Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (297 page)

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King of Norway from ad 1047 and known as Hardrari which can be translated as ‘hard ruler’. He invaded England in 1066 and was killed by King Harold Godwinson at Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire, the same year.
Harappa, India
A major city of the
civilization beside the River Ravi in the Punjab of west Pakistan. The site was first discovered in the 1820s by Sir Alexander Burnes and Charles Masson , but the importance of the site was not recognized until much later. The city is known to cover at least 100ha and spans a long period of occupation in five main phases from about 3200 bc through to 1500 bc. On the west side of the site is an imposing high area surrounded by brick walls, designated as the citadel by Sir Mortimer Wheeler , but in fact it is just one of a number of major structures, many of which were made from a distinctive style of ceramic brick. Residential accommodation occupies a larger zone to the east. Two cemeteries are known from the period 2500 bc to 1500 bc, mainly supine inhumations in wooden coffins.
[Rep.: G. L. Possehl (ed.), 1992,
Harappan civilization: a contemporary perspective
. New Delhi: Oxford and I. B. H. Publishing]
Hardaway points
Bifacially worked chipped stone projectile point with a triangular outline, a slightly hollow base, and a side notch towards the base on either side. Named after the construction company that used the site on which many examples were found by Joffre Coe in the 1950s, Hardaway points are thought to represent a stylistic variation within the larger
dating to the period
8500–7000 bc.
Harder Phase
Archaic Stage cultural grouping in the Snake River area of eastern Washington and the plateau region of North America dating to the period
500 bc to ad 1300. Villages of large pit-houses up to 6m across are known along the river valleys, and salmon fishing as well as the hunting of elk, deer, antelope, and mountain sheep provided the mainstays of the diet. Spears were used in the early Harder Phase, but later the bow and arrow was adopted. Small corner-notched points were used as arrow tips. Domestic dogs were kept.
hard-hammer flintworking
A method of flintworking where flakes are detached from a core using a stone tool. In general, hard-hammer-struck flakes are short and have a very marked bulb of percussion.
Egyptian god. See

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