Conflagration (15 page)

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Authors: Matthew Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Conflagration
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She looked at me.

“You want to ask questions or you just want me to talk?”

“You talk,” I said.

“Okay. I'm sure mostly you want to know about Bryce and what that meant and why I did it? I can tell you what I know, but some I haven't-.”

“Never mind,” I interrupted, “I'll ask questions. Why did you need to be alone with him? What was so special about him? We'd done these things together then suddenly I'm kicked out. I did not like that. You abandoned me. I let you go out with Chris alone; why exclude me like that from Bryce?”

She reached across the table and put her hand on mine. “I was alone with Chris but your presence was there. You've always been there, one way or another. Every time I've taken a lover you have, in some way, been directly involved. I realized after all this time I had no idea what it felt like to be with someone other than my husband. Whether you hid in the closet or received my texts as fast as I could send them, you were always present. No matter how hard I tried, you influenced what I said and did with them. I wanted to
like a cheating wife. I wanted to know true infidelity. I fucked another man, just me.”

I caught a glimpse of what she meant. I did not understand fully but I had a hint.

“I think I get that,” I offered. “You were on the trapeze with a huge safety net. You wanted the real thrill, you wanted no nets.”

“That's close. There's more to it than that but that's where my instincts led me.”

“Does this mean I need to wonder if you're fucking someone behind my back? Are you going to take lovers and not tell me about them?”

She came around the table and sat next to me, brushing her hand against my face.

“No, Baby, never. Last night gave me the perspective I craved. Once I had it I realized it wasn't as good. It's better when you are there in some way. It's way more exciting.”

I felt relief. “So you won't do that again?”

“No. Not unless you want me to.”

I drank some coffee and pondered. She might be right.

“So how was last night? How was sex with Bryce?”

She smiled fondly. “Amazing. He's an incredible man. My pussy may never be the same. I want to see him again but this time of course you'll be there too. I need to take a long break though. My whole body is sore and tender. Why were you naked on the floor?”

I told her about my night and she seemed especially interested in how hard I got and why. She thought that was worth investigating.

“So you weren't thinking about me at all but then you got hard?”

“Yeah. In fact, I tried not thinking about you and believed I did a great job of it. Denial is the most powerful force in the universe, apparently.”

“That's fucking hot, David. Your body just responded to what you really felt deep down. Even as it killed you it turned you on. You love your slut wife.”

She leaned in and kissed my lips softly.

“You know that kind of gives me a green-light to do whatever I feel like doing? I can entertain any impulse, knowing you'll probably get off on my wickedness.”

“Easy girl, we aren't Janet and Ray.”

“Not yet, but we are gaining on them. What did you think of Ray's cage?”

Oh boy.

“Not much. Not my style. Let's explore in a different direction.”

“You know I have an intense imagination. You might be along for a crazy ride.”

I changed the subject. “You went wild last night.”

“I so did,” she admitted. “Did Janet or Ray say anything? I was a different person.”

“Janet says you are an intensely sexual creature who is only now discovering her true self. After watching you I think she may be right.”

“She may be right. I was in a trance. Sex overpowered and overwhelmed me. I was insatiable. I saw penises everywhere and I wanted them all.”

“Especially the big ones.”

“Yes.” Her face turned serious.
“You know, my brother has a thing for big boobs and always has. I used to tease him about it so much. We'd be out and I'd see him staring at a girl and I'd punch his shoulder.  I'd tell him to use his brain and stop thinking with his little head; women aren't just pieces of meat. I will tease him no more.”

She leaned back. “I used to think yours was as big as they came, David. I realize back when we first started dating your size was a big part of why I found you so sexy. Now I meet men even bigger and something happens to me. Just like my big brother, I can't stop it; bigger simply is better, more exciting. I can't say no. I'm sorry, Baby.”

I shrugged. “Don't be.” I liked that my wife was a size queen. Knowing other men held her Kryptonite turned me on.

“Did you have sex with anyone, David? I told you it was okay.”

“Nope. Not interested. Just one woman for me.”

We chatted for hours, sipping coffee and sharing the sights and sounds of the previous night. I again looked at her in a new light. She looked at me in a new light, too. When she'd straddled my face she never expected me to eat her. She wanted me to see her naughty pussy and thought I'd throw her to the floor and fuck her.

“You were like an animal, Baby. It thrilled me. We've been making love for years and only recently learned to fuck. It's a whole new world.”

Tiffany's 'break' lasted only a few hours. We watched a new episode of
New Girl
on Netflix when she hit pause and stood. She took my hand and led me to bed where we made the sweetest, most intimate love of our lives. Last night I'd feared for our future and now half a day later I knew we were carved in stone.

For weeks our sex life was gentle and tender. We'd exploded in a reckless orgy of carnal bliss and it had drained us, but I felt the pressure growing and I know she did too. I wondered what her next desire would be. She still flirted and dressed sexy but she took no steps to make more happen. We both knew it was just a matter of time.

I told Tiffany I was headed out to meet Ray for drinks. She raised an eyebrow and grinned. He was extremely interested in how we handled her time with Bryce. I told him everything and he gave me a pat on the back.

“Been there, my friend. You hit your level of discomfort. I have to say, it was way higher than I thought it would be. Tiff fucked and sucked a roomful of men and you both enjoyed it so that leaves almost everything on the table.”

“When is your next trip to that sex club you mentioned?”

“This Saturday.”

I considered my next question carefully. I wasn’t ready, but I was curious; “So, what’s it like wearing that cage in front of people?”

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