Conservatives Without Conscience (38 page)

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Authors: John W. Dean

Tags: #Politics and government, #Current Events, #Political Ideologies, #International Relations, #Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ), #Political Process, #2001-, #General, #United States, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Conservatism, #Political Science, #Political Process - Political Parties, #Politics, #Political Parties, #Political Ideologies - Conservatism & Liberalism

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Jenkins, Walter

Jensen, Merrill

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Paul

Jones, Paula

Jost, John T.

Judgment of the marketplace

Judicial activism.
Activist judges

Judicial review

Judis, John

Justice Sunday


Kahn, Chip

Kahn, Mary

Kamarck, Elaine C.

Kamen, Al

Kaplan, Jonathan E.

Kaye, David

Kean, Thomas K.

Kemmelmeier, Markus

Kemp, Jack

Kennedy, Anthony

Kennedy, John F.

Kent State shootings

Kerry, John

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kipfer, Barbara Ann

Kirk, Russell

Kirkpatrick, David D.

Kissinger, Henry

Klaidman, Daniel

Kolbert, Elizabeth

Kruglanski, Arie W.

Krugman, Paul

K Street Project.
See also
Abramoff, Jack

Kurtz, Howard

Kutler, Stanley L.

Kuttner, Robert


LaHaye, Timothy

Lakoff, George

Landrieu, Mary

Lane, Charles

Layman, Geoffrey

Leaders, authoritarian.
See also
Social dominators

Bill Frist.
Frist, Bill

characteristics of

Dick Cheney.
Cheney, Dick

Double Highs.
Double High authoritarians

George W. Bush.
Bush, George W.

J. Edgar Hoover

Jack Abramoff.
Abramoff, Jack

Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich, Newt

Pat Robertson.
Robertson, Pat

Paul Weyrich.
Weyrich, Paul

social dominance orientation (SDO).
Social dominance orientation (SDO)

Tom DeLay.
DeLay, Tom


Legislative hearings

Lehrman, Lewis

Levin, Mark R.

Lewinsky, Monica

Lewis, Neil A.

Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter”

employment at Hudson Institute

Liberalism, conservatives antipathy to



compared to authoritarian conservatism and traditional conservatism

response to terrorism

Liddy, G. Gordon

black-bag jobs

obedience to authority

Lieberman, Joe

Lief, Harold

Limbaugh, Rush

reaction to “Political Conservatism as Motivated Cognition” study

Lincoln, Abraham

Lind, Michael


K Street Project.
K Street Project

Republican control of


Lost Honor

Lott, Trent

Luban, David

Lyman, John


McCain, John

amendments to Dept. of Defense authorization bill regarding torture

attitude toward torture

criticism of Iraq War

McCarthy, Joseph


McCormack, Tom

McCulloch v. Maryland

McCullough, David

McCurdy, Dave

Maclay, Kathleen

Madison, James

Maggs, John

Mann, Thomas E.

Mansfield, Mike

Maraniss, David

Marbury v. Madison

Marshall, John

Marshall, Joshua

Martin, Charles

Maslow, Abraham, H.

Massey, Douglas S.

Masters of Deceit; The Story of Communism in America and How to Fight It

Matthews, Chris

Mavros, Steve


Mencken, H. L.

Merrill, Bill

Merryman, John

Meyer, Frank

Micklethwait, John

Miers, Harriet

Milbank, Dana

Milgram, Stanley

Militant, evangelistic anti-communism

Mitchell, Brian

Mitchell, John

Mitchell, Luke

Mo: A Woman’s View of Watergate
(Gorey & Dean)

Moderate libertarians

Moore, Stephen

Moral Majority

Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think

Moritz, Amy

Morrow, Lance

Most Dangerous Man in America? Pat Robertson and the Rise of the Christian Coalition, The

Motivated cognition

Muller, Henry

Murray, Robert K.

Murtha, John P. (Jack)


Nader, Ralph

Naftali, Timothy

Nagourney, Adam

Nash, George

Nather, David

National Association of Evangelicals

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)

Negative government

Negative thinking

Nelson, Ben



authoritarian policies of

descriptions of

emergence of

objections to Bush’s foreign policies

Project for the New American Century

results of strategies of


Neuhaus, Richard John

New Deal

New World Order

Ney, Chris

9/11 Commission

9/11 terror attacks

Bush administration exploitation of

perspective on death toll from

Saddam Hussein ties to

Nixon, Patricia

Nixon, Richard M.

authoritarian thinking

chief justice nomination

comparison of George W. Bush to

J. Edgar Hoover’s assistance to

resignation of

Spiro T. Agnew’s role under


Noll, Mark

Nordon, Eric

Norquist, Grover

Americans for Tax Reform

K Street Project

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)

“Nuclear option”

Nurturant Parent model


Oakeshott, Michael


to authority

conscience and


Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View

O’Connor, Sandra Day

Oklahoma City bombing

Olson, Barbara

O’Neill, Tip

One-party conferences

Ornstein, Norman

Osborne, David

Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis

Overton, Spencer

Owens, Bill


Political action committees (PACs)

Palmer, Scott

Paludan, Philip S.

Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances

Patron Saint of Conservatives

Paulson, Michael Stokes

Paxton Robert O.

Pearcey, Nancy

Pension Act

Pentagon Papers

Perception politics

Perot, Ross

Phillips, Howard

Pinochet, Augusto

Plame, Valerie


Plumbers Unit

Polgar, Zsuza

Political action committees (PACs)

Americans for a Republican Majority (ARMPAC)

Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC)

Political authoritarianism

right-wing authoritarian distinguished from

role in American government

“Political Conservatism as Motivated Cognition” study

Political conservative, right-wing authoritarian distinguished from

Politics of fear

Politics of perception

Ponnuru, Ramesh

Powell, Colin

Pratto, Felicia

Preemptive war.
Iraq, invasion of

Privacy and Freedom

Project for the New American Century

Protestant evangelicals


Pryor, Mark

Psychological perspectives on conservatism


Quayle, Dan

Queenan, Joe



Reagan, Mike

Reagan, Ron

Reagan, Ronald

Christian conservatives’ influence on

emergence of neoconservatives under

Iran-Contra affair

“Realist” Republicans

Realists response to terrorism

Redistricting plan, Texas.
DeLay, Tom

Reed, Ralph

Reeves, Richard

Reflections of a Public Man

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Rehnquist, William

Reid, Jan


Double High authoritarians

right-wing authoritarians (RWA)

Religious authoritarianism

Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Religious fundamentalists

Religious right

evangelicals as core of

Remnick, David

Republican Party

Christian conservative’s influence on

control of House of Representatives

earmarked spending by

factions of

fear of terrorism as recruiting tool


House of Representatives.
House of Representatives

judicial appointments

lobbying and.

“nuclear option”

reliance on Christian conservatives

shift to extreme right


Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism

Return of the “L” Word: A Liberal Vision for the New Century

Revolutionary War, conservatives interpretation of

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