Contingency (8 page)

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Authors: Peggy Martinez

BOOK: Contingency
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I cried like I had cried only one other time in my life. I cried for the unfairness of life, I cried for the future I might never get to see again, and I cried because I never asked to be burdened with so much. Dr. Blake held me in his arms all night whispering nonsense to me and caressing my arms and back until I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.




Chapter Twelve


The next morning I woke in bed all alone, thank God. I was dreading facing everyone. I rarely cried and I never broke down as I had done the night before. I splashed my face with cool water and dressed, longing for my concealer and eye drops. With a sigh I headed down to breakfast.


I stood in front of the double doors that led into the dining room, took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. I stifled a screech and spun around when I felt a light touch on my shoulder. Elaine stood there sans the scowl she had worn for the past several days. I straightened my posture and raised my chin a smidge as I looked her directly in the eye. She grinned impishly at me.


“Sage, we are all very proud of you. You have come a long way in the past several weeks. You are a hard worker, a quick learner, and when most other young women would have broken down going through all the things you have, you tapped into an inner strength and moved on.” She took a deep breath and continued on. “Please forgive me for reacting too harshly. I allowed the worry I felt when I realized you had put yourself in danger to color my actions.”


She looked down at the hands she had clasped in from of her and I got the distinct impression that it was almost as hard for her as it was for me to apologize to anyone.


How could I not forgive someone who had helped me so much, someone who cared about me? I impulsively pulled her to me for a hug and after a moment’s surprise she hugged me back. “Of course I forgive you.” I said fiercely. I gave her one last squeeze and then stepped back. Throwing her a quick grin, I entered the dining room for breakfast.


I dug into my breakfast with gusto, my heart felt lighter even though my stomach felt empty from missing most of the previous night’s meal. When Dr. Blake entered looking refreshed and charming, my heart gave a little flutter and I couldn’t help but smile when I remembered how gentle and sweet he’d been the night before.


He met my eyes briefly and gave me a little wink. Good thing I was already sitting down. Dang, that man was some major eye candy. I gave him a sassy grin in return and then finished my breakfast. Mrs. Howell informed everyone that instead of our regularly scheduled classes, we would all be meeting in the library to go over some things. I glanced over at her, but her demeanor gave nothing away. I was pretty sure I wasn’t in trouble again.


Travis, Dr. Blake, Phoebe and I waited in the library for Elaine to arrive. I pretended to skim the pages of the book in my hand, but instead, I studied my three companions. I couldn’t imagine any of them sending me that blasted note alerting preternaturals of my presence--or one of them being a traitor.


I looked at Dr. Aldwin Blake and knew he could be moody and unpredictable--Lord knows he looked dangerous enough to be a bad guy. Surely I would be able to tell though, after him holding me gently through the night, I just couldn’t imagine my intuition being that off when it came to him.


I glanced over at Travis Connely and Phoebe deep in conversation by the fireplace. Travis had saved my life and killed a vampire the day I met him. He seemed otherwise genuine and gentle, but sometimes I wondered about his enthusiasm for killing preternaturals. I also had to consider the fact that when I came home after getting the note, I ran into him acting suspiciously.


I narrowed my eyes at Phoebe, who was currently looking adoringly at Travis through her lashes as he spoke animatedly to her. I hadn’t realized she had a thing for Travis, but any fool could see it right then. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed before. Phoebe was pretty and quiet, and even though she was technically a ‘servant’ she was treated as an equal and was a trusted member of the group. I didn’t think she was a traitor, not because she was a woman, no, I knew better than to make assumptions like that. I really just didn’t know all that much about Phoebe, and I thought it was probably unlikely that she would betray a man she felt strongly for. I needed to learn a little more about her before I made any judgments.


I shook my head in frustration. Howell Home also staffed several other servants, and although they were considered trustworthy, they would all be at the top of my list to investigate. I might have to come clean to Elaine about the note. I really didn’t want to mess up the relationship we had just mended though. I bit my lip thinking about the predicament I had gotten myself into. I looked up to see Elaine walking in her normal whirlwind fashion and beckoning everyone to take a seat. Once everyone got settled she cleared her throat and addressed us all.


“For the past six weeks we have all worked very hard together day in and day out to prepare Sage for her mission. Travis has assured me that she has learned all he can teach her about preternaturals. I am convinced she will fill her role as a lady born to this era without flaw--even though she still has the tendency to curse most unladylike under her breath.” She said the last with a hint of amusement and affection in her voice and I felt my eyes go a little misty.


“Dr. Blake has also assured me that she has a firm grasp on her abilities as a Warper and has been one of his brightest pupils in matters of combat and knife handling.” My cheeks felt like they were on fire as I glanced quickly over at Dr. Blake. The blasted man grinned at me, probably loving how uncomfortable I was with all the praise.


“So,” she continued on, “we are going to celebrate by attending a house party tonight. Our plan will be put into motion starting then.”


Elaine was beaming at all of us and I felt like I had been punched in the gut. So soon? Was I ready to do this already? Everyone was talking excitedly and shaking hands, oblivious to my inner turmoil. It seemed the demon of self-doubt had made camp right inside my chest.


Elaine walked over to me. “Sage, if you will meet me in my room, I have a few things to show you and then we will take you to the townhouse we have procured for you.”


I nodded, barely hearing her. She probably had some last minute princess advice to impart. I caught my snort just in time. “I’ll meet you there as soon as I grab a breath of fresh air.” I caught her worried look just before she masked it. I put a hand on her arm and smiled at her. “Just in the court yard, I promise. Don’t worry.” I squeezed her arm and made my way outside so I could sort out my thoughts and get my heart rate under control.




Chapter Thirteen


I made my way up to Elaine’s room half an hour later, a little less freaked out and a lot more calm. I knocked gently on the door and heard a muffled reply from within. I opened the door slowly, hoping it had been a
come in
reply. Her room was a pleasant surprise of colors and textures.


The drapes were a deep red, and a colorful rug had been placed in front of the fireplace. She must have a thing for sitting in front of fireplaces I mused remembering our girls’ night not so very long ago. A single turquoise blue chair sat in front of the window with a huge fluffy pillow adorning it.


I couldn’t tell what color her bedspread was, because it was completely covered in clothing. It looked like her dresser had thrown up. She stood next to the bed her hands on her hips and a huge grin spread across her face. “What’s going on?” I asked. Need help with some spring cleaning?” She couldn’t have missed my smirk.


Her grin only got wider. “No...this is all for you.” My smirk quickly faded and she laughed at my distress.


“What do you mean this is for me?” I asked staring at the ungodly amount of frilly under things and skirts hanging off her bed.


“Come on over, Sage, these were all specially made with your mission in mind.” I walked over to the bed, my doubts clear for anyone to see. I spotted a corset and nearly cursed out loud. Luckily all the foulness I wanted to spew stayed locked away in my happy little mind. She noticed my look and clucked her tongue at me. “Really, Sage, you should see your face. You shouldn’t be so quick to judge.”


I picked up a cream-colored corset and noticed a difference right away. It was made out of a buttery soft suede-like material with tiny seed pearls stitched all around the neckline. It had one inch straps and hooked up the front instead of tying in the back. The corset felt a lot lighter than the one I normally wore. I cocked my eyebrow in question at Elaine.


She smiled knowingly. “It doesn’t have a bone or ivory core like most corsets, the inner is made with a material not yet available to the regular population. I have no idea what the material is, but it is lighter and much more flexible than a normal corset.”


I held it to my chest, running my fingers over the soft fabric and then I spied its twin in black. I had to stop myself from kissing her smack on the mouth. It was a thing of beauty. She laughed at my obvious enthusiasm over the black corset. “These are absolutely amazing,” I said in awe. Elaine beamed at me.


“I knew you’d love those. Now--here are several more items I think you will appreciate as well.” The next thing she showed me made me grin even wider, if that was at all possible.


Several pairs of garters were making me all fluttery inside. Who knew I could learn to love lingerie so much? Of course I blame it on the fact that these garters would not only hold up my stockings, but would also allow me to comfortably conceal a dagger in them.


I was shown several skirts made of light-weight materials, all with hidden pockets, all with the right pocket slit so I could have easier access to the dagger strapped to my garter. Man, this day was just getting better and better. I was feeling down right giddy with all these amazing items. Finally she showed me shoes. At first glance, I couldn’t figure out what was special about them besides being pretty awesome looking. I picked up a pair that had a two inch heel, were calf high and were overlaid in black lace. The bottom had a nice tread, so I wouldn’t be slipping. I looked inside and found a hidden slot sewn into the right foot shoe--just perfect to conceal a dirk. Several were clearly meant to be for evenings and several were for everyday wear, and all them were calf length...just the perfect height, and all were modified to hide a weapon. Shit kickers, Edwardian style. Me likey.


“Everything has been made with you and your mission in mind. Lighter weight fabrics and materials were used so your movements would be less restricted. Your townhouse has been furnished, and several outfits and dresses have been sent there ahead of you.”


I shook my head, feeling overwhelmed. “I don’t know what to say...” My voice wavered.


Elaine took my hands in hers. “None of that now--we are all very glad to help you; we are not only elated to assist a Warper, but we have also all grown very fond of you, Sage.”


I smiled at the woman, who under these abnormal circumstances had become one of my only friends. "Elaine, thank you--for everything.” I said sincerely.


She cleared her throat, “Yes, well, I’ll send these things over right away. Dr. Blake will be taking you to your new place; he has a few more things for you as well.” An unbidden picture of Dr. Aldwin Blake showing me women’s undergarments had me laughing out loud. Elaine looked at me as if I’d lost my mind, I waved a hand as I shook my head. “Sorry, just had a funny thought.” She shook her head, but didn’t question me. Thank goodness.


“Well...get going! You have a lot to do before tonight’s grand entrance.” She smiled while she shooed me out the door and shut it firmly behind me. I stood outside her closed bedroom door a few moments before walking determinedly towards my uncertain future.




Chapter Fourteen


Not an hour later I found myself being covered in a black hooded cloak and being ushered quickly into a small black carriage. Dr. Blake waited inside. I tried to muster a smile. “This all seems to be happening so quickly and I sometimes still feel like this is all a dream that I will wake up from at any moment.” The carriage lurched forward, and I slumped back against the cushions and closed my eyes.


I sat that way for awhile, swaying gently in my seat while the carriage made its way down the street. I was startled by Dr. Blake speaking.


“Do you have someone waiting for you when you get back home, Sage? Is there some young man going insane without you right now?” The question was so out of the blue and his eyes were searching my face so intently that I just stared at him stupidly for several moments before I could form a reply.


“No, I don’t,” I whispered. “I don’t have anyone missing me. Not a boyfriend, not a family member, not even a friend. Isn’t that sad?” I sighed feeling deflated. “I kept myself from having friends, didn’t allow people to get too close to me. I regret that now, that if I don’t make it back no one will miss me. Selfish of me isn’t it?” I glanced at him, regret heavy in the air.


“Not selfish at all,” he said gently. “We all want to be remembered, to be loved and to be missed when we are gone.” He gazed back at me with his intense eyes. “I’d miss you a hell of a lot.” he said slowly. “I hope our mission succeeds, I know it has to, but I hope you don’t warp back to your time. I hope you end up stuck here with me.” My jaw dropped open. “THAT’S selfishness and I don’t regret it,” he said passionately.

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