Cole: Black Bear Outlaws #3 (Mating Fever) (7 page)

Read Cole: Black Bear Outlaws #3 (Mating Fever) Online

Authors: Kenzie Cox

Tags: #shifters, #fated mates, #bear shifters, #paranormal romance, #Paranormal

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“I don’t pay for pussy!” he roared as he slammed his fist right through the wall.

. I’d wanted to get him talking, not send him into a blind rage. If I was going to get out of this mess, I needed some information. “Okay, I believe you. So you have a girlfriend or something?”

“Yeah. Or something.” He pulled at a clump of his dark curly hair as he continued to pace. His gate was a little uneven as if he was nursing an aching knee.

My line of questioning was obviously making him unstable, so I changed tactics. “Who hired you to do this? To abduct me, I mean.”

That got his attention. He stopped abruptly and eyed me curiously. “What makes you think I was hired?”

“Have you ever been to L.A.?”

He shook his head. “Nothing but smog and plastic people out there. I want a real woman, you know. Home grown. Round ass and big tits. The kind of woman I can sink into, you know what I mean? You’re a little on the thin side, but I can make do.”

Gee, wasn’t that reassuring. I cleared my throat. “Then you were definitely hired. Who was it? Someone who goes by the name Jerry? Or maybe Zig. But one can never discount Harrison,” I added, running through the list of creepers who sent me “fan” mail on a regular basis. All three seemed to be big on their abduction fantasies. It was something all celebrities dealt with, but usually the letters went nowhere. In fact, I wasn’t even sure when the last one had come in. A few years ago, I’d thought.

“Jerry, Zig, or Harrison?” He let out a bark of laughter. “I knew you Hollywood types were egomaniacs, but fuck, lady, you sure seem to think a lot of yourself. But just in case, I’ll be sure to let Holt know he’s got competition.”

“Brex Holt?” I gasped out. That was the name of the P.I. I’d hired to look into my case. A sick feeling in my gut made me want to puke. That’s how Jackhole had known about my mother. Holt must’ve dug deep into my past. But why had he unleashed the crazy on me? None of it made sense.

“Fuck! You stupid bitch.” He reached out and yanked me up by my arms. “Stop trying to pry information out of me.” He shook me. Hard. “It’s not going to work. My employer wants you out of the picture. That’s what I’m being paid to do, and that’s all there is to it.”

Son of always came down to money. I let out a sigh, resigned. “How much?”

“How much what?” he asked as he jerked me toward the back door.

“Money. How much is your employer paying you? I’ll double it if you let me go. No questions asked.”

He shook his head. “It’s always about the bottom line to people like you, isn’t it?”

I scowled. “You’re the one who followed us to the bayou and abducted me in order to cash in.”

“You know nothing about me,” he said through clenched teeth as he shoved me out the door.

I stumbled and cried out when I landed on my knees, pain and an overwhelming stench, making my eyes water. Just to the left was an outdoor fish station, covered in fresh and old rotted remains. It looked like Jackhole had some breakfast while he’d been bathing in the bayou. At least that explained the fish smell.

“Get up,” he said from behind me.

I glared at him over my shoulder.

“Do it, or in about five seconds you’re going to be face down in the dirt.”

The nervous look he’d had in his eyes had been replaced by rage. Something I’d said had set him off and he’d gone from crazy criminal to full-on psycho. The time for taunting information out of him was over.

That feeling deep in my gut, that fight or flight instinct, told me it was time to fight. I just needed an opening. Slowly, I pushed myself up, spreading my feet as far as I could for balance.

“Move.” He poked me in the back hard enough I was sure there’d be a bruise later...if I survived that long.

I shuffled along the overgrown path, stumbling over roots and loose branches until we made our way back to the river. The small fishing boat was right where he’d left it tied to a tree.

“Get in,” he ordered.

I eyed the boat, not sure how to accomplish boarding with my feet bound. When we’d arrived at the small island, he’d carried me to the shack while I’d kicked and screamed the entire way. “I don’t think I can without falling. Can you at least undo my feet?”

“No.” He glanced around at the calm water, cocking his head as if listening to something in the distance. Then he moved to the hull, untied the rope keeping it in place, and held the boat as he waved for me to follow him. “It’s time. Our ride will be waiting for us by the time we get there. Get in or I’ll throw you in.”

Movement from behind him in the water caught my attention, and I swallowed the startled cry threatening to escape my lips. Holy shit. This was bad news. Adrenaline-fueled fear raced through my veins as the fight instinct reappeared. This was my one chance. Now or never.

“Fine, throw me in,” I said, bracing myself for the worst.

His nostrils flared as he glared at me in disgust. And when he reached for me, I spun, swinging my bound arms around, aiming for his head.

He ducked, barely missing my blow, causing my momentum to take me down. I landed on my side, right at the edge of the water, just in time to see the giant alligator’s head disappear under the surface.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

My heart raced and sweat slicked my face. The gator could be anywhere; could reemerge at any moment. I lay completely still, recalling the fact that alligators had bad eyesight and reacted to movement. If I played dead, he might leave me alone.

Except that wasn’t an option. The jackhole was already reaching for me, apparently unconcerned that a five hundred pound monster was only a few feet away.

He grabbed me by my hair, yanking my head up, and put his face only inches from mine. “You’re going to pay for that, bitch.”

There was no doubt about that. I already was.

He released me, and I crashed back to the earth, hitting my head on what must’ve been a root. Spots swirled in my vision as pain shot down my neck and along my spine. I groaned and brought my bound hands up to hold my head.

“Sit up,” Jackhole ordered.

I blinked, clearing my vision, and when I finally focused on him, he was standing over me, his belt undone, as he lowered his zipper.

“You’re going to get a taste of me right here, right now.”

Oh, hell no. This piece of shit had managed to abduct me and abuse me, but he was not going to sexually assault me. Never.

I held myself perfectly still, ignoring his order.

“I said sit up, bitch.” He yanked his small dick out and stroked it as if that would make it bigger.

I shook my head, defiant.

“Do it.” He reached for me, but when he bent down. I brought both knees up to my chest and kicked out with my feet, catching him right in the groin.

His mouth fell open and his eyes bulged as he tried and failed to gasp in air. As if in slow motion, he fell to one side, nearly crushing me as he went down. But I rolled and scrambled to my knees as he writhed on the ground, now holding his nuts.

Breathing heavily, I managed to get to my feet.

He stared up at me, tears streaming from his hateful eyes.

“Don’t fuck with me again,” I said, and kicked him as hard as the shackles would allow, this time connecting with his thigh.

He grunted and rolled the other way.

I debated checking his pockets for the key to the shackles, but it was too dangerous. He was only temporarily incapacitated. As soon as the initial shock wore off, he’d be after me. It was time to go. I hurried as fast as I could to the boat.

I stood at the edge of the shore for a moment, contemplating the best way to climb aboard without falling in. But before I could make up my mind, Jackhole jerked, rolled to his knees, and scrambled to reach me.

Instinct took over, and I jumped backward, hit the side of the boat, and fell in head first, landing on my shoulder against the bottom of the boat.

“Ouch,” I muttered and quickly righted myself, reaching for the choke on the motor. But before I could push the power button, I heard a cry of terror, followed by the thrashing of water. I turned, and stared in utter horror as I watched the monster gator clamp his jaws over my abductors neck and haul him into the river.

And just like that, they both disappeared, leaving nothing but a ripple of water.

Chapter 8

here!” I pointed to the old shack I knew Clive’s uncle had left him. His place was a good forty minute ride from ours. The chance of him being there was slim at best, but we had to check. If he thought we couldn’t identify him, it was an ideal place to hide out for a while.

Cyrus pointed, indicating he was going to circle the island to do a little recon before we went ashore. If he was there, he already knew he had company by the sound of the motor, despite the fact it was only a low roar as we inched along. The bayou wasn’t good at masking noises. It also meant there was no reason to hide our arrival.

I kept the shotgun aimed at the shack, just in case all hell broke loose. But everything was quiet. No sign of habitation. “Dammit,” I muttered. “Let’s tie up to that tree and—”

“Cole,” Cyrus said and pointed upriver at an aluminum boat off in the distance.

I squinted, shielding my eyes from the sun. It was drifting against the edge of the shore and appeared empty. “Let’s check it out first.”

“You got it. But keep that gun handy in case it’s a trap.” He pressed the throttle down and the engine roared to life.

At that moment, a dark head popped up from the drifting boat, followed by a cry for help and the waving of arms.

“Holy shit,” I said, my eyes wide with disbelief. “It’s Amberly. Hurry.”

Cyrus did as I asked and in no time, I was jumping into the small boat, enveloping Amberly in my arms.

“Oh, God,” She sobbed against my chest, her voice hoarse. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

I tightened my hold on her, my insides churning with relief and complete horror as I realized her wrists and ankles were bound. “You’re okay now, princess,” I soothed and kissed the top of her head. “I’ve got you.”

She nodded, her sobs quieting.

I pulled away slightly, then picked her up and transferred her into our boat. Placing her on one of the benches, I nodded to Cyrus. “Can you pick the lock on those shackles?”

He took a moment to study them, then with steel in his gaze, he nodded. His expression must’ve mirrored mine. When we found Clive and anyone else who was responsible for this, it was going to be ugly. No one messed with the Doucet family.

While I used a utility knife to cut the wires binding Amberly’s wrists, Cyrus produced the lock picks he always carried, and managed to have her free in less than thirty seconds.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I said to Cyrus, as Amberly rubbed at her wrists and leaned into me.

He nodded once, turned the boat around and flew down the river.

I tightened my grip on her, letting her nearness soothe me. The ache that had formed the moment I’d realized she was missing lessoned with each passing moment she was in my arms. “You scared me, love,” I said into her ear.

She turned her tired eyes to meet mine. “He’s gone.”

“Who? Clive?” I asked.

“The bastard who did this to me. Is that his name?” There was pure hatred in her dark blue eyes.

I couldn’t say I blamed her. “Did he have a bear paw tattoo on his palm?”

“Yes, and one that said
. He said you put it there.”

“I did. That was a long time ago. I’ll fill you in later. For now, why don’t you tell me what happened?”

“We struggled. I got away. He didn’t.” She swallowed and cleared her throat, though it did nothing to help her rough voice. “I kicked him in the balls, and because of that, a gator got him.”

I frowned. “A gator?”

“A giant one,” she said on a yawn. Her eyes drooped with exhaustion and I wondered if she was hallucinating.

“He fell overboard? Is that how you got away?”

“No. I fell into the boat because of the shackles and when I did, I think the jarring movement caught the gator’s attention. Because right after that, he surged up and chomped down on Jackhole’s neck. A second later, they were both gone.  I got the motor started, but after I went a few yards, it died. I don’t know what happened. I was just drifting until you arrived.”

“You’re saying a gator ate him?” It certainly wasn’t unheard of, but it was rare for an alligator to attack for no reason.

“That’s what I’m saying. He did smell like dead fish. Maybe that was the draw.”

“Dead fish?”

“Yeah. It was disgusting.” She snuggled into me, her eyes closing. But then she suddenly jerked awake and with surprising alertness said, “He told me Brex Holt hired him.”

“What?” That had to be a mistake. Brex would never do such a thing. He was one of us.

She shook her head. “He said Holt, and when I asked if it was Brex Holt, he got really angry and upset like he didn’t want me to know that. I don’t think it was a lie.”

“You’re sure?” I asked, a sick feeling taking up residence in my gut.

“I’m positive.” Her eyes filled with tears as she peered up at me. “I don’t know why. I just want to go home.”

“You got it, princess,” I whispered and started making plans.


olt Enterprises’ offices were on the twenty-first floor of a sleek office building in downtown L.A. The firm was rumored to hold thirty percent of the market share in celebrity protection services. If that was true, a shit ton of money flowed through their halls.

And Brex Holt had a lot to lose.

I was happy to be the guy to make that happen. Once Amberly had been coherent enough to replay her conversation with Clive, it hadn’t taken Chase long to track down the evidence that tied him to Holt. He’d found proof Holt had hired him to send the bomb and to abduct her. The only questions were: why? And did he have anything to do with the attacks Amberly had suffered before she’d relocated to Louisiana?

Holt had been a family friend. Someone we’d thought we could count on. Someone we would’ve laid down our lives for if necessary. The betrayal had blindsided us. But today we were going to get answers.

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