Colorado 03 Lady Luck (52 page)

Read Colorado 03 Lady Luck Online

Authors: Kristen Ashley

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary romance, #crime

BOOK: Colorado 03 Lady Luck
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She nabbed a fry, pushed it deep into her
enormous mound of ketchup and tossed it into her mouth then looked
at him and he told her about Crabtree.

Then he told her about Frank.

Then he told her about Chace Keaton.

Then he told her about their plan.

Then he paid the bill, walked her back to
the garage, made out with her standing by the Viper, let her go
knowing she was heading to the grocery store and he watched her
drive the Snake away.

* * * * *

Ty waited, hip against the side counter in
the kitchen, for Julius to get back from delivering his wife’s
cosmopolitan. They’d had dinner at The Rooster and were back at the
condo for drinks and continued conversation and Ty was now an eye
witness as to why Julius had three women who’d each put up with two
other women having a claim to their man and it was not the gold
that Anana was dripping. It was the cosmo she was sipping.

Julius Champion doted on his bitches with
every look, touch, move, word and breath. Ty Walker was no woman
but he had one who doted on him like that so he knew it felt

His eyes moved to his wife who was wearing a
white sundress, another halter top, dress skimming her body to her
hips then flaring out in a wide skirt that went down to just above
her ankles, the silver, high-heeled sandals he bought her in Vegas
on her feet, his diamonds at her ears, neck and wrist, her hair up
in a mess at her back crown, tendrils escaping but the arrangement
highlighted the bling. With her tan, the not-minimal cleavage she
was showing, most of the skin of her back on display and the fabric
skintight to her hips, she was, as usual, all that but a fuckuva
lot more all that than normal.

Julius sauntered back, got close, grabbed
his vodka rocks from where it was sitting on the island and leaned
his hip on the island opposite Ty.

“I’m guessin’, since you didn’t find time to
give me a brief before we went to dinner that all is good with your
boy,” Ty said quietly.

He’d phoned Julius that afternoon after
having lunch with Lexie and they’d had a very long

“We had a chat,” Julius replied. “He said
there is no fuckin’ way they got wind he’s makin’ moves. I reminded
him his job description does not include any of his movements
blowing back on you and that you gave him a fuckload of cake to
perform these duties to your satisfaction. He reminded me he is not
a fan of any cop but that he’s had his own run in with the local
boys, knows what was done to you, has got a skin tone where he
gives a shit and he appreciates the pay but likes the work and
would in no way fuck this for you. I don’t know him but for this
job but the man who gave me his name is solid, I trust him, he
knows why I need this and it would shock the piss outta me he
steered me wrong.”

Ty looked to his friend and summed it up.
“So we’re good.”

Julius caught Ty’s eyes, smiled and nodded.
“We’re good.”

This meant CPD were scrambling.

This was good and it was bad. He liked that
they were scared, he liked that they were so scared the plays they
were making were huge and stupid and he couldn’t say, after
thinking on it, that he didn’t get something out of watching them
turn on their own.

But he didn’t like to think of where that
scared would take them if they set their sights outside the inner

Ty looked back at the two women who had been
standing at the railing, drinking, talking and looking at the view.
Now they were folding their long bodies into the loveseat to focus
on drinking and talking.

As he watched, suddenly they both burst out

Ty smiled then, without taking his eyes off
the women, said to Julius, “And the phone call that took you away
at dinner?”

Julius replied immediately.

“I say this and I say this so you know I do
not mind it. Colorado ain’t a hard place to be, Anana’s lovin’ this
trip and I’d go down for you. But I cannot risk a trip to Dallas
after haulin’ my ass out here twice.”

“Understandable,” Ty muttered.

“Not done,” Julius said and, hearing his
tone, Ty looked to him then Ty read him. He’d seen that look
before, not often, but he’d seen it and when he’d seen it was any
time Julius spoke about the man he killed, a man who he did not
pray to God for forgiveness for killing, a man he was not only glad
was dead but glad he got to make him that way and he felt this
because he loved his sister. And what he said next was because he
loved Ty.

Made a couple of calls. Lexie is not
unknown after her time with Rodriguez. What she was known as was
untouchable. The minute her foot stepped over the Dallas city
limits, Shift got word, thought you got shot of her and she was
fair game. He was dickin’ with her and bidin’ his time. Since
Rodriguez hit the cement without his face, Shift knew what he was
gonna do with Lexie and he figured at her return the time was
right.” Julius’s eyes started to burn when he said low, “So, no.
You mistake me, Walk. I am done with him which means
is done.”

Ty pushed away from the counter, turned to
his brother and murmured, “Champ –”

Julius shook his head. “Got a man on it

“He ordered the hit on Rodriguez,” Ty told
him something he had not shared and Julius blinked.

“They were brothers,” Julius whispered,
shocked and now even more pissed because Julius had a number of
rules he lived by and the one at the top, right under taking care
of your family, was never turning on a brother.

“You been gone from Dallas awhile but that’s
what Peña says is on the street. Shift has already mentioned my
name to a cop. I do not need his dead body found. What I need is
for that motherfucker to be incapacitated. And I figure, as payback
for his efforts, Peña should get whatever cops get when they take
down a drug dealing pimp who’d order a hit on his brother. You got
connections in Dallas; you rally them not to make Shift stop
breathin’ but to make him stop breathin’ free.”

Julius’s eyes were wide and he replied, “You
tellin’ me you want me to get word to my boys to ask them to work
with pigs?”

Ty leaned toward him. “He killed his
brother and he moved to pimp my fuckin’
I already kicked his ass and that didn’t make me
feel any better. If I got a choice to dispense punishment, I do not
choose for him to buy a bullet. I choose for him to keep breathin’
while… he…

Julius held his eyes and Ty knew that his
now were burning because Julius replied quietly, “I get you.”

“He goes down; they give Peña enough to make
him stay down. He manages to live a long life without gettin’
shanked, he lives it never fuckin’ breathin’ free. They do this,
they do it for me, they do it for Lexie, they do it for Rodriguez
and if that isn’t enough, they can have every bill left in my safe
and they can do it for that.”

“Keep your cash, Walk, I’ll state your

Ty held his friend’s eyes.

Then he whispered, “All you’re doin’, all
you’ve done and all you’re gonna do, no way I can pay you.”

“I ask for compensation?”

He hadn’t. He wouldn’t.

And knowing that in that moment, Ty Walker
was overwhelmed.

“No way I can pay you,” he repeated on a

“You’re my brother and family don’t pay

Ty didn’t respond.

Julius kept talking. “Though, just so you
know, you just dropped a shitload of cash on a car for your wife I
coulda boosted for you and had delivered in a week.”

At that, Ty burst out laughing. When he
quit, he felt eyes, looked to the deck and saw his woman grinning
at him. He smiled back. Then he looked at Julius.

Heat is on in Carnal, Champ, not sure I
should have a hot ride in my garage and
unsure I want my wife’s sweet ass
that hot ride.”

“Probably a good decision,” Julius muttered
through a grin.

Ty grinned back.

Then his grin faded and words he’d said
earlier that day came back to him.

And he was not about to make the same
mistake twice.

Therefore he asked quietly, “Remember I told
you about Tuku?” Julius nodded. Ty went on, “Got good friends, a
lot of them, feel deep for them all. Only three people in my life
got more from me, one of ‘em’s in the ground, one of ‘em’s sittin’
on the deck and the last is standin’ right in front of me.”

Julius said not a word but held his

Then Ty whispered, “Gratitude, brother.”

Julius kept his eyes locked with Ty’s and
whispered back, “Debt paid.”

* * * * *

Lexie’s lips brushed his neck as her hips
moved up and he lost the hot, wet silk of her pussy as she pulled
off his cock. Then she moved down and her lips brushed the inside
of his left pectoral over his heart. Then she moved down and they
brushed across his abs. Then she fell to a hip in the bed, swung
her leg from around him and rolled off the bed.

Ty watched her move to the bathroom. Then he
rolled to turn off his light then shifted to pull the covers from
under him to over him. Then he flipped Lexie’s side of the covers
back. Then his eyes went back toward the door to the bathroom as
the light went out and she wandered out. She stopped and tagged her
panties from the floor. An indication she was done and she would
be. He’d made her sit on his face until she came then he’d fingered
her cunt and clit until she came again then he let her suck him
until he almost came then she rode him until they both came.

It was a long and energetic night.

Time to sleep.

She turned out the light and put a knee to
the bed, shifted to him and then curled into him.

He wrapped an arm around her and trailed his
fingertips over the panties covering the cheek of her ass.

“Love our bed,” she mumbled into his chest,
voice sleepy.

He did too, now that she was back in it but
he didn’t articulate this.

She didn’t mind and he knew that when she
whispered, “’Night, honey,” giving his gut a squeeze with her

“’Night, mama.”

He felt a slight smile as her mouth moved
her cheek.

Then she was out.

Five minutes later, she rolled.

Then he went to jack up the AC and rejoined
his wife, his eyes passing the shadow of the picture frame that was
back in its place on the dresser.

She’d carried it with her.

Seeing that frame, knowing he’d always been
with her, that wound closed tight.

He joined his wife in bed and curved into
her body. She snuggled closer.

And it was not lost on Ty Walker that for
over six weeks, sleep did not come easy. Memories invaded, not good
ones. Demons. Demons of prison and demons of living a dream he
never thought he’d have then losing that dream.

Only last night, did they retreat.

And that was because, his wife being there,
she was there to beat them back.

So he let her do it again and fell asleep
thinking of nothing but her warmth, her softness, the scent of her
hair and fucking her in the shower the next morning.



Chapter Seventeen

The Home Stretch


“Alexa Walker?”

“That’s me.” I smiled at the delivery man
standing on our back deck, he smiled back, offered me his pen-like
doohickey, I signed the screen on his other doohickey, gave it back
to him and he handed me the big, soft-sided envelope.

I took it, gave him a wave, shut the door on
him, hoped he didn’t take offense when I also flipped the lock
(these days in Carnal, couldn’t be too careful) then I took the
package to the island and ripped it open.

Two plastic wrapped tees fell out and I
didn’t hesitate to rip the plastic off, pleased to feel the cotton
of the tee was soft and supple, not scratchy and stiff. I shook the
first one out, Ty’s size, and held it out in front of me.

Then I smiled huge.

I flipped it around and looked at the

My smile got bigger.

I ripped open the next one, girl-fit, my
size but same color, same words on the front, different words on
the back.

I cleared all the packaging away, shoved it
in the garbage bin and then laid the tees side by side on the
counter, smoothed them out flat, stepped back and stared at

I’d found the site on-line, design your own
tees and pay practically nothing to get them express.

So I bought Ty and I black tees that said on
the front, “Team Walker” in big white letters and in smaller
lettered italics with quotes under it, “We never admit defeat”. On
the back of Ty’s it said, “Mr. Humongo” and on the back of mine it
said, “Mr. Humongo’s Mama”.

I freaking

Ty would take one look at them and think I
was a total goof.

I didn’t care. And if he only wore his at
home while watching games, I didn’t care about that either.

But I was wearing mine in town.

After, of course, all the bad guys went
away. Had to keep my head down. Too much happening, I didn’t need
to be in their face.

It was Monday about a week and a half after
I got home and all that time had been busy.

I got home on a Thursday. Ty had to work
both Friday and Saturday. Friday was taken up with me getting the
house in order, catching up, sorting shit out, getting my car and
then dinner with Julius and Anana. Saturday, Ty arranged for Tate,
Deke, Jonas and Bubba to go get my shit from Dominic and Daniel’s
and me unpacking it. Sunday was shopping where we bought a square
coffee table and a big rug for the living room that was a beautiful
light cream with a black edge that went perfect with the black
couch and Tuku’s pen and ink. Ty again slid straight into shopping
mode with no pressure from me and he also bought a big, oval, art
deco, black dining room table with six matching chairs, their seats
and backs upholstered in cream. We moved the sectional and TV from
the side wall all the way across so it formed a cozy seating area
in front of the fireplace and left a huge expanse of space behind
it where we put the dining room table when it was delivered.

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