Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts (54 page)

BOOK: Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts
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from day one
since the beginning; since the first day.
From day one, she was a very calm and happy child
He has been a nuisance from day one. Someone needs to tell him to cool it.

from my perspective
from where I stand; from my point of view; the way I see it
a phrase used to introduce one's own opinion.
: What do you think of all this? T
: From my perspective, it is just terrible
: From my point of view, this looks like a very good deal. B
: That's good for you. I stand to lose money on it
: From where I stand, it appears that you're going to have to pay a lot of money to get this matter settled. S
: I'll pay anything. I just want to get all this behind me.

from my point of view
Go to from my perspective.

from now on
at all times in the future; from now until well into the future.
From now on, you will do exactly as I tell you
Q: Do you think you can change your way of doing this? A: Sure. I'll do it your way from now on.

from the get-go
from the git-go
from the beginning; from the very first. (
is a spelling of a frequently heard pronunciation.)
: Fred just doesn't seem to be catching on to the job. H
: Yes, we had our doubts about him from the git-go
This is the last time I'll buy a used car. This one's been trouble since the get-go.

from the old school
holding attitudes or ideas that were popular and important in the past but which are no longer considered relevant or in line with modern trends.
Grammar was not taught much in my son's school, but fortunately he had a teacher from the old school
Aunt Jane is from the old school. She never goes out without wearing a hat and gloves.

from where I stand
Go to from my perspective.


Clear the way!; Get out of the way!
“Gangway!” cried Fred. “Here comes the band!

: Please move so we can get by. B
: You'll never get anywhere with that. Gangway! Gangway! Gangway!

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