Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts (192 page)

BOOK: Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts
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spin a yarn
to tell a tale.
Grandpa spun an unbelievable yarn for us
My uncle is always spinning yarns about his childhood.

'Spose not
Go to I guess not.

'Spose so
Go to I guess (so).

stand up and be counted
to state one's support (for someone or something).
If you believe in more government help for farmers, write your representative—stand up and be counted
I'm generally in favor of what you propose, but not enough to stand up and be counted.

Stay out of my way
Go to Keep out of my way.

Stay out of this
Go to Keep out of this!

Stay with me
Follow along with what I am explaining.; Pay attention. (The accent is on
. Also literal with the accent on
This explanation is going to be quite complicated, so stay with me, and ask lots of questions
I know it's late, and you're all tired, but stay with me until I cover this last graph.

Step aside
Please move out of the way so there is a pathway.
“Step aside. Let the mayor through, please,” called out the mayor's bodyguard
(blocking the boss's door): Just a moment, sir. B
(trying to exit): Step aside, please. T
: But, sir! B
: Step aside, please. T
: But, sir, the tax people are here with an arrest warrant.

Stick with it
Do not give up.; Stay with your task.
: I'm really tired of calculus. F
: Stick with it. You'll be a better person for it
: This job is getting to be such a pain. S
: True, but it pays well, doesn't it? Stick with it.

Stop the music
Stop the presses
Stop everything!; Hold it! (
refers to the printing presses used to print newspapers.
This means that there is recent important news, and that the presses must be stopped so changes can be made.)
(entering the room): Stop the music! There's a fire in the kitchen! M
: Good grief! Let's get out of here!
“Stop the presses!” shouted Jane. “I have an announcement.

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