Complicated Ties (The Ties Trilogy (A Contemporary Erotic Romance Novel))

BOOK: Complicated Ties (The Ties Trilogy (A Contemporary Erotic Romance Novel))
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Complicated Ties

By J

Text Copyright©2013

All Rights Reserved

To my husband and family who have supported me in putting pen to paper, the result is what you are about to read.

Chapter One


I had just turned 26, and had studied Veterinarian sciences at the School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of California where I  qualified as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, a long three years had made it worthwhile. I had made sound investments in property and had a portfolio worth $400,000. My mother who had raised me was an angel to me had always had been there for me as I was there for her, whenever she needed my help. In my early childhood, my parents had divorced, which affected me. I was expelled from two schools and had been sent to several psychologists who determined that I had social, cognitive and developmental problems which were soon addressed.

Later on in life I learned to cope with those feelings of abandonment, which made me become that much closer to my mother. I still kept in touch with my father who had been a role model in my early childhood, a man with soft gentle eyes, brown swept back hair and had always worked hard to provide for us all.

Even from an early age, I had dreams of being a Vet, and running my own practice. By the time I was 18 I had bought land from money from my father who had inherited from his grandparents. He told me one winter afternoon while we were on vacation in Miami, standing on the veranda overlooking South Beach watching people walk by on roller blades with their over pampered pooches. He looked at me with one of his serious faces,

“I want you to have it...I'll only spend it on something useless”,“Really Dad?....” I replied looking at him with a grin. A glint appeared in his eye knowing that he was almost making my dreams a reality.“Yes Maddie, take the money and make me proud” he replied holding my hand tightly. Six months later Dad moved to Auckland, New Zealand to take up early retirement.


Eight years later, my converted barn stood amongst twenty two acres of woodland and farmland and I had plans to build my own practice instead of working for someone else. I had started to work part time as a paraveterinary worker at the Eden Hill Veterinarian Center in San Jose when I was 20 along with my best friend Lisha Flowers, we met at Mount Pleasant Elementary School where we became instant friends, when I got her out of a sticky situation involving Billy Myers, who was a lot bigger than her. Billy had cornered her by the Jungle gym demanding that he wanted her lunch money, with a swift left hook I managed to flatten him and take out two of his front teeth. I remember clearly sitting outside the principals office when Lisha came in and gave me a Tootsie Roll.

“Here, thanks for making Billy pay big time”, the smile on her face revealing a missing tooth.

“It’s cool, I’m Maddie White”

“Lisha Flowers, 9 and a half, in Mrs Brown’s class” her reply came as she handed me another piece of candy.

“Well.. I’m 8 and in Mr Dooley’s class”, my reply came as I chewed on the Tootsie roll its sticky consistency, making my teeth stick together , in between chewing on various candy bars. The principle came out of his office and called me in, Mr Rodriquez was a short man with the bluest eyes I have ever seen, I sat down in the oversized chair as he began to look at my school record,

“Miss Maddie White, Mr Dooley’s most problematic student.. Any reason why Billy Myers is now sitting in the nurse's office with his two front teeth missing?”, his question completely being obvious.

“Cause he wanted Lishas’ lunch money and that doesn’t fly with me sir”, I replied looking straight at him

“Doesn’t fly with you?”,

“Yes Sir, bullies like Billy deserve what they get, they get away with picking on smaller kids and none of your teachers understand”, my reply didn’t go down well with him.

“But that’s not excusable, if one our students is being bullied, we should be notified immediately”,

“Yeah but now he won’t mess with Lisha because he knows he’ll be missing some more teeth next time..”, I giggled at the thought of Billy missing more teeth.

“Miss White, I had no choice but to notify your parents and suspend you from classes for a week, your’e lucky were not permanently suspending you”,

“It’s ok sir, I didn’t like it anyway...”, I stood up and left his office with a grin on my face, Lisha waved at me as I headed back to class.

As I entered the Mr Dooleys class, my classmates let out a whoop and cheered at me, Mr Dooley’s face turned a nasty shade of red.

“QUIET!”, he shouted as his comb over decided to unfurl it’s self from the baldness it was attempting to hide.

“Miss White would you take your seat, we see that your fans are pleased you are back”,

“Yes Mr Dooley,” I took my seat next to Bonnie Coogan as she gave me a smile.

“You get suspended again Maddie?”, she asked as Mr Dooley resumed his lesson.

“Yeah Bonnie, Don’t care anyway...Billy got what he deserved”, Bonnie laughed at this and Mr Dooley’s shade of red deepened.

“Bonnie Coogan, SHHHHH!, would you like to teach this English class?.. No? Didn’t think so!!”, he once again started to write on the chalkboard.

“He’s a creep...Mr Baldylocks”, I laughed at Bonnie’s comment as the school bell rang indicating it was recess.

Lisha was playing on the swings as I headed towards her , we spent that afternoon talking about how boys smelt and what we liked on T.V, moving back and forth.


When we graduated from high school we both attended community college and both studied animal care, spending our summers in Catalina, and recalling one summer where we both ended up at Connor Wright’s party with half of Mission College’s alumni on the lawn playing drinking games.

“Fucking awesome party Connor”, someone shouted from his pool.

“Right on dude...where the bitches at?”, someone else shouted.

Lisha pulled me aside as she spotted a guy who kept looking at her,

“That guy...keeps looking at me...should I give him the opportunity to have his wicked way with me?”,

“You mean have meaningless sex with some guy you’ll never see again?”, I knew my answer would go down well with her.

“Yeah completely meaningless sex, where I can completely lose myself in the moment and then consume copious amounts of alcohol and the throw up all over Connor’s front porch”,

“I’ll get the drinks then”, I laughed as I left Lisha to chat with the guy who I found was called Tommy.

When I had come back, Lisha had disappeared and I knew where she was, she was probably upstairs having some fun with Tommy. Forty five minutes later she emerged from the stairs, looking dishevelled and flush.

“Fuck...that was really good sex...”, as she grabbed the beer from my hand and took a gulp.

“Well go on then...tell me more”, I asked, regretting the question.

“His name is Tommy and let me tell you, I have never seen one quite so big, I had trouble fitting it all in”, I spat half my drink across the floor.

“He sure knew what to do with it, I  think I’ve lost the ability to sit down”, Lisha was cut short as Tommy came down the stairs and waved at her.

“I know I want to have him again, any man who can make me cum like that deserves a fucking medal”,

“Really...?”, I asked as someone dressed as Spiderman came up to us.

“Hey ladies you fancy spending time caught up in my ‘web’?, the question was cheesy but cute. Lisha had her fun now I wanted to spend time teasing this guy without giving it away.

“Come over here, and we’ll dance...” I told him, grabbing his hand. Lisha had moved across to Tommy and they were chatting in between kissing.

The music was loud and the room hot as ‘Spiderman’ was grinding himself against my pussy, I could feel his hard cock pressing against my jeans, sporadic kissing began as he pulled his mask above his mouth without revealing his secret identity.

Knowing that he wanted me and my denying him was making me wet, the music stopped and he looked at me from behind his mask.

“So you want to go upstairs?”, he asked his words slurred from the alcohol.

“Yeah sure ok...” I took his hand and led him towards the stairs and into a room that was dark.

I knelt before him and pulled down his spandex trousers, his cock popping out. The moonlight from the window revealed a small amount of precum on the top of his glans. I moved forwards and took the head into my mouth, teasing it gently, running my tongue across it. ‘Spiderman’ began to moan in ecstasy as I moved the rest of his cock into my mouth.

“Holy shit...that’s fucking hot”, as I looked into his eyes behind the mask, I could feel his cock grow hard as I pushed it to the back of my mouth and started to play with his balls, the warm feeling filling my hand. I pulled my head back and started to wank him into my mouth, I could feel his body start to tense as I got faster and faster,

“Fuck...I’m going to blow..”, his body arched back as he shot his load into my mouth, I could feel the sticky warm fluid run down the back of my throat, it’s sweet and salty flavor making my pussy wet.

I stood up and moved him towards the bed that was covered in coats, his cock still hard with it becoming more engorged with blood.

“I’m going to fuck you until your balls run dry Spiderman”, I looked at him and his eyes looked back with excitement.

With his cock in my hand I lowered myself onto it, feeling it pushing my labia open and filling my pussy, I began to move up and down with deliberate slowness, Spiderman began to moan as I pulled on his nipples. Moving my whole body forward so he could feel my supple breasts rub against his chest, I started to rub my clit against his cock, I could feel an orgasm creep up, the tingling sensation buried deep inside me.



Without any warning  he flipped me on my front and started to slam his cock from behind with him slapping my ass with vigor, it hurt but the overwhelming wave of pleasure mixed with pain was pushing me further towards cumming, his cock filling my pussy.

“Fuck...I want to make you cum hard..”, his voice trembling with pleasure.

“Well stop talking and do it then you dumb fuck!”, even though I had said that he continued to  get faster and faster.

My body began to shake as I could feel myself start to cum, my juices running down the sides of this guy’s hard cock, I knew he could tell I was on the precipice of an orgasm he began to fuck me harder,

“Oh fuck...fuck.... Fuck.... Fuck me hard NOW!”, I squirted across someones coat that lay beneath me and I felt his hot juices splatter the back of my pussy.

We both stood up and he kissed me, I moved slightly to the left as his lips connected with my cheek.

“That was fucking awesome...thanks”, he replaced his mask and left the room with me sitting on the bed.

Lisha was on the sofa with Tommy as I came down the stairs, the guy who was dressed as Spiderman was chatting to two girls on the lawn.

“Hello you...”, Lisha’s smile giving away that she knew what I had done.

“Hello yourself...I’m going to head back to the dorm to have a shower...I’ll catch you later”, I left Lisha to chat to Tommy as I headed across town back to college.


I often look back on those days, even though I never found out who the guy was dressed as Spiderman. It was college and sex then, was meaningless.


We always kept in touch, even when she went to another college remaining close friends and eventually came to work in the same place as me. Six years later as a fully qualified vet, Mr Van Beek who was the veterinarian in charge of a small practice that lay in East Hills had taken semi retirement due  to his age, and had put me in charge of a quiet practice. We only managed to get a few clients each week which was due to one of those walk in vets opening up across town, with its low prices had caused half our clients to jump ship.

Plans that would take me beyond East Hills and into my own successful practice had become my next goal and would take time and  a lot of patience.

Waking up on a cold July morning, I had an appointment with with Ace & Mortimer; the largest building contractor on the West Coast of the United States. It was fast approaching 2pm and I didn't want to be late, the SF Green cab dropped me outside a building that was constructed of steel and glass, it was well over 120 floors as I looked up and just made out the top of the building, which made me feel a little giddy, I could feel the rain pelt down onto my umbrella, which didn’t alter my happy mood. Walking  into a lobby that had a floor made of white alabaster marble, the  sheer size of it all overwhelmed me. There at the end of the lobby stood a black desk which extended the full length of the wall, sitting in a black leather chair a smartly dressed woman with the darkest red hair which was tied behind her head, she was reading a copy of Forbes, oblivious to my presence. My footsteps echoed around the room as I moved towards  her, she was wearing a gray pinstripe trouser suit with a name badge pinned above her left breast. Amanda Hugankis was typed in one of those fancy fonts you see on billboards dotted around town. I had to look twice just in case I was imagining her name and no I wasn't, reminding me of a Simpsons episode with Mo cursing and threatening to hunt Bart down for making him ask around his bar for an ‘A man to hug and kiss.’

She looked up at me and knew I had stifled a giggle about her obviously funny name.

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