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Authors: Jan Springer

Colter's Revenge (8 page)

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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The best part was he’d never know she was using him. She just needed to get to her medication first and then she’d be able to go through with his planned sexual torture in one piece. She’d little doubt she couldn’t. After all, the past five years of knowing Colter had betrayed her had been enough torture to last a lifetime.

“You seriously didn’t think I wasn’t Claimed, did you? I already told you that I was,” Ashley said as she took advantage of his shock.

“Sorry, Starry Eyes, I didn’t buy it then and I don’t buy it now. Besides the general is a very powerful man in the Army and he’s got important connections in the government. I think he’d pull strings to keep you all to himself.”

“He has power but not that much power,” she lied. She kind of liked the look of jealousy flooding his face. Served him right for chaining her up without her permission.

“He has enough power to do whatever the hell he wants. Obviously he wanted to make sure he kept you. Do all those imaginary husbands keep you satisfied?” he growled. “I remember you as being very passionate, almost insatiable.”

“A lady never kisses and tells.”

“You’ll tell me.” His voice was now as soft as velvet, and she went as still as a board as his large hand reached out. A soft gasp escaped her lips as his fingers featherbrushed the aching nipple of her left breast. Her nipple pulsed and beaded even harder in reaction.

He did the same to her other glass-peaked nipple, brushing it with featherlight touches with the tips of his fingers until she couldn’t stop herself from arching toward him.

“You never could resist my touch.”

“You’re an arrogant son of a bitch,” she whispered.
Please, don’t stop doing what
you’re doing.

“Your nipples are so damn beautiful. Like tiny, delicate rosebuds.”

She cried out as he used a small gadget to pry the rubber ring off her sore flesh. When her nipples were free, they pulsed and screamed with pleasure-pain as the blood rushed back. Colter was quick to come to her rescue. He sat up and curled his hands around her waist, pressing his face into her swollen breast, sucking one aching nipple at a time into his wonderfully hot mouth, the velvety yet abrasive texture of his wet 43

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tongue ravishing her flesh, flaming an erotic line of fire through her tender globes, which subsequently erupted between her thighs, deep inside her pussy.

“Let my hands loose,” she whispered, desperation roaring through her. She wanted to wrap her hands around his neck and push his face harder against her breasts. Wanted to feel the bristle of his sexy five o’clock shadow rake her nipples.

“Not on your life.”

“Colter, please…” His caressing mouth was burning her alive, making her think naughty things, making her forget why she’d come to Pleasure Palace in the first place. The way his teeth nipped and bit made her breasts flame. Oh, God! His luscious mouth would be the death of her.

When he finally pulled away, it was all she could do to whimper her distress.

“That’s enough for now, Starry Eyes.”

For now?

“Time to get ready for bed.”

Her eyes popped open.


“First, a shower.”

Her breath backed up in her lungs as she waited for him to grab her arm and lead her into the shower with him. Disappointment roared through her as, without looking back, he headed into her bathroom and quietly shut the door behind him.

* * * * *

Colter pressed his back against the bathroom door, wiped the perspiration beading his forehead and closed his eyes as the familiar lusty need churned through him. The need to dominate her. The need to brand her for his very own. To never let another man touch her.

His grip on revenge was sinking fast. He couldn’t go through with it. At least not without remembering how good the sex had been between Ashley and him. Maybe he should forget about revenge and concentrate on getting the X-virus cure. Maybe he should just leave Ashley here. Forget about her.

He should be sucking up to Cheri Blakely. Following Cheri Blakely—fucking her until she handed over the cure. He could grab it and never look back. Do it before he did something with Ashley he might regret.

Despite her saying she didn’t want him, he could read the sexual hunger devouring her eyes, felt the lusty tension in the eager way her satiny lips had melted around his cock.

He hadn’t planned on having her go down on him. Hadn’t planned it until he’d entered the room and seen her sitting on the bed, her hands cuffed, her generous breasts thrust out like sacrificial offerings with those two red, plump nipples that 44

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looked like cherries, her long legs hiding her pretty little pussy from his view. Her pretty lips parted in that familiar look of lust whenever she looked at him. The erotic sight had made him hot.

Too hot to think clearly.

Merely touching her hard nipples then sucking the sweet buds into his mouth, feeling her burning flesh press eagerly against his tongue…it had pretty much caved in any resistance he had. He’d wanted to fuck her tight pussy right then and there. The erotic sight of her luscious curves had clouded his thinking. Had made his cock ache and tighten so painfully the only immediate way he could allow himself relief was from her pretty, pouty mouth.

The blowjob had been…well, mind-blowing. Spectacular to say the least. Better than anything he’d ever remembered experiencing in his life. The cute way her head had bobbed as she’d handled his thick, pulsing cock had ignited a fierce warmth inside his heart for her.

She could have hurt him dearly if she’d wanted to. Her teeth were sharp. His parts ultrasensitive from Cheri’s scratches, but Ash hadn’t done anything to indicate he’d made her do something against her will.

Instead, her warm tongue had intimately caressed and tended to the burning scratches on his balls. Had touched and explored and sensually licked the entire length of his cock before expertly taking him into her hot mouth. The way she’d been able to take his large cock down her velvety throat without gagging had been awesome. But then again the general must have taught her that aspect of lovemaking and many other things.

His fists clenched in anger and he fought against the stabs of jealousy raking through him.

Man! He needed a cold shower. A really ice-cold shower.

Or perhaps he needed to find out what else the general had taught her?


Jan Springer

Chapter Four

He wasn’t taking a shower or a bath, and it was awfully quiet in there. What was he doing? Thinking up new ways of sexually torturing her as he said he’d do?

By the time the door opened and he stepped out of the bathroom, her heart banged so hard against her chest she thought it would come right out. He wasn’t naked as she’d expected him to be, but he wasn’t fully dressed either. Clad only in a sharp pair of black suit pants, he looked absolutely stunning without his dress shirt.

Warmth scuttled through her veins and her face heated as her eyes zeroed right in on his silver nipple rings.

“Looks like those imaginary husbands of yours haven’t been keeping you as satisfied as you’d have me believe.”

He held something up in his hand.

Oh shit! Her vibrator. The one she’d used earlier today while she’d showered and fantasized about him.

To her shock, her face flamed with embarrassment.

“Didn’t you know that a man’s cock, if used properly, is better than a vibrator? Or have you forgotten that fact?”

She watched warily as he walked over to the sex-toy cabinet again.

“Perhaps I should punish you for lying to me about your husbands. A woman with so many husbands wouldn’t need a vibrator, nor would she latch onto my cock so quickly and so hungrily, acting as if she hadn’t had one for quite some time.”

“I haven’t lied to you,” she lied, squirming uneasily on the bed as she watched him sort through the many items Pleasure Palace had stocked in the cabinet.

“If you were my woman, I’d forbid you to use sex toys when I wasn’t around. I’d want you hot and ready, on edge and eager to be fucked whenever I was in the mood.”

“A woman has needs too.”

Shut up, Ashley!

“I can see you have many needs…and if I remember correctly, many fetishes. Ah, here’s what I’m looking for.”

He turned around and her eyes widened at the items he dangled from his fingers.

“Clit clamps were a favorite of yours. You know I’m surprised the general didn’t outfit you with clit or nipple rings. He could have hung weights off them. Kept you aroused 24/7. Now I wonder why he’d allow you to wander around with a vibrator,”


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he pondered, and bit his bottom lip thoughtfully before turning around and looking through the cabinet again.

“Ah, here we are. Oh! And these too. Fantastic!”

Jesus! What was he getting all excited about?

Ashley swallowed at the wickedly tight throat, wishing she could have a glass of water or, better yet, another taste of his cock.

The sound of plastic ripped through the air and she noticed he was holding something in his hand. What it was she couldn’t tell.

But the lusty, smug kind of way he was looking at her just about made her come right on the spot.

There was something else he was holding in his hand as well. Velvety straps.

“Oh no, you don’t,” she cried out as he walked toward her.

“Oh yes, I am.”

“Colter. Don’t—”

His hot arm curled around her naked belly, pulling her right against him. It took him only a split second to yank a pillow down from the top of the bed and hoist her belly first on top of the fluffy pillow.

Before she could even think, he’d removed her cuffs and strapped her wrists to the spirals on the bed. With her hands secured and her face down, she couldn’t get a good look at him, but when she kicked out with her free foot, she connected with something solid.


He swore violently, grabbed her ankles, and bound and tied them too. A sharp slap to her ass followed by a harsh chuckle made her freeze. Another chuckle. “I knew that would get your attention. Brings back memories, does it?”

She shivered at the softness etching his voice. Remembered how her ass had burned so beautifully that weekend compliments from all the spankings he’d given her. Spankings that had made her so aroused she thought maybe she was some sort of sex maniac for loving everything Colter did to her. Then and now. God! Stop remembering! Ashley stiffened as the blindfold came over her eyes and everything went black. Her heart was hammering so hard with excitement it just about came out of her chest.

The sound of plastic crinkling drifted to her ears.

“This is nice and fresh. They must have just put it into the cooler.”

Fresh? What was fresh? What cooler?

“What are you doing?”

He chuckled softly. “You’ll see.”


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She heard the soft crackle of the plastic draw near her ear and a whiff of an odd aroma drifted beneath her nose.

“Can you guess what it smells like?”

It smelled like ginger. But why would he have ginger? She inhaled deeper, trying to figure out what else it could be.

He smacked his palm against her left ass cheek. She blew out a breath at the trailing burn. He slapped her other ass cheek until it also burned. Her pussy clenched wickedly. Dammit! She couldn’t stop reacting so wonderfully to those ass slaps.

I need my medicine!
No! She couldn’t tell him. Ashley clenched her teeth together as he continued to smack her ass, leaving an unbelievable flushed feeling zipping through her buttocks and deep into her vagina. He’d tire of this nonsense sooner or later, and then she’d figure out a way to get to her suitcase. All she had to do was be brave.

And enjoy.

Yes, she sure was enjoying the pleasure-blaze splashing through her bottom. When her ass burned so hot and she couldn’t stop herself from crying out, he finally stopped. A moment later she heard the water in the bathroom running. Twisting her head around, she tried to peek out from the bottom of the blindfold. She saw nothing but a thin line of light, which gave her a cockeyed view of the white bedding beneath her. Dammit! How the hell could she get him to let her go?

“Did you miss me?” he whispered, when a moment later she heard his feet pad against the carpet.

, a naughty little voice whispered in the back of her mind.
Yes, I’ve missed you like
crazy over the years.

She felt the bed move as he sat down beside her. Ice-cold hands smoothed over her burning cheeks, sending shivers of delight shooting through her. That felt so beautiful.

“I’ve never forgotten how soft and curvy your ass is, Ashley. Never forgot you,” he whispered.

Then why did you leave me?
She wanted to ask him. Ached to ask that burning question. But she wouldn’t. Pride prevented her from knowing. Besides, she didn’t want to hear his excuse. Didn’t want to know why he’d fucked her so passionately for all those weeks while the general had recuperated, or why he’d asked her to come with him then suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing but a note telling her he’d changed his mind. He’d already explained in the note. Why rehash it?

“Now, I’m going to show you what you’ve been missing all these years, Starry Eyes.”

Before she could question him as to why he was making this all out to be her fault, a generously lubed finger nudged between her ass cheeks and lodged against her sphincter muscle.

“Oh!” She found herself tensing, crying out in surprise.


Colter’s Revenge

“Easy, Ashley. You just keep yourself calm and quiet.”

Another command. The submissive feeling washed over her again. This time she didn’t bother to fight it. She needed all her strength to do what he’d just told her to do. Steadying her breathing, she discovered she couldn’t wait to find out what he was going to do to her next.

“You’re not allergic to ginger, are you, Starry Eyes?”

“No,” she answered quickly. Why the question? She didn’t dare ask her master.

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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