Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts (72 page)

BOOK: Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts
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Help me (out) with this
Help me understand this
Please explain this further because it isn't clear or because it seems senseless. (Also literal.)
Now, help me out with this. When you say that the bridge is wobbly, do you mean it's dangerous or just a little scary?
Help me understand this, if you don't mind. If I agree to pay your tax bill, you will supply me with a dozen fresh eggs per week for three years. What's the guarantee?

Help me understand this
Go to Help me (out) with this.

Help yourself
Please take what you want without asking permission.
: Can I have one of these doughnuts? B
: Help yourself
Mother led the little troop of my friends to the kitchen table, which was covered with cups of juice and plates of cookies. “Help yourself,” she said.

Stop that!; No more of that!
: You say that again and I'll bash you one. B
: You and what army? F
: Here! That's enough!
“Here! Stop that fighting, you two,” shouted the school principal.

Here goes nothing
I am going to do something difficult or important that may end up failing and therefore be worth nothing.
Q: Are you ready? Have you done your safety check? It's your turn to jump! Do it now! A: Okay. Here goes nothing!
Opening the door of his new boss's office, Wallace muttered to himself, “Here goes nothing.

Here we go again
We are going to experience the same thing again.; We are going to hear about or discuss the same thing again.
: Now, I would like to discuss your behavior in class yesterday. B
(to himself): Here we go again
: We must continue our discussion of the Wilson project. S
: Here we go again. F
: What's that? S
: Nothing.

Here's looking at you
Go to Bottoms up.

Here's mud in your eye
Go to Bottoms up.

Here's to you
Go to Bottoms up.

He's having issues
He's having problems. (Also in other persons.)
: What's the matter with the baby? She's been cranky all day long. F
: Oh, she's just having issues, I guess
Our car won't start this morning. It's having issues with the weather, I guess.

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