Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (605 page)

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Facing of hard and solid material given to a body of softer or less stable material in order to retain and support it and prevent collapse: a revetment wall along the face of an earth bank, for example.
Rhenish ware
Pottery from Gaul and the Rhineland imported into Britain during the late 2nd century
and later. It has a thin red paste and a black metallic colour coat; some of the vessels are decorated with scrolls or sometimes words in fine white paint. The commonest form is an indented rouletted beaker. Close imitations appear to have been made in Britain in the Nene Valley.
Rhodian amphora
A deep jar-like vessel with a single handle, often made of precious materials and of elaborate form, common in the
, and Classical worlds. They were used for pouring liquid libations or offerings to the gods or spirits of the dead. Some examples have a hole at the lowest point which can be covered with a finger or hand until the appropriate moment in a ceremony; releasing the cover will allow the contents to flow out.
ribbon torc
Gold neck ornament current in the middle Bronze Age of northwestern Europe (1200–900 bc) comprising a circlet of twisted metal with simple hooks and balls at the terminals to fasten the ends together when worn.
The blunting of the cutting edges of a sword just below the hilt so that its user can grip the weapon without fear of being cut. Some swords have a notch (ricasso notch) below the hilt to prevent the blades of other swords running down onto the hilt.

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