Color of Deception (15 page)

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Authors: Khara Campbell

BOOK: Color of Deception
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Chapter 39


“Get y’all butt in this house right now!” Porsha shouted opening the door to the house. “I can’t stand y’all trifling behinds sometimes.” She pushed the door open and stepped into the small entryway of her home. Her three kids came running in behind her. “Go somewhere so I don’t have to look at ya.” They ran down the steps to the basement still fussing with one another.

Porsha walked further into the house after closing the door behind her and followed the noise of a video game playing on the TV in the family room. Roger was on the couch playing an action game with a wide grin spread across his mouth.

She studied him for a moment while standing by the arch entryway to enter the family room. “What are you so happy about?” She walked further into the room and stood next to him.

“I’m just enjoying my game Porsha.” He continued to watch the screen while moving his fingers over the game control. “How was your day?”

Porsha blinked rapidly trying to figure out if the man in front of her was really her
hostile husband, and not what appeared to be a pleasantly polite gentleman. “How was my day?” she repeated in disbelief.

“Yes. How was your day at the salon?”

She stared at him then thrust her hand on her hip. “What the hell is going on with you Roger?”

“Can’t a man ask his wife how her day was without there be some type of problem?”

“Yes he could. But you and I don’t exactly have a pleasant, lovey-dovey type of relationship. So heck yeah there’s a problem.” She watched him. He looked different. He was grinning way too hard and acting way too nice. He wasn’t even that nice to her after sex. Which was the only time he treated her half decently. “Are you screwing someone else? Did you find some ho to replace Carlisha?”

“Seriously Porsha? Why do you have to start mess when there ain’t any. Can a dude just be in a good mood?”

“Hmmm,” she slid her purse strap off her shoulder and rest it on the couch. She knew he was hiding something and she was determined to find out what it was.

Roger couldn’t help grinning, and right now Porsha couldn’t make him frown. The paternity test today confirmed he was Carl’s father. Despite Porsha’s jabs that he couldn’t, his manhood was in check – he could father a child. Heck yeah he had a grin on his face, he had a son.

“So did you get the money to pay my car note?”

“I’ll have it. No need to worry.” He glanced up at her briefly then returned his attention to the TV screen.

“Roger I swear to you, if I find out you’re messing with some chick it’ll be hell to pay.”

He held back saying something indignant when she was the one busy sleeping around, but he was in too good a mood to go there. The only thing that kept him with her was
secret, she was hell, but going to jail wasn’t an option for him.

Porsha turned and walked out of the family room leaving him in peace with his game.

Chapter 40


Pete took several deeps breaths trying to calm his nerves while he sat in his car after pulling up and parking in the small driveway.
I need to get a grip
. He’d been anxious all day. Guilt and excitement were also feelings he’d been battling since he woke up that morning.
It’s just a date, this doesn’t diminish the love I have for Moriah. She could never be replaced.
He was trying to get his thoughts in order. Was he doing the right thing by going out on a date just a little over a year since Moriah’s death? Maybe Rachel, Leah and Noah were right – this was way too soon.

He placed his hand on the door handle and pushed the car door open.
I’ll just tell Debra that I was a bit hasty in asking her out and that we should just continue our obligation of caring for Carl and working together.
Pete walked up the two steps and rang the doorbell. He looked around observing the quiet neighborhood in Accokeek, Maryland. A few people were taking an evening jog, others were walking their dogs. He noticed Debra’s well-manicured small yard with beautiful sunflowers along a fence.
Moriah loved to garden
, he thought as he took in the sight waiting for Debra to answer the door.

“Hi,” Debra answered the door dressed in a black wrap dress that reached right above her knee, she had on black strappy heels, also emerald colored costume jewelry that brought a touch of color to her outfit. Her makeup was flawless, or perhaps she had on no makeup at all other than red lipstick. The sight of her instantly took his breath away. His hesitation moments before – vanished!

“You look gorgeous!” He finally found his words after ogling her. “Wow!”

Debra’s cream freckled cheeks turned red from his compliment, which only made her look even more ravishing in his eyes. “Thank you!” she stepped aside. “Please come in.”

Pete forgot why he was second guessing their date. All this doubts were placed on the backburner by the sight of her. There was more to her than her beauty that drew him to her. She had a heart of gold, which was evident in her eagerness to assist in raising Carlisha’s son. She was a hard working woman, working to rebuild her life, determined to get her college degree.
Her ex-husband is a fool to have left her
, he thought roaming his eyes over her body.

“Just give me a minute to grab my purse and we could leave,” she said after gesturing a seat in the small living room. She walked down the hall and came back seconds later.




“I’ve never been here before, this atmosphere in here is so exotic and welcoming,” Debra said, taking in the décor of the restaurant. There were tropical plants strategically placed throughout the place, rich bright colors of aquamarine, corals and yellow were on different sectional walls. A huge saltwater fish tank was embedded in the wall which added to the tropical ambiance. Conch shells with fresh assorted colors of hibiscus were centerpieces on the dining tables.

“Yes, I love eating here at the J Spot. Chef Judea is the queen of cuisine. This place just opened up a few months ago, but I’ve eaten at her other location in Atlanta too.” Pete couldn’t take his eyes off of Debra, all evening he’d been fighting the urge to take her in his arms and kiss her.

“Hmmm, so what do you recommend I try off the menu?” Debra looked up from the menu she had open in her hands.

“Do you like fish?”  Pete asked trying not to drown in her beautiful eyes. She nodded her head. “Try the red snapper.”

They placed their orders then sat awkwardly quiet both trying to figure out the perfect thing to say.

Debra took a sip of her red wine hoping the liquid would help her to relax. This was also another reason after her divorced that she had sworn off men, and dating period! It was a distraction from her finally regaining her independence and getting her life back on track. Plus she hated the awkwardness that accompanied dating. She wasn’t ready for another relationship. Her last ended too bitterly and it took a while for her to heal afterwards. She wasn’t ready to put her heart on the line again only for it to be crushed to pieces. That ship sailed before the ink on her divorce papers dried.

“So, are you from Maryland?” she asked, breaking the silence.

“No. My parents and I moved here from Ohio when I was five.”

“Do you still have family in Ohio?”

“Yes. My aunt and some cousins.” He drank some wine. “What about you, are you originally from here?”

“No. Florida actually. My husband…I mean my ex-husband and I moved here three years ago. But my parents were already living here so the move wasn’t bad.”

“Usually people your parents’ age move to Florida, not north toward the cold.”

“Yeah. But they wanted a change of scenery, so Maryland it was.”

“Would you want to move back to Florida?” He had to know if his chances with her would abruptly come to an end soon.

They were interrupted by the waitress placing their dishes in front of them. Pete said grace before they ate.

“To your question, I haven’t really given it much thought. I like it here, but I guess maybe down the line I may decide to move back to Florida.”

They continued talking about each other’s background and childhood. They soon relaxed and were enjoying each other’s company.

“You were right; the red snapper was delicious. As you can see I only left the bones,” Debra laughed, looking down at her plate.

“Next time we come you should try the conch. It’s imported fresh from the Bahamas.”

Debra noted that he’d implied there would be a second date, but she was in too good a mood to tell him there probably won’t be. They needed to stay only friends for the sake of raising Carl and her being his new employee.
Getting off track is not an option for me, despite how attracted I am to you.

“Okay, I think I will try the conch next time.” She drank the last drops of wine in her glass.

Pete blew a breath, hoping what he said next didn’t have her running for the hills, like he’d wanted to do when he pulled up in her driveway. He didn’t know what it was, but from the moment he saw her in the grocery store he knew he had to get to know her better.

“I really like you Debra.” he waited for her reaction, gauging whether or not he should continue. She didn’t run, so that was a good sign. “This whole dating thing is new to me. But every time I’m around you I feel so alive, more alive than I’ve felt since my wife died…”

“Pete, please don’t,” she placed her wine glass on the table. “I’m not ready for…”

“A relationship,” he finished her sentence. “Trust me, when I pulled up to your house this evening my intentions were to tell you the same thing. That perhaps going out on a date wasn’t a good idea. But I want to get to know you better Debra. Tonight only increased that need.”

“Honestly Pete, are you just attracted to me because I’m filling a void? You’re still grieving your wife. It’s been what..?”

“Seventeen months. And you’re not filling a void. I really do like you.” He couldn’t tell her that he really was struggling with his developing feelings for her and guilt of possibly betraying his wife’s honor by wanting to date her, among other things. That was something he would deal with on his own. He didn’t want to give her a reason to squash anything
between them.
Hell maybe she’s right, maybe she is just filling a void – nah, she’s not!
“This is all new to me, dating. But I want to give it a try. With you,” Pete confessed honestly. He watched the perplexed look on her face.

“Charles?” Debra stared at a couple walking toward their table. Pete turned to see who’d captured her attention. A white man in his late forties walked purposefully toward their table with his companion, a black woman looked to be in her mid-thirties, had her arm draped over his as they walked. They looked like a cute couple wearing matching colors. Charles had on a red button down, long sleeved shirt with dark jeans and his companion had on a matching figure hugging red dress. Debra instantly began to feel self-conscious of her extra pounds in her black dress, although Pete couldn’t take his eyes off of her all night. Seeing her ex with his beautiful new wife made her feel inferior.

“Debra, it’s so nice to see you,” Charles said, standing in front of their table now. Debra willed the floor to open up and swallow her whole. The last thing she wanted was to see her ex-husband and especially with his wife. The woman he left her for and had a child with. A child she couldn’t give him herself.

Debra picked up her wine glass and took a sip, hoping the liquid would calm her nerves. The sight of Charles had all the ill feelings she had harbored toward him rushing back to the forefront of her mind.

“Hi, I’m Peter,” Pete said, seeing that Debra hadn’t the least bit of interest to speak. “You are?”

“My ex-husband,” Debra spat. “And his new wife, Cynthia.” She placed her empty wine glass back on the table, grateful that it had been refilled minutes earlier. Cynthia vehemently looked down at Debra, throwing daggers with her stare tempting Debra to pick up her fork and stab her in the eye.
This can’t be the highlight of my freaking evening!
Debra trembled with anger at the gall of her ex approaching her on a date like they’re good ole’ pals.

“Oh.” Pete suddenly understood Debra’s rigid demeanor.

“I just wanted to say hello, we didn’t mean to interrupt—” Charles spoke.

“Well you did interrupt us. You’ve said hello, now I’m saying goodbye!” Debra waved her hand, dismissing them.

Cynthia pulled on Charles arm. “Let’s go honey. Our table is ready. We only have three hours until we have to pick the baby up from the sitter,” Cynthia stated loudly enough for Debra to hear.

As Charles and Cynthia walked away Debra held on to her fork with a death grip. Silently praying to God to give her the strength to just stay in her seat and not go over and
Cynthia up. She signaled for the waiter to pour her another glass of wine. She drank it quickly and suddenly felt the warmth of it help her calm down. She looked up and saw Pete watching her.

“How long have you been divorced?”

“Two years. But I really don’t want to talk about it. It’s bad enough they’re here.”

“We can leave. Do you know how to play pool?” Pete asked after signaling for the waiter to bring the bill.

“It’s been a while.”

“Good. We’re going to play pool. That will help cheer you up,” he smiled while handing over his credit card for the bill.

Debra returned his smile, thankful that she wouldn’t be going back home soon to only wallow in tears over seeing her ex and his wife. “I’ll like that.” She picked up her clutch after accepting Pete’s hand and walked with him out of the restaurant.

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