Coming Home to You (The Rockport Beach Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Coming Home to You (The Rockport Beach Series Book 1)
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“Fucking hell, babe,” I murmur, my mouth
still on her breast. “I so need this right now. Need you.” And I do. I am so
fucking worked up at the moment. Not just over Kelsey and everything her body
does to me, but the case too.

Catching this fucker should be easy, but
for some reason, he continues to evade not just Finn, but now me too. How the
fuck can the chief of police and a Boston detective not find this little shit?
It makes me wonder about his background and whether he’s got help or something.
But more than anything, it’s just really starting to piss me off.

“Beck…” Kelsey moans, bringing me back to
the moment. “Touch me.”

I let go of one of her hips, smiling as
Kelsey leans forward so she can brace her hands on the tub on either side of my
shoulders. It pushes her tits even closer and I move my mouth to her other
breast, alternatively sucking and nibbling as my thumb now starts to tease her

“Move, baby,” I say, encouraging her. There’s
water splashing everywhere and a part of me should feel bad, this is Kelsey’s
inn and we’re making a fucking mess. But the bigger part of me, the part that’s
currently being ruled by my dick, doesn’t give a fuck.

“That’s it,” I tell her, increasing the
pressure and speed of my thumb as she starts to bounce faster and faster on my
cock. “Ride me, baby, I wanna feel you come. I want your sweet little pussy to
come all over my cock.”

Kelsey groans, throwing her head back as
she moves even faster, the water splashing over the edge now and onto the
floor. “Beck,” she practically shouts. “Oh god, fuck I’m gonna come.”

I suck harder on her nipple, knowing it
must be borderline painful as I pinch her clit with my thumb and finger. I lose
complete control as my hips start to thrust up to meet her now, my dick going
impossibly deeper every time.

“Beck!” Kelsey says again, this time
shouting it so loudly; I swear half the inn can hear her. The thought of
everyone knowing exactly what we’re doing in here turns me on so bad that I
push up one last time before exploding inside her. I come for what feels like
forever, the tight pulses of Kelsey’s pussy milking me until I think I’m going
to slide into the water from exhaustion.

“Oh jesus christ, baby,” I say, licking the
nipple that suffered the most from my mouth. “Fuck that was good.”

Kelsey’s body collapses against me and I
wrap my arms around her waist so she doesn’t sink into the water either. The
whole room is hot and filled with steam and as I sit here with this woman on my
lap and my dick still pulsing inside her, I swear I could stay here forever.

“We made a mess,” she murmurs, her head
resting on my shoulder.

I laugh, running my hands up and down her
back before grabbing her ass. “We did. Fucking worth it though.”

Kelsey lifts her head and smiles at me. It’s
lazy and almost drunk looking, and I can tell she’s still half dazed by the
orgasms and sex. “Totally worth it,” she whispers.

Eventually she slides off and takes a seat
beside me, my arm around her shoulders and her head resting on mine. We sit in
silence for a few minutes, lost in whatever thoughts are going through our heads.

“What are we going to do, Beck?” Kelsey finally
asks, her voice quiet.

I press a kiss to the top of her head as I
glance at my watch. “First, we’re going to get dressed and get something to
eat,” I say. “Then you’re going to stay in this room, while I go talk to Finn
and Ryan and work out what our next move’s going to be.”

“And then?” she asks, and the fear I hear
in her voice almost breaks my heart.

I tighten my arm around her shoulders,
dragging her around so she’s straddling my hips again. “And then I’m going to
catch this fucker, Kels and make sure he never hurts or threatens you again.”
Kelsey stares down at me and even though I can see in her eyes that she
believes me, it still doesn’t seem like enough. This fucker has been ruining
her life for months and although it might have started off as harmless, now, it’s
clearly anything but. And it doesn’t seem to matter what Finn does, no one can
find the fucking guy. On top of that, I know that if I had never broken up with
Kels and left Rockport in the first place, none of this would be happening to

“Do you really think you will?” she asks,
her voice small.

I smile up at her, swallowing my guilt as I
say, “I don’t think, babe, I know. I promise.”

Kelsey smiles sadly before giving me a
quick kiss and then climbs out of the tub.

My heart stutters in my chest as she does,
and an empty, hollow feeling settles in my gut. Fuck, why the fuck did I say
those words to her just then? The same exact words I used when she asked me
something equally important back when we were kids.

It was a stupid incident, brought on by
some tourists in Pop’s bar. But it came around the same time as me starting to
talk about getting out of Rockport and doing something different. We’d had a
few fights about it already and although it was never anything too serious, I
know it was playing on both our minds.

On this night though, one of the girls in
particular, had been pretty determined. She wouldn’t stop talking to me and
touching me whenever she could. Even though I’d brushed her off, she didn’t
seem to want to take no for an answer. Kelsey had come in and saw it and even
though she knew nothing was going on, it hadn’t stopped her from asking me if I
was happy, if she was enough for me.

I’d taken her face in my hands, pressed a
soft kiss to her lips before saying, “Kels, you are more than enough for me.”

“You think?” she’d asked, her hands
gripping my hips as though she was afraid of my answer.

My heart flipped at the thought that she didn’t
realize how important she was to me. I’d kissed her again and said, “I don’t
think, babe. I know. I promise.”

We’d gone back to my place after that and
fucked like crazy all night, me promising again that she was everything I needed
and more. Three months later I broke her heart when I packed up and left for Boston,
leaving her wondering whether she really ever had been.


“Fuck,” I breathe out, running a hand
through my hair as I climb out of the tub and grab a towel. There’s water
everywhere and I throw a couple more down on the floor before walking naked
back out to the main room.

Kelsey is already dressed and sitting on
the bed looking through a couple of take-out menus for something to eat. She
doesn’t look at me and I can tell she’s pissed or hurting or something.

Sighing, I grab two beers from the mini-bar
before walking to the bed and sitting beside her. Handing one to her, I wrap my
arm around her shoulders, pull her close and kiss her cheek. “I’m sorry, babe,”
I say, not really sure what I’m apologizing for this time. The fact that Jason
is still out there, the fact that I said those words or the fact that I left in
the first place.

“I’m gonna order us some pizza,” she says,
giving me a half smile as she reaches for her cell and places the order.

I exhale hard, not sure how to fix this
right now. Instead, I grab my cell phone and punch in Ryan’s number.

“Beck,” he says when he picks up on the
third ring.

“Summers, what are you doing?” I ask,
taking a long swig of my beer.

Ryan laughs. “Didn’t I already tell you, a
gentleman never tells.”

I grin. “Bullshit, a gentleman wouldn’t
answer the fucking phone either.”

I hear Ryan laugh again as he says, “I’m a
man of many talents, Beck. You should know that by now.”

I shake my head. “Whatever,” I say,
glancing quickly at Kelsey. She’s flicked on the TV and is busy watching the
news and trying not to look at me. I run a hand down her back and she shoots me
a sad smile before turning away. Fuck.

“What do you need, Beck?” Ryan asks,
reminding me of why I made this call in the first place.

I exhale. “You still leaving tomorrow?” I


“Can you meet me at Pop’s pub in an hour
then? I want to talk to you and Finn about our next move. Might need to call in
some favors in Boston.”

“Yeah, sure thing,” Ryan says and I can
hear rustling and what sounds like a female giggling in the background.

“That’s not gonna mess with your
gentlemanly plans?” I ask sarcastically.

Ryan laughs again as he says, “Baby, I got
an hour, want me to make it worth your while?”

This time I hear Erin as she shouts, “Oh
you fucking better!”

I laugh and say, “See you in an hour, don’t
be late.” Before I hang up the phone.


An hour later and I’ve left Kelsey back at
the inn and am walking into Pop’s pub. The situation over dinner was tense and
I’m not quite sure how we go back to how things were only hours ago. I thought
things between us were good, but somehow, with one simple promise, I’ve gone
and fucked it all up. Again.

“Jesus christ,” I say to myself as I take a
seat on a stool at the end of the bar.

Pop slides a pint of Guinness down before
he goes back to serving some other customers and five minutes later, both Ryan
and Finn walk in. I can’t help grinning at Ryan; he looks like a fucking mess.
His hair’s everywhere and he has what looks like the start of hickey forming on
his neck.

“A good hour then?” I ask, heading around
the other side of the bar to get them both drinks.

Ryan’s grin gets even bigger as he drinks
half his pint in one gulp. “Very good,” is all he says.

I shake my head as I gesture towards a
booth at the back where we can talk more privately. After we’re all seated, I
turn to Finn and say, “This is starting to get serious.”

He nods at me. “I know. We found over
twenty cameras both inside and outside her house. They’ve all been
professionally installed and were remote controlled, so he could monitor and
record them from anywhere.”

“Fucking hell,” I say, running a hand
through my hair.

“What’s the background on this guy?” Ryan

I look up at Finn and he half shrugs as
though they haven’t found anything of interest. I turn back to Ryan. “Maybe you
could look further into that when you get back to Boston tomorrow. I know the
other case we’re working on has all been shot to shit with that fucker changing
his story, but…”

Ryan’s nodding before I even finish
talking. “It’s cool, I can handle both,” he says. “What about you though, you staying?
You’re gonna need to come back for the trial, remember?”

I nod. “Yeah, I know, I will. But I just don’t
think I can leave right now. Kels’ nerves are fucking shot and I promised her I’d
take care of her, stay until we find this guy.”

“What happens then?” Finn asks and I can’t
help feeling suddenly defensive.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I
ask, my hand gripping my pint.

“It means, are you going to stick around after
we do, or are you just going to fuck off and break her heart all over again?”

I stiffen at Finn’s words, the grip on my
glass getting tighter. “Look, Finn,” I bite out. “What happens between me and Kelsey
is between me and Kelsey. Not you and not anyone else in this nosy fucking

Finn sits up a little straighter as he
looks me right in the eye. “You weren’t the one left to pick up the pieces you
selfish little shit. I was and I did. I’ve done more for Kelsey in the past
week than you’ve done for her in the past ten years.”

“You boning for my girl, Finn?” I
practically shout. “Because I’ll fucking…”

“Whoa, whoa, guys, calm the fuck down,”
Ryan says, a hand out to both of us. “We’re all after the same thing here, to
catch this guy who’s fucking with Kelsey. And in the meantime, there’ll be no
boning of anyone’s girl.”

I exhale, forcing myself to calm down as I
sit back in my seat. Finn is staring at me with a murderous look on his face.
Even though he’s older than me, there’s only three years between us. Growing
up, we were always close, probably because Pop was always working and Mom died
when we were young. We used to get into a lot of shit together, but one thing I
knew, is that Finn always had my back. And like the unspoken rule between
friends, we never did go after each other’s girls.

I take a deep breath as I meet my brother’s
stare. “Look, I’m sorry,” I finally get out. “This whole thing has just got me
rattled, okay?”

Finn lets out a deep breath too. “I know,
me too.”

I run another hand through my hair. “I don’t
know what’s going to happen afterwards, Finn,” I tell him. “Seeing her again,
being back here, it’s fucked with my head, opened up a whole lot of feelings that
I thought I’d buried.”

Ryan snorts. “Bullshit, you’ve been in love
with this woman for as long as I’ve known you,” he says, rolling his eyes. “And
for the record, that’s been a long fucking time.”

My eyes close as my head falls into my
hand, knowing Ryan’s right. I might have thought I was ignoring how I felt
about Kelsey, that I’d moved on and was over her, but I was kidding myself. I’ve
been kidding myself for the last decade and as much as I have no idea how this
is all going to work out, I know that I can’t be without her. I know that I
want to try.

I lift my head and look at Finn again. “I really
don’t know what’s going to happen. I won’t lie, I love my job in Boston, but I
love Kelsey more, I always have. And even though I don’t know how the fuck to
begin sorting all that out, I do know that I can’t be without her. Not having
her in my life isn’t an option anymore.”

Finn exhales as though he’s relieved. “Well
it’s about fucking time,” he says.

I nod as Ryan grins and slaps me on the
back. “I know, right? I’ve only been saying this to him for the last ten
fucking years.”

I roll my eyes as I finish off my beer.
“Shut the fuck up, girls,” I say, grinning at both of them. They both smile at
me, and the tension that was between us, lifts. “Now,” I say, standing so I can
get us another round of drinks. “Let’s talk about how we’re going to catch this
fucking fucker.”

BOOK: Coming Home to You (The Rockport Beach Series Book 1)
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