Compelled (The Secrets of Dragons Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Compelled (The Secrets of Dragons Book 1)
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“I guess it happens. The good with the bad and all—so you never told us your last name.”


“What nationality is that?” asked Alex.

“I don’t know. My grandmother said our ancestors came from Wales, but Arius is most commonly Spanish or Columbian. I find it more likely I’m a mutt.”

They both laughed. “I’m actually Italian,” said Alex “Where the light hair came from I have no clue. Eric is Swedish and he has dark hair.”

They had changed the subject, taking her from the depths of oncoming depression to a smile in a few sentences. That had never happened to her before and to know they could alter her emotions was really nice.

Alex stood. “I guess if we’re staying I need to put the bike away or do you have room in the garage for it?”

“I suppose if I pull my bike forward you could get it in.”

“Then let’s do it. I wanna get up early and go for breakfast.”

Lou rose and grabbed her keys. She walked out through the side door into the garage, hit the button to open the outer door, and then moved the trashcan so she could pull her bike forward. It took her only a few moments to move things around, and Alex drove in on an angle so his would fit. Together they walked back into the house. Eric was in the living room looking at the pictures on the walls. “These pictures are amazing. Some of them look ancient.”

“They are. My grandmother told me who each person was and what relation they were to the family. She loved her photographs.” It was odd. She could speak of her grandmother without a tear, but the mention of Neon had made her cry.

“Which one is your grandmother?”

Lou walked around the half wall that separated the kitchen from the living room. “This is the earliest one of her, she was around two. Then if you follow the pictures to the right she is in almost all of them until the last one, which was taken about a year before she died.”

Eric followed the photos, looking at each one. Alex stood behind her, moving only with his gaze. “Eric needs glasses for close up, but refuses to wear them,” whispered Alex in her ear. “He says they make him look nerdy.”

“I have cheater glasses if that helps. I use them mainly for computer work, but they do magnify things.”

Eric turned with puckered lips. “I can see them okay.”

Alex chuckled and walked past her to go stand before Eric. He leaned forward and kissed his nose. “I wasn’t picking on you, sweets. I was just explaining why you were so close.”

“I know,” Eric replied moodily. “I hate getting old.”

“Don’t we all, but aging is a part of life. Are we ready to pack this up, ladies?”

Eric rolled his eyes dramatically. “I’m not a drag queen.”

“Okay, lady and man with puppy dog eyes.”

That made Eric giggle. He took a step forward, putting himself chest to chest with Alex. Alex slid his hand into Eric’s hair and gave him a very hot-looking kiss. The man was a great kisser. They both were.

Should she get involved or remain as a bystander? This was too new of a relationship to know exactly where she stood with them. Alex broke from Eric and held up his hand, making a
come here
gesture with his cocked finger. She walked over and stood before him. “Take another step,” instructed Alex.

She did. He frowned. “Another one, so you’re against my chest, that’s an unspoken request for a kiss and I will almost always honor it.”

Good to know. Lou took a wide step so she was against him. She already figured Alex was a dom, but this was putting the icing on the cake. He laid his palms to her cheeks, tilting her head upward to kiss her. She was tall, but he was taller by probably five or six inches. His lips pressed heavily against her, his tongue drifting over her mouth. She parted her lips for him, inviting his tongue and the heavenly caress it would provide. His embrace sent zingers of sensation from her lips outward, warming her as the sun often did. There was a scent she hadn’t noticed before, earthy, sweet and musky. She inhaled deeply, overwhelmed by his presence, his fingers massaging her cheeks, controlling her.

Lou had no intention of fucking them, but the urge to do so was strong and growing by the second. Alex released her. “Do you want one or both of us to sleep in your room or do you want us to stay out here?”

Her bottom lip drooped as she looked at him with lidded eyes. What she wanted and what was rational were two different things. “Um… Uh…” the words would not form on her lips. “What’s that smell on you?”

He chuckled. “Nothing special.”

“It’s amazing.” Lou wanted to lean into him and sniff him, but the odor was fading. She was disappointed, and in considering the question, it was horribly rude. “I don’t want you to take this wrong, but would you sleep with me? I would love to feel your arms around me.”

Eric stepped closer, a pout on his lips. “What about me?”

“I’m not sure if we’re going to fit in the bed, but I’d love to try.”

“If we won’t fit here, we can go to our RV. We have a custom order, king-size, extra-long bed.”

The mattress was unusual for a motorhome; most came with short queens. “Okay.” Would it be safe to go to their RV? Was it any more dangerous than asking them to spend the night, sleep with her and not try anything? Damn, she was turned on.

Chapter Three


She opened the garage and Alex backed the bike out. Lou had to go back through the front door to turn on the alarm and she did so swiftly. She had taken care of the necessary before-bedtime routines and was dressed in loose shorts and an oversized tank top. As she wandered outside, she considered what she was doing. Lou didn’t want to feel as if she were leading them on, she really wasn’t. Sex was something she really enjoyed, but to make love with them on the first date was too trailer trashy for her liking. Sleeping with them was different, or she wanted to think it was.

Would the two men honor their promise not to try anything? What would she do about it if they didn’t? They were obviously stronger than her, and she couldn’t fight them off. She so needed to sleep. To lie safely in their arms protected from the evils of the darkness seemed blissful. She would take her chances and hope they turned out to be honorable men. Otherwise, she would kick herself in the ass for being so stupid and go back to her lonely house. Those were the only two options unless she backed out completely.

Alex was waiting outside on the bike and either she or Eric was going to have to walk. As she strode over, Alex slid back and patted the gas tank with his palm. “Hop on.”

“You want me to sit in front of you?”

“It’s better than walking.”

She wasn’t too sure about this set up. It was unsafe to say the least and meant Alex had to balance all three of them. He patted the tank with a purse of his lips to display his impatience and she lifted her leg and slid in front of him. The bike shook as Eric got in behind Alex, and she knew they were both out of their minds. Alex pulled her back hard into his chest. “Put your feet up on the top of the roll bars.” This wasn’t safe. He started the bike and pulled out into the street. There was nothing to hold onto. Lou grasped his pant legs, trying not to move as he maneuvered down the road toward their RV. The speed limit was ten miles an hour, but it seemed he was going faster. She wanted him to slow down or better still stop and let her get off. Lou tried to think of something else to calm herself down. It really wasn’t all that far to their RV, and they should be there in a minute.

What her mind latched onto was the swell of his cock pressed into the cheek of her ass. It gave her the impression the man was well endowed, and she wanted to see if the sensation was right. Could she ask to see is dick and then say she didn’t want sex? Probably not.


Their motorhome was far larger than she thought from the outside. It had a nicely arranged kitchen area with a coffee maker on the counter. The two captain chairs had been turned to face a small table that was probably removable for travel. The sofa was large and spacious, facing a drop-down television, hung over the door. It had a normal size refrigerator, which was rare, and even an oven. “This is nice.”

“We agree. Of course we made sure everything was to our specifications when we bought it. The bedroom is oversized because of the bed, and the bay in the back was designed for us. It sleeps four and that’s all we needed.”

There was a drop-down bed over the dashboard to sleep two more people. It looked like it would be a cozy little space.

“I guess I’ll show you the bedroom while Eric gets ready for bed. Then he can keep you comfy while I do.”

She smiled and slipped off her sandals. It was discovery time, and she could only hope they would honor their promise. Alex led her to the back of the unit and held out his hand to display the bedroom. The bed was off to one side with only a thin walkway between it and the wall. The space on the opposite side was much larger and there was a glass door that probably led out to the hauler section. There was also quite a bit of storage space. The bedroom was impressive and she was nervous as hell. What was she doing? “This is big,” she said, half thinking of the bedroom and half of his cock. It had felt huge.

“So am I.”

He did have a point, but she had a feeling he was talking about his overall body size. He patted the bed and she hopped onto it, trying to appear less intimidated than she was. Lou sprawled back on the black and orange motorcycle throw. The mattress was thick and quite comfy, and she snuggled into the surface, moaning softly.

Alex grinned. “I guess you like our bed?”

“I do. Is this memory foam?”

“Exactly. If there’s one thing I never skimp on, it’s my bed. It’s one of my favorite places to be.”

Alex wiggled his brow suggestively.

This was going to be an interesting night. “You’re aware I usually don’t have sex on a first date.”

“I wasn’t
I also have a problem with the concept a girl who sleeps with a guy on the first date is a whore. That’s bullshit. Chemistry either exists or it doesn’t, and life is too short not to enjoy every moment of it.” With raised eyebrows to accent his comment, he hesitated. “That said, we’ll both respect your wishes on the subject of sex. Once you say yes, sex is by my rules, but neither of us will try to force you into anything. Of course that leaves it up to you to say when and where.”

That was food for thought. Making crucial decisions was never her strong point. That wasn’t completely true. It was only a weak point if other people were involved. If it was something she was strictly doing for herself, then there was no problem. Now she had a definite problem. She had not wanted to have sex with them tonight. She had been dead tired, but somehow she was now wide awake. If she were to make an honest call on Alex’s terms, she would be fucking them in about ten minutes. The chemistry was certainly there on her part. If anything, they were overly arousing to be around, if that was possible. “What do you mean sex is by your rules?”

“I’m open for suggestions and of course will listen to concerns, but I’m a dom and I like things the way I like them. Do you like oral sex?”

An unexpected grin burst onto her face. She loved oral sex and had a feeling he was good at it. “Yes.”

“Good, then if I want to suck on your cunt, you will let me, and you will scream with pleasure. How about anal?”

Her entire body swelled with heat just from the way he spoke and the sound of his unbelievably sexy voice. “I’ve been known to partake.” Holy shit, she was breathing heavily and he hadn’t even touched her. What was she doing? Lou had been worried they might attack her and now she wanted them to.

“Did you enjoy having your tight little ass reamed by the stroke of a hard cock?”

“With the right cock and the proper amount of preparation I did.” There was no sense in lying to them. She had enjoyed it when it was done correctly. Presumably, if he was with Eric, then he was well aware of how anal sex was supposed to be done.

“Then plan to enjoy it again. How about dual sex with one in your snug asshole and one in your creamy pink pussy?”

He had no idea just how creamy it was; she was burning up inside. “I have, and I enjoyed it most of the time.”

“When didn’t you enjoy it?”

“When things were rushed or the men were too overzealous. There is a thin line between a delicious pounding and causing me pain inside.”

“Understandable. You
let me know if either of us ever cross that line.”

The sentiment was sweet, but the ferocity of his voice was stunning. Was it simply his commanding side, or was he angry? There was no reason for anger. “I will.”

“Good. I’ll ask you about other things as they come to mind. How do you feel about bondage and such?”

“I’m not sure. Never been tied up,
and such
leaves a lot to the imagination,” she replied with a grin. There was so much interesting information on the Internet, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to admit watching porn.

He smiled back. “We can discuss the as such another night.”

Eric strolled out of the bathroom and frowned at her. “Get up and let me turn down the blankets. I’m not sleeping on top and we don’t sleep with the throw on the bed.”

Lou instantly got to her feet, helping him to turn down the bed. She was setting herself up as Eric’s equal, giving Alex full domain as the dominant member of the threesome. Was that what she wanted? Did her actions make her lower in status in Alex’s eyes? She wasn’t really sure of the logistics of how this worked. Alex strolled into the bathroom and Eric gestured to the bed with is open palm. “Slide in, sweetie.”

She did so and Eric got in beside her. “So what’s the consensus? Are we just cuddling or doing more?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“Alex can be gruff about indecision. What does your heart and body tell you?”

“Can I ask you a question first?”


“How does this whole dom and submissive shit work?”

Eric chuckled. “Wow, that’s complicated answer. Your exact role is something that would be worked out with time. Can you narrow it down some?”

“I don’t know, you seem to do all the housework and wait on Alex, what does he do for you?”

“I do the housework because I want it done my way. I wait on him because it makes me feel good to do things for him. He doesn’t force me and often helps me. He gives me emotional support and in many ways we are equals. He’s physically stronger than me and protects me if the situation warrants it. As far as sexually, I’m not particularly aggressive so he takes the reins in bed. I’m flexible to his whims, and he knows how to push my buttons so sex is spectacular. Basically he makes me happy and I make him happy. As far as the titles of dom and submissive, I think that’s up to each individual couple to work out between themselves. Any relationship is a learning experience for both people. Two rules to remember: A good sub is never argumentative, and a good dom is never unreasonable. Never hesitate to initiate a discussion if something is bothering you, but don’t be belligerent or nasty about it. Also don’t wait until you are stressed out to shit to mention something. That never ends well.”

Lou couldn’t help but smile at the comment. It made sense.

Alex wandered back in dressed only in a pair of fitted cotton briefs. The man had an impressive body and a bunch of tattoos she hadn’t seen before. His upper chest was covered with a large dragon mural created with vibrant colors and flames. She was awed. “I love your tattoo.”

“Thank you. I love compliments.” Alex slid into bed on her opposite side, rolling over to gaze at her. “So have you come to a conclusion of what happens tonight?”

Per Eric’s warning she thought quickly and did the unthinkable, she followed the urges of her flesh. “I’m really kind of tired.” Which she honestly wasn’t anymore. “But I would love to have sex with one or both of you.” The words were out and it was said. Now the ball was in his court.

“One or both of us would love to have sex with you, but I don’t think tonight is the best time. You have the look of weariness, and the first time should be extraordinary, not shadowed with exhaustion. Tonight, you cuddle between us and sleep. Tomorrow, we will see to other things.”

He had made the call and she was disappointed, but also had to agree with him. No matter how turned on she was, her muscles ached with lack of sleep. In a way she was glad he had said no, she certainly didn’t have the strength of character to do so. What the hell was she thinking?

Leaning toward her, he stroked her cheek. Her eyes fluttered close with the intensity of the caress and when his lips touched hers, she was eager to return the kiss. His tongue was like a butterfly in her mouth, drifting with the softest of the motions while completely captivating her. It was short lived as he drew back and Eric turned her head. Again the kiss was delicious. They both used the same strong peppermint-flavored toothpaste, and she had a feeling it would sizzle on her clit if they licked it. It was a thought that did nothing to quell her desires, but the law had been laid, and she would hopefully be able to ignore her body long enough to enjoy the bliss of nothingness.


Eric had gotten up to whip up a batch of his outstanding pancakes, but Alex was simply watching Lou sleep.

She looked so peaceful curled up on her side with her left hand on her right shoulder. Lou hadn’t moved much during the night or he would have felt it. He tended to be a light sleeper, but usually slept through the night if he wasn’t disturbed. Eric was always thoughtful to rise quietly if he did get up, and the mattress didn’t relay the movement of others in the bed.

Lou grumbled and he focused back on her face. Eric had lifted her hair up so it was a brown swirl over the top of the pillow and it was still there, although her arm had been around him when she had gone to sleep. Eric had slept against her back, and the change of flesh had felt good against his skin. Eric was soft, but not as soft as Lou.

He couldn’t help but wonder where the future might take them. Did they have a future? He could see them staying together, but there were so many variables to any new relationship. It was far too early to tell. Sex could also wait, and despite what she had said, he didn’t think she was ready. He had felt the tension in her hesitation despite her words. They needed to spend more time together and quelling their desires for her until things between them were more stable. It might take a day or a week or longer, but it would happen, and he would not give into her until then.

Would she protest on some grand illusion she was sexually liberated? Probably and that would make it all the more fun. Alex had turned the ball over to her, and she had bounced it back into his court. Rather than hit it back, he had captured it and was now in a position to stand and hold it until he was damn good and ready to play.

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