Connelly's Flame (13 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Connelly's Flame
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“Beats me,” Dezarae said as she climbed into her Shelby Mustang. Carefully she drove it up into the

back of the semi that was in her driveway. Tank had climbed up in the back and helped her to secure the

vehicle in place.

Looking across the gleaming hood of her car at the man that helped her, Dezarae smiled. Tank

Williams was a bear of a man. He was solid muscle and was as dark as the car they were securing. Standing

well over six feet he didn’t look up to many men.

Tank was the owner of a construction business and worked alongside his crew instead of only

delivering orders. He was the big brother that Dezarae never had. She loved him to death.

“Thanks for staying out here for me, Tank,” she said as she tightened her last tie down.

“It’s my pleasure, Hon. Just make sure you do well at that show.” He grinned at her. “Oh, by the

way, I am adding on to your house while you are gone.”

Her head snapped up. “What?”

“You heard me, your house is getting an addition. It’s too small,” Tank insisted.

“My house is fine,” Dezarae protested.

“You need at least two more bedrooms. Don’t bother arguing, it’s going to start as soon as I get your

ass out of here,” Tank said as he jumped down with ease from the back before turning and lifting Dezarae


As her feet hit the ground, she shook her head, “Why do you insist on spoiling me like this?”

“Because I love you.” He kissed her briefly before stepping away.

“I love you, too, Tank,” Dezarae said as together they walked towards the garage which had packed

bags waiting by the open door. “Charmane! Let’s get going.”

“Coming,” the girl yelled before sprinting towards them.

Dezarae looked at the girl running towards her. The past week had brought about amazing changes.

The haunted look that had been in her gaze was no longer there, she was smiling more and had put on some

weight. Charmane was a very easy child to deal with.

“Ready to go?” Dezarae asked as the young teen skidded to a halt in front of her.

“Yes, Ma’am. I’m ready.” Charmane was thrilled about going to California.

Nodding, Dezarae said, “Well, go get in the truck. We have two more cars to pick up along the way

and don’t want to be late to meet Sam.” Sam was the owner of the other two cars and was driving down to

California with them.

“Okay, Dez,” she said, grabbing two bags and taking them with her.

Tank picked up the other two bags and carried them as he walked with Dezarae to the tractor. “You

two be careful, now,” he ordered as he tossed the bags up with ease to Charmane who put them in the back of

the sleeper cab.

“We’ll be fine, Tank,” Dezarae assured him. “I’ve been doing this a long time.”

His hands settled at her hips, “I know, but allow me my worrying.”

Scrunching up her nose, she nodded. “Okay, see you in a week.”

“You driving just the car back?” he asked, not releasing his hold on her.

Dezarae winked at the girl watching them from the cab. “Yes, Sam is staying for the whole show and

he wants to keep the trailer with him. I have to get back so I said I would be fine driving back. Besides, it

will be a great time to road test the car.” She patted Tank on the cheek. “I gotta jet, thanks again, Tank.”

“Kiss,” he said.



Aliyah Burke

Dutifully, Dezarae stood on her toes and kissed his lips. “Love ya,” she commented before she

stepped out of his arms and climbed easily into the truck and started it. Both females in the truck waved out

the windows as the eighteen-wheeler pulled out of the driveway and headed for California.

“Great job, Phoenix!” the cry came from another guy at the show.

“Hey, thanks, Jack. I loved your car. Nicely done.” Dezarae said as he shook her hand.

“Well, she was nice but your Shelby kicked her ass,” he said with a smile. “Who’s this pretty woman

with you?” Jack nodded at Charmane.

Dezarae made introductions, “This is my friend, Charmane Connelly. Charmane, this is Jack

MacKenzie. He owns that dark purple Benz that we saw.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. MacKenzie,” Charmane said politely as she stared at the man in front of her.

He was a little shorter than her own daddy but he had jet black hair, green eyes. His body was fit and he wore

clothes like they were tailored for him only.

Jack reached for her hand and bowed over it, kissing the back. “You are charming, please call me

Jack.” He winked at Dezarae as the girl blushed. “I insist that we have dinner together tonight.”

“Charmane? What do you think?” Dezarae asked the girl.

“Could we eat along the water?” she asked softly, loving the ocean.

“I think that could be arranged,” Jack responded. With a smile at Dezarae, he said, “Seven at my


“We’ll be there. See you tonight, Jack.” Dezarae agreed.

“Later Phoenix and Ms. Charmane,” Jack responded, walking off.

“Why do people call you Phoenix?” Charmane asked as she watched the handsome Jack MacKenzie

saunter off into the crowd.

Following the young girl’s line of vision, Dezarae smiled, “It’s my middle name and part of the

business name. He is very handsome, isn’t he?” she whispered into Charmane’s ear.

“I…I…I was just wondering about him,” Charmane stuttered.

“A lot of women do, he is good-looking.” Dezarae put her arm around Charmane. “Let’s go get the

car; we can do some sightseeing before dinner.”

Charmane leaned on the edge of the yacht as it sailed slowly across the bay. She smiled as she took

in the view; the sun was setting across the water. Life was never like this when she was with her mother.

Dezarae was an amazing person; she let her be a child but didn’t let her get away with stuff. She

never talked down to her or assumed that she was too stupid to understand what she was saying. Charmane

liked her a lot and would willingly stay with her while her daddy was gone.

“Do you want any more dinner?” Dezarae yelled across the deck to the young woman totally

enthralled by the view.

“I’m coming, Dez,” the answering voice said.

“No rush, we just weren’t sure if you were done or not. Take your time,” Dezarae sent back. She and

Jack moved to sit on some lounges. “I love it out here, Jack, and from the looks of the smile on her face so

does Charmane.”

“It is my pleasure, Phoenix, totally my pleasure,” Jack responded as they accepted two cups of coffee

from one of his crew. Another man was watching over Charmane, just in case. “Why don’t you stay out

here?” he took her hand in his, “With me.”

Squeezing his hand, Dezarae smiled at him. “That is one of the sweetest things I have ever had said

to me Jack, but you know we aren’t cut out to be a couple. We are way better as friends. We tried the couple

thing before, remember?”

He chuckled sadly, “I remember a fool of a man who was dumb enough to let his arrogance and

pride get in the way and let you go.” With one last caress, he released her hand as Charmane walked up and

sat down at the end of the lounge Dezarae was on.

Her brown eyes looked between the two adults she sat with and asked, “You two used to date?”

Not exactly a conversation Dezarae wanted to have with the daughter of the man whom she dreamt

about nightly. “Yes, Charmane we did,” Dezarae said bluntly.



Aliyah Burke

Charmane glanced at the warning in Dezarae’s gaze and stayed silent about it.
I wouldn’t ever let a

man like Jack MacKenzie go.
“Thanks for bringing me out here tonight,” the young girl said.

“Any time you wish to stop by and visit my dear, you are most welcome,” Jack replied as he bowed

his head to her. “I believe they are ready to serve dessert if you want to go with Daniel there and pick out

what you want.”

“Dez?” Charmane asked her.

“Go ahead, it’s your last night in California. Enjoy yourself,” Dezarae said with a wave of her hand.

She shook her head as the child bounded up off the seat and eagerly went with the man who waited for her.

As Charmane disappeared around the corner, Dezarae got up off the lounge and walked over to the

edge of the yacht and leaned against it, hands around the warm mug. Her dark eyes moving over the water as

the night crept upon them.

Jack moved his green eyes over her voluptuous body. The way her jeans hugged her butt and her

legs, the way that her shirt showed off her full breasts. He stood, too, and walked over to her, “I was such an

ass to let you go, Phoenix.” His words reached her at the same time he turned her toward him.

“Jack,” she protested. “Don’t.”

He trailed on hand through her loose hair and down the side of her face as he watched her

expression. “You don’t love me anymore, do you,” he said as an observation instead of a question.

Dezarae let go with one hand on the cup and placed it over the masculine hand that was on her face.

“Not in the way you may wish, but I do love you. I will always love you,” her voice dropped to a whisper,

“but not like that.”

With a wry smile, he nodded. “Of course not.” His thumb moved over her lip as he stared into her

eyes. “You know I will always be there for you right, Dezarae? Always. If you ever need anything…you call


Tightening her grip on his hand, she smiled through the tears that had formed in her eyes. “I love

you, Jack,” she said as the first tear began to fall.

He began to chuckle and brought up his other hand to wipe away the tears from her face. “Don’t cry,

Phoenix, I love you too.” Jack took her coffee cup and set it on the deck of the yacht before facing her again.

“Ahh hell, come here.” He pulled her into his embrace and held her, his hands moving comfortingly up and

down her back.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“For what?” Jack asked as he moved back from her to look into her eyes.

“Crying, being a baby.” Dezarae wiped away some more tears until his hand brushed hers away and

took over the task of tear removal.

“Don’t apologize. I love holding you.” His lips moved over her forehead.

Dezarae allowed his strength to surround her. Her eyes closed as they stood like that for a while. Her

arms had moved around his waist.

“Hey, Dez, I brought you some…” the voice trailed off.

Dezarae opened her eyes and saw Charmane standing there staring at them. “What did you bring me,

Charmane?” she asked.

“A p...p...piece of cake,” the child stuttered.

“Great,” Dezarae pulled back from Jack kissing him on the cheek. “Thanks for the hug.”

Jack smiled a smile that men get when they know they have lost their love. “Anytime. Just so you let

me know when you want to sell your Shelby.”

“Don’t hold your breath, Jack MacKenzie. I love that car,” Dezarae said as she sat next to Charmane

at the table.

“So do I and I want to buy her.” Jack took a seat across from Charmane.

“My car is a him. I don’t drive women,” Dezarae quipped as she put her fork into the marbled cake

that was in front of her.

Jack hugged Charmane as she climbed in the front seat of the Mustang. “Great to meet you,

Charmane. I hope to see you again,” he said, shutting the door for her.

Dezarae shut the trunk on their luggage and walked up to the driver’s door of her car. Jack was

waiting for her. With a big sigh, she smiled at him and went unhesitatingly into his arms as he opened them.



Aliyah Burke

“Bye, Jack,” Dezarae said as she hugged him tight.

“Bye, Phoenix. Her daddy must be something special. I hope he is smarter than I was.” He stepped

back and captured her chin in his hand before he kissed her. It was a gentle kiss and when he stepped back he

said, “Love you, Phoenix. Call me about the car.”

Dezarae kissed him on the cheek and jumped in the car. “Love you too, Jack. And I don’t think so on

the car.”

“Bye, Jack,” Charmane yelled out the window as Dezarae turned the key and the powerful V8 engine

roared to life.

“Bye, squirt, drive safely,” he responded with a wave.

Dezarae waved out the window as she put them on the road and headed for Montana.

“He still loves you, doesn’t he Dez?” Charmane asked as they drove.

With a shrug, she answered, “I think he believes he loves me. Why?”

“No reason,” the teen responded quickly.

“Right. Did you have fun?” Dezarae questioned.

“It was a blast. I wish that daddy could have been there. That would have made it perfect,”

Charmane stated.

Yes, it would have.
“I sure he wishes he could be with you as well,” Dezarae said, truly believing it.

The city gave way to empty interstate and Dezarae opened up her car and let it go. She had music

playing softly and after two hours she looked over and saw Charmane looking peaceful in her world of sleep.

“You are one lucky girl, Charmane, to have a daddy like Ross Connelly,” Dezarae admitted, not

realizing that the child wasn’t asleep, just resting.

Charmane’s brown eyes opened and watched as Dezarae drove them safely through the night.

now I just have to get you as my mommy.
She fell asleep with a smile on her face as she began to plan.

Dezarae drove straight through; she was anxious to get home and begin work on the Lamborghini.

They stopped for meals, gas, and bathroom breaks but otherwise pressed on, the women growing closer as

the miles were left in the dust by the stunning 1967 Shelby Mustang.

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