Contrasts (8 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Contrasts
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“If you’ll recall,” Watts said, “the possibility of whipping is mentioned in your contract.”

“But you wouldn’t,” Paul said.

“For the slightest infraction of the rules your wife will be brought here, stripped, secured to that pole and whipped. What’s more, you will bring her here to be punished. Both of you should keep that in mind. Do what you’re told. Don’t object or complain.”

He nodded at Rona who touched the button again. The small stage slid back as the concealing wall closed. Watts took from a drawer in his desk two boxes. He opened the first and laid out on the desk a pair of identical cell phones and a pair of iPhones and a single small black box. Waving a hand at Ann, he said, “Stand up. You can put your raincoat on.” Quickly she stood and buttoned the coat and pulled the belt tight. He pointed to the chair next to Paul. She sat. He pushed all of the devices across the desk, “Take these with you. The cell phones and iPhones have coded numbers that only members of the NWS have access to. Keep both phones with you at all times. Answer immediately and do whatever the caller tells you to do. Often when your wife is servicing one or more of our members in some place other than your house you will be sent photos or videos of her service. Be sure you look at them. The black box attaches to your computer and sends a signal to your television screen so you can watch and listen to her on both of them.”

“Why?” Paul asked. “What good does it do for me witness the awful things that she will be made to do?”

Watts smiled at him, “Two reasons. Almost always the husbands of female slaves were forced to watch their wives give their bodies to the white slaveholders, sometimes to the young sons of the slaveholders. The theory was that having to watch the abuse would make the husband feel diminished, helpless, inferior, and unable to protect his wife. It would weaken him, help to break his spirit. As with the number of times his wife was raped in front of him, he would also begin to lose respect for her even though he knew she was as powerless as he.” Watts pointed to the bulge in Paul’s gray trousers, “My guess is that, unlike the slave husbands, you might find some perverse pleasure in seeing her abused.”

“That’s .....that’s not true...,” Paul began to sputter. He was aware that Ann had noticed the bulge in his pants.

Both Watts and Rona laughed. Rona handed Ann the other box. “You will be entertaining a guest this evening. He’ll call to let you know what time to expect him. He picked this out yesterday. You’re to receive him in it. Also wear those shoes you have on. Nothing else. Prepare with the cosmetics as I’ve shown you. You are to greet your Master warmly with a kiss, an open mouthed kiss and remember he determines how long it will last.” She paused and stepped back. “Have you ever sucked cock?”

Ann shook her head, “ ever.”

“Well, I expect you got a lot to learn. How about ass fucked? You ever been fucked in the ass?”

“Oh my God! No! I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.”

Watts slammed his hand down on the desk again, “You fucking can and you fucking will!” he shouted. “Have you already forgotten the whipping post, you dumb bitch!”

Ann bowed her head trying to hold back the tears. Watts handed Rona a plastic bag. From it she took a large tube of KY jelly and three anal plugs of graduated sizes. She held the small one up before Ann. “Do you know what this is?”

Ann shook her head, “No, I don’t.”

“It’s an anal plug.” She showed Ann the tube. “This is KY jelly. Your lube your ass with it and then shove in the plug. It widens your hole. Keep it in except when you shit.” She held up the two larger plugs. “When the small one feels comfortable, go to the next size. When that feels ok, shove the big one in. Most black men got real thick cocks. Unless your hole can take them they gonna rip it, so it’s best if you do what I’m sayin.”

She put the plugs and KY back in the bag and dropped it in Ann’s lap.

Watts pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. “It appears we’re finished here,” he said. “You belong to us now, Mrs. Gardner. Remember your grandparents out on Long Island. Remember the whipping post here in this room.”

Rona ushered them out.

Chapter Five

Journal Entry

Ann is in the bedroom sobbing. How could I have gotten us, especially her into this terrible mess? I can’t believe how heartless Watts is. He showed us a whipping stage and said if Ann fucks up even in some small way she will be whipped. He told her that her ass would be fucked and gave her plugs to widen it. I’m afraid she might go crazy or become suicidal. Because of her shyness, our sex has never been very good. I don’t think she’s experienced an orgasm. She never complained. It seemed the less sex the better. Until today I’d hardly ever seen her entirely naked, except a quick glimpse now and then. But this afternoon there she was naked on her knees with her hands behind her neck looking up at that fat bastard, Watts. By then my cock felt like it might explode! Why was that?

Even now, writing about it, my cock is getting stiff. What’s wrong with me? Am I some kind of a pervert? Watts said I might like seeing Ann abused. He’s wrong. I love her; love her with all my heart. I might kill the guy abusing her is more like it. The first guy is coming here later this evening. I’m supposed to do whatever he says and so is Ann. I believe Watts when he talks about harming Ann’s old grandparents if we violate any of the terms of the contract. I’ll have to remind Ann of that. I’m sure she will object to what this guy tells her to do and maybe even resist. She’s devoted to the old folks who raised her. She couldn’t bear it if they were hurt because of her. Watts gave me an iPhone with a private number so that wherever Ann is, photos and videos of what she’s doing can be sent to me. I don’t know how I feel about that. Also all the rooms in our house have hidden video cameras. Whatever happens here is being taped and fed to a bank of screens in Watts’ office. No doubt he will invite friends to watch. If only....if only I had been more responsible. The further I got into debt the more IOUs I wrote and then started stealing from the stockholders. If I could, I’d confess and go to prison, but that would mean Ann would go to prison as well. If only I hadn’t had her sign those notes. “If onlys” don’t change anything.

Paul checked in all the rooms. In each one he spotted two or three video cameras that weren’t noticeable unless you were looking for the little red light that indicated a camera was on. As Watts had said there were no cameras in either bathroom. Ann flung herself down on their bed and sobbed, her body heaving, the pillow soaked with tears.

When she could cry no more she pushed herself up. On her dresser was the box Rona had given her and the plastic bag containing the plugs and KY. Rona had said the man coming here tonight had picked out something she was to wear. From the box she took a shear negligee top. It was completely transparent pale pink. It tied at the neck. A band of delicate lace started at the shoulders and continued down both sides of the opening. On one side of the opening were round pearl buttons. Along the other side were tiny loops which served as button holes. It had full sleeves that buttoned at her wrists. There was nothing else in the box, just the shear top. She held it up. It ended above her crotch. Her bare hairless pussy would be fully exposed.
‘I’m to greet
him wearing this and those obscene shoes,
’ she thought.
‘And I’m to kiss this black
stranger. I must open my mouth when I kiss him and he will probably put his tongue in my mouth.
‘She felt as if she might scream or break down crying again, but there were no tears left.

Paul had heated up some soup and poured two goblets of red wine. He tried to start a conversation, “The video cameras are where he said they’d be. None in the bathroom though.” She stopped eating and stared across the table at him until he looked away. They finished the meal in silence.

She was taking a shower when she heard the phone ring and Paul answering it. When she had dried and wrapped herself in a towel, she returned to the bedroom. Paul was waiting for her. “That was him,” he said. She took up the musk scented oil and began rubbing her body with it. Paul watched fascinated. Her body was new to him. He’d not realized how perfectly proportioned and how firm it was; flawless skin, smooth pink nipples that jutted out, the full round curve of her ass, the shapely legs, tiny red tipped toes, small waist. He watched the oil bring a sheen to her skin. The thought occurred to him that she was preparing herself for a black stranger. He felt his cock stir.

He glanced at the plastic bag containing the plugs and quickly looked away. “He sounded young,” he said. Ann ignored him. “He’ll be here in about a half hour.” Ann shot him an angry look and sat down at her makeup table. Paul cleared his throat, “ was wondering, Ann, about contraceptives. I don’t think he will...”

She reached into the makeup kit and held up a plastic container. “Ninety days worth,” she said without turning around.

“Did you...”

“Yes, this morning. Do you think I’m stupid?” In the large makeup kit before her was an array of lipsticks, glosses, rouges, mascaras, and nail polishes. Her hand shook as she picked up a lipstick tube. She put it down and turned to Paul. “What else did he say?”

“He wanted to know if we had any beer.”

“Do we?”

“Yes.” Paul looked at her then looked away. “He also said to tell you to wear what was in the box.” She nodded. “Before hanging up he said for you not to put that...that plug in. He wants to do it.”

Ann started to stand then sat down again, “Oh my God!”

“I’m sorry, Ann,” Paul said. “Deeply sorry.”

She turned away from him. He went back to the kitchen and sat at the table cursing himself. It took Ann ten minutes to compose herself enough to apply the lipstick, gloss, and mascara. She brushed her hair, fastened the string of pearls around her neck, and buttoned the shear lingerie top before putting on the stilettos and fastening their straps around her ankles. She practiced walking in them. She was still unsteady but improving. She looked in the mirror startling herself. The image bore some resemblance to what she was used to seeing, but differed in ways that were so dramatic she began to blush. Her breasts were clearly visible under the transparent top. The hairless slit of her bare pussy looked prepubescent. The four inch heels were, she thought, obscene. Her oiled body seemed to glow in the soft light. The fullness of her lips was exaggerated by the bright red lipstick and the gloss that covered them. She was both astonished by and ashamed of the transformation.

At nine o’clock Paul heard a car door slam and then the front door chimes. He recalled that his contract required him to defer to the black man and to welcome him to his home. He was to feel proud that a black man had chosen his wife. In his heart he knew he wanted to kill whoever was on the other side of that door. When he opened it he stepped back, speechless. It was a short skinny kid, maybe seventeen. The kid was wearing an oversized gray hooded sweatshirt, baggy black shorts that reached below his knees, worn sneakers, and no socks. He grinned at Paul, but his eyes were hard and calculating, as if he wasn’t sure that this guy would act the way he was supposed to. “I’m Darnell,” he said. “Darnell Tyman. Your wife had me suspended from school.”

Still blocking the doorway, Paul assumed the kid was here to complain about the suspension, maybe to plead with Ann to reinstate him. “Yes, she told me. But I think the suspension is up. It’s been two weeks. You can go back to school on Monday.”

“I fuckin know that,” Darnell glared up at Paul. “I’ll be there Monday right in the front row of your wife’s class and she’s gonna be lookin hot for me and she’s gonna do what I say.”

“You’re not here”

“I’m here to fuck your wife, asshole. Watts is my uncle. I been a NWS member for more than a year. Now, you gonna get out of the doorway and show me respect or what?”

Ashen faced, Paul stepped aside and closed the door behind the boy. He led him into the living room. Darnell looked around then sat in the big overstuffed armchair. He gestured to Paul, “What you supposed to call me?”

“Watts said I was to refer to all black men as ‘Master’.”

“I don’t go for that Master shit. You can call me Sir or Mr. Tyman. Now, get me a beer. Don’t need no glass.” Visibly shaken Paul returned with a Budweiser. Darnell put it to his lips and drank. “Ahh, that’s better,” he said. He pointed to the tiny red light on one of the three video cameras. “Uncle Gordie told me he has the place covered.” He took another swig from the bottle and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. He waved the bottle, “OK, you got me a beer. What else you got for me?” Paul knew what he was supposed to say, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Darnell, more certain of himself now, leaned forward, “Tell me what else you got for me.”

Not looking at him, Paul said, “Mrs. Gardner.”

“That your wife?” Paul nodded. “Then say it motherfucker, say it.”

“My wife, Mrs. Gardner, is. is here for you.”

“She gettin herself all pretty and smellin good for me?”

“Yes...yes she is.”

“She gonna get naked for me and lay down and spread her legs?”

Paul felt his cock begin to swell. “Ahh, I...I...don’t...”

Darnell glared at him, “Am I fuckin hearin you right?”

“I...I...mean she will do what you tell her.”

“Get her.” Paul went back down the hall and knocked lightly on their bedroom door. There was no answer so he opened it. Ann was sitting at her makeup table, her back to him. When she turned around he gasped and stepped back, “Oh Jesus, Ann!” he exclaimed, “ like...”

“An expensive call girl,” she said. She narrowed her eyes at him. “He’s here?” It was a question.

“Yes, in the living room.” She brushed by without looking at him. He followed her down the hall. When she saw Darnell grinning at her from the big chair next to the fireplace, she stopped and held onto the television stand, shaking her head, “No,” she whispered, “”

Darnell stood, “Don’t be givin me that ‘no’ shit. You been told what you got to do.”

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