Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts (21 page)

BOOK: Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts
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Can you hold?
Go to Could you hold?

Can you imagine?
Can you believe that?; Imagine that!
She wore jeans to the dance. Can you imagine?
Billy was eating the house-plant! Can you imagine?

Can't argue with that
Go to (I) can't argue with that.

Can't be helped
Go to (It) can't be helped.

Can't beat that
Go to (I) can't beat that. See also (You) can't beat that.

Can't complain
Go to (I) can't complain.

Can't fight city hall
Go to (You) can't fight city hall.

Can't get there from here
Go to (You) can't get there from here.

Can't help it
Go to (I) can't help it.

Can't make heads or tails of
something. Go to (I) can't make heads or tails of something.

Can't rightly say
Go to (I) can't rightly say.

Can't say (as) I do
Go to (I) can't say that I do.

Can't say (as) I have
Go to (I) can't say that I have.

Can't say for sure
Go to (I) can't say for sure.

Can't say that I do
Go to (I) can't say that I do.

Can't say that I have
Go to (I) can't say that I have.

Can't say's I do
Go to (I) can't say that I do.

Can't take it with you
Go to (You) can't take it with you.

Can't thank you enough
Go to (I) can't thank you enough.

Can't top that
Go to (I) can't beat that. See also (You) can't beat that.

Can't unring the bell
Go to (I) can't unring the bell.

Can't win them all
Go to (You) can't win them all.

Do you understand? (From Italian.)
: Do I have to stay here? F
: That's the way it's going to be. Capeesh? T
: Yeah
: I will not tolerate any of this anymore. Capeesh? B
: Sure. Gotcha!

Care for another?
Go to (Would you) care for another (one)?

Care if I join you?
Go to Could I join you?

Care to dance?
Go to (Would you) care to dance?

Care to
(do something)? Go to (Would you) care to (do something)?

Care to join us?
Go to (Would you) care to join us?

Cash or credit (card)?
Do you wish to pay for your purchases with cash or a credit card?
Mary put all her packages on the counter. Then the clerk said, “Cash or credit card?

: Is that everything? R
: Yes. That's all. C
: Cash or credit?

Catch me later
Catch me some other time
Please try to talk to me later.
(angry): Tom, look at this phone bill! T
: Catch me later
“Catch me some other time,” hollered Mr. Franklin over his shoulder. “I've got to go to the airport.

Catch me some other time
Go to Catch me later.

Catch you later
Go to (I'll) catch you later.

Go to Definitely!

Certainly not
Go to Definitely not!

change of scenery
a move to a different place, where the scenery is different or where things in general are different.
I thought I would go to the country for a change of scenery
A change of scenery would help me relax and organize my life.

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