Common Sense Doesn't Become Me (31 page)

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Authors: CJ Hawk

Tags: #chick lit romance womens fiction contemporary fiction chick lit general romance

BOOK: Common Sense Doesn't Become Me
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I looked at him not sure, if he was lying or
telling the truth. “Nothing. Nothing at all. However, you said you
saw the limo driver drop me off.”

“I didn’t say that. What I saw was a limo
coming up the road as I was driving into town. When I got back, the
porch of ol’ man Kunz’s place was loaded with more expensive
luggage than I’ve seen in a while and no one in sight. My
journalistic aptitude assumed that was you in the limo, and the
luggage belong to you. My next question is why in the heck are you

I swallowed hard. Why was I there? Could I
spill the truth? Yeah right. Who in the heck would believe me? I
did what I did best when backed into a corner and reflected the
subject back to the man. Which every man loved, didn’t he? “So?
You’re a journalist? For what, like Time or National Geographic or
some big news gig?” I sounded too enthusiastic for myself.

The Rover started up and raced down the road
at a much faster clip than before. The silence dreaded on. I had
not answered his question, and he had not answered mine.

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Legal mumbo jumbo: This is a fictional story
with no reference to real people or places. Any similar names are
strictly coincidental and have been created in the author's mind
purely for fun or reference. Every character created is from the
author's imagination; every place or name created is to give the
reader a mental image of where the story takes place. If the story
lists an actual city or state, all information in the story is
purely reference or to give the reader a mental idea about the
location but does not in any way dictate the true nature of that
area. Any reference in a story by this author that could be seen as
prejudice is not a true semblance of the author's ideals, it is
strictly to create a character in the story and allows the reader
an idea of how that character might think or feel. This story was
originally published on a Kindle promotional program as a free beta
story under the title Where Would I Be Without You. I have made
several changes to the plot along with added content making this a
different story from when its sample story was first published.
Pricing - The normal price for this book can be waived by the
author for a short promotional period to promote sales of this book
and as well as any of her books. When the author lists one of her
books for free, for a short time, it is to allow new readers to
find her books. Often some reviews of this author's book may state
that it was a free book, however it is a priced to sell book and
the author holds all rights to pricing and sales of the book.

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