Communion: A True Story (33 page)

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Authors: Whitley Strieber

Tags: #Unidentified Flying Objects - Sightings and Encounters, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Sightings and Encounters, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Human-Alien Encounters, #Life on Other Planets

BOOK: Communion: A True Story
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Sam: "They were almost like under military discipline.'

Whitley: "That was my impression."

Sam: "They had instructions and they followed their instructions, and that was it."

Whitley: "Do you suppose we see robots?"

Sam: "I thought of that."

Mark: "Fanatic, or just disciplined?"

Sam: "Disciplined."

Jenny: "That's right, I remember them all walking the same way."

Sally: "Moving in unison, speaking in unison?" (Unified movement is often reported, such as three individuals walking in lockstep.)

Joan: "I can imagine something above them that's speaking through them. They're to do their job."

Jenny: "You don't feel any personality —"

Whitley: "And yet at times I feel incredible personality. She's the strongest personality in my life."

Jenny: "Oh, I feel that way tool I el a personality but I don't know where it comes from.

When I try to picture there, they are one sort of thing, going. But there's this sort of force —"

Pat: "One that cares a great deal."

Fred: "There is one, at least in my case, that I can identify that had that force of personality. He was directing the whole operation. Everything. The others were simply not even taking orders. It's not that an order was barked at them or said to them. They just —boom, boom, boom, did it. I felt like I was even superior to them. I felt like slapping one of them. There was always one you felt comfort under, security under."

Jenny: "Like he was part of me. In me."

Mary: "There's a little part of him in me all the time."

Sally: "One did try to comfort me but I refused it. I didn't want to buy any of it. Actually, what my feeling was, I felt that if I looked at him, I was — sort of like looking at the person who robs you. Someone comes up and he has a mask on and if you take down the mask, uh-oh, you're going to be killed now. You've identified him. So I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want to believe it and I didn't want to become a part of it. I felt if I removed myself I would be safe. I won't look at you, I won't identify you, I won't tell anyone what you look like. So I dust said, 'I won't look at you.' That was just my feeling. If I could identify him my life would be in danger." (Note: Sally's experience involves seeing not only visitors but seeming humans involved with them. It is these people that she apparently did not wish to recognize.)

Sam: "It felt like one superior intelligence. Very, very powerful sense of intelligence. All the rest were nothing."

Sally: "The others weren't human like that one. The emotions — The one that speaks to me is a mix. He's a crossbreed between them and ourselves."

Whitley: "The one that speaks to me looks like a big bug. Big eyes. Doesn't look anything like a human being.

Sally: "Yeah, I saw those."

Fred: "Just a question. How many feel used?"

Sally: "Yeah."

Sam: "It could be harmless. Harmless use."

Mary: "You know, like for a whole year I was obsessed with taking some little piece of the world with me. I took my children to the park and I collected every little seed and rock and twig I could find. My whole room looked like a nature study. Then half of the stuff turned up missing."

Whitley: "You know, I sometimes have a thought of what will I take with me."

Mary: "I do too. I keep thinking that one day this will all be done. But my thinking is automatic: I want to have this so my children will know how it used to be."

Sam: "I feel the same way. I want to enjoy what's left here, because it won't be here much longer. I want people to understand that."

Mary: "My sister was left with a thought twenty years ago, and she still believes it strongly, that by the year 2000 this world is going to be a totally different place. It won't necessarily be a bad place for a lot of 'em. But for some of 'em who can't adapt, survival will be very difficult. But it will be a good place. The world will be a more stable place or maybe a different place."

Sam: "More artificial."

Mary : "Truly different from this place here. That's for sure. She says that it is for the young and strong. She doesn't quite know whether that means physically young and strong or mentally young and strong. But it will only be for those people."

Sam: "In fifteen years?"

Whitley: "I have a feeling it's right on top of us, too. My feeling is that a cycle sped d up recently, a lot. It's going fast, not slow." (I wish to add an aside here to expand on why I made that statement. In the form of what can only be described as vivid bursts of information, I have received a great deal of material about the perilous condition of the earth's atmosphere.

Much of this material came in February and March of 1986 and concerned the danger of impending atmospheric deterioration. In March I called a dress conference of environmental reporters in Washington, D.C., to discuss a book I wrote with James Kunetka,
Nature's End
, and to warn about the serious implications of the hole that had been detected in the ozone layer over the Antarctic. My apparent visitor information suggested this hole would lead to further holes over the Arctic and thereafter a thinning of the ozone layer over the Northern Hemisphere, with measurable crop damage from excessive ultraviolet light beginning to occur in the 1990-1993 period. At the time I gave this warning, the only stories about the hole were saying that its significance was not understood. I had also been told that the atmospheric problems will cause a reduction in immune system vitality in all animals, and the consequent resurgence of disease. As yet I have seen no scientific corroboration of this. The damage to the immune system seemed related to excessive ultraviolet light, but the information emerged visually, appearing as complicated images that I may not have understood fully. This information may indicate, by the way, that the ozone holes will open and persist m a single place rather than circulate. Additional information suggested that volcanic activity had exacerbated the ozone problem, and that there would be some reduction of the size of the major holes during the eleven years from 1986 to 1997, but that this would be only a temporary respite.

After the conference I was careful to mention to one reporter that I had had an extremely strange experience that had, in part, led up to my warning. I told this to UPI reporter Ed Lion and explained that it would be the subject of my next book. Lion asked what exactly I was talking about. In his May 16, 1986, review of
Nature's End
he wrote, "Asked what that subject could possibly be, he shook his head mysteriously. 'You'll have to wait."' I felt embarrassed to have been so cryptic with him, but I wanted a record of some sort of the real motive behind my calling the conference. If I had told the reporters that alleged visitors were in any way involved, it seemed to me that there was a high probability that my credibility would be destroyed. I hate the idea of repeating predictions because I cannot assess the correctness of the "information" that appears to have come to me through the visitor experience. However, in the past year the atmospheric predictions have emerged as being quite accurate, and I thought it best to mention them in view of the obvious seriousness of the problem that they address.)

Sally: "How many people really feel used? Is that a feeling?"

Mary: "I don't feel it's bad."

Amy: "I wouldn't use that adjective. Things happen in certain places to certain people."

Sally: "I felt somehow psychologically violated. There was nothing in my life that would indicate that kind of trauma. There was nothing in my life. Then what happened when this media thing happened and they used my name I felt like it was happening all over again.

Horrible, horrible! I couldn't control my crying, couldn't control this horrible feeling inside myself. I felt so powerless! It came back at me and I couldn't look at anything that said UFO.

I couldn't stand it. It was just tearing me up inside. I said. 'Something must have happened.' It had to have happened, because this feeling was so intense. It was too intense to — True, you're gonna get angry because they're using your name, but there was this absolute gut-wrenching feeling. It was Just awful. I said, 'It's happening all over again. Somehow or some way, I'm being stabbed in the back again.' And it was really horrible. It was just a horrible feeling. And that's what I mean by used." (Sally's real name was discovered by some journalists who held her up to public ridicule.)

Amy: "There's something, about Betty Andreasson's book that's awakening a terror m me.

Something that I've put away, that it was bringing out. That s why I couldn't continue to read it. If continued to read it, it was going to come back to rite and I don't want to know.

Whatever that means."

Sam: "Does anybody ever experience light without any source? You see it on the wall or on the ceiling. It could be in a triangular shape or round. Sometimes I see a triangle. Three triangles together on the ceiling. Has anybody else seen that?"

Mary: "My son saw a red light chase him out of his room the other night. He called it a red tarantula. It was a small red ball of -light with things sticking out of it. That was the same night that one of the few things I believe
happened, happened to me."

Whitley: "I saw a light just a couple of weeks ago that went down the hall and into my son's bedroom. I ran in there, but I couldn't see anything wrong Sally: "That's what I saw coming down from the roof. Then the whole area in the hallway was lit. Totally lit. Then what happened. I was starting to go up the stairs and I turned around and saw my shadow cast from the light. Then the light went out, and I decided to go up to see what was going on."

Sam: "Has anybody had their TV go on or off by itself?"

(General reaction. My own television went off at the main switch a few nights earlier, so that it had to be reset before the remote control could be used again. My wife, myself, and a scientist friend have observed that I can sometimes affect electronic devices by simply placing my hand near them. Since the energies that activate such instruments are known, we intend to devise some physical tests to attempt to measure this. The problem, of course, is that there may be other energies we know little or nothing about that could affect electronic equipment.)

Mary: "Before any of the stuff in the yard, either right before or right. after the incident of the three men in my room who gave me the box —"

Whitley: "What was in the box?"

Mary: "I don't know. They just told me to look at it and said I would remember what it was for and how to use it when I saw it again. And I was to hold it and look into it, and I did.

But my TV would turn itself up and down all the time. It would turn itself on in the middle of the night. So we finally unplugged it."

Whitley: "I walk into rooms and short out stereos and things to the point where there are people who won't let me get near their sets, and get mad if I touch the equipment because they say it shortens its life."

Jenny: "Ever wake up and the blue thing is going like this?" (Makes pulsating motions with fingers.)

Whitley: "What blue thing?"

Jenny: "The blue TV light."

Whitley: "There is no blue TV light."

Jenny: "What?"

Fred: "I would turn the TV off, go and sit down and start reading, and the TV would go back on."

Sally: "I got the idea that I could stop the roll over on my TV set. I would generate energy out of my hands. This was after the abduction. I don't know where I got the idea I could do it."

Whitley: "Is there anyone here who doesn't do things to electronic stuff?"

Mary: "I put my hand on a TV screen once, and the TV was turned off, and it had been off a while, and when I took my hand away I could see its outline."

Whitley: "I think everyone can do that."

Jenny: "Sometimes I wake up in the night and it's blue but there's no picture."

Sam: "A strong surge of current crosses the switch . . ."

Mark: "I think I've had two happenings, one when I was about ten and one about fourteen years ago when I was teaching. That event I — it was very strange. It happened in a place where I thought it couldn't possibly happen and anyone not see this happen. dust sort of passed it off as a story I sort of made up. But I don't understand why I went and told the story.

And then I'd also go back and try to find where this happened. I was driving out one night with the dog, to go and walk the dog — which isn't something I would normally do, to put the dog in the car and drive somewhere to walk the dog and I drove past this area and I saw this light. It pulled the car over. Or I thought it pulled the car over. I don't remember getting out of the car, but I remember somehow getting to the area where this was taking place, and I see this silhouette shape and this light source where these little men, these little creatures, come out. One of the three sort of comes close to me, but nothing is ever said, nothing is done.

Next thing I know got back in the car. Now, the area it happened in, it's totally impossible for something like that to happen in, without people around knowing it happened. My question to you is, have you had these things happen m places were it seems totally impossible to happen?"

Sally: "Mine happened in the Bronx. It's in the middle of New York City, but it's a quiet area. We think we had some witnesses, but we don't know if these people still live there. I'm sure somebody has seen it. But nobody told anybody. But there it was on the roof. It was as Whitley once described, a dark shape, you couldn't see the sky through it. But there it was in the middle of the Bronx. There were people down there and there were cars and lights."

Mark: "When I think about it, I just don't know if it was me that stopped the car."

Fred: "They could have taken you somewhere and given you the impression you were in a populated area."

Budd: "Mark said he was walking his dog in this dark. So I naturally made the assumption that he dust went out the front door and walked the dog. So, m other words, it was close. He said, 'No, it was quite a distance.' So I said, 'You really walk your dog a long way?' He said, 'Oh, no, we went by car.' I said, 'You walk your dog by car? Do you often do that?' He said no. I asked if he'd ever done that before. He said no. Then it began to look very odd to him 'What in the world was I doing walking my dog by car?'"

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