Consumed: A MMA Sports Romance (50 page)

BOOK: Consumed: A MMA Sports Romance
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Zack teased me until I was certain I
couldn’t take anymore, and then I was suddenly tumbling backwards, jolted at
the last moment by an impact with a soft surface—his mattress. Before I could
recover Zack had renewed his attacks, bringing the tip of his tongue up to my
clit; he flicked the rough, slippery muscle against the tiny bead of nerves and
sending tingling crackles of electric sensation throughout my body. I twisted
and writhed, throwing my head back against the mattress, reaching out blindly
to grab at Zack’s shoulders and head, threading my fingers in his hair as I
pushed my hips down to meet his mouth. He sucked all of my pussy between his
lips that he could, his tongue lashing up and down along my folds, finding my
clit and then dancing away from it. I was whimpering, moaning, words of praise
tumbling out of my lips without any thought, as pleasure jolted through me,
obliterating my ability to think.

I couldn’t tell if we had been going at it
for minutes or hours, but I felt the tension mounting inside of me, growing
more and more like a steadily tightening knot somewhere below my navel, making
me arch and twist and squirm for better contact. Finally, when I couldn’t
possibly take it any longer, the tension broke all at once, the knot inside of
my body unraveling in an instant. I cried out as wave after wave of pleasure
shocked through me, crackling through every nerve and every vein. Zack didn’t
let up—he kept sucking and licking, sending more and more sensation rocketing
through my body. By the time the spasms of pleasure finally began to abate, I
almost begged him to stop—my whole body oversensitive, shaking, my clit
tingling almost uncomfortably from the overload. But Zack pulled back, giving
my labia a lingering lick before he broke away from my body.

Zack kissed a rapid path up to my lips,
lingering to lavish attention to the tops of my breasts along the way. I was
shaking, trembling as he wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing me
hungrily. I held onto him tightly, hovering in a haze of orgasmic bliss for a
long moment, unable to think of anything other than how good I felt.

“You do realize you’re not fully naked,
don’t you?” Zack nibbled playfully at my neck, murmuring in my ear. I opened my
eyes and looked down—realizing it for the first time since he had started to go
down on me.

“I had forgotten. It didn’t seem to get in
your way much.”

Zack grinned. He lifted me up off of the
bed and reached around to my back, unhooking the clasp on my bra before he
guided the fabric away from my body. Then he was tugging my skirt down over my
hips, along my legs, tossing it aside and leaving me completely exposed to his
hungry gaze. He trailed his hands all over me slowly, caressing and soothing
me, cupping my breasts and stroking my arms and legs.

“Much better,” Zack said, kissing me
lightly on the lips. I touched him everywhere I could reach, kneading his tight
shoulders, running my fingers through his hair, caressing along the line of his

“Have I mentioned how sorry I am that I
acted like such an idiot?” I asked, still smiling dreamily.

“Oh trust me, I know exactly how sorry you
are,” Zack said, kissing me hungrily until I was nearly breathless. He pulled
back and looked down at me with a smile. “I think we can safely call it even
now, don’t you?”

I laughed. “Okay, fine. We’re even.”

I reached down between our bodies and
found Zack’s cock by touch. I wrapped my hand around him and gave him a long,
slow stroke; Zack obediently started to harden immediately, his hips twisting
and thrusting up into my touch. He groaned, burying his face against my neck
for a moment as I stroked him until he was once more fully hard, the tip of his
cock beginning to flow precum against my hand. Zack slipped his hand between my
legs and began to caress me, his touch feather-light to start and then steadily
firmer. He worked his fingers up between my labia, rubbing me slowly and
steadily as I pumped him. In a matter of moments we were both burning up, our
sweat running together, our bodies twisting against each other and our limbs

Zack moved my hand away and guided his
cock up against me, rubbing up and down along my slick folds until I was
panting with need. He thrust into me slowly, filling me up inch by inch,
letting me feel his thick hardness as it pushed past the initial resistance of
my body. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pushing my hips down to meet his
thrust, kissing wherever my lips could reach. Zack dragged his lips along the
line of my throat, bringing them up to my mouth as he began to rock his hips
against mine, rubbing against me and pushing deeper and deeper into my body.

“Fuck, Evie,” Zack murmured, his hands
moving over my body slowly, “you feel so good.”

“You, too,” I said, throwing my head back
to give him better access to my neck.

Zack nipped at my sensitive skin, while
his hand trailed upward from my waist to cup my breast. He twisted and rolled
my nipple between his fingers, making me gasp and shiver underneath him. We
moved together in a steady rhythm—I smiled to myself as I realized it was
exactly the same rhythm that was blaring through the speakers outside, the
music of the party going on downstairs. Every shift of our bodies sent more and
more tingling pleasure through me, building up the tension deep down between my
hips. I clung to Zack as if for life itself, writhing underneath him, hot and
cold flashes flickering through me like electric fire.

I held myself back as much as I could,
wanting to prolong the pleasure as long as possible. Zack picked up the pace of
his thrusts, and I matched him, pushing down my hips to meet his thrusts. Every
movement between our bodies brought more friction to bear against my clit, even
as Zack pushed deeper and deeper into me. I gripped his shoulders tightly,
digging my nails into his skin, gasping and panting as the friction built up
until I simply couldn’t control myself anymore. I cried out, clutching Zack
close to me, my whole body tensing and then relaxing in turns as wave after
wave of pleasure shot through me, racking me with the intensity of the

I was barely aware of it as Zack’s cock
began to twitch and jerk inside of me, barely aware of the splash of
sticky-slick heat that shot into me in spurts while we continued to move
together until we simply couldn’t keep it up anymore. As the spasms of pleasure
began to abate for both of us, I felt Zack sag against me and I drooped against
the mattress, panting and so full of satisfied pleasure that I couldn’t think.

I stayed there for a long time, my mind
drifting, music and the sounds of a few hundred partiers filtering through the
walls as I caught my breath and tried to convince my pounding heart to slow
down. Zack pulled himself up, falling to the bed next to me with his arms
draped around me loosely, lazily touching me everywhere.

“I’m so glad you found me,” Zack said,
burying his face against my neck and kissing me.

“I am, too. This is certainly a lot better
than I expected.”

Zack laughed against my skin, pulling back
and brushing my long hair out of my face before he kissed me hungrily, his
hands coming to life along my curves, teasing me once more.

“Man, Evie—I was miserable without you. I
don’t think you even know how much it hit me.”

I shrugged, still smiling. “I saw you play
the other night. But I didn’t think…I just figured you’d move on once I froze
you out.” I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I was expecting you
to have some girl in here, so I could feel justified.” Zack laughed again,
kissing me hungrily as he started to touch me all over again, cupping my
breasts, teasing my nipples and starting up the flames of desire inside of me
again. “Hey—so what were you doing in here before I came?”

Zack shrugged. “Pretending to study,
mostly just moping. Considering trying to call you one last time, actually.”

Zack pulled my body against his and
slipped his hand between my legs. He began to stroke my still-slick folds
slowly and gently at first, and then more firmly. He found my clit by touch and
began to stroke me as I shivered and arched against him, pushing my hips down
for better contact.

“You should stay the night,” Zack
suggested, rubbing my clit in tight little circles while my hips bucked,
sliding some of his fingers down to stroke my inner labia.

“Mm—no, Zack. I am not staying the night
here,” I laughed slightly, breathless and moaning, leaning my head back against
his shoulder. “There is—there is no way that I’m doing the walk of shame away
from your frat tomorrow morning.”

Zack kissed my shoulder, nibbling
playfully. “Aw, come on—everyone already knows that I’m madly in love with you.
Of course you stayed the night.”

I rolled my eyes, my breath hitching in my
throat as Zack’s fingers slipped inside of me, rubbing along my inner walls.
“I’m not staying the night,” I insisted, moaning softly as Zack continued to
work me, sending tingling jolts of hot and cold electricity through my nerves.

He didn’t argue the point, but instead
kept touching me, rubbing and stroking me inside and out, pressing against my
clit until I shivered almost uncontrollably against him, hitting orgasm once
again before I slumped against his body.

I slipped out of the frat house a few
hours later; the party had wound down, with only a few revelers still drinking
and laughing and talking, the music long since dead. I knew I’d be totally
wrecked for my classes the next day, but the sweet tingling aftermath of so
many orgasms coursing through my body told me it was totally worth it. I would
maybe get a nap in the afternoon; I had a span of a couple of hours between
lunch and my evening classes. It wouldn’t be that difficult to fit in a rest.
My phone buzzed in my purse and I took it out, looking at the screen; there
were two text messages. One from Jess and one from Zack.

Jess had asked me. I sent back that I was, and on my
way back to the dorms.

Zack’s was even more satisfying:
Can’t wait to get you alone again, Evie. I
am counting down the hours.



For a day or two, I had no time to get
back to Zack; in spite of the fact that I wanted nothing more than to be with
him again, I still had the presence of mind to put my studies first. I sent
Zack a few texts—teasing him, and getting teased in return—but I couldn’t make
any definite plans until I knew I had all of my work done. I wanted to see him
again, but I wasn’t going to make the mistake of letting my grades tank because
I’d gone sex-crazed with a guy. I was also still nervous about the reaction
from his teammates. Was the one who’d talked to me the only one who was worried
about Zack being distracted, or was it something that the whole team was on
board with? And had they noticed that Zack was apparently more distracted
without me?

It was Wednesday morning when I woke up; I
was already thinking of how I would hit Zack up to go to dinner somewhere off
campus, maybe bring him back to my dorm to spend the night. I still had my own
prejudices against this frat house—if he had to stay there for whatever reason,
I would go to him there, but if I could have him to myself in my room, I wanted
that a lot more. I got up and decided to wake up gradually, about an hour or so
earlier than my usual wake-up time.

I was sitting in the common area of the
dorm when Jess came in, eyes wide and face set in shock. I was watching one of
the early-morning shows, drinking a cold coffee in my pajamas, and Jess made a
beeline to me.

“Shit, Evie—have you seen this?” She
brandished a newspaper and I furrowed my brow.

“What, did something come out in the
school rag?”

Jess shook her head. “This isn’t the
campus paper,” she said, straightening it and showing me the banner.

It was the
distributed throughout the state, though it was mostly
local. Jess unfolded the newspaper. On the front page, a huge headline read,
Up and Coming QB May Be Suspended for
Partying Too Hard
. My gaze moved down and I saw a picture of Zack,
obviously at a party at his frat. He was wearing a toga and had a beer in each
hand, streams of the drinks flowing into his mouth from both sides. There was a
girl in the picture with him, grinding up against him with a huge grin on her

For a long moment I couldn’t do anything
but stare at the picture, shocked at what I was seeing. I finally snatched the
paper out of Jess’ hands and began to read. “
The quarterback’s partying ways, as a member of the notorious Phi Alpha
Kappa fraternity, recently came to light to the administration as well as the
coaching staff at the university.”
The article went on to describe the
different highlights—or maybe they were lowlights—of the frat’s history on
campus, and opined that it was a foregone conclusion that Zack would be lost to
partying ways once he’d joined as a freshman.
“Of course, the kind of behavior that a second string quarterback is
able to get away with is impossible for a starting quarterback for a school
that will be going on to nationals.”
The article concluded with speculation
as to whether suspending Zack would force the school to forfeit at the finals,
whether or not the first string QB was going to be able to take up his mantle
again, or whether there would be a backup quarterback who could be brought in.
“It is certainly a shame to see a promising
college ball career marred—potentially ended—by the bad choices of a student.”

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