Consumed by Wrath: An FBI/Romance Thriller (An FBI/Romance Thriller ~ Book 8) (54 page)

BOOK: Consumed by Wrath: An FBI/Romance Thriller (An FBI/Romance Thriller ~ Book 8)
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He was aware that tonight would be the biggest moment of his life. Where he believed proposing was putting himself out there, asking her to elope after dinner was even harder for him.

There was still that little piece of him that believed she may laugh at him. After all, in his reality, the geek didn't get the babe. In fact, he was on the cusp of getting the golden haired Goddess, and that seemed like a dream.

Staring at her, he noticed that she looked more lovely than usual. Her hair was artfully arranged, there was a smoky smudge of make up around her eyes that made the blue stand out even more, and she smelled delicious. He wanted to lick her.

Thank God that he had some control left.

“What are you thinking about, Christopher?” she asked, as he stared at her. It was making her a little nervous.


“Want to be a little more specific?” she
inquired, smiling.

“I have your Valentine’s Day gift, and I want to give it to you now.”

She took his hand in hers and stared into his eyes. “You didn't have to buy me anything. Being with you is my gift.”

He lifted her knuckles to his lips and left a gentle kiss there.

Cyra’s heart stuttered in her chest at the simple action. Whenever her gallant doctor made some romantic gesture, she melted from the inside out.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled the box out and handed it to her. When she looked nervously at it, Chris had to laugh. Cyra was incredibly uncomfortable with his wealth, and especially when he spent it on her.

“Open it.”

“Chris, you know this jewelry thing freaks me out,” she said, motioning to the fat ring he had given her when he proposed. It was ridiculously too big and screamed insanity.

The ring could be traded for a large house, and she knew it.

“Just open it, Cyra.”

Delicately, she flipped open the box and stared into the black velvet box. “Oh, it’s gorgeous.”

He grinned. It wasn’t easy to find something in Salem. “It’s not even close to the beauty of
its owner.”

Cyra gazed into his eyes. “I love it.”

Chris went on to explain it. “It’s a locket. I wanted to give you something to remember our first Valentine’s Day together.”

How could she forget?

Cyra ran her fingers over the little sparkles encrusted in the top.

“Flip it over.”

She did just that, and inspected the writing. It had that day’s date inscribed across the back.

“I love it, Christopher.”

“Now, open it.”

When she did, a tiny little piece of paper fell out. She unfolded it and read the words. When
Cyra didn't get it, she stared at him. “It’s our anniversary?”

“If you’ll elope with me
, right now, it will be. I have a judge, the paperwork, and witnesses all ready. Today can be Valentine’s Day, or the day we celebrate our wedding anniversary, until the day we die.”

Her heart fluttered.
She didn't have to think twice, especially since she had prayed for this moment all day. “I would love to marry you, Christopher. Let’s go.”

The worry lifted off his shoulders. Why he expected anything less than
her willingness, he didn't know. “Let me pay the bill, and we’re out of here.”

“Hurry. I want to marry the most amazing man in the world
, and start my life with him.”

His Goddess was finally within reach.

Chris signaled the waiter. If that’s what Cyra wanted, who was he to argue with that?




                                *   *   *


Pulling up to the courthouse, Cyra stared out the window. Standing there waiting were the Blackhawks, Callen Whitefox and Tony Magnus. Apparently, they were all in on this, and that explained Elizabeth giving her some girly downtime.

“They all knew, huh?”

He started laughing. “Yeah, well what’s a wedding without your family at your side?”

Chris was absolutely right. Cyra couldn’t think of any other people
who she would want there with her. While their own blood relatives made their lives difficult, as they planned to tie the knot, these people didn't bat an eyelash as they were invited to join them for their special night.

Hopping out, Chris raced to help his fiancée out and up the stairs. As they walked towards the four individuals, everyone was smiling.

“I take it she said yes,” Ethan stated.

The look on the man’s face was reminiscent of that of a small child on Christmas morning. “Hell yeah she did! We’re getting hitched!

Cyra squeezed his hand and addressed their friends, “Thank you for being here. It means a great deal to us.”

Chris couldn’t agree more. “I didn't want to this night without you four,” he began, looking over at his lab mate. “You make the day fun, even when we’re knee deep in things that would make other people weep. Ethan and Callen, you’re both here because I watch the way you two treat your wife, and it gives me a roadmap to do the same. My dad died young, and although we’re the same age, I look up to you both as I plan to model my behavior on yours.”

Ethan and Callen patted him on the back.

“It’s our pleasure,” Blackhawk said.

“When you find the right woman, you want to make her happy,” Whitefox added. “I think you’re right on track.”

Chris knew he absolutely was indeed. “Elizabeth, where do I even begin?”

She smiled gently at him. “You don’t need to say anything, Chris. I’ve known you long enough to know what you’re feeling.”

He shook his head. “No, I think I need to say this. I grew up with a mother, and she tried her best. I didn't know what it meant to feel. The minute I met you, I began to experience things that no one showed me before. You took me to batting cages, always included me in revelry after a case was over, and made sure I was safe out in the field. When I asked you out, you had the fortitude to say no, but never break my heart. You’ve been part of me for the last twelve years, and I will never, ever, for as long as I live, forget what you’ve given me. I don’t think you were born to be a Fed. I think you were born to be a mother. Your soul is absolutely beautiful and so full of love.”

That choked her up.

“You are part of my family and always have a place in our life.”

She hugged her ME, as the water works were turned on. “I’m happy for you both, because I see the same thing in you both that I see in us,” she replied, pointing at the men in her life. “You and Cyra were made for each other. I’m glad
that you two are beginning this journey in love.”

Chris was too. “How about we go get married? I have a wedding night to begin.”

Callen grinned and stopped when Elizabeth pointed at him. “What?”

“Zip it or else.”

Whitefox shook his head. “See what you have to look forward to, Chris?”

When Elizabeth crossed her arms, Ethan started laughing. Apparently
, his brother had forgotten the last couple of hours. “I’m staying out of this.”

Chris was too. Quickly, he pulled Cyra towards the building. Once inside, it didn't take long to sign the paperwork and get it witnessed by Elizabeth and Ethan. When that was done,
the judge started the proceedings.

, we come together on Valentine’s Day, to bring two people into the sacred commitment of matrimony. This is not something that you should take lightly. Being one’s partner is a very big responsibility. When you pledge to marry someone, you then vow to take the good and bad that comes along with it.”

Chris stared into Cyra’s eyes. He only saw perfection.

“Since you’re eloping, I’ll keep it brief. Cyra Jade Austin, you stand before me willing to sign a declaration of love, honor and promise. Would you like to say anything to the man you’re committing your life to?”

She took his hand in hers
and felt so much love in her heart. “Christopher, we may not have had years to get to know each other, but I feel like I’ve always known you. From the minute I saw you attack your boss in the morgue, my heart has never been the same. I trust you with my complete self, and know that no matter what we do, or where we go, I can believe that you will do what you feel is best for us. You’re an honorable man, and I am blessed that you’ve chosen me to be the one you make this journey with in life. I love you, and I will never be whole without you. You’re my soul mate and my other half. Thank you for loving me and finding me.”

His heart overflowed with love. In that moment, he knew that the old part of his life was falling away, and something brand new was beginning

This was rebirth.

“You may go next, Christopher Orion Leonard.”

There was a snicker from everyone in the room, and the judge gave them a dirty look.

“Cyra my sweet, there will never be words that can ever match what I feel for you. When I first saw you, I couldn’t breathe. You became my every waking thought and chased me through my dreams. When you accepted me, for the man I am, I knew that I couldn’t let you slip from my grasp. Your compassion, enjoyment of life, and overall sweetness make me want to wrap you around me and never let you go. When I see you, I see us. Not just now, but twenty, thirty and forty years from now. In this moment, I am so blessed, and I never thought I would ever feel this. You’re my happiness, my joy and the reason I live.”

Cyra could feel the first tear slip effortlessly down her cheek.

“I promise that I will never love anyone else but you. How can I? Today, I give you my heart, my life and my soul.”

Ethan and Callen each wrapped an arm around Elizabeth’s waist. They knew she was filled with emotion, and it had nothing to do with the baby hormones. Here stood a man
whom she had taken a personal investment in, and made part of her life. Now, he was beginning a journey that would change his life forever.

“I welcome you both into this contract,” said the judge, signing his name. “Christopher Leonard, may I introduce you to Cyra Leonard, your wife.”

Everyone in the room clapped, as Chris kissed his wife. The emotions filled the people witnessing this moment. With that simple meeting of lips, everything had changed.

Two paths became one.

Two hearts were joined forever.

Life was never going to be the same again.

Chris slowly pulled away, as his heart was thumping in his chest. This woman was now officially his, and he could begin to celebrate.

He had gotten the babe, finally!

As they walked out to the cars, there was joy surrounding all of them. For those who were able to witness the true meaning of love on Valentine’s Day, it was indeed sweet.

When they reached the vehicles, Ethan handed Chris an envelope. “This is from us.”

The man looked confused.

“Just open it,” he said, grinning.

Chris slipped it open and pulled out the paper. Inside sat the name and address of an inn.

“I don’t understand.”

Blackhawk explained, “Tonight is your wedding night, and we wanted to give you something to always remember it. Staying at Hotel Blackhawk will always remind you that we were chasing death. Tonight, we want you to chase life. Go, celebrate, and start your lives together where only love lives.”

He was touched and hugged his friend. “When we get home, we’re celebrating at my house,” he said, grateful that he had friends who would think about his happ
iness and always have his back.

“We love you all,” he said, taking Cyra’s hand.

“Oh, Chris?” Elizabeth called, getting his attention.

When they both turned, she shouted
, “NOW!”

The newly married
couple was pelted with handfuls of rice. As they laughed, they hurried up and hopped into the Denali. The four left remaining, waved as they drove away.

“Man, I’m going to miss having a bachelor buddy,” Tony said.

“Yeah, well you better be careful, Tony. I hear Cupid looks for the most eligible bachelor when she has no one left to point her arrows at,” stated Blackhawk.

Tony Magnus looked around. “Hey! I like being a bachelor!”

Elizabeth started laughing, as the men escorted her to the Navigator. “You know what they say, Tony. All good things must come to an end.”

Once more, he looked around and hoped that she was kidding.

Seriously, she had to be yanking his chain…





                  *   *   *




Tomorrow began the Spring Fling. In Salem, it was a time of celebration and life, but that wouldn’t be true for everyone. For some, it would mean nothing but death.

The addiction was growing, and he was helpless to rally against it. There was this hunger brewing deep in his belly, and he had no way to stop it, even if he was so inclined.
All day long, as he worked, he tried to not think about it, but it was so hard.

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