Coming Home (Norris Lake Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Coming Home (Norris Lake Series)
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“The hostess put them at an outdoor table just to the left of the front doors. The glass table top reflected the warm sunlight but the parasol overhead kept out the direct rays of the sun.  The waitress took their orders and gave them both a beer on tap to keep them busy until the food was ready.” 

“Do you know this guy coming toward us?”  Michael asked as a tall dark haired man strode purposefully towards them. 

Caitlyn looked up and was surprised to see Stephen approaching.  “Yes, I know him and you do too.  It’s Stephen Kane.  You remember him don’t you?

“That’s not him.  Stephen is blonde, with white skin and light eyes.  Hell, he was almost an albino.” 

“That’s him.  Take my word for it. He’s changed his looks but a leopard can’t change his spots.  It’s still him.  Let’s see what he has to say.”

Stephen walked to the edge of the parasoled table and pulled out a chair, slowly taking a seat.  “Caitlyn, I can’t say it’s good to see you again but it looks as if I don’t have a choice but to deal on your terms.  I hear your Dad’s put the condo project in your hands, capable or not.”

“I don’t remember saying you could sit down, buddy,” Michael said.

“Don’t talk to me, Michael Tarlington,” Stephen said in a quiet even voice. “You’re the last one to see my sister alive and in my book you killed her.  Then you had the whole town blame me and my family.  It killed my parents as surely as if they’d died with my sister.  To me you’re just as good as dead.  Now, my business is with your sister, not you.”

“Stephen, we don’t have any business, you and I.  You’re right.  My father asked me to finish the condo project and I plan to do it.  I am capable and I will get it done on time.”

              “My offer is more than reasonable.  In fact, it would make you quite wealthy.”

“Caitlyn, maybe you ought to listen to his offer...” Michael started.

“No, Michael.  I am not listening to another word.  Stephen, please leave, before I made a scene.  I know you don’t want your personal business aired here mid-day in front of the whole town. Even if we are just in little old Norris, Tennessee.”

Stephen pushed his chair away from the table and slowly stood.  He walked around the table behind Caitlyn and leaning over her shoulder he whispered, “I will leave now, but rest assured that this isn’t the end of our conversation on this topic.  In the end, you’ll sell.”



Chapter 17


It was late evening after dinner, the dishes had already been washed and set in the wash rack to dry.  The warmth of a wood fire in the stone fireplace spread throughout the lake house reaching out to touch the lone figure which sat on the couch reading J.D. Robb’s latest novel.  A spiced rum and diet coke in a short glass sat on the oak table next to the large brown leather couch squatting in front of the fire.  On the wall above the stone fireplace was a vivid painting of a black stallion his flared nostrils and wind tossed mane conveying power and passion against a stormy sky.  On either side of the couch were end tables each flanked by a matching brown leather rockers.  Brass lamps shed a soft glow complimenting the firelight.  On the oval blue and brown braided rug in front of the flames lay a little black Pomeranian snoozing contentedly.  The inside of the lake house sported pine hewn paneling adding to the rustic nature of the building.  The loft of the second floor gave great height to the grand room while triangle shaped windows above the fire place added to the illusion. 

She leaned into the corner of the couch and pulled a dark green coverlet snuggly around her bare feet, as she turned another page of her book.  Reaching over to her drink, she took a sip enjoying the sweet taste of the rum.  A knock on the door, startled her as she saw a shadowed form through the curtains next to the front door.  A series of sharp barks filled the air as the little dog jumped to her feet and ran to the door.  Her size notwithstanding, the little dog barked with the enthusiasm and gusto of a Rottweiler.  Patty was a pint size burglar alarm.  Setting her book aside she stood and pulled the black turtleneck shirt down over her black jeans.  Standing, she walked to the door and peered first through the curtain. 

“What the hell?” Caitlyn murmured to herself as she pulled back the deadbolt and picked up her dog under one arm before opening the door.

“What can I do for you, deputy?” she asked looking at the tall uniformed figure standing before her.  His reddish brown hair emphasized startling blue eyes.  Now he had a matching mustache and his hair was longer and tinged with gray but to Caitlyn he looked just like the young man she’d fallen in love with years ago.  Her heart beating wildly, she took a breath and hid her emotions.

“Caitlyn, how are you?  You must have known I would come by to see you sooner or later,” he said standing in the doorway in the dark blue uniform, a silver star on the left pocket of his shirt.  He removed his dark baseball cap with the white logo of the Norris police department, then remained still. 

“ Are you going to ask me in or do we have a conversation on your porch?” 

“Sure Ben.  Of course, come in and have a seat.”  She opened the door wider then asked, “Is this official police business or a social visit?” She reclaimed her place on the couch and pointing him to one of the brown rockers.  He took a seat stretching his long legs out in front of him and looked fully at her.

She studied his face in the fire light, the large red scar marring his dimple on one side, though when he spoke she could still the dimple on his right cheek and though he sported a goatee, she knew that he also had a cleft chin.  To her, he looked like a redheaded Michael Keaton. 

“It’s both police business and a social visit, Cat.  I wanted to talk to you in private and had heard you were having some marital problems that had turned ugly.  It’s my business to know what’s going on in my town.” 

“My marital affairs are my own and I don’t want to talk about it with you, though now I remember what it’s like to live in a small town.  Everyone knows your business before you do.” 

“You look good, Cat.  I’d forgotten how much I loved you until now.  I am sorry we missed our chance so many years ago and I wanted to make sure I said it to you face-to-face.  I found out over the past 20 years that life is too short not to say what you mean.” 

“I’ve missed you too, Ben.  My heart broke when you left and it took me many years to get past the memories of us.  If we are going to share truths, let me also say that I saw you the other day at the convenient store and all of those times we spent together came roaring back as if they’d happened yesterday.  But, I did finally get over you and was able to move on.” 

Ben stood up and walked over to the couch sitting next to her.  Facing one another, he took her hands in his. 

“I too moved on and am not the same man you loved all those years ago.  I know we had something together once, but we were too young to take advantage of it and that time is past.  You can’t go home again.  We both know that.  I am here to be your friend though and I hope I can count on you to be mine.  We’ve shared so much that we have to be at least that and maybe in time could be more, but that’s for another day.  If you want to, tell me about your problems and I will try to help.”

“Oh, Ben.” Cat’s words tumbled out of her unchecked.  She’d waited a very long time to tell Ben how she’d felt.  “I loved you and I held on to it for so long.  Then I married another man because I couldn’t have you.  Over the years, I grew to love him.  He has his faults and maybe I have been too lenient, not demanding he treat me with the respect or dignity that I deserve, but I still love him.  I can’t see my life without him, but right now we are both too deeply involved in the situation to see straight.  It’s all emotion now and not rational thought.” Tears filled her eyes and he leaned forward to hold her close. 

“It will be okay.” 

“I don’t know if it will be.  We fought and I couldn’t stay.  It was one step too far.  I know it was the pills and the booze, but all the same, I couldn’t stay.” 

“I’ll kill the bastard if he comes near you.”

“No you don’t understand.  I love him and know he didn’t mean to hurt me. It was the alcohol, not him.  I know he is a good man down deep inside.  I just know it.  I have made a vow to him and I won’t break it.”

“Then just sit with me then this evening and let’s talk about all the things we missed over the years.  You tell me about your life and I will tell you about mine so we can once again be as close as we were once.  Even if we aren’t lovers, I feel as if I have known you and been with you all my life.  We are soul mates, even if soul mates doesn’t mean married to one another.” 

“Ben. I have missed talking to you.  You were my best friend in every way.  Granted the sex was the best I’ve ever had she laughed but, I treasured your friendship and the ability to talk to someone honestly more than anything else.”

“Me too, baby.  Me too.”  He leaned over and held her once again.  She turned her back to him snuggling into his arms, safe in the memories that once were.

He nuzzled her neck his nose deep in the long red hair remembering her scent, reliving all those days so long ago that they had loved one another intimately. Remembering the feeling of her skin against his own and knowing that more than anyone else, she accepted him and loved him deeply.  It was as if a warm blanket enveloped them both.

Sighing she turned and her lips met his.  It was a warm deep kiss transferring all of the memories and feelings they’d had over the years.  She could feel the passion moving within her chest all but strangling her in the process. 

She turned into his chest and the kiss.  Running her fingers through his hair, she felt as if she was once again young and it was the first time for romance.  She pulled his head closer drinking in his tongue and the taste of him.  She couldn’t wait any longer as her fingers pulled at the buttons of his shirt.  She could feel the scars of the burn on his chest and stopped.  She pulled back and looked into his eyes, feeling each ridge of the healed burn.  Her heart tore at the hurt he must have felt.  She leaned forward and kissed every scar. 

He closed his eyes and sighed as her lips traveled from his neck to the center of his stomach.  The scar stretched long against his white skin even down below his belt.  She tugged the belt free and then the button and zipper.  Kissing his stomach she pulled downward on his pants feeling the hardness of him through the material.  He put his hands in her hair pulling her head towards him. She tugged the pants free and kept kissing as the scar extended down below his navel.  The hardness of him filled her exploring hands. She gripped him and his maleness heavy in her hand. 

With no second thoughts, she took the length of him into her mouth, its rough crown and length choking her as she drew him in. She felt a slight salty taste on the back of her tongue and pulled back to run her tongue around the head of his member to taste more.  She could feel him grow in her mouth as he pushed himself in and then drew himself back.  She pulled herself back and then leaned forward and ran her tongue down the length of him and pulled each of his balls gently into her mouth.  He gasped in pleasure holding her to him. 

With one swift move, he pulled his shirt off and leaned her back on the couch.  Rising up on one knee, he unbuttoned her jeans and tugged them down over her hips and off on to the floor.  He pushed himself between her legs his member finding its place in the warmth between her legs.  He stared into her eyes and their lips met.  She pulled his tongue deep into her mouth as he thrust himself into the liquid warmth of her folds. His hard manhood plunged deep within her as his tongue explored her throat.  She rose to meet his demands fulfilling her every dream and as he rode pulling out and plunging in, her hips rising to meet him.  With every thrust she grew closer. She could feel it building in her belly as he stroked in and out.  There was nothing in her mind but that stroke in and out.  In and out. In and out until it grew and grew. 

The orgasm she could feel building inside them wouldn’t be contained.  It enveloped her and drove her to
its completion.  Thrust in and out – in and out. His hardness filled her completely and she exploded from her heart to her toes gripping him to her as he too filled her completely his come flowed warm inside of her.  She held him to her savoring every moment of the unexpected event.  “I have always loved you and always will,” she whispered in his ear.

“Me too,” he said holding her close.

Ben and Cat pulled on their clothes.  He sat in the corner of the couch and motioned to her to join him.  She smiled and sat close.  He put his arm around her shoulders pulling her close. He rested his cheek against her hair as she laid on his shoulder.  With one hand he pulled a soft brown blanket around them.  Within moments they were asleep.

Dominic parked his viper next to the police cruiser and walked up the steps to the lake house.  Peering in the window, he saw her in the arms of a red-haired man.  They looked satiated and in love.  In that moment, he had death in his heart. Anger welled like a volcano causing him to shake uncontrollably.  He’d kill them both. With a deep breath and a control he didn’t normally have, he looked again, long and hard.  They barely moved but were just there holding one another.  He could hear his heart break.  A tear rolled down his cheek.  He’d lost her, he knew then for sure.  Turning away, he walked back down the steps and to his car.  She’d found another and was gone.  His life was over.  He couldn’t live without her.  Quietly he padded down the steps and climbed into his car and drove away searching for the closest bar.

It was about midnight and the full moon shone brightly.  He’d left Caitlyn a note but didn’t wake her and then pulled the door of the lake house shut quietly behind him. 

It was a cold evening which would probably turn into an early frost.  A touch of woodsmoke filled the air mixing richly with the smell of wet leaves and newly spread mulch. 

Ben climbed into his patrol car and pulled slowly down the gravel drive.  A couple miles from the lake house, he turned his car into the drive of the Hitching Post Tavern.  The parking lot still held a dozen vehicles mostly pick-up trucks.  He knew that the bar would remain open for another hour or so, but stopped by on a regular basis to make sure there weren’t any incidents.  It was a good time for those that had one too many to start their trek home.  He parked the patrol car and looked around.  He recognized most of the vehicles as local.  Walking up the wide worn wooden steps of the A-frame, Ben pulled open the doors and walked into the dark room. 

He’d always liked the small tavern and was good friends with the owner John Barlow, a dedicated Harley-Davidson rider.  John and he had both served in the 101st Airborne together.  John had taken an early out and come home to take over the ownership of the Hitching Post from
its previous owner who had taken the profits and moved to St. Petersburg, Florida with the rest of the world’s retirees. 

John stood behind the bar in his typical uniform, a black Harley t-shirt and faded jeans.  A crew cut and airborne tattoo on his forearm belied his military history.   Ben had a similar tattoo, as did all of the men in the unit that they had served. 

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