
Read Conqueror Online

Authors: Stephen Baxter

Tags: #Historic Fiction

BOOK: Conqueror
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eISBN : 978-1-101-00688-7

Place names:
Ad-Gefrin, Yeavering
Aescesdun, Ashdown
Aethelingaig, Athelney
Armorica, Brittany
Banna, Birdoswald
Bebbanburh, Bamburgh
Brycgstow, Bristol
Caldbec Hill, Hastings
Cippanhamm, Chippenham
Eoforwic, Eburacum, Jorvik, York
Escanceaster, Exeter
Ethandune, Edington
Foul Ford, Fulford
Haestingaceaster, Hastings
Hagustaldasea, Hexham
Hamptonscir, Hampshire
Lindisfarena, Lindisfarne
Lunden, Lundenwic, Lundenburh, Londinium, London
Maeldubesburg, Malmesbury
Pefensae, Anderida, Pevensey
Reptacaestir, Rutupiae, Richborough
Sandlacu, Senlac Ridge
Snotingaham, Nottingham
Stamfordbrycg, Stamford Bridge
Sumorsaete, Somerset
Wealingaford, Wallingford
Westmynster, Westminster
Wiltunscir, Wiltshire
R Sabrina, Severn
R Tamesis, Thames
The Menologium of the Blessed Isolde
AD 418
(Free translation from Old English, with acrostic preserved.)
AD 1066
After a year of total war, Lunden was an angry city. Under an iron-grey December sky, no man walked alone in the alleys. The King even had to have Westmynster ringed by troops.
The mood within the cold, cavernous abbey church was febrile too. Men walked in huddles with their retainers, their weapons visible, their glances furtive and suspicious.
It was Christmas Day, 1066. The day the King of England was to show his crown to those who had fought for him, and to those who still called him a bloodstained usurper.
It was in this atmosphere that Orm met Sihtric.
The priest, small, cunning, looked Orm in the eye. ‘Orm the Viking.’
There was enough of his sister in Sihtric’s blank blue eyes to remind Orm of Godgifu - and of how he had cut her down on Sandlacu Ridge, at the climax of the battle men called Haestingaceaster. Orm’s heart twisted. ‘I was not expecting to see you here,’ he said evasively.
‘But I thought I would meet you,’ Sihtric said. ‘You did well in the battle, Orm, and in the campaign of revenge since. Your paymasters must be pleased with you.’
Orm stood straight. ‘I won’t justify myself to you, priest. In a year like this a man must survive as best he can.’

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