Consequences (17 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Chapter 20
Misha knocked on the door of the hotel room.
Patrick's jaw dropped when he opened the door. “Wow. Damn, girl, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
Misha smiled. “You don't look bad yourself there.” Misha looked Patrick up and down. She was impressed by his black Armani suit. She could tell it was tailored for his slender build.
“Come on in. So where would you like to go tonight, madam?” Patrick asked as he let Misha into the room.
Misha and Patrick had spent the rest of the evening after the wedding catching up on each other's lives. They had also gone out the following days. She felt as though they had never lost touch.
“Oh, I really don't care. It's whatever you want.” Misha took a seat on the bed. The smell of Patrick's cologne filled the whole room. She took a deep breath and let the smell fill her nostrils.
“Well, honestly, I'm perfectly fine staying right here. I'm paying for this room. I might as well take advantage of the hotel's services. How about room service and a movie?” Patrick said flirtatiously.
“Um, yeah, we can order room service. I'm sure there is a movie on that we can watch,” Misha said as she slipped her shoes off and reclined on the bed.
As Patrick ordered their food, he glanced over the menu at Misha. She was too busy flipping through the channels to notice his gaze. Patrick smiled. “Hey, Misha.”
Misha looked up at him.
“Did I tell you how good you look tonight?” Patrick smiled, causing Misha to blush.
“You're silly,” Misha said.
Patrick flashed his bright, white smile again.
They began to laugh and joke around. Before they knew it, there was a knock on the door.
“That must be the room service,” Patrick said as he headed to the door.
“Good. I'm actually hungry. Oh my God.” Misha's mouth dropped when she saw the lavish setup. “When did you do all of that?”
“While you weren't paying attention to me on the phone,” Patrick answered as the waiter set up the table. An exotic flower arrangement sat in the middle of the table.
Misha smiled. “Wow, Pat, this is amazing,” she said as the waiter lit the two taper candles.
Patrick plugged his MP
player into the speakers. The mellow sound of Sade began to set a romantic mood.
Misha looked at the table. She didn't know where to begin. Pat had ordered nearly everything on the menu. They sat down and began eating.
“So, Misha, you haven't told me about any of your past relationships. How many hearts have you broken besides mine?”
Misha immediately thought about Cooley. She took a long sip of her champagne. “Not many. I haven't dated much. I wanted to concentrate on school.”
“You were always the bookworm. I remember when you would sit out on my stoop and study while I sold weed. Always trying to get me to pay attention to what you were learning.”
They both laughed.
“Yeah, and how much you hated me reading my poetry.” Misha smiled.
Patrick leaned closer to her. “Your eyes enchant me, making me feel blessed that I can see.”'
Misha's eyes widened. It was a piece of a poem she'd written for him years ago. Her smile was as big as a Cheshire cat's. “I can't believe you still remember that.”
The end of the Sade CD came, and the MP
instantly began to play “Slowly” by Syleena Johnson.
“I remember a lot of things.”
Patrick and Misha's eyes met. He stood up and walked over to her. Misha looked up at him. Patrick got down on his knees.
“I remember the main reason I could never let you go was because of those lips. It was the only time I have ever wanted to truly kiss a woman.”
Syleena's beat was pounding, the sound her voice echoing in Misha's ears.
Patrick put his hand on Misha's face, pulling her close to him. She closed her eyes as their lips met. Misha stood up along with Patrick, never parting from his lips. Patrick and Misha lay down on the bed. His hands started to explore underneath her dress.
Misha suddenly realized what was going on when his hands rubbed against her breasts. She jumped up.
“No, we don't need to be doing this,” Misha weakly protested.
Patrick ignored her and continued to kiss her full lips. She couldn't resist. She let Patrick remove her dress.
Misha slowly closed her eyes and let Patrick take control. Misha let go. She let Patrick take control of her body and her soul.
“Maybe it's not her, baby,” Nic said as they watched the various people walk into the Life Support meeting.
“I surely hope not,” Carmen replied. She had been nervous since she read the name on the paper. That was Denise's mother's name; the thought of telling Denise that her mother was dying made Carmen anxious.
Carmen gasped as the frail woman walked into the room.
Tammy looked around as one of her friends put her arm around her shoulders for moral support. Tammy's eyes widened when her eyes met Carmen's, filled with tears. Tammy quickly ran out of the room.
“Tammy, wait!” Carmen quickly followed, making it just in time to catch her.
“Carmen ... I ... you can't. Don't tell Dee.” Tammy, filled with fear, looked at Carmen.
Carmen grabbed Tammy's hand. She noticed the large purple lesion on her forehead. “Tammy, how long?”
“A while. About three years.” Hot tears streamed down her face.
“Why don't you want to tell Dee? She needs to know—”
“No!” Tammy yelled. “I already tried. I went by there, and she wouldn't even let me in the house. I have hurt her too much. I refuse to hurt her anymore.”
Carmen shook her head in disbelief. “How long do you think you have?”
“I'm not sure. Some days I'm OK. Others, I'm not. My B cells have dropped a lot, so they say that's bad.”
“B cells?” Carmen said in confusion until she realized the mistake. “You mean your T-cells. Have you been taking care of yourself?”
“I'm a junkie, Carmen. I've messed my body up so bad, there really isn't much to do now but die,” Tammy said, sitting down in a folding chair. “Ain't no need of taking pills and shit from people who really need it.”
Tears rolled down Carmen's face. She had seen many people with AIDS, but it had never been this close to her. “Tammy, I can't keep this from Denise. I have to tell her, but I really think you should.”
“I can't do it. She has her senior year and basketball to worry about. She don't need to be trying to worry about an old, dying junkie. She just dealt with Mama all those years. Please don't tell her.”
Carmen thought about all of the work that Denise had to do for Mema. “I'm sorry, but she's my best friend. I can't keep it.”
“Well, let me tell her. I'll do it when she gets back from that camp,” Tammy pleaded with Carmen.
Carmen hesitated. “Fine, but if you don't tell her, I will.” Carmen took Tammy by the hand. “Come on, they're about to start.”
The two walked into the room. Carmen realized that there was going to be a long, hard semester to come.
Chapter 21
Cooley sat in the control chair listening to the beat she created. The studio was dark, mainly lit by candles and a few soft lights. Black light posters of Tupac, Bob Marley, and various marijuana leaves covered the walls. The smell of incense and weed filled the air. Cooley finally learned to block the smell out. Sonic was sitting on the couch surrounded by her women as usual. A large tray of cocaine and loose weed sat in front of her.
“Come on, Sonic, I want you to hear something I'm working on for you,” Cooley said as she pulled an extra chair up.
Sonic didn't respond.
“Yeah, right,” the engineer whispered to Cooley. “I don't know why you even try with her. She's washed up.” The man got up and walked out the room, shaking his head when he passed Sonic, who was almost passed out.
Cooley called Sonic's name again, realizing she was not getting up. She started working on the track she was preparing for Sonic.
Cooley zoned out into her own little world. She let the music take her away. She could picture herself making love to Misha to the sound of the track. She could see Misha's naked body moving to the sound as she sat on the bed and watched the private show.
Cooley had zoned out completely. She didn't hear the door open. When she finished the track, she heard someone clapping behind her.
“Wow, Cool Cat, sounds like you just created a hit track.” Big Ron, the owner of Jam Zone, stepped closer to Cooley. “I didn't know you were a hit maker.”
“Man, I was just playing around, you know, trying to get a feel for every aspect of the business. You really like it?”
“I don't play when it comes to music. Who were you making it for?”
“I was thinking about Sonic, you know, since she's working on her new album,” Cooley said as Big Ron took a seat next to her.
“You know something, Cool? You want to know what I told Sonic when she came to me about some lesbo she wanted to work here for the summer? Hell, no! But finally I went ahead and gave you the internship, and I must say I made a damn good decision.”
Cooley was surprised. “Well, thank you for taking a chance on me.”
“Yeah, and I want to take more. When do you graduate?”
“I have one semester left,” Cooley answered. She tried to keep a straight face.
“Well, the day you get your degree, you come back to Atlanta and to Jam Zone. We're opening an office in Miami, and guess who is going to be in the A and R department?”
Cooley's eyes widened. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious. I ain't about to lose you to another label. You are going to do great things, Cool.” Big Ron stood up and headed to the door.
Cooley could hardly contain herself. She attempted to wake Sonic up, so they could celebrate, but it wasn't happening.
Cooley had met Sonic last year when they attended a party hosted by Jam Zone Records, the label Sonic was on. She remembered walking up to Sonic and telling her that she had tight music and fine-ass bitches. Sonic laughed and invited her to join them. Sonic helped Cooley get her internship at Jam Zone during the summer.
Cooley was the first stud that Sonic trusted. They had become good friends over the summer. She even offered Cooley a chance to tour with her, but Cooley decided to come back and finish her last year of school.
Cooley headed out of the studio. She wasn't ready to go back to Sonic's house and fight off the many groupies she let stay around the house. At first Cooley liked the naked women walking around catering to her every need, but it got old quickly. Cooley refused to take any drugs, and so many times she felt a little out of the loop.
Cooley decided to celebrate on her own. She walked down the street and noticed Kittens, a local strip club. She thought she was having deja vu but quickly realized what she was seeing was real. There was Sahara heading into the club with a duffle bag.
Cooley ran across the street and questioned the bouncer. “Hey, what was that girl's name who just walked in?”
“If you want to know her name, you have to pay twenty dollars like everyone else,” the large man grunted.
Cooley pulled out a twenty, paid the cashier, and headed into the club.
Cooley took a seat in a chair near the main stage. She looked around but didn't see Sahara anywhere.
A girl in a black cat outfit finished her routine on the main stage as the announcer began to introduce the next girl. “Now bringing to the main stage, the sexy Siren!”
The light turned red as a girl sauntered onto the stage. Cooley's eyes widened as she looked the familiar body up and down. Sahara had on a red outfit that fit so tight, it looked like it could have been painted on. Cooley noticed that her body was still perfect, just like she remembered.
Sahara worked the pole like a true pro. Men threw bills at the stage as she moved her body to the song.
Cooley walked up to the stage. Sahara was in her own world as she took money out of the miscellaneous horny men's hands. She was zoned out as she turned around toward Cooley.
She froze when she noticed the familiar face standing in front of her. Cooley placed the hundred-dollar bill in her G-string and headed back to her seat.
Sahara couldn't take her eyes off of Cooley for the rest of her number.
“Now this is a pleasant surprise. I never thought I would see you again,” Sahara said as she took a seat next to Cooley after her show.
Cooley couldn't help smiling. Sahara was just as beautiful as she remembered. “Tell me about it. I surely never expected to see you in a place like this,” Cooley said as she looked at Sahara. She could tell she was tired. “How long you gotta be here?”
“I don't actually. I just came in to make some extra cash. And, thanks to your tip, I'm good for the night.” Sahara hit Cooley on her leg playfully.
“Well, in that case, let's get out of here, go get something to eat.”
Sahara smiled. “ Sounds good. Let me go change, and I'll meet you outside. They can't see me leaving with you, or I'll get fired for prostitution.”
Sahara headed to the back, and Cooley walked out the door.
Cooley followed Sahara to the Waffle House. They took a seat in one of the small booths nestled in the back of the restaurant.
“So how long you been dancing?” Cooley took a bite of her waffle.
“Not for long. A few months. Things got tight when me and Michelle broke up,” Sahara responded.
“Word? Y'all broke up?” Cooley wanted to smile, but she held it in. “You doing all right?” Cooley noticed that she was eating like it was her last meal.
Sahara looked at Cooley. “I've been better. You know, Michelle didn't want me to have a job while we were together, and my dumb ass did it. So, when she left she, of course, left me with nothing. My home girl got me this job at the strip club. It's cool 'cause it's not grimy like some clubs are. I pretty much been hustling to get by, stripping and shit.”
Cooley hated to think what other things she was doing. “Man, that's fucked up.”
“Tell me about it. But I'm making it, putting myself through school, studying dance. Trying to break into some of these videos or get on a tour so I won't have to strip anymore.” Sahara finished the last bite of her food.
“You really love to dance, huh?”
Sahara's eyes brightened as she smiled. “Man, I love it. Every day I'm either in a studio on campus or at work.”
“Maybe I can help you out,” Cooley offered. She hated to see Sahara like that. “I'm staying with Super Sonic right now.”
“Wow, look at you, doing big things,” Sahara said. “Damn, I'm proud of you.”
“Thanks. But, seriously, I just got promised a job at Jam Zone when I graduate. Hey, they're having a video shoot this weekend, if you want to come by. I can try to get you in it if you want.”
Sahara's eyes widened. “Are you serious, Cooley? I would really appreciate it. I knew you were something special.”
“I'm something. Don't know if I would call it special.”
They both laughed as they got up to pay and leave.
“Well, thank you again for dinner and everything, Cooley.” Sahara gave her a big hug. “So, are you going to call me Friday?”
“Yeah. I'll actually call you tomorrow.”
“Great. It was really nice seeing you, Cool.” She smiled.
“Likewise, Sahara.” Cooley hugged her and watched her walk out. Cooley shook her head and laughed to herself.
Cooley eventually made her way back to Sonic's house.
“Man, Cool, I cannot wait until you are here full time,” Sonic said, giving daps to Cooley as she sat down next to her. She had a plate of cocaine in her hand. She offered some to Cooley, but she declined.
The one thing Cooley did not like about Sonic was her drug habit. “Yeah, I know. Just a few more months and I'm done with school,” Cooley said, taking the plate from Sonic and placing it on the table. She could tell Sonic had reached her limit.
Three naked women entered the room. They began to make out in front of Cooley and Sonic.
“Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout,” Sonic said approvingly as she watched the women play with each other. “This is the life, ain't it, bruh?”
Cooley barely looked at the girls. She wasn't really interested in them. All summer she played around with groupies that followed Sonic everywhere she went. Cooley quickly became tired of the easy groupies. Ever since Misha, she didn't find a thrill in very many easy women anymore.
“Man, Sonic, don't you ever think about calming down with all of this?” Cooley asked, pointing at the women and the drugs.
“Man, calm down for what? I'm living the life of a superstar.”
“All superstars don't get down like this, bruh.”
Sonic squinted at Cooley. “What's going on with you? What happened to Cool from this summer?”
“Man, I'm still Cool. I just think you don't need to do so much. I'm not trying to tell you what to do. I just think you need to focus more on getting the album out, instead of on partying and girls.”
“You sound like Ron,” Sonic said, slumping down on the couch.
“Well, maybe you should listen. Bruh, I love you to death for all that you've done for me. I want to do back for you, show my appreciation. I made a hot-ass track for you, and you couldn't even listen. Shit.” Cooley looked down and realized Sonic had fallen asleep. She shook her head and headed toward the stairs.
“Cooley, you want some company tonight?” one of the groupies said as she rubbed on her erect nipples.
“Naw, I'm good,” Cooley said.
“Oh, please, baby. I'll let you do whatever you want to me,” the girl begged as she walked over to the stairs.
“Hell, naw. Get out of my face.” Cooley now realized why some rappers talked so crazy to groupies. They could be a pain.
“Well, if you change your mind, come to my room. We'll be waiting on you.”
The three girls headed out the room. One of them grabbed the tray of cocaine before leaving.
Cooley headed to her room. She never thought the day would come that she didn't take easy pussy.
Misha woke up in Patrick's arms. She lay there, wondering what her next move should be. She didn't know what came over her. She hadn't wanted a man since Patrick left her five years ago. Now she was lying next to her first love, who had given her the most intense orgasms she had ever experienced the night before. Misha tried to ease her way out of the bed, but Patrick grabbed her and pulled her close to him.
“Oh, where do you think you're going?” he said, kissing her on the back of her neck.
It sent chills down her spine. “I was going to the bathroom to freshen up.” She pulled away and headed into the bathroom. She gently shut the door behind her. “What the fuck are you doing, Misha?” she said to herself as she looked into the mirror.
Misha never had feelings for another man besides Patrick. When he left town she was devastated. She found comfort in a girl named Lauren. Soon the friendship became more, and Lauren became her first female lover. She never looked back, until now.
Misha walked back into the room to see Patrick standing up at the window. She felt her panties getting wet when she noticed his nude body.
“What are you thinking about, man?” she said, walking up to join him.
“You remember when I left? I told you that as soon as I graduated from high school I was coming back for you.” Patrick turned around and looked at her. “Well, the week after I graduated, I did. I came back to get you. I saw you leaving the school. You looked so beautiful. Two years had passed and you had turned into a real woman. I knew that someone had to have gotten you, so I lost all my nerve. I left and decided to let you live your life.”

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