Conjuring Darkness (6 page)

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Authors: Melanie James

BOOK: Conjuring Darkness
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He had left the Navy to create a team of specialists. Specialists that would perform the impossible and do it according to their own rules and by their own choice.

His mind drifted back to Lexi. What the hell was it about her that kept pulling at him? He had certainly found plenty of women, but none he had met ever felt like they could be the one that he could spend his life with. After all, in Ryan’s mind the ideal woman didn’t exist. She would have to be close enough to admire, but distant enough to always maintain just an air of mystery. She would have to be independent, smart, funny, passionate, and brave. He hadn’t found any that met those standards and he wasn’t sure if he had even bothered to try.

He supposed it was safer this way after witnessing so many tragedies. People that were overcome by grief over unimaginable loss. A broken hearted toddler crying at the death of a parent. A mother’s tears for the death of her child. A woman sobbing uncontrollably at the loss of her mate. No. He would have no part of that. Ryan convinced himself that he was destined to travel the world untethered. Love would be nothing more than an anchor around his neck. Romance was a physical act of foreplay to heighten the desire and then to cut and run in the afterglow.

Ryan thought about it all and kept going back to the same conclusion that he had come to lately. He had purposefully withdrawn from society to avoid having to maintain relationships that ultimately ended up with someone getting hurt. He had started to notice the price he paid. His friend had taken his own life two years ago and he didn’t even know about it. Beyond the sad news she brought him about Kurt, Lexi’s arrival had shaken his firm resolution to remain distant from all people. He was still trying to figure out if it was her that had suddenly made him yearn for companionship and love or if he was just that lonely.

The large Newfoundland dog next to him placed his giant slobbery head to rest on his lap. He ran his fingers through the thick soft fur and scratched by his ears. “Sorry Buddy. I didn’t want you to jump all over our first house guest, and I don’t want you getting all attached to her either. I doubt we’ll see anymore of her after this job is done.”  

Buddy, like most Newfoundland dogs was an accomplished swimmer and diver. He loved the surf and could even leap into the water from a low hovering helicopter. More than once Buddy had waited patiently by a hidden boat for Ryan to return from a mission. There were a few times when he had to help rescue a person by dragging the life jacket though the water with his powerful swim. Buddy’s greatest accomplishment was the time he saved two young children from a swollen river at the nearby fishing village a year ago. Ever since that day, he had become a welcome guest in the village at any time of day or night. On those visits, he would be treated like royalty and he was always provided plenty of cleaned fish to eat and bones to gnaw on. On a mission like today Buddy spent the day lounging under a tree or laying in his own personal hard plastic wading pool.

Ryan thought about where he was. The ocean before him was the gateway to the world. It was an accident he supposed that he was what he was, not to mention where he was. All of his younger years he was a daydreamer full of the curiosity that gnawed at him relentlessly. Perhaps it was finally time to move on once again.

Joining the Navy wasn’t some patriotic act for him. He recalled a warm summer afternoon on the porch of his grandfather’s farmhouse. His great Uncle had stopped by for a visit. He was transfixed as he listened to his Uncle tell tales of journeys to the South Pacific before WWII. With his stories, he painted exotic places that the young boy could picture as if he were looking through ancient copies of National Geographic. He knew right then he would become a chivalrous explorer of places, people, and things. This is how he saw himself and how he justified staying aloof from any and all relationships.

Lexi again came to mind. He needed to know how much danger would be coming their way. There was also another possibility concerning Kurt’s death, that he hadn’t told Lexi. There was no way to know yet how any of this could play out. His main concern was to know if he could trust her first. Mistrust of people was not just some character trait of his. It was a survival trait.

Still, he was intrigued by the possibility that Lexi was for real. He would give it some time while he looked for any clues that this was some sort of trap. He got up and went inside with Buddy. “Sleeping on the couch tonight Buddy. Stay out of the bedroom.” He nodded at the closed door.

Chapter Four


Ryan was happily busy in the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee, oranges, bananas, and mangos brought the little bungalow to life like it never had before. In the spirit of the morning the bright sun lit the rooms and the windows became beautiful portraits of seascapes framed by the lush tropical fronds waving back and forth in the breeze.

Lexi felt something heavy and hot on her stomach. Then it started. Wet gobs dropped onto her face and she opened her eyes. Her screams were enough to launch Ryan to the doorway of the bedroom. Standing above her was a large bear or a monster ready to eat her. Its huge rolling tongue licked across her face and she instinctively pushed away at the beast. “My God, what is happening?” She screamed.

“Buddy!” Yelled Ryan “Come on Buddy. I told you to leave her alone.”

Still dazed by Buddy’s morning greeting she watched the huge black dog jump off the bed and trot over to Ryan, who was standing in the doorway.

“Holy Cats!”

“Um no, dog actually. Newfoundland dog. Good morning! How did you sleep?”

“Well with my eyes shut, mostly on my side I think maybe on my back,” she smiled up at him. “So, Buddy is it? I guess he is all about presence as well?”

“Great, a fellow comedian. You and Buddy will get along just fine. I put some fresh towels in the bath along with a clean bathrobe. You will need that after you get a shower so we can get your clothes washed. Your suitcase is probably back in the forest with monkeys trying on your shorts. Oh yeah, I have coffee and some food when you are done.”

Ryan returned to a large table along the wall of the living room. It was covered by a couple of laptops, several maps, and all of the clutter of a well-used home office. He had been up early doing research. Thanks to a few well-paid friends in China, Russia, and the states, he could gather enough information from his secure satellite communications without attracting the attention of the NSA or any other intelligence organization.

Ryan listened to the sound of the shower running. An image of Lexi crept into his mind. He could imagine her in the shower sensually washing every inch of her body. His cock strained against the zipper of his pants at the thought of Lexi wet and naked.

Buddy nudged his nose against his leg in an attempt to earn an ear scratching and his face seemed to say to Ryan, “Get a grip man!” 

Ryan smiled, scratched Buddy’s ear and went back to the information before him. He thought about it.
There was much more to this whole situation. Lexi was either holding back or she was simply being pulled into something. Maybe they were being pulled into something together.

Soon news came in from Ryan’s friend in Turkey. Kate Karnstein had been in far Southeastern Turkey for at least a few weeks. She wasn’t listed with the Department of Antiquities, Museums, Universities, or any other entity as an archaeologist working at the site.

Ryan thought about Kate and how her behavior didn’t make sense to him.
We know she is alive and where she is, but her behavior is completely out of the ordinary. She is involved with something, I’m sure of it. Did she think that she could slip under the radar so nobody would realize she was out in that region? Smuggling probably. Oh hell! I bet she is stealing artifacts from the dig and using her archaeology credentials to convince people at the site to let her volunteer at the dig. At least there is some good news for Lexi. Her reaction to it could tell me a lot.

Lexi came into the room and Ryan instinctively stood up although his attire was less formal than his manners. All he was wearing was a pair of faded and worn blue shorts. Lexi had the bathrobe closed tight around her and the belt was tied into a silly looking giant bow. Her head was wrapped in a towel and she looked completely comfortable in his house. It was impossible for Ryan not to smile at her when he looked at her face. She was pretty, but better than that she was cute.

She came around to the table and asked, “Working already? Did you find anything out?”

Ryan lifted up his chin with a comedic gesture of pride. “I did as a matter of fact. Your sister is alive and well and I know where she is. At least right now.”

Unexpectedly Lexi threw her arms up and yelled “Yes!”

Then, just as suddenly put her hands to her face as tears ran from her eyes. She lunged forward and wrapped him in a tight embrace. She didn’t realize the side of her face was pressed against his hard naked chest.

“Thank you! Thank you! To be perfectly honest, I was really worried that something had happened to her with the way she asked for help. I didn’t even want to think about it, but I just had this feeling that something bad had happened to her.” She pulled back and said, “Sorry, I couldn’t help it,” as she wiped her tears.

She gave a little laugh as if she had been embarrassed by her emotional outburst. She looked at his chest where her face had been and only then did it register how great it felt there. She immediately blushed.

Ryan smiled and his heart pounded faster. When her face was buried in his bare chest it was as if someone had put a defibrillator on him and kick-started the heart that lay dormant in his chest. He felt her tears on his skin and said, “No, don’t be sorry! I would expect it!”

“So where is she? What’s going on?” Lexi quizzed Ryan.

“Turkey,” he paused. “That was actually the easy part. I have more questions for you. I don’t know why it is that I was the one that she wanted you to meet.” He watched her reaction for the answers that he desperately needed.

“I don’t have that answer. I don’t know. I can only make my own assumptions. Are you still in on this then? I’m not afraid of taking this on myself if I have to.”

“Oh I’m with you on this because one thing I can’t resist is a good adventure. Besides this whole situation intrigues me. You intrigue me too, by the way. I could use some good company and after your attempt to trigger a war, you definitely need a little back-up. Who knows, next time you might just get your hands on some nukes!” He gave her a disarming smile and a wink that made her weak at the knees.

Lexi was surprised at his comment.
I intrigue him? I wonder what that means. I hope he means in a good way.

Ryan continued. “My best guess is that she wanted you to find me so you would have access to international assets.” He thought for a few seconds and added, “And security, since you are about to be carrying an old and possibly very valuable coin to the other side of the world. Perhaps there are some surprises still waiting ahead. Whatever the reason for me to go along doesn’t even matter. If Kurt thought I was the one that he could trust to help you guys, then I have no choice. Now have some coffee, something to eat, and let’s talk some more. I think we need to really get to know each other pretty good before we start this scavenger hunt your sister has set up.”

“Hold on! You can’t just say ‘or perhaps something is waiting ahead’ and leave it at that. What else is on your mind?”

“At this point, we don’t know. Let’s find out a little more and then we need to identify what exactly our objective is here. It has to be more than to just drag me out of my life here to be your traveling partner. I don’t see anything wrong with moving slowly. I think that we need to think this through carefully before we jump into a situation that we aren’t prepared for. When it comes to planning you can’t be too careful. You have to envision just about any possible scenario if you want to avoid trouble.”

Lexi listened intently and then thought for a minute. Obviously Kate had enough confidence in this guy to put her own sister in this position. Lexi liked his thirst for adventure, because she had the same desire burning in her. She was also relieved that he didn’t turn out to be some robotic all-business military man.

An image of that smile and wink from his unshaven face made her blood warm and her skin feel tight around her small frame.
This has possibilities.
Lexi thought about the sudden burst of excitement she felt about Ryan.
What the hell? Is this the spark they talk about? Chemistry? Maybe it’s because I’ve been looking for something to happen and now here I am in this exotic place with this superhot guy.

Lexi unwrapped the towel from her head and shook her hair loose, down around her shoulders. “So tell me where can I wash my clothes? I have a request to make, also. Do you have anything cooler than this bathrobe? I’m going to die of heatstroke with this on.” 

Ryan looked at her seriously for a moment. “No. Sorry but I don’t have anything for you to wear.”

Lexi realized that he was teasing her and she smiled playfully. She started to untie the belt on the bathrobe, deliberately fumbling with the knot to prevent it from actually untying. “Well I hope you don’t have a problem with naked female guests.” She laughed and thought
Oh shoot what if he calls my bluff? I can’t believe I am actually flirting with him. I think this is flirting.

Ryan scratched his chin and looked at her as if he were trying to decide what to do. He had a sly smile and said, “Well I can’t say that I’ve ever had this situation arise here. I think I would be just fine with you being naked. After all, I want you to be comfortable.” He laughed and went to retrieve a large faded maroon t-shirt from the bedroom and handed it to Lexi. “Here you go.” He said, as he handed the shirt to her.

She disappeared into the bedroom and returned with the t-shirt hanging loosely down over the top of her thighs. She carried a tiny bundle of her clothes and Ryan took her over to a small room with a little washing machine, where she hastily started her laundry. He brought out a carafe of coffee and led them to the weather beaten, but comfortable chairs on the deck. Buddy was already enjoying the morning ocean breeze by laying down and hanging his head between the posts on the deck rail. The west facing deck stayed shaded in the morning by the large palm trees behind the house.

Ryan wanted to be sure that Lexi was completely at ease before he started prying into her life. He led the conversation by saying, “First off your sister is safe and we can dig into the puzzle more. I think it’s important that we get to know each other a little. We’re about to head off on a mission that we haven’t quite defined and my experience has always taught me to prepare for the unexpected.” He said, before taking a long sip of his coffee.

“We don’t really know anything about each other and that’s a problem. Think of it like this—if you and I were partners that worked together on situations like this on a regular basis, we would be able to anticipate what each other would do. We would know our strengths, weaknesses, and talents so we could work together with optimum efficiency.” Ryan waited letting his words sink in.

“Think of it as a two man...I mean two person team. Now I’ll admit that I’m pretty guarded about diving in and sharing a lot, but you have to trust me when I tell you that if we should ever find ourselves separated or in trouble we want to have an intimate...wait! Wrong word there.”

Lexi chuckled at his slip of the tongue wondering if it was truly a Freudian slip.

“Anyway, we’ll want to have a good idea of what to expect from each other. I refuse to go into any job with a total stranger. I’d sooner go it alone.” He watched trying to gage her response, but she remained quiet.

“So Lexi, I’ll make it easy and let you start by getting to know me. Alright shoot. Ask whatever you want to know about me. I’ll do my best to answer honestly.”

She reflected on all he said for a few moments. It gave her time to collect her thoughts. She hadn’t the slightest idea what to ask the man sitting before her. She didn’t want to sound like a total idiot.

“Okay well—I don’t know what all I need to know about you, but I appreciate that you’re willing to do this. I guess it makes sense. I never really thought about it like that. You know what the dynamics are of a team, or a partnership, if you will.” Lexi looked up as if she were mulling over what to ask him about.
So...umm. Thinking, thinking what the hell am I supposed to ask?

“First off I have to say that normally, for me, well this would feel completely awkward. But-”

Ryan interjected, “Well I don’t know why it would be awkward to be wearing nothing but a t-shirt and talking to a complete stranger about your life.” He joked as he tried to keep the mood light.

“Ha ha! No, I was going to say that in this case I feel pretty comfortable for some reason. Anyway. What would I want to know? Um...”
Damn he distracted me
Just ask something generic.
She thought.

“Are you single?”
Wait that came out wrong!
“I meant-”

Ryan held up his hands and quickly cut her off as he smiled “Wait I didn’t mean play the dating game!”

“Okay that
awkward. Thanks. You sure have a way of keeping me on my toes. What I meant to ask about was your family, because you live like you’re the last man on earth out here. But I think I’ll wait on that. How about this. When I was getting the instructions from Kurt’s desk he had you listed as ‘The Kid’ with a capital T and just K-I-D. I remembered one time Kurt had mentioned something about a guy he worked with that he referred to as Thee Kid.” 

She had emphasized
The Kid
by pronouncing it as thee kid. She chuckled, “Kind of pretentious to refer to yourself as Thee Kidd. So do you have some kind of dual persona going on here? Are you the flamboyant and brazen adventurer? I get the feeling that it’s a charade, because seeing you here in your cozy beach house and your big floppy and spoiled dog...well I don’t think that act suits you at all. Or am I just getting a behind the scenes look at the real Ryan Kidd? Is he the swashbuckling pirate with the ivory handled pistol? Will the real Ryan Kidd please stand up?”

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