Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews (123 page)

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Epilogue: The Faith of a Catholic

1. lames Carroll, "Germany at the Edge,"
Boston Globe Magazine,
September 21, 1980, 72.

2. In October 1999, the bunker was unearthed again, by construction workers. They were ordered to cover it, as workers had done in 1994. The German government has refused to allow any marker at the site, and it is now being built upon, to be covered by a street. In 1998, workers discovered the bunker used by Joseph Goebbels. It will not be marked either, but it is on the site set aside for the Holocaust memorial, which will be built above it. See William Drozdiak, "As Hitler Bunker is Unearthed, Berlin Hastens to Bury It Again,"
Boston Globe,
October 16, 1999.

3. Arendt,
The Human Condition,

4. Janson,
History of Art,

5. Arendt,
The Human Condition,

6. Quoted by Tina Chanter, "Neither Materialism Nor Idealism: Levinas's Third Way," in Milchman and Rosenberg,
Postmodernism and the Holocaust,

7. Arendt,
The Human Condition,

8. Rahner,
Theological Investigations,
vol. 5, 17.

9. Arendt,
The Human Condition,

10. John 18:27.

11. John 21:15–17.

12. John 6:68. Karl Rahner long ago drew me to this affirmation of faith as fundamental.
Theological Investigations,
vol. 5, 5.


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