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Authors: Scarlet Wolfe

Consumed (18 page)

BOOK: Consumed
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“She’s demanding you choose?” Theo asks, sounding surprised. “Well, I guess that’s better than her turning you in, but even if we wanted to, we can’t dissolve the lounges that easily. The FBI won’t agree to it yet, either. Did you explain to her why we’re doing this?”

“No, she wouldn’t listen the day I confessed, and once she mentioned her father last night, I couldn’t bring myself to discuss Dad. I was afraid she would want to talk about Sonny.”

“So, she still thinks her father was a saint, huh?”


“You’re keeping a lot from her, Ace. You gotta come clean on all of it if you want a real chance with her. Maybe she’ll let this go and look the other way.”

“I’ll do it tonight.” Strolling back from Theo’s office to mine, I give Zev a call.

“Why are you waking me up?” he asks on the third ring.

“There’s a server in your lounge named Tara. I need her direct number.”

“Damn, you’re moving on fast.”

I roll my eyes. I should’ve known that’s where he would run with this. “I don’t want to fuck her. She’s friends with Victoria. I need her help with something.”

“You’re trying to get her back?”

“Yes, and I need to tell you something. Her father is Sonny.”

It’s quiet on the other line for a few seconds.

“My friend, Sonny?”


“Does that mean Victoria is going to be cool with all this?”

“I don’t believe she knows about his involvement.”

“Are you going to tell her?”

“I have to tell her everything, even about my friendship with Reggie, if I want her to trust me and accept what we do.”

“I remember the old man talking about his tough daughters.” It’s quiet again for several seconds. “Just find a way to keep us out of trouble.” As usual, Zev sounds uncomfortable and frustrated that we’re discussing anything remotely close to feelings.

“I will.”

Chapter Twenty-Two



Tara texted right before I was leaving work and asked if she could come over. She claims to have a surprise for me, so Reggie dropped me off at my apartment.

All day I’ve wondered when I will hear from Adrian again. We made love late into the night, and I fell asleep in his arms.

Staring intently at me when I awoke this morning, he kissed my forehead and said he loved me. He also said he would find a way to fix this. I can’t imagine how.

I open the door to Tara’s round, blue eyes and radiant smile. She’s holding the hanger of a dress bag and another small gift bag.

“Hi,” she says with a high-pitched squeal after. “Oh, my gosh, I’m so excited.”

“OK, come in. What is all this?”

She tightens her lips as if to prevent herself from blurting it out. Her arm lifts the gift bag up, so I take it from her.

Inside is what looks like a white jewelry gift box. It’s rectangular and approximately six inches wide. Setting the bag down, I slowly lift the lid. There is the longest string of pearls inside.

“Tara, who are these from?”

She pulls a small envelope from the back pocket of her tiny denim shorts. “Now, you’re supposed to read this.”

I scrutinize the excitement bursting from her baby blues and swipe the small envelope from her.

Slipping the card out, I see it’s signed by Adrian.


My Pearl,

All my life, my fight to make things right in this world has been futile. I've wondered countless times if what I strive for is attainable. But you’re real, Victoria, and what we share is irrefutable. This is one battle I refuse to lose.

Your shell was opened, and you shared your deepest fears and secrets with me. It’s time I do the same. Join me tonight for dinner. Please allow me the opportunity to explain.



Hurriedly, I tuck the card back into the envelope and set it aside. I pull the pearls from the box.

“They’re freakin’ real. I can’t even imagine what they’re worth,” Tara says.

“I don’t even know how to wear them.” I hold up the odd looking necklace.

“Let me show you your dress. Then I can explain the pearls.” Tara unzips the bag and pulls a black gown from it. “Remember the gown of mine you borrowed for that dinner party when you first started working in the Elite lounge?”

“Oh, Rick’s party.”

“Yeah, it’s the one that exposes your back. Well, Adrian said he wanted me to find one similar and didn’t care the cost. It took me a while, but I found one almost exactly like it.”

I think the dress could be held up by that grin of hers, but she holds it by the hanger for me to admire. Sure enough, it’s bare in the back and long like the one I borrowed from her the night I went to Rick Jacob’s party. That seems a lifetime ago.

“OK, let me show you the pearls.” Tara takes the necklace from me and shows me how the string of them will go across the front of my neck, loop through a round, disc-like piece at the back, and then drape as one long string down the middle of my bare back.

“Just so you know, he picked out the pearls on his own. I think you have a keeper.”

I can only will a faint smile. If she only knew how complicated our situation. “Let’s get you in the shower. I can help put your hair up if you like.”

“That would be great, Tara. Is he picking me up?”

“Yes, at seven. I believe he has reservations somewhere. Lord, you don’t think he’s already going to propose do you?”

“Oh, no, he wouldn’t do that this soon.” I think of his illegal dealings and why he would know better than to propose. “Tara, you’ve done so much already, but I need to ask a favor of you.”

“Anything, love.”

“If any other servers in the Royal lounge ask you questions about what goes on in there, could you refrain from sharing with them for now?”

She eyes me suspiciously and smiles.

“Is this police business?”

“Something like that. Can you please keep everything to yourself for me?”

“Absolutely. I think I’m going to have a talk with Zev, though. I suspect a player might be cheating. I’m not sure how that’s going to pan out, but I hope he believes me.”

“You know how to play poker?”

“Girl, I can play with the best of them. I’ve been around it long enough to understand the game, so I play at another casino for fun.”

“Interesting. I’ll make all this up to you.”

“It’s no problem, and Adrian paid me on my day off to go shopping. How cool is that?” She drapes the dress over my couch and claps her hands twice. “Now, in the shower you go.”



Like I asked him to do, Zev shoots me a text to let me know when Noah Sanders arrives to play poker. I head to the Royal lounge to catch him before he starts a game.

“Noah,” I say as I approach the bar he’s standing at. The bartender takes a glimpse at me, and I nod my head to the side, motioning for him to disappear.

“Simon, what’s happenin’? You want to join in on a game tonight? I’d love to burn your ass at the table.”

“I’m sure you would. I came to discuss Sadie.”

“I guess Zev spoke to you.”

“Yeah, and so did she. Sadie’s not a fucking bargaining chip. You can take your business elsewhere if you choose, but don’t step foot near her again. She’s my girl, and I thought I made that clear.”

His lips shift to a straight line. “You said it, but I didn’t get the vibe from her it was true. You might want to look into that.”

My hands fist, and I combat the urge to punch him in the face. “I’m only gauging your and Zev’s loyalty, Jersey, so calm the fuck down.”

“Our word should mean something. We’re not running a sex slave business around here.”

“I’m liking that idea. You should look into it.” Pushing away from the bar, he strolls to his table.

Fuck, I’m growing to hate that guy.

I march to Zev’s office and slam the door behind me.

“Bro, what the hell?” he asks.

“Sorry, man, but Noah pisses me off. We picked the wrong guy to do business with.”

“It’s not like we were given a choice in the matter. I’ll do a bigger buy of drugs and comp him some shit. He’ll be happy and think we’re still serious. He’ll lose interest in that Sadie chick.”

“I fucking hope so, or he’s losing some teeth.”

Zev swivels in his chair and crosses his broad arms across the chest of his black dress shirt. “Do you remember Sonny?”

“Hell, yeah.”

“He’s Victoria and Sadie’s father.”

“No fucking way!”

“Ace told me this morning.”

“Damn, Sonny liked us, bro. I miss that man.”

“I know, and it got me thinking. Adrian is going to try to work things out with Victoria tonight, so if Sadie’s pussy isn’t just some shiny new toy you’re going to grow tired of, then maybe you should go after her.”

I put my hands on my hips and smirk at him.

“Philosopher Xavier, I might have to agree with you on this one, but don’t quit your night job.”

“Cool, I mean, I wouldn’t want your dick falling off from lack of use since one chick has you all whipped. But I wouldn’t mention Sonny to her until you know Ace has told Victoria about him.”

“OK, um, do you think you could check in with Shannon at Elite for a couple of hours?”

Zev gives me a sly grin. “Can’t even wait to take my advice can you?” He threads his fingers behind his head and leans back in his chair. “Yep, I’m that good, and I’ll send you a bill.”

I grin. “I’ll be back, bro.”



Wrapping up at work, I lock the door to the science lab. Robert, the guy I was sort of seeing before Simon, asked me to go out with him tonight.

This means my meal will cost less than eight bucks, and he’ll want a blow job or three minute intercourse after. Ugh, that makes me sound like a cheap whore.

I shouldn’t say that. Robert hasn’t been anything but nice to me, and he can’t spend more on dinner since he’s struggling to get through grad school, too.

And he’s unaware of how inept he is in bed. He’s not the craftsman Simon is with his hands and mouth.

The thought of Simon’s skills send a shiver from my head to my toes. I miss him. I stroll through the parking lot to my car and spot something on the windshield.

There’s a white legal envelope stuck behind the wipers. My name is printed on the front, and the handwriting has my pulse quickening. It’s familiar.

I scurry to get inside my car with the envelope, and using my finger, I slide it under the seam and rip it open all the way across.


Dear Scientist Sadie,

I have a job for you. Actually, I have two jobs if you will kindly accept them. The first one is to research glioblastoma. It’s a type of brain cancer. I’ll pay you well to find out if there are any nontraditional treatments for it.

The second job will require more time. Hell, I’m hoping a lot more time. Like a lifetime of time. No, more like a boundlessness of time. That means infinity if you were wondering.

I cover my mouth and giggle.

I want you to brave the world with me. The good parts and the bad. Would you do that, Sadie Hart? I’ll pay you in fun times, which includes, but is not limited to, eating bacon.

You’ll get my personal protection, lengthy sessions of oral, my charm and attractive face. Infinity, doll. Does that blow your mind or what?




P.S. I’m sorry. Please forgive me for being a fucktard and letting you walk away.


Like the other times his charm and sweetness have swept me off my feet, I grin like a fool and glance around, wondering if he’s nearby, but he’s not. Then, I remember that Robert is at my apartment waiting.
, Robert.

I gnaw on my lip as I drive home. Turning onto my street, I notice I haven’t even remembered the trip. No, I’ve only seen Simon’s sexiness in my head, and I can’t help but wonder who has cancer.

Oh, my god, it’s him. He’s dying and doesn’t want to go through it alone. He says infinity because we’re going to be like a Lifetime movie where I nurse him and fight against the clock to find a cure.

Then, he dies before the age of thirty, so we’re together for infinity because my heart can never love another soul.


Parked near my building is Simon’s black Nissan GT-R. My stomach instantly feels knotted. He’s leaning against it with his arms crossed, wearing a pair of burgundy pants and pale grey shirt as if he’s posing for a magazine spread.

I park beside him in the open lot to my apartment complex. The sun is setting, casting a sheen on his midnight strands of hair.

Stepping out of my car, I nervously look around for Robert’s. “Uh, hi, Simon. I’m going to warn you that I’m expecting my date any minute.”

His hands are shoved into the pockets of his form-fitting pants, and he uses his upper body to push off his car. He stalks toward me without a word, his face masked with seriousness. Leaning in, he barely kisses my cheek.

“Robert has come and gone. I told him you wouldn’t be needing his services this evening or any other time.”

“Shit, Simon, tell me you didn’t hurt him.”

“I didn’t hurt him. I only threatened to if he ever showed up to take you anywhere again.” A smirk is finally revealed behind his territorial mask. “Oh, and I told him I was in the Mob. That shit worked. I’ve never seen a guy get back into his car so fast.”

“You’re bad. I will have some explaining to do.”

Simon’s eyes narrow, and hands slip from his pockets to grip my waist. “Did you read my letter?”

My eyes tilt up at him, and I smile. “I did. It was sweet.”

“Do you forgive me?”

“I do.”

“Then you don’t owe that pansy an explanation. You’re mine. End of story.”

The thoughts of cancer begin to swirl like a storm again in my mind. I examine him, and my eyes begin to water.

“Sadie, what’s wrong?” The tears spring forth as I throw my arms around his neck.

“Are you dying?”

“Dying? Hell no, I’m not dying.” His hand covers the back of my head, and he kisses on my neck. Stopping abruptly, he leans back, looking toward the sky. “Damn, sweetheart, I’m sorry. It’s my Mom. She’s sick, not me.”

“So, the infinity you were talking about could be a long time, and you still want to spend it with me?”

He squeezes my cheeks between his hands.

“How much clearer do I need to be? Immeasurable. Infinitude, doll.” His lips crash to mine and hold on fiercely. He swallows me up in his arms, and I’m overcome with emotion from the change in our course.

Simon pulls back and scrunches his forehead.

“Say you won’t go out with another man.”

“I won’t go out with another man.”

“Then it’s time we make

BOOK: Consumed
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