Conan The Fearless (25 page)

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Authors: Steve Perry

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Conan The Fearless
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“So I recall you saying,” Conan said dryly.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Well,” Vitarius demanded, “are you going to tell me the tale or not?”

Conan grinned and related their adventures since last they had seen the old mage. Vitarius nodded and made appropriate noises as he listened. Occasionally, he interrupted with questions.

“But-what caused Sovartus’s robe to take fire?”

Conan pointed at Eldia.

“Odd. I had thought that the children would have been drained of all force by the creation of the Thing of Power.”

Eldia nodded. “So it was. I no longer felt the fire within me when Sovartus enspelled me. My fires were transported to the Thing. But when I awoke and saw Conan injured, I somehow knew I still had a single spark. So I sent my final flicker of heat into Sovartus’s robe.”

“And glad I am that she did,” Conan said. As he spoke he unwrapped the bundle of clothing he had retrieved from the dead lizard-man’s pack. While so doing, a shower of glittering green suddenly erupted from the breeks he unrolled.

“What is this?” Kinna said.

Conan laughed. “The emeralds! Lemparius must have put them there, thinking to retrieve them later! I purchased our supplies with but one of these beauties, and there must be fifty of them!”

“You are rich,” Kinna said.

Conan shook his head. “Nay, rather say we are rich. We shall share them equally, for we all certainly earned them.”

He apportioned the stones, and when he finished, each person had seven, with two to spare. These he gave to Kinna. “You’ll likely have more use for them than I,” he said. “You now have three new mouths to feed.”

“Yes,” she said, “I shall return to our land and build us a fine house; we won’t be poor. Will you go with us, Vitarius?”

The old man nodded. “Aye. A fire to warm my old bones and such good company will suit me well enough. And I might teach the children a few conjures, just for amusement, of course.”

Kinna turned to Conan. “And what of you, Conan? You would be most welcome in our house. And in my bed.”

Conan shook his head. “My path lies elsewhere, Kinna. I traveled the road to Nemedia when we met, and I would continue upon it.”

“I understand. You would not be a farmer or a landlord, I cannot see such for you. I shall remember you always.”

“As I shall you,” he said.

Conan watched the group ride away before he turned his own mount westward, toward Numalia. He had a new horse, courtesy of Sovartus of the Black Square, and emeralds worth twice the gold he had lost crossing into Corinthia. All in all, not a bad bargain, considering he was alive and whole to enjoy both.

He smiled, and rode off toward the setting sun.

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