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Authors: Scarlet Wolfe

Consumed (7 page)

BOOK: Consumed
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Adrian and Victoria leave me alone in the room with Simon. If he wasn’t mumbling and groaning, you could hear my heart pounding.

“You tampered with my car, didn’t you?” I ask.

Removing his hand from his jaw, he takes a seat on the sofa and brushes his long bangs from his face. 

“No, I didn’t. I was only going to follow you and grab Victoria once she was home, but your shit for a car screwed up my plans and caused more trouble.”

“Oh, sorry my crappy car disrupted your kidnapping itinerary,” I spout.

“Look, I’m sorry about tonight. I’ll ensure you get your vehicle back tomorrow evening in better shape than it was before.”

“I don’t want your help.”

I only want you to touch me again because that makes so much more sense.

Simon’s onyx eyes focus on me as he stands and stalks my way. My instincts have me taking a step backward. A chunk of my hair wraps around his finger, and I suck in a breath.

“Doll, I take care of my responsibilities. I caused you problems tonight, so I’m going to fix your car whether you want me to or not.”

His gaze drops to my hair his finger is twirling. After a couple of seconds, I swallow from how unnerving it is to have him this close.

It pulls him back from wherever his thoughts have been, and his brow furrows as he lifts his eyes to meet mine.

“You’re going to cause me a hell of a lot more stress than I caused you tonight.”

My eyes close momentarily while I remind myself to breathe. “Why do you think that?”

“You’re honest, Sadie. What’s true and real gets in my head and doesn’t rest. Not ever. You’re in my head, and now, I’m trying to figure out what to do about it.”

Leaning in, his breath teases my skin. It’s the appetizer to lips that are a sinful overindulgence as they meet my cheek and drag to my ear. The shiver comes next, shooting down to my toes.

“If I thought a taste of you would quiet my craving, I’d have at it, but I suspect that would only make me want the full-course meal.”

“Simon,” Adrian says, causing me to jump.

“This isn’t over, sweetheart,” Simon whispers in my ear before stepping back from me and glancing to his brother. “What?”

“Victoria is taking Sadie home in my car, but it seems they’re missing some personal items.” Adrian is glaring as Simon reaches behind his back and pulls out Victoria’s gun.

After handing it over to her, he fishes our phones from the front, inside pocket of his suit jacket and gives them to us.

“I’ll be back,” Victoria says before kissing Adrian’s cheek. Without taking a glimpse at either of them, I scurry toward the door.

Simon’s a criminal. A sexy as sin criminal, but corrupt, no less, so I need to clear my mind of him. I should be with someone like Robert. He’s responsible, smart and law-abiding.

But Robert has never made my insides feel like popcorn in sizzling butter or made my toes literally curl inward. No, never in my life have I felt this excited.



“What the fuck were you thinking? You could’ve killed one of them, or Victoria could’ve killed you!” I say as I charge my brother and shove him.

After stumbling backward a foot, he comes at me, pushing forcefully on my chest. “Why would you keep it from me that she’s a cop?”

“I know you, Simon. I’m fully aware of how you would’ve treated her had I told you. She would’ve become even more suspicious then.”

“Still, man, I thought we didn’t keep secrets in this family.” I’m the one who preaches the most about honesty, so he’s getting a jab in. Glaring at me, he moves his mussed up hair from his face.

“She was tipped off by an ex-employee who said we were running a prostitution ring. Victoria was simply doing her job. Reggie told me at the start of her employment, so we were never in danger of getting busted.”

“You’ve known that long?”

“You’re impulsive, Jersey. It’s the only reason I didn’t tell you. Look at your behavior tonight. You could’ve gotten someone killed. Actually, is there anything about your past I need to know?”

He smirks. “If you’re asking if I murdered anyone, the answer is no.”

“This isn’t fucking funny.”

“I wasn’t going to shoot them.”

I throw my finger toward the door. “You’ve seen Victoria in action. What if she had turned on you tonight? You both could’ve died.”

I shake my head in disappointment and stroll over to the bar. “I need a damn drink. Do you want one?”


I make us each a scotch and take it to him.

“You’ve never hit me before,” he says as he takes a seat on the couch.

Sitting across from him in a chair, I take a drink.

“You’ve never given me a good enough reason to until tonight. God, Simon, I can’t believe you resorted to that.”

“I believed the woman you trusted was in the process of ruining our lives.” After taking a long drink, he leans back against the cushion.

“I do trust her. I also told her I loved her yesterday,” setting my tumbler on the table, I rub my hands down my face, “and then tonight you pointed a gun at her.”

Simon’s fingers shove into his hair, and he clutches it, while staring up at the ceiling. I watch his Adam’s apple move as the weight of what he’s done presses on it.

“I’m sorry, bro. I was sure you would be through with her once you knew. I guess I thought you would be proud of me for discovering the truth and bringing her here.”

“We’re not thugs. What we do is calculated and for the greater good.”

He slaps a hand down onto the couch.

“How the hell do you plan on being in a relationship with a cop, considering our business?”

“I don’t intend for her to ever know about the lounges or the anti-terrorism work we do.”

His mockery is broadcasted by his laugh and overly dramatic fall onto the sofa. He’s lying flat, his arm dangling to the side, still holding his drink. His free hand covers his chest as it bounces from laughter.

“Real slick, Ace. News flash; Victoria is going to find out. She’s been trained to notice these things. Then, she’s going to kick your ass. Oh, I so better get to watch that.”

“She isn’t working here anymore, so as long as everyone, especially Reggie, keeps their damn mouths shut, there is no reason for her to go looking.”

“Reggie works with her?”

“He’s her partner.” I pause, debating on whether to share more. “He’s also in love with her.”

Shit bird laughs again. “Oh, damn, bro, that’s a good one. You save his life and then steal his woman.”

“Shut up, asshole. They weren’t dating. I didn’t even know he liked her.”

His laughing subsides, and it becomes awkwardly quiet.

“You really love her. What’s it feel like?”

“Imagine skydiving. You willingly fall from safety for the exhilaration, without knowing one hundred percent if you’ll survive unscathed. Damn, the rush though.

“It would be less complicated had I been able
to fall in love with Victoria, but no amount of will could’ve prevented it. She’s the one.”

Chapter Nine



“Mmm …” His voice rouses me from sleep, and I flinch from the tickle to my lower leg. I feel it again and open my eyes. Adrian is settled between my thighs. He’s gripping my calves as his lips travel north.

Knowing I’m watching him, his eyes tilt up at me. They’re full of mischievousness, the walnut color transmitting his slyness without even the help of a smile.

He holds his lips to my skin, and never taking his eyes off of mine, two of his fingers creep their way upward until they’re slipping between my panties.

They graze the outside of me, and my breaths quicken as I stiffen and take hold of his hair. He jerks his head away. “No. Put your hands over your head and hold onto the bed, or I’m tying them to it.”

“Like hell you are.”

He lets out a heavy sigh. “You normally carry a weapon, right?”


“Are you fast to draw your gun? I doubt it, so you must be capable of exhibiting control with your hands.”

“Actually, I have had a problem with that. Eager hands, so I’ve been told.” Holding out my fingers, I wiggle them in front of him.

“Then this will be a continuing education course.”

“What does that mean?”

“Hands over your head, Victoria.”

“And what if I don’t?” My lips purse and eyebrows lift.

“You’ll prove that you can’t control those eager hands.” An all too familiar shame trespasses onto me, so I look away. “Juice Box, I’m only going to make you feel excellent.”

“I believe you, but I–I’m not used to someone giving me orders this personal.”

“You can trust me not to hurt you, and I need to know you do trust me after what Simon pulled last night.”

Allowing my gaze to return to his, I notice the sincerity in his eyes. My anxiety rises instantly as I put my hands over my head and grip the bed rails.

Adrian gets up and sits back onto his legs. I can’t help but notice the huge bulge in his navy, boxer briefs.

“Damn, baby, you look hot.” Leaning over, he takes hold of my panties and drags them down my legs before he settles once again between my thighs.

Planting a few faint kisses at the apex, his tongue is soon stroking straight down the middle of my pussy as his fingers spread me open.

“Mmm … I could come just from tasting you.” His tongue finds my clit and begins its assault. The intense pleasure has my arms flying downward, hands delving into his hair.

I feel my wrists come together as his powerful hand clasps around them. “What did I tell you, Victoria?”

Looking down, I eye my wrists and feel the wetness on my skin from where his fingers had been inside me. It’s erotic, but he’s restraining me, and that’s a “hell no.”

“You’re not restraining me.”

Adrian’s eyes that were full of playfulness earlier are now a dark storm of passion. He lets my wrists go and crawls up over my body. My eyes wander to his contoured biceps, which are holding his weight.

“This is going to be a problem. See, I have expectations of what we’re going to do together from fantasies I’ve had of you. I also have needs when it comes to control, and I thought you were the brave, tough woman who could handle them.”

“I can handle you,” I say with a grimace.

His eyes narrow on mine. “Show me, Victoria.”



Victoria expels a huff before she slips her arms between us and raises them. After moving back down her body, my tongue returns to circling enough to drive her insane.

Whimpering, she clutches the wooden bed rails firmly and pulls on them, nudging my massive bed an inch or two. Her reaction to the pleasure causes me to growl and squeeze her ass.

I bring her soaked cunt closer to my mouth, licking and sucking as her moans become louder and more frequent.

My cock is straining to be inside her. I latch onto the hood of her clit and suck it before I pinch it lightly with my teeth.

Victoria cries out, her body convulsing, and exhibiting that an orgasm has taken her prisoner. I hold her firmly and continue licking as she screams my name.

She finally goes limp, fingers barely having the strength to hold onto the bed. I sit up to retrieve a condom.

“We don’t have to use those. I’m on the pill,” she utters between her harsh breaths. So many thoughts race through my head. The commitment we’ve made to each other being the main one.

“Damn, that’s awesome.” I strip my boxers, and since she’s still recovering from a concussion, I sit between her legs. Slipping my arms beneath her back, I lift her until she’s up and straddling me.

She lowers onto my cock painfully slow, getting back at me for the relentless work of my tongue. I clench her hips and bite down on my lower lip as my head tips backward.

“Fuck, you feel fantastic,” I mutter.

Victoria moves repeatedly at the same slow pace, and as much as I have the desire to drive into her, the gradual rub along my dick is ecstasy, so I fight the urge.

Her lips press to my neck and leave a fiery trail downward and along my shoulder. My hand slides behind the nape of her neck, and I pull her back to stare steadily into her passionate eyes.

Ruby lips match her blotchy chest, and she’s so fucking beautiful. “God, I love you.”

She smiles lazily. “I love you, too.” Her eyes close, and every time she sinks onto me, she holds herself down a little farther.

It takes only a few of her deliberate moves to propel us both off the cusp. My thumbs push into her neck, and I press our foreheads together. Her muscles are clamped onto my cock, milking it dry.

No barrier between us.

After I ride out my release, her legs and arms hook around me. I bring her closer, hugging her hard. She exhales a long breath and gives in to me, her body molding against mine. “Two orgasms, and it’s not even nine o’clock,” she says with a giggle.

The feel of it against my chest has my heart hammering. “You’re spoiling me. I believe I’d enjoy waking up like this every day,” she adds.

Her body tenses as soon as the last syllable leaves her lips. “I mean, I–I’m only joking about how great it could be to wake up to sex every day.”

Before I can stop her, she’s climbing off of me and heading toward the bathroom. I fall backward on the bed.

Why is she so afraid of getting close to me?

BOOK: Consumed
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