it would be the last.

One of those bright beaming smiles lit up her face. She sat up quickly, wrapping her hand in his shirt. She tugged him down until they were face-to-face. “You know, I’ve been waiting for you to show up,” she whispered against his lips. Warm, cinnamon breath heating his face. “To notice me out in the Club. Holden was a happy accident. It wasn’t until then that I knew.”

“Knew what?”

“How sexy it could be when the man you’re hoping to date gets jealous as hell when he thinks another man is poaching.

“You aren’t tempted by Holden at all?”

She threw her head back and laughed. Loud and lusty. His gaze dropped to her jiggling breasts. Damn, it was a sight to behold.

“Goddess, no.” She paused and studied him. “Did you know I forced Lizzy and Tina to come with me tonight?”

One of his eyebrows inched up. People generally came to Satyr on their own free will. “Forced?”

“Okay, I forced Tina. Lizzy hoped to find the demon from a couple weeks ago.”

“And why would you force your friends to accompany you here?”

Staring into his eyes, she brushed her lips softly against his. It wasn’t enough, but he wanted an answer. Preferably a short one. “I wanted to see you. I knew you were working. I hounded Holden for your schedule when he came in the last time. He was very accommodating when I refused to give him a witch’s blessing.”

Colby was surprised to hear that. Holden didn’t do anything for anyone without a motive. A flurry of interrogation tactic ideas bombarded his brain. His vision clouded over a little as the Djinn side of him got somewhat carried away.

“Colby?” Ella’s voice broke through.


“I think we got a bit off topic.”

Colby knew he was frowning, as he worked his way backwards through what had been said.

Ella chuckled. “I wanted to know what was going on between us.”

Ah, yes. The
what is this
question. Usually he hated that question. It may his mind and body shut down. Apparently, when it came from a woman you
wanted to have more of a relationship, he didn’t mind. “I thought you were going to tell me what
thought this was.”

She clucked her tongue a couple times and shook her head. “You thought wrong.”

It was just his luck, he liked a woman who didn’t want to ramble on about her feelings and thoughts. But wasn’t that something he’d looked for in a woman? Someone who could think outside of herself. He gave a half shrug. “I like you.”

“Just like?” Her lips thinned in disapproval. It hadn’t been the answer she wanted, he guessed.

He dipped his head and kissed her. One day they would get past the light pecks and move onto heated and filthy. Just not that the moment. “A bit more than like. I’m drawn to you, like you said. I’ve always had a thing for witches. And curvy ones…damn they are the sweetest. Like bees to honey. A moth to a flame. The bee’s knees.”

One corner of her mouth quirked up. “You’ve already just one about bees.”

He grinned unapologetically.

She sighed but no matter how hard she tried, he could still see the grin tugging at the corner of her lips. “I
like fire.”

“You’re a cheeky little thing.”

With more strength than he expected, Ella tugged him down on top of her. “What are you going to do about it?” She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Colby hummed lightly. Fuck, she felt good under him. Better than he imagined. In his entire history with women, no one had felt this damn good. And they weren’t even naked…yet.

“Wrap your legs around my waist.” Once she did, he slipped a hand under her, and shoved them up the length of the bed. Lips pressed together. Pelvises meshed. He held back every groan wanting to escape at the feel of her pussy against his hardening flesh. The heat of her core seeped through her dress and into his jeans.

When he got them positioned how he wanted, he settled between her thighs and rested his weight on his arms, hands planted next to her head. He had to squeeze his eyes shut and count backwards from ten, just to calm his ranging libido. He finally had her under him. Soft skin. Delicate, roving hands. Lips pressing against his lips, jaw, and neck.

She snickered. “Got a,” her gaze dipped, “bit of a problem down there?”

“No. Not a problem,” he grimaced.

lla was pretty
sure he was lying. She titled her hips in a tease, grinding up against the bulge in his jeans. A shudder shook him, and she finally got the groan she wanted from him.

Colby attacked her lips then. Nibbles, licks, nips, and more…he tasted her. Not one to be left out, Ella gave as good as she got.

She sucked his tongue into her mouth, pulling a groan from his chest. It vibrated through her and down into her belly. He made noises like he was starved for her. Like she was the only one who could ever fill him up.

Soon, they were a flurry of hands. She dipped her fingers under his shirt. Sliding her hands over his sides, pulling the cotton up along the way. The heat of his skin seared her palms. It was a good kind of burn. The one she liked. It coursed up her arms and into her chest. Part of the Fire Witch in her reveling in the connection.

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