Collide (11 page)

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Authors: Juliana Stone

Tags: #romance, #siblings, #contemporary romance, #small town romance

BOOK: Collide
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Yeah, and maybe he was bat-shit crazy.

Chapter Ten



What the hell am I doing

Bobbi watched the red taillights in front of
her burn through the night and she pulled out onto the road behind
Shane’s truck. She was following her ex-lover back to his place
with the express purpose of having sex.

Was she really going to do this?

An image of his dark, smoldering eyes, danced
across her mind and her heart took off like a rocket. It pounded so
hard that for a moment she felt lightheaded.

Damn right she was doing this and more. Bobbi
didn’t give a crap about the consequence. She’d been living her
life, walking that tightrope of responsibility and appearance for
years now and she was done with it.

Maybe it was time for the old Bobbi to make
an appearance. The one who lived in the moment and behaved
recklessly. The one who did everything your mama warned you not to

The one who felt alive

Shane hung a right onto his street and a few
minutes later she followed him up the driveway. He pulled his truck
into the garage opposite the carriage house he rented from Logan
Forest and she parked near his place to wait.

Moments later he rolled the overhead door
down and crossed the driveway. Bobbi was out of her car before he
made it that far, her eyes taking in his long, measured stride. His
wide, leather clad shoulders and that hair, god he had great

Without a word she followed him inside the
carriage house and then up the stairs that led to the loft above
his workshop. Shane flipped a switch, but immediately dimmed the
light so that the effect was soft and intimate.

His little rug rat of a dog came out of
nowhere, barking madly and sniffing around Bobbi’s boots until she
shooed it away. It didn’t take much, the dog was obviously in love
with her owner because Pia gave one more bark and jumped up onto a
chair, and then onto the counter where she proceeded to whine and
bump her head into him.

Shane leaned against the countertop, his dark
eyes settled onto Bobbi with an intensity that took her breath
away. She didn’t know what exactly lit them up, desire? Need?
Hatred? Did it matter?

Heat ripped through her and she was afraid
her cheeks were as red as the box of Valentine candy left on his
kitchen table. She doffed her jacket and placed it across the
nearest chair and then turned back to Shane. The silence between
them was heavy and she needed to crack it.

“You have any wine?” she asked in an
uncontrolled Monroe kind of voice that came from where?

“You don’t want wine,” he said, his voice low
and hitting that timber that rolled over her skin like little
fingers of pleasure. It was a statement, not a question.

“No, I don’t want wine.”

Her gaze dropped to his mouth.

“What exactly is it that you want?” he asked
dangerously. He spread his legs slightly as he continued to lean
against the countertop.

She could play the game. Keep the banter
going. The back and forth. The verbal foreplay.

But she didn’t want to. It had been too long
since she’d felt this aroused. Sex with Shane had always been hot
and wonderful and amazing and adventurous. So, why couldn’t she
have some of that again? Even if only for a brief moment?

“You,” she said simply, loving how his eyes
widened slightly as if he was surprised at her answer.

“You want sex,” he said matter of fact.

Something about his tone caught her attention
and maybe she should have listened to the warning bells that
clanged loudly in the back of her head, and yet…she didn’t.

“I want sex,” she said slowly taking two
steps until she was between his legs, her body humming with desire.
Already she pulsed with anticipation. She was wet and ready.


God he smelled good. It took everything in
Bobbi to keep still when all she wanted to do was rub her body all
over him like a cat.

She tilted her head and gazed up at him, her
eyes taking in the stubble that shadowed his jaw, the cleft in his
chin and the adorable dimple that softened an otherwise very
masculine face.

Why? There were a hundred and one reasons why
this wasn’t a good idea, and yet…

“Because I can’t remember the last time I had
an orgasm.”

Surprise lit his eyes and for a moment he
said nothing. Any other man would have been all over that
information. Belittling her ex-fiancé Gerald and his inability to
either please his woman, or the fact that he hadn’t been getting

But not Shane.

Silence stretched for several more moments
and when he spoke it was anti-climactic. She might have jumped. Who
knows, maybe she did.

“This is going to get complicated,” he said

“It doesn’t have to be,” she answered. Her
heart was beating so madly that she was sure he heard it.
“Complicated, I mean. Not if we don’t let it.” Pia whined and
retreated into the shadows but neither of the adults paid her any

His eyes darkened to liquid chocolate and
Bobbi shivered. She was hot and cold, her skin clammy.

He shoved off from the countertop and she
took a step back, startled. “This is just about sex,” he said.

She nodded.

She whispered, “Yes.”

“No emotional attachment because you and

Again she nodded, mesmerized by the look in
his eyes. They were hungry and they looked like they could devour
her without even trying.

“We’re not exactly good for each other,” he

She moistened her lips. Was that a groan she
heard? Had it come from inside her?

“I know,” she managed. “But there was
something we were damn good at.”

Shane gazed directly into her eyes so that
there was no mistaking the raw desire she saw there. “You have one
minute to get your stuff and get the hell out of here or…”

Her legs turned to jelly and she clutched the
chair behind her. “Or what?”

He took a step forward but didn’t touch her.
He leaned down, his breath hot against her neck and when he pushed
aside her hair—when his tongue darted out and traced the skin
behind her ear—she would have fell if not for the chair.

“If you don’t leave here I

His words were crude and maybe they would
have shocked the new Bobbi, except the new Bobbi was gone. At least
for tonight. And, oh god, she was falling. A whimper escaped her
throat as his mouth moved to the corner of hers, and then his hand
was in her hair, yanking her head back slightly so she had to look
up into his eyes.

“I’ll fuck you hard and fast, and then long
and slow.”

Without thought her free hand reached down
between her legs, seeking the sweet ache that burned hotter. Was it
possible to come from just his words?

“And then we’ll really get busy.” His voice
was low.

He grabbed her hand. He stopped her from
touching herself and the groan that fell from her lips sounded
almost animalistic.

“Trust me, I will give you a fuck-load of
orgasms,” he paused, his warm breath feathering across her skin.
“If you stay…”

He was giving her the chance to leave. The
chance to avoid whatever mess she would land in if she stayed.

Except, she couldn’t move even if she wanted
to. So she remained silent, pulsing with desire and totally,
achingly, unfinished.

“Just sex,” he said slowly, his gaze lowered
onto her mouth. “Just tonight.”

She nodded. There was no way in hell she was
going anywhere.

Shane stepped back and she saw the hard
evidence of his arousal between his legs. The bulge in his jeans
was impressive and he was just as worked up as she was. That was
good. Her mouth watered in anticipation.

“Take your clothes off,” he said slowly.

For a moment she was confused. “What?” she
said breathlessly. “Here?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “Everything. Off. Right

What game was this? Bobbi glanced down and
tried to gather her chaotic thoughts. She’d come this far and
wasn’t about to turn back now—she didn’t want to. Her entire body
thrummed with needs. Needs that hadn’t been met in a very, very,
long time.

After Shane she’d never truly felt alive and
now…now she had a chance to experience it all again. But she would
do it on her terms. Sex with no strings. Sex with no strings and

She could do it.

They could do this.

Her breath caught in her throat as her head
shot back up and she nailed Shane with a look that said a million

to it. And she was more than
willing to play his game.

“You want me to take my clothes off in the
middle of your kitchen.”

Again he nodded, his eyes never leaving

“Right here in the kitchen,” she said slowly
glancing around.

“Right here,” he answered. “Everything

“I got that, but you have to promise not to
touch me until I say you can.”

He arched an eyebrow but nodded, a ghost of a
smile toying with the corners of his mouth.

Bobbi moved forward slowly and when Shane
would have said something she shook her head and held her
forefinger to her lips. She paused, just in front of him, and bent
over to unlace her boots. Once they were loose she kicked them off
and began to slowly unbutton her blouse as she crossed the entire
open space and stood in front of a large mirror on the opposite

Bobbi gazed in mirror and watched Shane
closely as she undid the last button. For a heartbeat, she paused,
and then slowly slid the silk off her skin, where it fell to the
floor at her feet.

Her eyes never left Shane.

There was an entire room between them and yet
she felt the heat of his desire as if he was standing right next to

She knew from the angle that he couldn’t see
anything but the back of her body and her eyes.

Carefully her fingers undid her bra clasp and
she watched him shift, like he was uncomfortable, and the small
black wisp of a garment joined her blouse. Shane started forward
but her hoarse voice shut him down. “Not yet.”

Her eyes still on him through the mirror, she
let her fingers walk across her aching breasts, touching lightly at
her hard nipples. Once. Twice. And then a third time. She knew
Shane couldn’t see what she was doing, but he sure as hell knew
what she was touching.

Her hands eventually fell to the button at
her waistband and she undid it and pulled her zipper down enough
for her to wiggle her jeans down over her hips. Again, she did this
slowly, with care, aware that Shane’s eyes were now glued to her
butt and if he remembered her well enough he would know that…

“Fucking hell,” he said hoarsely.

She was bent over now, pulling her jeans down
her legs, exposing her bare ass to him as she did so. Bobbi wasn’t
fond of panties and going commando was one of her little guilty
pleasures. It used to drive Shane bat-shit crazy.

Especially when she used to go out in a short

Once her jeans were free, she nudged them to
the side and cleared her throat, garnering his attention once more
as he dragged his gaze from her naked ass back up to her eyes.
Sweat gleamed along his forehead and she saw the veins that
strained in his neck. He was riding close to the edge and the power
she felt in that moment was heady.

He made a noise and she shook her head, “not

The look in his eyes now, was much darker and
a thrill rolled through Bobbi as she spread her legs slightly. Her
chest was heaving, her breathing erratic as she watched him
watching her. When her fingers moved down her belly and then sank
into the wetness between her legs, she moaned, her desire rank and
powerful as Shane watched her.

Again he tried to see what she was doing but
he couldn’t.

“It’s your turn,” she whispered as she
continued to stroke herself. “Take your clothes off.”

Shane’s long sleeve Henley was over his head
and on the floor in two seconds flat. He tugged his boots off,
tossed them and his jeans followed suit. In less than a minute he
was completely naked and unlike Shane, Bobbi had no problem seeing
every inch of him.

He stood, almost glaring at her, hands fisted
to his sides as they stared at each other through the mirror. Her
fingers were between her legs, and deep inside she felt the
beginnings of an orgasm beckon.

Shane’s body had always been impressive. He
was tall, well over six feet in height, with powerful shoulders and
abs any athlete would kill for. Her eyes ran over his chest. Over
the intricate tattoo on his right pectoral—a new one—until she saw
the Gaelic symbol on his bicep.

Her tattoo.

Something tugged at her then. A powerful
emotion that she knew had no business rearing its head here. This
was all about the physical. She needed to shut that emotional shit
down right now.

Quickly her gaze dropped to his erection and
she bit her lip as she continued to work herself and watch him. Her
belly clenched, muscles tightening as she teased her clitoris and
coaxed the orgasm that was there, just at the edge.

When he strode forward she couldn’t

Instead, she felt the heat of him, the
hardness of his erection at her back when he came up behind her.
But he didn’t touch her. He watched her in the mirror, now able to
see everything, as she pleasured herself. As she came and shuddered
and moaned.

And then with a curse, Shane grabbed her.

He picked her up and carried her to the rug
in front of his fire place. He set her face down so that she rested
on her elbows with her ass in the air. And Bobbi, still in
recovery, watched as he rolled a condom over his straining

She was so turned on, her body still
trembling from its orgasm that she could barely speak.

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