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Authors: Gary Whitmore

Confession (32 page)

BOOK: Confession
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Sam got a room then found a restaurant and ate dinner.

Afterwards he went to his room.  While he relaxed he looked over all the inform
ation he gathered so far.  H
is cell phone rang.

“Hey Peter,” he answered.

“Hey Sam.  I just heard Bo Smithson was found shot in his car in a park in Jackson, Mississippi.  This park was also known as a place where guys go to meet with other guys in the dark,” Peter said.

Sam looked shocked.  “I spoke with him the other day at his house.  He offered to help me and didn’t show up that morning, so I left Jackson.”

“It appears to be a robbery since his wallet was missing,” Peter said.

“I learned that back in the sixties, Bo would pass on information
to the author’s brother, Billy Stein.  He would tell Billy what was going on with the October Slayer case.  Maybe Billy Stein found out I talked with Bo and killed him.  He did get a phone call from someone when I was at his house,” Sam said.

“If that’s the case, I want you to stop your investigation before someone else gets killed.  Like you.”

Sam thought about Peter’s suggestion for a few seconds. 

“I can’t Peter.  This guy needs to spend a few minutes in the electric chair and I’m going to make sure he gets his juice.”

“I know how stubborn you can be, so call me if you find some good evidence,” Peter replied then disconnected his end of the call.

Sam remembered another important phone call.   He quickly punched in the number.

“Hey baby, I’m in my hotel room in LA,” Sam said the instant Cindy answered his call.

“When’s your flight?” she asked from his cell phone.

“Seven in the morning, so I should be home around three tomorrow afternoon.”

“Kristen’s play starts at eight.”

“I’ll have plenty of time.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Cindy responded then disconne
cted her end of the call. 
Sam got an idea.  He got up off the bed then rushed out of his room.

Sam rushed down to the lobby where he used the hotel’s free computer.  He went to Yahoo and looked up an address.  He printed it out and rushed back to his room.


Meanwhile, back in Daytona Beach, it was quiet in Sam’s neighborhood.

shadowy figure crept into Sam’s backyard.  It was Billy.  He wore gloves and a black ski mask while he tried a couple of keys into the lock of the back door.  One of the keys unlocked the door.  

He went inside Sam’s house.


Billy entered Sam’s kitchen and found the trash.  He dumped the other keys into the trash.  He pocketed the key that unlocked the door. 

He left the kitchen and when down the hallway.

He entered Sam’s den and immediately walked up his computer desk.  He turned on Sam’s computer.  While the computer was booting up, Billy rummaged through the desk drawers.  He found the five case files for the October Slayer.  He set them on top of the desk and sat down.  He flipped through each folder and enjoyed the photos.  He put the folders back in the drawer.  

He walked out of Sam’s den and went into the garage.


In the garage, he searched and found some Duct tape.  He left the garage and went back inside Sam’s house.

Billy walked into Sam’s living room and went over to the couch.  He turned the couch over on its back.  He removed Bo’s wallet from his pants pocket.  He taped the wallet under the couch.  He removed the Glock from his pants pocket.  He taped it under the couch.  He placed the couch up right.

He walked out of the living room.

He walked into the den.  He headed straight to the computer. 

He started searching through Sam’s computer files.


Billy spent the next thirty minutes going through Allan’s computer.  He didn’t find anything beneficial, except for Sam’s flight information to Los Angeles.  “Who the hell did he see in Los Angeles?”

e opened up a White Pages website and typed in Bo’s name and Jackson, Mississippi.  Bo’s address appeared.  He
made a pdf copy of that search and placed it on the desktop of the computer.

Billy typed in an URL for an illegal website on naked underage women.  He went go through the site and downloaded some sample pics and video clips.  He closed it.  He typed another URL for naked underage women.  He went through the site and downloaded some sample pics and video clips.  He closed that website and did the same thing for numerous other types of sites. 

Billy left the den and walked into the kitchen. 

He opened up Sam’s refrigerator and found a microwave fried chicken dinner.  He put it in the microwave.  While it cooked, Billy drank one of Sam’s beers. 

A little while later, he sat down at the kitchen table and ate his meal.

He went inside the bathroom and stripped naked.  He went into Sam’s bathroom and took a shower. 

After his shower, he went naked into Sam’s bedroom.  He walked over to the bedside table.  H
e reset Sam’s alarm for four that morning,
so he would leave when it was dark. 

He got naked under Sam’s covers and fell asleep.


Sam rose up early the next morning and took the hotel shuttle bus to the airport.


Back in Daytona Beach, Billy was long gone from Sam’s house.  He made sure he didn’t leave any trace he was inside.

He stopped off at a CVS store and parked by the pay phone.

He made a phone call.

“Jackson police department, how may I direct your call,” a female officer answered.

“Ah yes, I want to remain anonymous, but I saw on the Internet news were you found a retired FBI agent that was murdered in your city,” Billy replied and tried to disguise is voice.

“Yes we did.  Do you have any information pertaining to the case?”

“All I know is, I was in a bar last night in Daytona Beach
, Florida
.  And this old man was drunk.  He said his name was Sam Woods.  He bragged how he shot some homo up in a park in Jackson, Mississippi
the other day
,” Billy replied in his disguised voice then hung up the phone.

He walked back to his car with a smirk.


Back in the detectives area of the Jackson police department.  Detective Salt worked at his desk.  A female officer brought him the information Billy provided.


Two hours later, Sam’s flight took off from Los Angeles and headed back to Orlando.

Chapter 26


am’s flight landed at the Orlando International airport without any delays.  In fact, they had a bit of a tail wind and landed a little sooner. 

Later, Sam drove his car out of the airport.  He glanced down at his watch while he headed west on the Beachline.  “I have plenty of time.”


Thirty minutes later in Kissimmee, Becky was in the kitchen and started dinner.  Marty was out with Michael and Nancy and was expected to be home in about twenty minutes.

The doorbell rang.

“Coming,” Becky yelled from the kitchen.

She walked through the living room to the front door.  She opened it and looked upset when she saw Sam outside.

“How did you find my house?” she asked.

“A little detective work.  I used the white pages on the Internet,” he said while he held up her address he printed out from the hotel printer.

“What do you want?  I’m busy,” Becky said

“I visited your Uncle Billy and his ex-wife.”

Becky looked a little pissed.  “What the hell are you doing?”

“Investigating and to be honest, with the things I uncovered so far, Billy very well could be the October Slayer.  Therefore, I really need to know what you can tell me about him.”

Becky thought about Sam’s offer really hard.  All she wanted to do was to forget about her Uncle.  “Please come inside,” Becky said with a pleasant tone.

Sam entered and she closed the door.


Becky walked Sam to the couch and they sat down.

“What can you tell me about your Uncle?”

Becky stared at Sam, as this was something she didn’t want to talk about.  It haunted her as a child.  Her hands trembled while part of that memory resurfaced. 

Sam sensed something bad happened in the past by the sign of her trembling hands.

Becky hesitated on telling Sam, but after a few seconds, she decided to get it out.  “My Uncle Billy molested me when I was younger.  It's not something I've talked about for years, but given the case you're building,” Becky said while her eyes welled up. 

“I’m so sorry to hear about that,” Sam replied with a comforting tone feeling sorry for her.

“It happened one night at our house in Columbus, Georgia when I was fourteen years old.  Uncle Billy came down from Mississippi and spent the weekend.  He was going somewhere with father and I believe it was another one of their fishing trips.  So late one night, Uncle Billy entered my room when everyone was asleep in the room,” she said while her eyes welled up.  “I woke up when I felt his hand sliding down my stomach and crept into my panties.  He played with my private part,” she said and wiped away some tears. 

“Oh my God!” Sam said and his hatred for Billy increased ten fold.

“I screamed then punched him in his nose.  Then I quickly jumped up and kicked him in his mouth,” Becky replied with a smile, as that memory was satisfying.

“If my brother did that to my daughter, I would have kicked his ass for a week.”

“Well my dad didn’t to that.  He just yelled at Uncle Billy and told him to never touch me again.”

“What?  Why?” Sam said, as he couldn’t understand why a father would be so easy.  Then he thought about the information he heard about the two brothers.  “I understand.  I heard those two were extremely tight and protective of each other.”

“Well my mom was at least a little tougher on Uncle Billy.  She demanded he never see me again or come within one mile from me or she was going to the police.  It took a while, but Dad reluctantly agreed.”

“The bastard got away easy that time.  Just like he did those other times.”

Becky looked curious with his comment.

“I found out he raped two black girls back in sixty-one and framed someone to take the rap.  You’re father’s book told that story.”

“Oh my God!  He’s scum or lower than scum,” Becky replied with a disgusted look.

“I talked to one of the family that refused to allow their daughter to lie in court to frame the man.  And I also talked with the man who was sent to jail.  He’s now out and his life was ruined by Billy.”

“He needs to sit in jail for the rest of his life,” Becky said.

“That’s what I’m trying to do, but I need more concrete evidence that would identify him as the killer”.

“I haven’t seen Uncle Billy for years until just before dad died.  He started bugging me to search his house.”

“Do you know what he’s looking for?” Sam asked as this really peaked his interest.

“I don’t have a clue,” Becky said.

Marty entered the living room with Nancy and Michael.

Sam stood up when he saw Marty.

“We have a guest,” Marty said while he walked over.

“I’m Marty,” he said while he stuck out his hand.

“Sam Woods,” he replied then shook Marty’s hand.

Marty sat down on the lazy boy chair.

“Sam’s that retired FBI agent that came over to dad’s house.  He wanted to talk with dad and go through his computer,” she told Marty.

“Ah, yes, about his A Killer’s Tale book,” Marty said.

Becky looked at Nancy and Michael and didn’t want them to hear their discussions.  “Why don’t you two go play some video games?”

Nancy and Michael looked surprised with her statement.  “We can play before dinner?” they both asked in unison.

“Yes, but only today,” Becky replied.

Nancy and Michael ran out of the room all excited.

“I believe his book has clues to the identity of the October Slayer,” Sam told Marty.

Marty suddenly looked a little cautious.  “Can I see some identification?”

Sam removed his wallet and showed Marty his retired FBI identification badge
and Florida driver’s license
then he put his wallet away.

“Sorry a
bout that.  You have to be cautious
these days,” Marty said.

“I understand,” Sam replied.

“So why would a retired FBI agent be interested in such an old unsolved case?” Marty asked Sam then he thought about things for a few seconds.  Then his eyes lit up when it dawned on him.  “You’re the real life FBI agent that tried to find the October Slayer,” Marty said.

“Yes I am,” Sam said then looked sad.  “The fourth victim was the sister of my best friend in college.  I promised him I would catch his sister’s killer.  I failed and can’t let this go unsolved.  At least as long as I’m alive,” Sam said and looked sincere.

Becky and Marty felt sorry for Sam.

“I think Billy’s looking for that wooden chest the book mentioned.  It had the dresses, bat tip, teeth and pictures showing the dead girls with the killer,” Marty said.

“We searched daddy's house, attic and every nook and cranny, and didn't find a wooden chest,” Becky added.

“But Becky remembers seeing an old wooden chest when she was a young girl.  She found a dress inside and put it on.  He father caught her and gave her a spanking,” Marty told Sam.

Becky glared at Marty for bringing that up.

“I don't remember if it belonged to dad or Uncle Billy.  I only saw it once and dad stated the dress was a Christmas present for mom.  Dad probably threw it in the trash a long time ago.”

“Did you mom get that dress at Christmas?” Sam curiously asked.

“I really don’t remember since I was young at the time,” Becky replied.


Outside, Billy sat in his Malibu down the street with a view of Becky’s house.  He smoked a cigarette while he glared at Sam’s car parked in the driveway.

He got out of his car and rushed over to her house.


Back in Becky’s house, their conservation continued.

“I’m thinking dad must have used that old wooden chest he once had to jazz up the story,” Becky said. 

Sam discreetly shook his head in disagreement.

“So if you don't mind, I wish we could let him lie in peace,” Becky said as all this talk was starting to upset her.

A car was heard outside driving away a little too fast.

Sam sensed she was getting a little upset, and he looked at his watch.  He got concerned.  “It’s getting late and I better get going.  I’m supposed to attend a play that my girlfriend’s granddaughter has a part in tonight.”

They all stood up then walked to the front door and Becky opened it.

“Thank you for your time,” Sam said then he removed his note pad from his pocket and wrote down his phone number again.  He ripped off the paper and handed it to Becky.  “Please give me a call.  I still need some good evidence to turn over to my FBI contact.”

“Believe me, if I find any evidence on Uncle Billy, I’ll be calling,” she said.

Marty’s eyes widened when he remembered something.  “Oh, but the way, I checked out Allan’s laptop and found nothing that would be evidence,” he said the cringed.

Becky glared back at Marty.  “You didn’t tell me you checked out his laptop.”

“Sorry,” he said and cringed for forgiveness.

Sam looked curious and wondered if Allan deleted some files with evidence.  Then he wondered why he would do that.  “Well, I better get going,” he said
then stepped

Becky closed the door.

“It sounds like your father’s book is Uncle Billy's unwanted confession.  That's why he's pissed, he's been exposed,” Marty told Becky.

“Why can’t I get Uncle Billy out of my life forever?” Becky said while she walked away to check up on the kids.

Marty got a funny feeling when he didn’t hear Sam’s car start up.  He peeked out the living room curtains and suddenly looked concerned. 

He quickly rushed to the front door and went outside.


The sun was starting to sink below the horizon while Sam had his head inside the trunk of his car.

“What's wrong?” Marty asked while he approached Sam.

“I got a flat tire,” Sam replied while he removed his spare tire and jack.

Marty looked at the flat passenger tire.  Then something caught his eye.  He bent down and looked closer.

“Your air valve's been sliced,” Marty told Sam.

“What happened?” Becky asked while she walked up to them.

“Someone flattened his tire,” Marty told her.

Becky looked up and down the street.  “It had to be Uncle Billy,” she said with suspicious eyes.

Sam found it troublesome that Billy could be in Florida.

Marty assisted Sam with changing his car tire.


Forty-five minutes later, Sam was back on the road and just accessed Interstate I-4.  He headed north to Daytona Beach.

His cell phone rang and he opened it up.  “Hello,” he answered.

“Where are you?” Cindy asked concerned from his cell phone.

“I’m on I-4 headed north,” he answered.

“Are you close to Daytona?” she asked.

Sam hesitated for a few seconds knowing this wouldn’t be good.  “No, I’m kinda south of Orlando,” he said then cringed knowing she would be pissed.

“South of Orlando?  Why the hell are you south of Orlando?” she replied in a raised tone.  “Wait, did you have to talk with someone for your stupid investigation?”

“Ah yes.  It was really important that I talked with the author’s daughter.”

“So I take it you’re going to miss Kristen’s play?”

“I’ll make there in time,” he said then he broke his own rule.  He accelerated his car to fifteen miles over the speed limit.  “Why don't I meet you at the school?”

“I’ll be waiting outside, so you better not let me down.”

“I won't,” he responded then set his cell phone down and didn’t notice the low battery indication.


An hour later, Sam still drove north on I-4.  He checked his watch.  “I have plenty of time!”  He didn’t pay attention to the traffic ahead of him.  Then his eyes widen in fear and he slammed on his brakes.  His car came to a screeching stop one foot from the rear of another car.

A major car accident had traffic completely stopped in I-4.

A few seconds had passed and
Sam’s car was blocked in with the other cars stopped for the accident.

“Damn it!” Sam yelled out while he pounded his steering wheel and stared at nothing but cars in front and behind him. 

Sam grabbed his cell.  He open
ed it up to make a call.  H
e wanted to cry when he saw his battery went dead.

“I’m dead meat,” Sam said while he ran his hands through his hair in frustration while he stared at the traffic jam.

A medical helicopter descended and landed in the highway just ahead of the accident scene.  Medical personnel had one seriously injured woman on a gurney ready for transport to the hospital.


Hours later, and Cindy stood outside Kristen’s elementary school where no other parents were visible.  She looked pissed since Sam hadn’t arrived.

BOOK: Confession
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