Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated) (628 page)

BOOK: Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated)
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‘“Now what’ll happen to my road if they don’t let me lie quiet in my grave?” he says. “Does your Aunt mean there’s two roads to be found and kept open — or what does she mean? I don’t like that talk about t’other road. D’you believe in your iron ships, Sim?”
‘He knowed I did, so I only nodded, and he nodded back again. ‘“Anybody but me ‘ud call you a fool, Sim,” he says. “Lie down. Here comes the Pope’s Blessing!”
‘The Spanisher gave us his broadside as he went about. They all fell short except one that smack-smooth hit the rail behind my back, an’ I felt most won’erful cold.
‘“Be you hit anywhere to signify?” he says. “Come over to me.”
‘“O Lord, Mus’ Drake,” I says, “my legs won’t move,” and that was the last I spoke for months.’
‘Why? What had happened?’ cried Dan and Una together.
‘The rail had jarred me in here like.’ Simon reached behind him clumsily. ‘From my shoulders down I didn’t act no shape. Frankie carried me piggyback to my Aunt’s house, and I lay bed-rid and tongue-tied while she rubbed me day and night, month in and month out. She had faith in rubbing with the hands. P’raps she put some of her gifts into it, too. Last of all, something loosed itself in my pore back, and lo! I was whole restored again, but kitten-feeble.
‘“Where’s Frankie?” I says, thinking I’d been a longish while abed.
‘“Down-wind amongst the Dons — months ago,” says my Aunt.
‘“When can I go after ‘en?” I says.
‘“Your duty’s to your town and trade now,” says she. “Your Uncle he died last Michaelmas and he’ve left you and me the yard. So no more iron ships, mind ye.”
‘“What?” I says. “And you the only one that beleft in ‘em!”
‘“Maybe I do still,” she says, “but I’m a woman before I’m a Whitgift, and wooden ships is what England needs us to build. I lay on ye to do so.”
‘That’s why I’ve never teched iron since that day — not to build a toy ship of. I’ve never even drawed a draft of one for my pleasure of evenings.’ Simon smiled down on them all. ‘Whitgift blood is terrible resolute — on the she-side,’said Puck.
‘Didn’t You ever see Sir Francis Drake again?’Dan asked.
‘With one thing and another, and my being made a burgess of Rye, I never clapped eyes on him for the next twenty years. Oh, I had the news of his mighty doings the world over. They was the very same bold, cunning shifts and passes he’d worked with beforetimes off they Dutch sands, but, naturally, folk took more note of them. When Queen Bess made him knight, he sent my Aunt a dried orange stuffed with spiceries to smell to. She cried outrageous on it. She blamed herself for her foretellings, having set him on his won’erful road; but I reckon he’d ha’ gone that way all withstanding. Curious how close she foretelled it! The world in his hand like an apple, an’ he burying his best friend, Mus’ Doughty — ’
‘Never mind for Mus’ Doughty,’ Puck interrupted. ‘Tell us where you met Sir Francis next.’
‘Oh, ha! That was the year I was made a burgess of Rye — the same year which King Philip sent his ships to take England without Frankie’s leave.’
‘The Armada!’ said Dan contentedly. ‘I was hoping that would come.’
‘I knowed Frankie would never let ‘em smell London smoke, but plenty good men in Rye was two-three minded about the upshot. ‘Twas the noise of the gun-fire tarrified us. The wind favoured it our way from off behind the Isle of Wight. It made a mutter like, which growed and growed, and by the end of a week women was shruckin’ in the streets. Then they come slidderin’ past Fairlight in a great smoky pat vambrished with red gun-fire, and our ships flyin’ forth and duckin’ in again. The smoke-pat sliddered over to the French shore, so I knowed Frankie was edgin’ the Spanishers toward they Dutch sands where he was master. I says to my Aunt, “The smoke’s thinnin’ out. I lay Frankie’s just about scrapin’ his hold for a few last rounds shot. ‘Tis time for me to go.”
‘“Never in them clothes,” she says. “Do on the doublet I bought you to be made burgess in, and don’t you shame this day.”
‘So I mucked it on, and my chain, and my stiffed Dutch breeches and all.
‘“I be comin’, too,” she says from her chamber, and forth she come pavisandin’ like a peacock — stuff, ruff, stomacher and all. She was a notable woman.’
‘But how did you go? You haven’t told us,’ said Una.
‘In my own ship — but half-share was my Aunt’s. In the ANTONY OF RYE, to be sure; and not empty-handed. I’d been loadin’ her for three days with the pick of our yard. We was ballasted on cannon-shot of all three sizes; and iron rods and straps for his carpenters; and a nice passel of clean three-inch oak planking and hide breech-ropes for his cannon, and gubs of good oakum, and bolts o’ canvas, and all the sound rope in the yard. What else could I ha’ done? I knowed what he’d need most after a week’s such work. I’m a shipbuilder, little maid.
‘We’d a fair slant o’ wind off Dungeness, and we crept on till it fell light airs and puffed out. The Spanishers was all in a huddle over by Calais, and our ships was strawed about mending ‘emselves like dogs lickin’ bites. Now and then a Spanisher would fire from a low port, and the ball ‘ud troll across the flat swells, but both sides was finished fightin’ for that tide.
‘The first ship we foreslowed on, her breastworks was crushed in, an’ men was shorin’ ‘em up. She said nothing. The next was a black pinnace, his pumps clackin’ middling quick, and he said nothing. But the third, mending shot-holes, he spoke out plenty. I asked him where Mus’ Drake might be, and a shiny-suited man on the poop looked down into us, and saw what we carried.
‘“Lay alongside you!” he says. “We’ll take that all.”
‘“‘Tis for Mus’ Drake,” I says, keeping away lest his size should lee the wind out of my sails.
‘“Hi! Ho! Hither! We’re Lord High Admiral of England! Come alongside, or we’ll hang ye,” he says.
‘‘Twas none of my affairs who he was if he wasn’t Frankie, and while he talked so hot I slipped behind a green-painted ship with her top-sides splintered. We was all in the middest of ‘em then.
‘“Hi! Hoi!” the green ship says. “Come alongside, honest man, and I’ll buy your load. I’m Fenner that fought the seven Portugals — clean out of shot or bullets. Frankie knows me.”
‘“Ay, but I don’t,” I says, and I slacked nothing.
‘He was a masterpiece. Seein’ I was for goin’ on, he hails a Bridport hoy beyond us and shouts, “George! Oh, George! Wing that duck. He’s fat!” An’ true as we’re all here, that squatty Bridport boat rounds to acrost our bows, intendin’ to stop us by means o’ shooting.
‘My Aunt looks over our rail. “George,” she says, “you finish with your enemies afore you begin on your friends.”
‘Him that was laying the liddle swivel-gun at us sweeps off his hat an’ calls her Queen Bess, and asks if she was selling liquor to pore dry sailors. My Aunt answered him quite a piece. She was a notable woman.
‘Then he come up — his long pennant trailing overside — his waistcloths and netting tore all to pieces where the Spanishers had grappled, and his sides black-smeared with their gun-blasts like candle-smoke in a bottle. We hooked on to a lower port and hung.
‘“Oh, Mus’ Drake! Mus’ Drake!” I calls up.
‘He stood on the great anchor cathead, his shirt open to the middle, and his face shining like the sun.
‘“Why, Sim!” he says. Just like that — after twenty year! “Sim,” he says, “what brings you?”
‘“Pudden,” I says, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
‘“You told me to bring cannon-shot next time, an’ I’ve brought ‘em.”
‘He saw we had. He ripped out a fathom and a half o’ brimstone Spanish, and he swung down on our rail, and he kissed me before all his fine young captains. His men was swarming out of the lower ports ready to unload us. When he saw how I’d considered all his likely wants, he kissed me again.
‘“Here’s a friend that sticketh closer than a brother!” he says. “Mistress,” he says to my Aunt, “all you foretold on me was true. I’ve opened that road from the East to the West, and I’ve buried my heart beside it.”
‘“I know,” she says. “That’s why I be come.”
‘“But ye never foretold this”; he points to both they great fleets.
‘“This don’t seem to me to make much odds compared to what happens to a man,” she says. “Do it?”
‘“Certain sure a man forgets to remember when he’s proper mucked up with work. Sim,” he says to me, “we must shift every living Spanisher round Dunkirk corner on to our Dutch sands before morning. The wind’ll come out of the North after this calm — same as it used — and then they’re our meat.”
‘“Amen,” says I. “I’ve brought you what I could scutchel up of odds and ends. Be you hit anywhere to signify?”
‘“Oh, our folk’ll attend to all that when we’ve time,” he says. He turns to talk to my Aunt, while his men flew the stuff out of our hold. I think I saw old Moon amongst ‘em, but he was too busy to more than nod like. Yet the Spanishers was going to prayers with their bells and candles before we’d cleaned out the ANTONY. Twenty-two ton o’ useful stuff I’d fetched him. ‘“Now, Sim,” says my Aunt, “no more devouring of Mus’ Drake’s time. He’s sending us home in the Bridport hoy. I want to speak to them young springalds again.”
‘“But here’s our ship all ready and swept,” I says.
‘“Swep’ an’ garnished,” says Frankie. “I’m going to fill her with devils in the likeness o’ pitch and sulphur. We must shift the Dons round Dunkirk corner, and if shot can’t do it, we’ll send down fireships.”
‘“I’ve given him my share of the ANTONY,” says my Aunt. “What do you reckon to do about yours?”
‘“She offered it,” said Frankie, laughing.
‘“She wouldn’t have if I’d overheard her,” I says; “because I’d have offered my share first.” Then I told him how the ANTONY’s sails was best trimmed to drive before the wind, and seeing he was full of occupations we went acrost to that Bridport hoy, and left him.
‘But Frankie was gentle-born, d’ye see, and that sort they never overlook any folks’ dues.
‘When the hoy passed under his stern, he stood bare-headed on the poop same as if my Aunt had been his Queen, and his musicianers played “Mary Ambree” on their silver trumpets quite a long while. Heart alive, little maid! I never meaned to make you look sorrowful!
‘Bunny Lewknor in his sackcloth petticoats burst through the birch scrub wiping his forehead.
‘We’ve got the stick to rights now! She’ve been a whole hatful o’ trouble. You come an’ ride her home, Mus’ Dan and Miss Una!’
‘They found the proud wood-gang at the foot of the slope, with the log double-chained on the tug.
‘Cattiwow, what are you going to do with it?’said Dan, as they straddled the thin part.
‘She’s going down to Rye to make a keel for a Lowestoft fishin’-boat, I’ve heard. Hold tight!’
‘Cattiwow cracked his whip, and the great log dipped and tilted, and leaned and dipped again, exactly like a stately ship upon the high seas.



Frankie’s Trade
     Old Horn to All Atlantic said:
       (A-hay O!  To me O!)
     ‘Now where did Frankie learn his trade?
     For he ran me down with a three-reef mains’le.’
     (All round the Horn!)


     Atlantic answered: ‘Not from me!
     You’d better ask the cold North Sea,
     For he ran me down under all plain canvas.’
     (All round the Horn!)


     The North Sea answered: ‘He’s my man,
     For he came to me when he began —
     Frankie Drake in an open coaster.
     (All round the Sands!)


     ‘I caught him young and I used him sore,
     So you never shall startle Frankie more,
     Without capsizing Earth and her waters.
     (All round the Sands!)


     ‘I did not favour him at all,
     I made him pull and I made him haul —
     And stand his trick with the common sailors.
     (All round the Sands!)


     ‘I froze him stiff and I fogged him blind,
     And kicked him home with his road to find
     By what he could see of a three-day snow-storm.
     (All round the Sands!)


     ‘I learned him his trade o’ winter nights,
     ‘Twixt Mardyk Fort and Dunkirk lights
     On a five-knot tide with the forts a-firing.
     (All round the Sands!)


     ‘Before his beard began to shoot,
     I showed him the length of the Spaniard’s foot —
     And I reckon he clapped the boot on it later.

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