Compass (31 page)

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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

BOOK: Compass
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“So you like it when I’m on top?”

“Very much so. I get to see all of you that way.”

“I’ll have to remember that,” she purred.

Ryan let out a laugh, discarding the tissues. “See that you do.” There was an easy silence between them, the same silence that always engulfed them after having sex. It was peace, happiness, and pure ecstasy.

“You okay over there?” he dared to break the silence, worried since he couldn’t feel her in his arms or see her face.

“Oh, yes. I do, however, wish it’d been your tongue on me, so I wouldn’t have to change my panties, like I am right now.”

Ryan held back his laugh, slipping his fresh boxers over his legs. “Sweetheart, had it been my tongue on you, you’re fine ass wouldn’t have been wearing panties and I’d probably still be going.”

Alexis released a sweet exhale. “Are you trying to kill me?”

Ryan held the phone against his shoulder as he washed his hands, drying them off with a towel. “Absolutely not. I’m simply stating a fact. I never get enough of you.”

“You’ll be the death of me, Ryan Fisher.”

Ryan tossed the towel aside, making his way back to the bed. He plopped down, resting his arm behind his head, propped up against the pillow. “Anything for you.”

“You’re too good to me, you realize that, right?”

“Nothing’s too good for my girl.”

He heard her stifle a yawn, and realized how much later it was for her than him. It pained him that he wasn’t there in bed with her, to cover her up, letting her fall asleep in his arms.

“You sound exhausted. I’ll let you get some sleep.” His chest ached the moment he realized he wouldn’t hear her voice again until he got home the next day.

“It’s been a long day. You come home tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. I’ll be in around eight tomorrow night.” Ryan reached over, rummaging through his paperwork for his flight information. “The flight number is six-thirteen. Wanna meet at the diner?”

“You know I do.”

Ryan tossed his paperwork back on the nightstand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” she whispered.

“I love you. Sleep well.”

“I love you, too. Sweet dreams.” Her soft whisper disappeared with the dead silence of the phone. For a moment, he sat there with the phone to his ear. The ache in his chest was back in full force. It pained him to be away from her, but he was up for captain soon. Once he made captain, then he could slow down and spend more time at home.

He tossed his phone aside, and laid his head back on the pillow, lost in his thoughts. He could imagine how she looked at that exact moment, curled up in the bed, on the cusp of dreamland.

So beautiful.

Time passed slowly, and sleep wasn’t his friend. That was the plus side to being in Vegas. The city never slept. He jumped out of bed and slipped into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Tonight he’d blow off steam by hitting the poker table and tomorrow he’d be back in the arms of the girl who ruled his world.



“Seriously?” Mary dropped her jaw. “You’ve never had phone sex before?”

Alexis lifted her wine glass in front of her face, her humiliation burned through her skin. “Jesus! No! I’ve never been with a man long enough to even consider such a thing.”

Mary reached across the table, pushing the glass down from Alexis’ face. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Shane and I do it all the time.” Mary shrugged, sitting back in her seat, taking a sip of her wine. “It’s the only way to keep the spice alive. Try sexting, too. Send him a picture of you wearing nothing but your stethoscope. He’ll love it.”

“You can’t be serious,” Alexis replied, downing the remainder of her glass. She set the glass on the coffee table, and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. She and Mary had suffered through a long, hard day at work. Nothing seemed to go right. Computer failure. Disgruntled nurses. Overly sensitive patients. All in all, it was what people would call the day from hell. After it was all over, they agreed to enjoy a drink at Alexis’ place before Ryan returned home.

“Absolutely. I sent Shane a boob shot just a bit ago. He loves when I do stuff like that.”

Alexis chewed on her thumbnail, her knees were bouncing so hard her elbows slipped. “I don’t think I could do something like that.”

Mary swirled the red liquid around in her glass, glancing at Alexis from over the rim. “Ryan’s been gone, what, a week?”

“Ten days,” Alexis muttered, cutting through her thumbnail with her teeth.

“See. And it gets lonely for you both.” She placed her feet on the coffee table, crossing her ankles.

Alexis buffed her jagged nail over her jeans. “Yeah.”

“But he loves you and wants only you,” Mary rattled.

A smile presented itself across Alexis’ lips. It still felt weird to her that love was even in the equation of her relationship with Ryan. She’d fought against it for so long. But being with him, loving him, was easier than breathing. “True, but,” she gave a timid shrug, “I don’t know. I just don’t think I could do it.”

“Sure you could.” Mary snapped her fingers. “You know, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. You could have boudoir pictures done for him.”

Alexis leaned back in her chair giving Mary an incredulous look. “You’re crazy. You know that? Certifiable even.”

Mary rolled her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering for dramatic flare. “Just wait. Now that you’ve crossed the sexy time threshold, you’ll do it more often. You’ll get bolder each time, too.”

A flush crept up Alexis’ cheeks. She pressed her hands down on her knees to keep them from bouncing any harder. “It was hot.”

“I bet it was,” Mary quipped, her brows wiggling.

Alexis glanced at her watch. Her heart leapt in her chest. Ryan would be landing soon. After his little game from the night before, all she could think about was getting him home and having her way with him. She’d grown accustomed to how her body ached for him until he returned home. But, oh, the reunion was worth the ache.

“You know, I should probably head out of here. Ryan should be home─” Mary was cut off by the sound of Alexis’ phone vibrating on the table. “Just as I thought,” she tittered.

Alexis smiled and glanced down at her phone. Her smile faded as she looked back up at Mary. “It’s Dale,” she noted, a little concerned that her boss was calling her. There was an instant sinking feeling in her gut. He’d only call her when she was off duty if one of her patients had passed away.

At the same time, Mary’s phone started to chirp. She placed her glass on the table and pulled her phone from her pocket. Her face scrunched as she scrutinized the screen. “It’s Karen.”

“Okay, this is weird.” Alexis grabbed the phone and swiped her finger across the screen. “Hello?” she answered at the same time Mary did hers.

“Alexis,” Dale responded, breathless and frantic. “I’m so glad you answered. I’ll skip the formalities and get straight to the point of my call. A plane went down in one of the fields near the airport. All hospitals have been placed on alert, but since we’re one of the closest to the wreckage site, we’re receiving the majority of the casualties. I need all available hands in the ER immediately.”

Her hand flew to her mouth. Her mind instantly turned to Ryan. “A plane accident?” Alexis gasped. “Where was it coming from?”

“I’m not sure.”

A calm, sickening stillness washed over Alexis. Goose bumps formed over her skin. Her stomach dropped and her throat tightened. “Flight number?”

“I have no idea, all I know is our orders,” Dale stated.

Alexis glanced up at Mary who was blanched white. Her eyes wide and brimming with tears.

“Doctor York, are you still there?”

She bit her lip, fighting back her own tears. This couldn’t be happening. She shook her head, choking back the sickening feeling that swept over her. Maybe it wasn’t Ryan. There were hundreds of flights entering the airport every hour. She sucked in a ragged breath.


Alexis swallowed hard, dislodging the large lump in her throat.

Stay positive. It’s not Ryan
, she told herself.
I’d feel if something was wrong with him. Wouldn’t I?


“Yes,” she managed to whisper.

“I need you up here, STAT,” Dale barked.

“I’m on my way,” she replied, her voice dead and disjointed.

Mary hung up at the same time Alexis did, but neither said a word. Instead, they started to dial numbers. Alexis called Ryan, but immediately got his voicemail. She tried again with the same result.


And Again.

No answer.

“Oh, thank God!” Mary cried out, tears poured down her cheeks. “Shane. Are you okay?”

Alexis dialed Ryan again, her legs bouncing at their highest speed. She had one ear turned to Mary, waiting to hear any news.

“Oh, Jesus,” she breathed, covering her mouth, as she made eye contact with Alexis. There was his voicemail again. “Are they sure?” A long pause ensued and Mary nodded her head. “Yeah, I’m with her right now.” Another pause, the expression on Mary’s face had darkened. “I’ll tell her.”

“Tell me what?” Alexis demanded.

Mary whispered a sweet goodbye to Shane and disconnected her call. “Lexi.” Her bottom lip quivered. “I’m sorry.” She rubbed her hand across her chin, her head shaking in slow motion.

Alexis slid out of her seat, falling to her knees. “No! Oh, God! No!” Pure terror ripped through her. The world stopped. Her whole body shook with fear. She couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be happening. Not when they were so happy.

Mary tossed her phone aside, tumbling out of her chair to reach Alexis. She pulled Alexis into her arms, cradling her. “Shane says he spoke with the airline. They’re not sure what happened yet, but rescuers are on sight.”

A deep sob ripped out of Alexis’ chest. Mary pulled her up from the floor, back onto the couch. She held Alexis tight, allowing her a moment to collect herself. “The needs us,” Alexis stammered.

“Are you able─?”

Alexis stood up, rubbing her hands down her thighs. “I c-can,” she exhaled, “I have to…” Alexis shook her head as if to fight off some sort of mental disorientation. “If he’s there, I have to find him.”

Mary bounced off the sofa. “Go change. I’ll drive.”

Alexis pulled her into a quick hug, then ran up to her bedroom, where she changed into her scrubs. She didn’t care what she looked like. There was only one thing on her mind─Ryan. She had to get to him, no matter the cost.



In Mary’s coupe, the engine revved as they sped down the freeway. Alexis forced herself to breathe, as she took in deep, slow breaths before she exhaled just as slow. Her body felt cool and clammy, yet sweaty at the same time. Off in the distance, she could see the billows of smoke filling the sky.

In her pocket, she felt her phone vibrate. She ripped it out, a smidge of hope bubbling inside her that it was Ryan calling her to tell her he was safe. That bubble was crushed when she discovered it was Declan calling her.

“I’m already on my way to the hospital,” he parried.

“Deck, please, tell me this is a dream.” Mary reached across the center console, squeezing Alexis by the knee. Alexis took her friend’s hand, clutching it just as tight.

“I wish I could, but I got confirmation. Ryan was on that flight.”

“I know. I’m with Mary. Shane already told us. What the hell happened?” she cried.

“All we know from the tower is that they lost altitude. They believe it was engine trouble.”

“This can’t be happening.”

“Are you okay?” Declan asked; his timbre soft but concerned.

The whirl of the engine screamed as Mary weaved in and out of traffic. The closer they got to the hospital, the clearer the fire and smoke became. People pulled over to the side of the road, staring at the clouds of gray smoke and the steady stream of flames licking the mid-evening skyline. “No, I’m not. I won’t be okay until I know Ryan’s all right. I can’t lose him again. Not like this...”

“I know, Doc. I know. It’s going to be okay. Ryan’s the best pilot I know. He’s going to be all right. He has to be,” his voice came out in a desperate whisper. Alexis wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince her or himself. His words should have been encouraging, but to Alexis they felt empty and meaningless.

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