Colorado 03 Lady Luck (63 page)

Read Colorado 03 Lady Luck Online

Authors: Kristen Ashley

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary romance, #crime

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Ty made no reply.

Tate kept speaking. “I’ll get to the girl in
Maryland. You said you were savin’ this on your hard drive, you do

“Yeah,” Ty answered.

“You got a writeable DVD?”

“Yes.” That one I answered.

Tate looked at me. “Make copies. Get one to
Nina, hand delivered. Express one to Peña, you give him a head’s up
to look for it and you send it from the post office in Gnaw Bone.
Mick Shaughnessy is the top cop in Gnaw Bone, clean as a whistle
and, because of that, he hates Fuller’s guts. Fuller doesn’t step
foot in Gnaw Bone, he did, Mick would lose his mind. You’ll have no
eyes on you there. You put one in your safe and then you spread
them around. Krystal and Bubba, Deke, Jim-Billy, Wood. The fact you
have it has to be dropped in the right ear, I’ll think about which
one that’ll be and do it. What I’ll also do is let people know that
they got a lot of work to do if they think they can sweep them all
up. That shit heading to Dallas, they’ll figure it isn’t worth it
even to try.” Tate then looked at Ty. “But this means two things,
one, even the boys in the inner sanctum are turnin’ on each other
which leads us to two, desperate times, desperate measures. You’re
close to bein’ cleared but you aren’t. Somethin’ goes down and you
got a gun, currently, you’re fucked even if it means protecting
yourself, Lex, your home. Still, you feel you need that insurance,
I’ll go get your gun.”

I looked at Ty to see him shaking his head.
“Not gonna trip on my own feet now.”

“Smart,” Tate muttered. “Fucked that you
can’t have that insurance, but smart.”

Talk about guns and insurance, anonymous men
silently wandering up our stairs to leave envelopes, Ty closing us
in, I felt a full body tremble and Ty’s arm around me got

“All right, Tate, again, I owe you but right
now, gotta get Lexie home. We haven’t had a great day so we need it
to be done.”

Tate nodded and stood, his eyes coming to

“Stay strong, darlin’, this’ll be over

I nodded too. Tate’s eyes moved to Ty, they
exchanged a look then Tate led the way out. There was idle chitchat
in the kitchen with Laurie but not much before Ty shut it down and
got me out to the Viper.

We were winding our way down the hill when
he asked gently, “My mama okay?”

I wasn’t.

But I hoped soon I would be.

So I lied, “Yeah. Fine.”

“Bullshit,” he muttered but said no more and
reached out a hand to mine, he squeezed firm and warm then he let
it go.

As we were waiting for our garage door to
open, I was thinking, doors locked, blinds pulled, no gun,
anonymous men lurking in the dark with sick-ass sex tapes, I was
still glad to be home.

Ty pulled in, shut the Snake down and I was
ready for his tee, a beer then bed so I had my buckle off, the door
open and was folding out before he hit the button to bring down the
garage door.

Again, at the corner of my eye I saw
movement, turned my head, froze half straightened from the car with
my eyes aimed over the roof and I hissed urgently,


But he’d seen him before me and Ty was
already out, standing in his opened door, turned to look in the
opened door of the garage where Rowdy Crabtree was standing two
feet in.

“What the fuck?” Ty rumbled and it was his
pissed rumble that, even not directed at me echoed in my chest.

“Close the garage door,” Crabtree

“Fuck that, Rowdy, get the fuck outta

“Close the door, Walker!” Crabtree snapped,
taking a step closer.

“Not one more move,” Ty growled, Crabtree
stopped then his body went completely still and I noticed then he
did not look good. Not dirty but his hair was a mess like his hands
had been going through it, he had serious stubble that said he
hadn’t shaved in a good long time, his eyes were bloodshot, his
body was frozen but it still communicated he was wired and he,
surprisingly but fortunately, held no weapon.

“We gotta talk.” Rowdy’s tone had changed,
wheedling, borderline needy.

“Gonna say it one more time, get the fuck
outta here,” Ty warned low.

“Got somethin’ for you, we need to talk
deal,” Rowdy told him.

“Nothin’ I need from you, no deal I’d make,”
Ty replied.

“You’ll want this.”

“Rowdy –” Ty started but Rowdy cut him off,
talking swiftly, urgent, the desperation coming closer to the

“I didn’t do Misty.”

Ty scowled at him and asked, “No shit?”

Rowdy shook his head emphatically. “No way,
Walker, no motive. Don’t barely know the bitch.”

“And you think I care about this

Rowdy shook his head again, this time
communicating Ty was getting no more until he agreed to the terms.
“We need to talk deal.”

I’m seein’ you don’t get this but I don’t
need shit from you. You been to ground so you don’t know I don’t
need you. Right now
and I got absolutely no fuckin’
love for you so you can go fuck yourself. Now get outta my garage
or I make the only call to Carnal PD they want to get from me and
that’s me tellin’ ‘em you’re in my garage.”

“What I have is good, Walker,” Rowdy rushed
to say.

Ty moved to pull his phone out of his back

Still rushing, Rowdy informed Ty, “You went
down for Fuller’s brother in LA.”

“Not tellin’ me somethin’ I don’t know,” Ty
muttered, flipping open his phone then, eyes to it and not to me,
he said to me, “Mama, get your ass over here, behind me. Now.”

I shifted out from the door, slammed it and

Rowdy spoke. “He’s got a partner.”

“Know that too,” Ty said as he moved out of
his door, slammed it and I moved close to his back. He was also
hitting buttons on his phone, I could hear the beeps.

“It was about dope,” Rowdy quickly put

“LA Fuller likes his blow, this too is not
news,” Ty murmured, lifting the phone to his ear.

“LA Fuller likes his blow and also doesn’t
like a middle man. Killed that dealer you went down for not because
he owed him so much as because he took over his business,” Rowdy
said, I felt Ty’s body get tight and he dropped his phone hand,
flipping it closed.

Oh my God!

Rowdy kept talking, taking another step in,
Ty’s entire body went tight making it look like it expanded and he
was bigger than he was which was already big and Rowdy wisely

But he didn’t stop talking. “He owed him, he
owed him a whack. But he also learned from that mistake.
Distribute, you got a constant supply without havin’ to pay for it;
just skim it off the top. He had connections all over the place,
set up a network of sellers and, as a cop, he could provide them
excellent protection. Shit worked great for him, a couple years
later, he and his buddy expanded the business, took over another
dealer’s supplier and territory, same way as you, dealer goes down,
another guy gets framed, they take over. They had it sweet. Now
they got heat.”

“You got any evidence of this?” Ty

“I –” Rowdy started.

Ty interrupted him, “Yes or no, Rowdy, you
got anything solid behind this?”

Rowdy held his eyes. Then he shook his

“Motherfucker, you are wanted for murder and
you walk into my garage offerin’ me a deal when you really got
nothin’ and your word is worth shit?” Ty asked.

Rowdy’s shoulders went straight and he
declared, “I didn’t kill Misty.”

“Tell someone who gives a shit,” Ty

I just handed you Fuller
his brother
that brother’s partner,” Rowdy reminded

“You didn’t hand me shit. Half of what you
told me, I know and so do a fuckload of people who actually can do
something about it and the other half you got no evidence to

At that, Rowdy lost it, leaned in and
snapped, “I’m not goin’ down for takin’ out that gash.”

To this, Ty was quiet for several long
seconds until I put my hands to him, curling my fingers in the back
waistband of his jeans and pressing close with all the rest of

Then he spoke and when he did, it was quiet
but that quiet still rumbled. “Hurts like a bitch, doesn’t it?”

My stomach flipped.

Rowdy’s torso shot back and his face went

Now, you listen to me, you piece of shit,”
Ty whispered. “You do not breathe my air or my wife’s. I don’t see
you until I see your picture in the paper then I can toss that shit
in the trash where it fuckin’ belongs. You get near me or my wife
again, your shit storm magnifies to epic proportions. I know what
you like, Rowdy. Five years ago, you fucked me up the ass but you
did it metaphorically ‘cause you like ass fuckin’ but not men.
Boys. The younger they look, fuck, the younger they
the better.” I was peering
around Ty, staring at Rowdy who was now white as a sheet but Ty
wasn’t done. “I know where you do your ass fuckin’, I know who you
fuck, I know how much you pay for it and I know how often you do
it. My guess is, you do not want your buddies to know you like
givin’ it up the ass to boys. Another guess, once you go down for
whatever the fuck they get you for, you do not want to be a cop in
the joint who’s known for gettin’ off on that shit. My wife and I
never see you again, that secret stays safe. We do, I spread that
shit wide. I’ll remind you, over five years ago, you fucked me so I
would advise you don’t test me because it’s takin’ all the control
I got not to lay you out. Now, nod if you get me then get…
the fuck…
out of my…

Rowdy, eyes wide, face ashen, nodded once,
turned and scurried out of the garage.

Ty turned to me, his burning eyes caught
mine and he ordered, “You move with me, you are not outta my

I nodded.

He turned again to look out the garage as he
opened the door to the Viper, moved into it, turned again, his eyes
came to me, he reached in, hit the button and the garage door
started to crank down. He moved out of the door, slammed it and we
both watched the garage door until it settled.

Then he turned back to me. “Upstairs.”

I moved. Ty followed. I watched him turn the
lock on the utility room door to the garage then I walked up the
stairs. Ty again followed.

I took four steps into the kitchen and

He stopped two steps from me and ordered,
“Stay there, don’t move.”

I nodded again and he moved, I saw him scan
the first floor then heard his feet as he moved through the two
floors above us.

Then he came back, again stopped two steps
from me and held my eyes.

“Are you okay, baby?” I whispered, doing my
own scan, seeing nothing, reading nothing, he was blank.

“Two and a half weeks,” he replied.

“What?” I asked.

“That piece of shit has had two and a half
weeks, tastin’ my nightmare.”

My breath stuck in my throat.

Suddenly, he smiled his beautiful smile and
whispered, “That felt good.”

My breath forced through in a rush and I
whispered back, “I bet it did.”

Then I smiled back.

Then his expression changed and at what it
changed to, my nipples got hard.

“My mama owes me some pussy,” he said

That was when wet rushed between my

My husband held my eyes a second, two,
three, then, I had no idea why, perhaps it was the intensity
pulsing off him, I whirled and ran on my high heels to the

He caught me almost all the way up the first
flight and I thought he’d lift me up and carry me to our bed but he
didn’t. He turned me, planted my ass on a stair, my panties were
gone in a whoosh then his big body was on me, his mouth on mine,
his tongue in my mouth.

I circled him with all four limbs.

Then my skirt was up to my ribs, my legs
were over his shoulders and his mouth between my legs. My man was
hungry, having waited a long time for his celebration feast, he was
going to enjoy it.

Lucky for me, I got to too.

And I did, it was the hardest, longest,
most intense orgasm he’d ever given me, which was to say, I ever
had, and he’d given me some hard, long, intense,

It was so good, he had an arm around my hips
lifting me up, his other hand in the step for leverage and I was
taking his cock before I’d come down and knew it was happening.

He alternately assaulted my mouth with his
or his lips brushed mine as he held my eyes while he thrust deep
inside me and I held on, limbs tight, lifting my hips with every
drive in order to give him more.

Then, suddenly, we were up, still connected,
he moved up the last steps but planted me on the floor in the
hallway, his hips moving faster, harder, his cock going deeper as I
watched his eyes burn, felt our quick breaths mix, my legs locking
him to me, my hands wandering under his tee on his hot skin.

I felt him, I loved every inch of him on me
and in me but his eyes held me enthralled.

“Love you, Ty,” I breathed, staring into his
eyes. “Every inch of you, baby, everything that is you.”

He didn’t speak; he rarely did when he was
inside me or just having sex with me. He just thrust harder, each
now coming with a grunt, his eyes hotter, with desire but it was
more, in those beautiful eyes, shining clear was not only the
triumph he was sharing with me but also all that he felt for

And they were locked to mine, giving me
something precious.

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