Connie Mason (18 page)

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Authors: The Black Knight

BOOK: Connie Mason
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“How did Aric die?”

“He went with Waldo and Duff to fight in France. When Aric was slain at Crécy, Waldo asked Duff not to betroth me to another because he wanted me for himself. Were my parents still alive, they would not have agreed. As it was, years passed before a dispensation arrived from the pope allowing the marriage.”

“If proof exists that Waldo hastened Daria’s death, I will kill him. Daria may not have loved me as I loved her, but she did not deserve to die.”

Her voice was pleading, disconsolate. “ ’Tis important that you believe me, Drake. I let you make love to me. I
could not live with myself knowing you hold me in so little regard.”

Absently he stroked her hair, smoothing the tangled strands away from her compelling green eyes. He searched her face and was humbled by the desperate need for understanding he saw there.

“Aye, Raven, I believe you. I probably knew long ago that you were not capable of such deceit. Your heart was too loving. Mayhap I preferred to believe you had betrayed me and Daria rather than face the truth that Daria did not return my love and never planned to go through with the elopement. The truth would have been a bitter blow for a chivalrous lad with stars in his eyes and a heart filled with love.”

She gave him a misty smile. “You do not know how happy that makes me.”

Her words sent a jolt of renewed passion surging through him. He was instantly hard, desperately needy. He reached for her. His voice was husky, barely recognizable.

“Show me how happy you are, sweet Raven. Open yourself to me and let me share your happiness.”

“Oh, aye, Drake, aye,” she cried, flinging herself into his arms.

“Do you remember, long ago, when you asked me to kiss you?” he whispered against her lips. “What were you? Ten? Twelve? Too young to know what you asked for.”

“I remember very well. I loved you, Drake. I cared not about land or title. You had taken my girlish fancy and I claimed you as my own gallant knight.”

“If I recall, I kissed your cheek.”

She gave him a wistful smile. “It was not the kiss I wanted, but it made me very happy.”

“I will make amends, sweet Raven. I will kiss you until you grow giddy and beg me to stop.”

“Stop? Never! I have not changed much from that child who begged for your kiss.”

Her lips parted and the tip of her tongue darted out to lick moisture onto them. Lust . . . pure, raging lust roared through him. He bore her backward onto the mattress and plundered her sweet mouth with his lips and tongue.

Writhing upon the bed, lost in a haze of sensual excitement, each sought pleasure from the other’s body. Kissing and caressing wildly, they found fulfillment amid exploding stars and blinding light.

They remained secluded in their chamber until the evening meal was served. All eyes were upon them as they entered the hall together. It was not difficult for the casual observer to imagine what had taken place in the solar during the long afternoon. Raven’s face was still flushed and her lips swollen from Drake’s kisses.

During the repast Raven shared Drake’s trencher and cup, adding more fodder for the rumor mill. After the meal, Drake escorted Raven to her chambers while the men returned to the barracks or bedded down in the hall.

“Tomorrow I will have the servants move my things to the solar,” he said as he closed the door firmly behind him. “We will share this room for as long as you remain at Windhurst.”

Raven shivered, as if a sudden chill had entered the room. “How long will that be, my lord?”

The confused look on Drake’s face did not cheer her. They both knew she could not continue to live here forever. Drake’s wife, when he decided to take one, would not want her underfoot.

“For as long as this arrangement pleases us,” he teased. “Think you I will throw you upon Waldo’s tender mercies? Nay, Raven. Waldo is not a forgiving man. He is cruel and sly and capable of things I suspect would surprise both of us. I do not wish to discuss Waldo tonight. I will help you undress.”

The night was a repeat of the day. Drake could not seem
to get enough of her, and Raven was as mad for him as he was for her. Their afternoon tryst had banished whatever shyness Raven might have felt. Now she explored his body as fully as he had explored hers earlier. She tasted the lust upon his sex and absorbed his scent into her pores. And when he stiffened and cried out that his restraint was gone and he as was about to spew forth his seed, she flung herself astride him and rode him to completion.

The following morning Drake gathered the servants in the hall to inform them that Raven was the lady of the castle, that her orders were to be obeyed. All but a few of the younger women, who had their own agendas where Drake was concerned, smiled and bobbed their heads to Raven, satisfied that their lord had finally clarified Raven’s place in his life. Instead of having no status in the household, she was now the respected leman of the Black Knight. An enviable position, most agreed, one that demanded their esteem, until their lord brought a wife to the keep.

Repairs to the walls and fortifications continued apace. Sir John’s return was eagerly anticipated, as were the mercenaries to reinforce Drake’s army. Drake was busy from prime till vespers, but the remaining hours belonged solely to Raven. The love she had harbored for Drake as a child was renewed and reinforced, emerging strong and steadfast. She refrained from voicing what was in her heart, however, because she was not free to ask for Drake’s love in return.

She was still a married woman, living in sin with the man she loved.

A sennight passed. Raven tried to ignore impending danger, living only for the nights. Blissfully entwined in Drake’s strong arms, she began to believe that no one could touch them in their safe haven. The walls around her dreamworld came tumbling down with the arrival of Drake’s spy from Chirk.

Sir Richard rode into the cobbled courtyard on a raw day lashed by wind and rain. He was soaked to the skin and near collapse as he attempted to dismount. Fortunately Drake was standing nearby, for Richard fell from his destrier and into Drake’s arms. Two sturdy knights came forward and carried Richard into the hall, placing him in a chair by the fire. A servant handed him a cup of ale and he downed it in one thirsty gulp.

Drake waited with surprising patience while Richard caught his breath and quenched his thirst.

“I have news,” Richard said, panting between words. “I made myself inconspicuous at Chirk, posing as one of the villagers who passed through the gates daily to offer their services. No one recognized me as one of your knights.” He paused and held out his cup for a refill. A servant hurried to comply.

“What news do you bring?” Drake said anxiously.

“Lord Waldo searched for his wife in Scotland and returned to Chirk in high temper.” He cast a sidelong glance at Raven. “When I left he was recruiting men and making war machines for a siege on Windhurst. A knight from another camp told Lord Duff and Lord Waldo that he saw Lady Raven with the Black Knight. Waldo is convinced he will find her at Windhurst.”

“How long do we have?” Drake asked.

“A fortnight, no more.”

Drake began to pace. He glanced at Raven, saw her white face, and realized he would not give her up. Not now, maybe not ever.

Drake stroked his chin, his mind working furiously. “Our walls are still under construction, and the new fortifications are nowhere near completion. We have not the manpower yet to repel a siege such as Waldo and Duff intend to launch.”

“What about Sir John?” Raven asked. “How soon do you expect him with reinforcements?”

Drake’s expression turned grim. “We cannot wait for him. I am no coward, but the odds are against us. Fighting Waldo now will end in disaster. Windhurst cannot be defended in its present condition. The lives of my men are at stake. No man will die defending a pile of stone,” he vowed fiercely. “I value life too highly.”

“Sir Richard, if you are recovered now, return to the barracks and spread the word that we ride at daybreak. Every man is to ride in full armor and carry naught but necessities and a sack of oats for his mount.”

“Aye, my lord,” Richard said, striding briskly from the hall.

“What about Windhurst?” Raven asked. “Waldo will come and destroy all you have worked so hard to rebuild.”

He grasped her arms. “It matters not, Raven. ’Tis your safety that concerns me. I shudder to think what will happen should Waldo get his hands on you. I cannot protect you here. Windhurst is still vulnerable to attack, but I am not without a plan.”

“Where will we go?” Raven asked, wringing her hands.

He pulled her into his arms, wondering if this was to be the last time he would hold her like this. He’d never imagined that taking Raven’s virginity would result in his becoming Raven’s champion and protector.

“I am taking you to my grandmother in Wales,” he informed her. “You will be safe with Granny Nola.”

Raven looked confused and frightened. “Wales? Isn’t your grandmother’s home close to Chirk and the border?”

“Aye, ’tis very close, but the only ones who knew of Granny are now dead. Granny lives in a small cottage in Builth Wells, no more than a day’s ride from Chirk.”

“Is that where your mother met your father?”

“Aye. Your father and mine were friends. Lord Nyle had a hunting box near the village. He and my father hunted there
often. Granny said Mother was gathering berries in the woods when my father chanced upon her. When Lord Nyle returned to Chirk, Father was so smitten that he stayed and wooed my mother. They were married by the village priest within days of meeting.”

“I do not understand. Everyone assumed you were born on the wrong side of the blanket.”

“Granny said Basil’s father, the old Earl of Eyre, was enraged over the marriage and sent men to burn down the church where the records were kept. The old earl had already chosen a wife for Basil and a wedding date was set. The banns had been posted and the dowry agreed upon. The old earl ordered Basil back to Eyre immediately, and his men-at-arms made sure his orders were obeyed. My father returned to Eyre and I never saw him until he came for me after Mother died.”

“How did Lord Basil know your mother had died?”

“Lord Nyle kept him informed. I learned later that Nyle paid a villager to send word of my progress to him at regular intervals. He reported my mother’s death, and in turn your father told mine. You know the rest.”

“How do you know your grandmother is still alive?”

“Granny Nola is still hale and hearty. I visited her briefly before I attended the tourneys at Chirk. Only my most trusted knights know of the village and Granny’s existence. You will be safe there.”

“Will you remain at Builth Wells with me?”

He glanced away. “I cannot. After I escort you to Granny’s home, I plan to ride out to intercept Waldo before he reaches Windhurst. All I own is within the keep. Before we leave, the valuables and gold I earned will be moved to a cave below the castle at the foot of the cliff, just above the high-water mark. Naught I possess will ever belong to Waldo.” His expression softened. “And that includes you, sweet Raven.”

Raven’s dismay was obvious. “Waldo’s forces outnumber yours. You cannot possibly hope to stop them with your small army.”

“I am leaving Sir Richard behind in the village. He will know where to find me when Sir John arrives with the mercenaries.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Go upstairs and pack, Raven, while I instruct the servants and workmen. When I return, I intend to make love to you all through the night.”

Raven turned and walked away, sadness dulling her eyes. She had known this day would come, just as surely as she knew Waldo would never give her up. Drake’s inadequate army stood little chance of defeating Waldo’s and Duff’s combined forces. She feared she was going to lose him before she’d really ever had him. The fear was so intense, she recoiled in pain. Something terrible was going to happen. She knew it. She could feel it in her bones, though she was no seer.

It was very late when Drake returned. She had already undressed down to her shift and was waiting for him on the bench before the fire. He was soaked to the skin, and she realized he must have been below the cliff, stowing his money chests. He seemed preoccupied as he tore off his wet clothing and dried himself with a soft cloth. Abruptly he threw the cloth aside and held out his arms to her. She walked into them and they closed around her.

“Everything is in readiness for our departure,” he whispered against her hair. “The servants are to return to their homes in the village, but the stonemason and laborers will continue to work on the walls. Sir Richard has agreed to remain behind and wait for Sir John and the mercenaries. When they arrive, Richard will take the mercenaries to join my men-at-arms, where they will await me in the forest near Chirk. I’ve instructed him to send Sir John to me at Builth Wells.”

“If you expect Sir John soon, why not wait here for him?”

He stared at her, his expression unreadable. “I cannot take chances with your life. Once I know you are safe, I can concentrate on turning Waldo away from Windhurst.”

“But . . .”

He placed a finger against her lips. “Nay, my mind is made up. This may be the last night we have together for a very long time; let us not waste it.”

He tipped her face up for his kiss. She melted against him, trying not to think about tomorrow, or the tomorrows to follow. This man, the notorious Black Knight, might not love her as she loved him, but deep within her heart she knew he cared for her.

Drake removed Raven’s shift and stared at her. Firelight gilded her flesh, turning it all gold and shimmery. Her breasts were perfect, just the right size to fill his hands. Her nipples were pink and prominent. He bent his head and licked them, each one in turn. Spellbound, he watched them tauten into rosy buds. Wordlessly she lifted her face, offering her lips.

His hands framed her face as he took her mouth. Then his hands drifted away, resting on her shoulders before sweeping down her back, over her hips, drawing her fully against him. He groaned against her mouth. He could wait no longer. He was already hard as a rock. Urgency drove him as Raven clung to him, her hands reaching for him. His manhood jerked in response as her fingers curled around him.

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