Coming of Age in the Milky Way (54 page)

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Authors: Timothy Ferris

Tags: #Science, #Philosophy, #Space and time, #Cosmology, #Science - History, #Astronomy, #Metaphysics, #History

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, the young Guth wrote in his notebook the following day, drawing a box around the words. The hypothesis was not unprecedented; its revised picture of phase transitions had been arrived at independently by Katsuhiko Sato in Japan and Martin Einhorn in the United States, and the “pumping” of the expansion rate up to an exponential rate by a symmetry-breaking mechanism had been proposed by Demosthenes Kazanas of NASA. Nor did it work very well in its original form; it had to
be refined, by A. D. Linde in Moscow and by Andreas Albrecht and Paul Steinhardt at the University of Pennsylvania. But Guth came up with the idea on his own, and in its finished form it enlightened and illuminated the study of the very early universe.


The inflationary model hypothesizes that the universe underwent a brief period of very rapid expansion, after which it settled into the linear expansion rate that has characterized it ever since.


According to the inflationary scenario, the radius of the universe increased by some 10
times, from smaller than a proton to larger than a softball, during the first 10
second of time. During this brief but critical period the universe was a vacuum. Its potential mass and energy could not yet manifest itself as particles, because space was expanding too fast for the particles to congeal out of the vacuum. Technically, one described this condition by saying that the vacuum was hung up in a symmetrical state during a phase transition. A simile may be drawn from water. Liquid water is more symmetrical than ice, and the change in water when it cools from a liquid to a solid state marks a phase transition that breaks the symmetry.
If liquid water is cooled very rapidly to below its freezing point it will not congeal into ice at once, but instead will linger in a liquid state for a while. Similarly, in the inflationary universe account, the cosmic vacuum remains empty even after falling below the temperature at which particle production ordinarily would take place. Indeed, it is this hang-up that drives the expansion: The latent energy is tied up in what is called a zero-value Higgs field, and the field acts as an engine that inflates the dimensions of cosmic space, driving the expansion so that the empty universe balloons in perfect, Platonic sphericity.

Eventually (meaning after about 10
second) the quantum instability of the situation catches up with it, and the expansion abruptly slows to a linear rate. When that happens the energy latent in the vacuum precipitates out as particles and antiparticles. (Thus was new life lent to the much ridiculed steady-state picture of atoms congealing out of a vacuum.) The particles mutually annihilate, and the resulting flood of energy inaugurates the big bang. The grand unified theories, the composition of which requires attention to Higgs fields, even demonstrated how symmetry-breaking at the end of the inflationary epoch could have delivered up a small imbalance of matter over antimatter, leaving a residue, after the fireworks were over, from which to build the material universe.

Inflation resolved not only the flatness problem, revealing why omega is equal to or nearly unity, but also another major cosmological mystery, the
problem. The observable universe, taken as a whole, is remarkably homogeneous. In every star, in every direction, we find identical atoms functioning in accord with the same physical laws, and the cosmic background radiation, too, is everywhere the same. This, strange to say, had never been explained by the standard big bang model. The trouble was that the linearly expanding universe of the old model expanded too rapidly for all the quanta of the very early universe to have ever been in causal contact with one another: 90 percent of the universe in the old model lay beyond the causal horizon of any one observer, meaning that there was insufficient time for information, even if traveling at the speed of light, to permeate the universe.

This omission mocked the universality of natural law. How could atoms and photons on one side of the universe behave exactly like atoms and photons on the other side, if they had never communicated with one another? To visualize the problem, imagine a marching band gathered on a greensward, ready to start playing as soon as the drummer standing at the center delivers a downbeat. At the moment that time begins, the band members march rapidly away from the drummer in all directions, at nearly the speed of sound. The result will be chaos. Only a few musicians will hear the downbeat; most will go hurrying away, unable to hear it, and so will not know when to start playing or what to play. In cosmological terms, the speed of sound is replaced by the speed of light, the fastest velocity at which information can be exchanged. The standard model required that the particles of the early universe depart before they could get their marching orders: Without hearing the drumbeat, then, how did the first quarks “know” how to be quarks, and all the photons learn the rules that govern photons? Had such been the true tale of genesis, nearly every cluster of galaxies would be made of different stuff and would obey different laws. Instead, the observable universe is a lawful unity. How so?

At first blush, inflation would seem only to make matters worse, since it postulates an even speedier cosmic expansion rate. But actually it resolves the dilemma, by permitting the material of the very early universe to remain together, in causal contact, for a relatively long period before inflation began. The band members now have time to listen for the downbeat before leaving; then they board the inflationary express, which goes so fast that they soon catch up with the linear expansion rate. Now they all have their marching orders when they go, and all, consequently, can play the same tune. Inflation thus explained why the cosmic background radiation is isotropic, and why the quarks and electrons of the earth are identical to those of the Coma cluster of galaxies.

All of which was cheering to Ed Tryon and his little cadre of vacuum genesis enthusiasts. The inflationary hypothesis made vacuum genesis appear more plausible, by admitting the possibility that the universe could have started as a relatively modest, cold particle, with the heat of the big bang coming later, in the blast of fire released by latent vacuum energy when the inflationary epoch ended. And inflation painted the vacuum in new and more vibrant colors. Once one entertained the idea that all the matter and energy in the universe erupted from a vacuum at a brief but finite interval after the beginning of time, it no longer seemed quite so preposterous to imagine that the whole affair might have
as a vacuum.

Guth, for his part, became an aficionado of the vacuum, regarding it less as emptiness than as a cornucopia. He calculated that only a small amount of vacuum flux might, if sufficiently concentrated, have been enough to set off inflation. If, then, our universe began as a quantum flux—a sort of bubble—in a primordial vacuum, other universes might reasonably be imagined to have formed from other bubbles. Moreover, Guth conjectured, creation need not necessarily be relegated solely to the past, but might happen again: If a vacuum instability in our universe were to blister in such a way as to form another universe, we would never know it. From our perspective, the only trace of the new creation event would be a pinpoint of infinite spatial curvature. As it happens, there appear to be such places here and there, in the infinitely curved regions of space surrounding black holes. Conceivably, every time a giant star goes supernova and its remnant collapses to form a black hole it might give birth to a new universe, on another side of spacetime.

If so, Guth speculated, the artificial creation of a black hole through application of an advanced technology could create another universe. Nor would such a custom-made black hole have to be terribly massive. “You might even be able to start a new universe using energy equivalent to just a few pounds of matter,” Guth suggested, in a 1987 interview. “Provided you could find some way to compress it to a density of about 10
grams per cubic centimeter, and provided you could trigger the thing, inflation would do the rest.” And if
could do it, so, perhaps, could someone else have done it long ago. “For all we know,” said Guth, who had a gift for
the laconic statement of radical ideas, “our own universe may have started in someone’s basement.”

If only to get our feet back on the ground, let it be noted that there were problems with both the inflationary universe and vacuum genesis. Inflation smoothed out the early universe, all right, but did so with such a vengeance that theorists had trouble coaxing enough lumpiness out of the equations to allow for the formation of galaxies and of the superclusters (and, evidently, meta-superclusters) in which they are gathered. Vacuum genesis suffered from a lingering suspicion that, if anything, it was just not crazy enough. The quantum vacuum is a characteristic of the universe we live in—virtual particles
boil in the space between real particles —but who was to say that the same was true of the “vacuum” that allegedly preceded the beginning of the expansion of the universe?
vacuum, after all, ought to have been very different from the one we encounter in the present-day universe: Presumably its relativistic curvature was infinite and its matter content zero, and neither is true of cosmic space today.

Some theorists proposed, instead, a set of even stranger but at least equally promising hypotheses. Together, these ideas went by the name of “quantum genesis.” Their approach involved taking the random nature of quantum flux to heart and enshrining it as the ruling law of the extremely early universe. Here a pioneer was Stephen Hawking, holder of Newton’s old chair as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. Described by colleagues as “the nearest thing we have to a living Einstein,” Hawking carried on a productive career in physics despite suffering from ALS, a disease that attacks the central nervous system. He worked from a wheelchair, writing and communicating by means of a computer controlled by a toggle that he manipulated with one finger. He expressed impatience less with his affliction than with people who worshiped him as a hero, pitied him as a sick man, or otherwise treated him as if he were any different from any other genius. In his postdoctoral days Hawking and his colleague Roger Penrose demonstrated that general relativity implies that the universe began in a “singularity,” a state of infinitely curved space in which the laws of relativity break down; this proved, as Hawking put it, that “relativity predicts its own downfall.”

But quantum theory might function where relativity did not, and in later years Hawking began to explore the prospect of understanding
the origin of the universe in terms of quantum probabilities. His tools included “imaginary time”—a kind of time measured in terms of imaginary numbers—and Richard Feynman’s “sum over histories” method of doing quantum mechanics.

Imaginary numbers make no sense when handled by customary mathematical rules. An example is the square root of —1, which will produce an “error” message if demanded of an electronic calculator. They work quite well, however, according to their own rules; imaginary numbers have been employed to excellent effect, for instance, in hydrodynamics. Feynman’s “sum over histories” strategy consists of calculating all the possible past trajectories of a particle, and arriving, via quantum probabilities, at the most likely path by which the particle reached its observed state. Hawking, working with the American cosmologist James Hartle at the University of California at Santa Barbara, applied this method to the universe as a whole. Speaking via an interpreter, in a vaulted hardwood hall at Padua where Galileo used to lecture, Hawking announced that he had been able to derive the quantum wave function of the universe as a whole. “The universe today is accurately described by classical general relativity,” he said.

However, classical relativity predicts that there will be a singularity in the past, and near that singularity, the curvature [of space] will be very high, classical relativity will break down, and quantum effects will have to be taken into account. In order to understand the initial conditions of the universe, we have to turn to quantum mechanics, and the quantum state of the universe will determine the initial conditions for the classical universe. So today I want to make a proposal for the quantum state of the universe.


What emerged was a tale of cosmic evolution possessed of a strangely alien beauty. All world lines diverge from the singularity of genesis, Hawking noted, like longitude lines proceeding from the north pole on a globe of the earth. As we travel along our world line we see the other lines moving away from us, as would an explorer sailing south along a given longitude; this is the expansion of the universe. Billions of years hence the expansion will halt and the universe will collapse, eventually to meld into another fireball at the end of time. There is, however, no meaning to the question
of when time began, or when it will end: “If the suggestion that spacetime is finite but unbounded is correct,” said Hawking on another occasion, “the big bang is rather like the North Pole of the earth. To ask what happens before the big bang is a bit like asking what happens on the surface of the earth one mile north of the North Pole. It’s a meaningless question.”

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