Conspiracy Game (25 page)

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Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Erotic stories, #Genetic Engineering, #General, #Fantasy, #Suspense, #Occult fiction, #American, #Paranormal Romance Stories, #telepathy, #Snipers, #Women Circus Performers - Africa, #Romantic suspense fiction, #Erotica, #Psychic ability, #Love Stories, #Assassins, #Psychics, #Fiction, #Romance, #Africa, #Women Circus Performers

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Fierce anger clouded her face, and she leapt across the distance at him, her hand moving so fast it was actually blurred. The slap was loud, reverberating through the clear night. Fear galvanized him into instant action. “Down, Jeb, get down!” He yelled the command even as he slammed his body hard into Briony, driving her backward to the ground, covering her smaller frame with his larger one.
Stand down! Stand down!

The bullet tore through the tree right where Briony’s head had been, splintering wood and sending bark raining over them. Jack kept Briony pinned down, holding her still beneath his body. He knew she could feel the merciless hard-on pressed so tightly against her stomach, and it gave him the utmost satisfaction to see the edge of fear mingled with her fury. His fingers dug into her shoulders and he gave her a little shake. “Damn you for your stupidity. Did you think I wouldn’t have someone out in the shadows with a scope on you? You could have been killed.”

His body blanketed hers. Imprinted onto hers. Wanted hers. The scare of nearly losing her sent a deep tremor through his body, shaking him. He was never shaken, yet just her closeness had him off balance.
Damn it to hell, Ken, don’t you shoot at her again. I’ll fucking kill you myself.

His brother’s amused laughter echoed through his head.
It was a warning shot

My ass, that was a warning shot.

“Get the hell off of me.” Briony’s eyes, so dark with anger, nearly threw off sparks. “I forgot what an utter bastard you are. Get off now.” There was a definite threat in her tone.

Somewhere deep in his gut, the admiration rose, just as it had when she’d shot a man to protect him. Briony might be sweet and innocent and far too good for the likes of him, but she was a fighter through and through. “Or what?”

Behind him, Jebediah sat up cautiously, looking around him for the shooter. “Or I’m going to beat you to a bloody pulp. Get off of her.”

The shadows shifted with the trees, the moon spilling across her face. Jack saw the swelling, the bruise spread across her jaw, chin, and cheek. He’d noticed the gauze wrap on her arm, but someone had hit her? Raw fury poured through his body—raged ice cold and deadly. “Who hit you? Damn it, don’t lie to me either. If your brother dared lay a hand on you… ”

“My brother wouldn’t hit me, you moron. Let me up now.”

“Get the hell off my sister or I’m going to knock you off of her,” Jebediah threatened, uncaring of the shooter.

“Who hit her? Tell me now, Jebediah, or Ken’s going to blow your brains all over the place.”

“A man named Luther hit me. Get off before
hurt you,” Briony snapped.

“What were you thinking bringing her here?” Jack demanded, ignoring the threat.

“He was thinking about saving your life, you jackass.” Briony shoved at the wall of his chest, this time hard enough that it rocked him. Touching his chest brought back the memory of fresh knife carvings, of kissing her way down the jagged wounds, lower and lower until… She slammed her mind closed on her wayward thoughts.

Jack had forgotten how strong she was. “That was thoughtful of him. Who is Luther and who wants to kill me?”

“Who doesn’t,” Briony snapped. “You’re hurting me. Get off.”

Jack shifted his weight immediately, dragging her up with him, retaining possession of her arm when she tried to get to her brother. “Who is trying to kill me? Jebediah, stay right where you are. You wouldn’t want my trigger-happy brother to take another shot at you.”

Jebediah froze in the act of getting up. Sweat trickled down his armpits. “We had a recent visitor, Jack,” he explained. “A man calling himself Kadan Montague. He told us about experiments a Dr. Whitney had performed first on orphan girls and then on men in the military.”

“Keep talking.”

“Apparently Whitney is still alive and looking to reacquire some of the ones who’ve slipped away from him.”

Jack studied Jebediah’s face. There was righteous fury there. And truth. But not the whole truth. He switched his gaze to Briony. She was still, no longer struggling against his hold, but she didn’t meet his gaze. Up so close to her, he could smell the heady scent of her, reminding him of satin sheets and candlelight. Of finer things. Things he couldn’t have.

His fingers tightened on her arm and drew her closer, until they were nearly skin to skin. His gaze narrowed on Jebediah. “You wouldn’t have brought your sister to tell me that. You would have come alone.” He leaned closer to Briony, inhaled the scent of her hair, of her body. Something was different. Subtly so, but different.

“I insisted on coming with him.”

Her voice was low. The faint tremor running through her body shook him enough that he had an urge to pull her into his arms and comfort her. He studied her face for a long time. Jebediah was afraid of him. Briony might fear his possession, but she hadn’t been afraid of him. Where was all the fear coming from? He let out his breath slowly. “You’re one of the orphans he experimented on. That’s why Kadan told you. It’s all classified information.” He’d suspected all along that Whitney had experimented on her and adopted her out, but he hadn’t pursued it. Being so close to her had had him thinking of other things. Like the taste of her in his mouth. The sound of her laughter.

Briony hesitated so briefly he nearly missed the quick glance she shot at her brother. “Yes. Kadan came to warn me. He’s legitimate then? The things he said were true?”

. He didn’t want Kadan Montague anywhere near her. Kadan was an anchor and a hell of a lot better man than he was. Jack’s thumb slid over Briony’s bare skin in a small caress. The feel of her soft skin set his heart pounding. What was different? Her scent. The chemistry of her body.
The feel of her body.
The air rushed out of his lungs. Where before her stomach had been rock hard and flat, she was now soft and round. Knowledge flooded his brain. Adrenaline flooded his body. His hands slid up her arms to her shoulders.

She’d let another man touch her the way he had. Be inside her body. Kiss her. Lie with her and laugh with her. How could she? His heart accelerated until he thought it would burst out of his chest.
How could she lie with another man after being with me—belonging to me?s
He knew there would be no other woman for him. “Son of a bitch. You’re pregnant.”

Briony stood perfectly still under his hands. Jack’s fingers were around her neck as if he might strangle her. He stared down at her, his eyes black and ice cold, the hard angles and planes of his face without expression. His skin had changed color, to a darker, much more violent hue, mirroring the turbulent emotion he refused to allow to rise to the surface. She felt the first real surge of fear of him, but then the pads of his fingers began stroking small caresses over her frantically beating pulse. She deliberately took a breath and let it out slowly to calm herself and stay in control.

She was unprepared for her physical reaction to him. Even now, knowing it was planted, pheromones designed especially to attract her to this man, she couldn’t help the rush of heat flowing between them. “I can see you’re thrilled with the news.”

There was a bite of anger in her voice, but something else, something deeper, sorrow maybe. Regret? Was it possible the child was his? Hope was stirring when he didn’t dare allow it. He tried fishing. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me right away?”

“Obviously I didn’t know where the hell you were. Do you think you could stop swearing at me? I realize we aren’t welcome here, but it seemed the only thing to do under the circumstances.”

“And what are the circumstances?” He held his breath.

“Dr. Whitney wants our baby. He’s already made three attempts to kidnap me.” She put her hand to her cheek. “I can’t stay with the circus because I’m endangering my friends and family. As I get further along, it’s going to be more difficult to defend myself. I thought if I came to you, you might be able to protect us until the baby’s born and teach me survival skills at the same time for afterward. I’m not asking for financial help or anything else, and I realize it’s dangerous. Whitney is sending enhanced soldiers against me. The man they sent, Luther, did this. And for some reason he’s very angry that I’m not carrying his child, so I’m afraid for our baby.” She looked up at him, her dark eyes meeting his gaze squarely. “They aren’t taking this baby from me.”

Jack was stuck back on
our baby
. Her voice echoed through his mind, repeating the words in that soft, almost loving tone. He let his breath out slowly, arms coming up to enclose her small frame, drawing her back against him so his hand covered the small, soft, rounded stomach. His child lay beneath his hand, nestled deep inside her body, protected by her.
by her. Deep inside where he was hard and cold and carved of stone, he felt a curious shifting, melting, a softening he couldn’t explain, and it scared the hell out of him. For a moment she stiffened, tried to pull away from him, but he tightened his hold in warning.

Briony went very still in his arms. It seemed too intimate to have his hands over her stomach, covering their child, protecting it, yet he said nothing, gave her no indication of what he was thinking or feeling. But it was obvious he wasn’t going to let her go. “Kadan Montague offered us protection, but I don’t know anything about him.”

Jack’s body jerked and his arms tightened around her. “
No one
is taking this baby from
,” he corrected.

Briony held herself stiffly away from him. “Aren’t you going to ask for a paternity test?”

“You said the baby is mine, then it’s mine.”

Briony sagged against him in relief. She could feel tears burning behind her eyes. She hadn’t realized how she’d been holding herself together under such rigid control. She drew in a deep, ragged breath and tried to stop the sudden trembling. “I thought, if you were willing, we could work something out.”

Jack ignored her statement, pinning his gaze on Jebediah. “Did you fly into the Superior airport? Is that how you arrived?”

“No, we were afraid to. Whitney’s managed to find Briony everywhere we stashed her. All of my brothers flew to the States, rented cars, and went in different directions in the hopes of throwing them off. We took great care to keep anyone from tailing us, but they’re good, Jack. Tyrel, my youngest brother, fought them off of Briony about a week ago. Tyrel nearly was knifed and he’s good. Briony saved our butts that time, but she’s worried about taking a hit in the stomach and losing the baby. They found us again at a villa and nearly managed to get Briony; that’s where she got the bruise on her face. He punched her.”

Jack’s hands went to her shoulders. “You fought someone with a knife while you were carrying our child?” He bit out the reprimand, the words all the while echoing in his head:
He punched her.
He hoped Luther found Briony again because Jack was going to be right there, and if the man wanted to hit a woman, he was going to get a lesson in manners he’d never forget.

Briony jerked away from Jack, forcing him to drop his hands. “What did you expect me to do? Meekly go with them? Let them kill my brother?”

“Your brothers are big boys. The only thing you need to be worrying about is keeping the baby safe.”

She backed up two more steps. “I’ve been keeping the baby safe, tough guy. You ran off, after
me, remember? Being the baby’s biological father doesn’t give you the right to dictate to me. In fact you have
rights when it comes to me. I asked for help protecting the baby, not someone to order me around.”

Jack inwardly winced as she threw his words back in his face. He’d made a big mistake using that word, implying that making love with her meant nothing at all to him. She tried to act confident, but she’d hesitated, just that little bit, telling him she wasn’t used to that kind of language—not even being around her brothers. She was a lot more sheltered than he’d first thought, and that only made the gap between them that much wider.

He ignored her outburst as he turned back to Jebediah. “Are they specifically tracking Briony, or all of you?”

“I think Briony,” Jebediah said.

“I can’t figure out how they’re tracking me,” Briony interrupted. “I’ve gone through my clothes and even my jewelry. I’ve been so careful.”

“They sure as hell didn’t follow us up here,” Jebediah said. “It was easy enough to watch the back trail on the switchbacks.” He glanced around uneasily. “I just have a bad feeling about these people, Jack. I don’t want them to get their hands on my sister.”

“You won’t be able to communicate with her for a while,” Jack said.

“We can set up something safe,” Briony said in contradiction.

Jack shook his head. “We’re going to play it my way. No communication between you and your brothers. Jebediah gets the hell out of here and goes back to Europe immediately. When I know you’re safe, Briony, we’ll contact them.”

“That’s not going to fly,” Briony said calmly. “I don’t care how bad it gets, I want to know my family is safe at all times and they’ll need to know I am.”

Hello! I’m getting a little tired of sitting here with my finger on the trigger. You want them dead or you going to invite them up to the house?

You’re out of shape, Ken. Go on in. It’s safe enough. I’m not letting the woman go. She’ll be staying with us.

Like hell. Until you’re under cover, I stay out here.

“Did you hear me?” Briony challenged. “I asked for help, not a dictatorship.”

“I heard you.” Jack shrugged. “I don’t believe in arguing, so there’s really not going to be a problem. Where are your things?” He could breathe again. He didn’t have to find the strength to let her go a second time. He didn’t have to compromise his honor by forcing her compliance. She’d made the decision on her own. The knots in his gut began to relax.

And what do you mean, she’s staying with us?
There was shock in Ken’s voice as Jack’s message sank in.

She’s carrying your niece or nephew.
There was immense satisfaction in revealing the news to his brother. By telling his twin, it made the news real.

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