Control You (25 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Snyder

BOOK: Control You
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“I think you should call his dad. He really needs to get some help, like anger management classes or something.”

I nodded. “I agree. That’s what I suggested to his dad last time.”

Pulling out my cell from in my back pocket, I dialed Scott as I continued to hold the ice to Paige’s cheek, and filled him in on everything that had happened.

“He’ll be here in about ten minutes to pick him up,” I said after I hung up.

“Is he going to get him some help?”

I readjusted the ice pack on her cheek. When she winced, I let up on the pressure a bit. “Yeah. He knows Craig has an issue. Now he can’t stay buried in his work and ignore it. Things are getting out of hand. When we were younger, Craig would do stupid shit like punch walls and bullshit like that to get attention. I guess this is what the monster they never dealt with properly growing up turned into.”

Her eyes went back to Craig. “I can see how someone could end up like that, especially with parents who never seem to care.”

We lapsed into a tiny moment of silence, and I pulled the ice away from her cheek. “Better?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “Thanks. Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

I looked down at my hand and realized my knuckles were covered in blood. It was unclear if it was Craig’s or mine. My costume had been speckled by blood as well, making me look scarier than I was sure Jack ever did in the movie.

Paige slipped off the counter and walked to the sink. She grabbed a paper towel and got it wet. “Here, let me see.”

I let her take my hand in hers, and she dabbed at my knuckles. When she got most of the blood wiped away, all that was left was a few tiny slices around my knuckles, and one large gash above my middle knuckle.

“Do you have a first-aid kit or anything?” she asked.

“In the upstairs bathroom.”

We left Craig sprawled on the kitchen floor and headed upstairs. The others were out on the back deck, sipping from their Halloween cups, lost in conversation and laughing as we walked past. I led Paige upstairs, wishing it was for another reason than to clean up my busted hand.

When we walked into the bathroom off my bedroom, Paige opened the medicine cabinet door and spotted the little white first-aid kit I’d bought years ago from Walmart in the ninety-seven cent section. Inside, all that was left were two Band-Aids and one alcohol wipe. Paige grabbed out the wipe and tore the package open.

“This is going to sting,” she said. “I hope you’re not a baby.” There was a teasing tone to her words, and I laughed.

“Oh, I assure you, I’m not a baby.”

Her eyes locked with mine, and she dabbed the alcohol-drenched wipe across my knuckles while watching my reaction. I didn’t even flinch and she seemed surprised.

“That has to hurt.” She leaned down and blew across the area she’d wiped clean.

The crotch on my costume became ten times too tight, and my mind slumped into the gutter, where there were only thoughts of her perfect lips wrapped around my shaft or blowing on its tip. Holy hell.

I swallowed hard. “Nah, I’m fine.”

She stood and opened a Band-Aid. Carefully, she placed it over the largest cut, and then wiped the other tiny ones with the alcohol swab. I watched her facial expressions—the way her lips parted as she concentrated on what she was doing and how her eyebrows drew together in thought. She was stunning.

The need to reach out and touch her built in my fingertips, forming a near-crippling ache. I leaned in a little closer. She glanced at me through her thick lashes. The moment she realized my intentions, I knew it. She stood straighter and that tongue of hers slipped out to lick along her bottom lip. I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I needed to touch her, to explore her mouth with my tongue, and ease this burning for her inside of me.

My mouth slanted across hers in the most delicate way I could manage. I resisted the primal instinct to entwine my fingers in her hair and pull her to me as I devoured her mouth with mine.  Instead, I continued to tease myself with the soft, slow kisses I brushed across her lips. She dropped my hand and leaned into me the way I wanted her to. Bringing my hands up to cup her face, I gave in to the hunger pulsating through me to deepen the kiss the second I noticed her lips responding with as much urgency beneath mine.

Our hot breaths mingled with one another as our lips continued in their fevered attempt to lessen the sexual tension that had been building between us for so long. My hands fell from her face to brush against the bare skin of her shoulders and trail down her sides until I reached her hips. Slipping my good hand downward, I found the edge of her short skirt and rubbed my thumb against the smooth skin there. Back and forth. Back and forth. It was teasing me to the point of near combustion, and I knew the second I heard a whimper slip free from Paige that the motion was having the same effect on her as well.

My fingers inched along the skin I’d been craving to touch along the inside of her thigh. A shudder racked through her body and I edged my way higher, all the while keeping my lips on hers and entertaining her tongue with my own. Once I reached her panty line, Paige’s head fell back and the sound of her ragged breathing filled the small confinement of my bathroom. Trailing my tongue along her neck, I glided a finger along the outer edge of her silky panties in a teasing way.

“Cam, Scott is here for Craig, and he wants to talk to you,” Eva called from the bottom of the stairs.

The moment Paige and I were having crashed around us into a million tiny pieces. There was no way of salvaging it, and we pulled apart. Breathing heavily, we stood, staring at one another.

“Be there in a minute,” I called to Eva. I remained staring into Paige’s hooded eyes.

She cleared her throat and adjusted the skirt she wore. A pink flush crept up her neck and pooled in her cheeks. “Umm, so…how’s your hand?”

A smile twisted at the corners of my lips and I let out a laugh. “Much, much better now.”


* * * *


After I helped Scott drag Craig to his car, I walked back through the house in search of Paige, anxious to pick up right where we’d left off in my bathroom. She was standing in the living room, staring at the angry red sunset I’d painted the other day. Some of her dark hair had fallen free and was brushing against the tops of her bare shoulders. It took everything I had not to walk up behind her, press her into me, and trail kisses along that delicate skin of hers.

“Who painted all these pictures hanging throughout your house? Eva?” Paige asked as I walked up to her.

“Why would you think Eva painted them?”

“I don’t know, because they look like something someone painted instead of something you’d buy at a store. It’s possible you could have bought them from an art gallery though, I guess.” She shrugged and averted her eyes to look anywhere besides me.

There was something so childlike and pure about her that it made me want to pull her close—both physically and mentally. Therefore, I did the one thing that I never did with anyone except for Eva—I let some walls come down and I let her see a little snippet of me.

“I painted them,” I admitted. Curious to see what her reaction would be, I didn’t move my eyes from her.

Her head cocked to the side, and she shifted her eyes from the painting to me. “You painted them? You’re an artist?” The hint of a smile twisted at her lips. I’d shocked her with this new knowledge.

“I don’t claim to be an artist, but yeah, I painted them. Painting is something I enjoy when the mood strikes me. I wanted to hang art on the walls that meant something and inspired me in a sense, so I painted my own.” I glanced at the picture we stood in front of, remembering how I’d felt when I’d slashed the brush across the canvas. “They’re sort of like snapshots of emotions to me.”

I swallowed hard and folded my arms over my chest, knowing I should have left the last part off. What I’d already revealed had been enough. I’d learned over time that, in order for others never to ask questions about my art, I had to pretend it was the most boring thing in the world. It was the only way they wouldn’t ask about it. What I’d just said hadn’t been boring, it had been thought-provoking and inspiring.

“I like that. I get it. Snapshots of emotions.” Her gaze drifted back to the picture in front of us before she moved down the wall to another. “Wow, I had no idea you were so talented. I think my favorite is the one in the living room of the rippling water. Is that the lake?”


“You should really open up your own art gallery or something. I think you could make some serious cash selling your work.” She smiled, and then walked away to join the others outside on the back deck.

Paige didn’t know it, but she’d suggested something my mother had always wanted me to do—open up my own art gallery. I stood there and thought about how things had come full circle for me. A smile twisted at the corners of my mouth as I followed her through the back door and onto the deck overlooking the water.






I paced back and forth at the front window of the store, waiting for the flood of people I’d expected to come through. A potato chip sailed through the air and hit me just above my upper lip. I glanced in Lauren’s direction. She was still doodling on a Post-it note, making odd shapes intertwine with each other and eating her organic chips without a care in the world.

“What was that for?” I frowned, wiping the little bits of sea salt from my upper lip that had been left behind.

“Stop pacing in front of the shop. You’re going to scare off potential customers.” She popped another chip into her mouth and smiled while she chewed.

“There’s no one here. This is a bust of a first day. Totally not what I expected.” I sighed and drew my lips into a thin line. Wringing my hands together, I continued to pace, unsure of how to disperse my negative energy in another way.

Lauren straightened her posture and crumpled up her potato chip bag. She tossed it in the trash can beneath the desk, and placed her hands on her hips. “All right, let’s find something productive for you to do so you can shed some of that nervous energy.”

Lauren glanced around and then walked into the back room. A few seconds later, she came out with an armful of three-quarter length shirts and some tags. “How about we go ahead and tag all these items. That way when we sell loads of stuff over the next few days, it’ll be easy to restock the racks.”

“Absolutely.” I crossed the shop, leaving the front windows for the first time all morning.

When we were halfway through the pile of clothes, the front door opened and my insides buzzed to life with nerves. Glancing up, I hoped to see a customer, but instead saw Cameron. My nerve endings didn’t seem to be disappointed though. In fact, they tingled with desire the closer he got. He was dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans and a gray Henley long-sleeved shirt. There was a green bamboo plant held in his left hand.

“Hey, ladies.” He smiled. His hazel eyes locked on mine as he neared me. “I thought I’d bring you a grand opening gift and see how your cheek was doing today.”

I pressed my fingertips to my cheek, and flashed him a small grin. “It’s fine. Nothing a little concealer couldn’t hide.”

“Good, I’m glad.” He paused in front of the desk and placed the plant he’d been carrying on the edge. It looked as though it belonged there. “It’s a money tree. The lady at the store told me it’s good luck for someone to give it as a gift to a newly opened store. It’s supposed to help draw customers and money to the place.” He shrugged and crammed his hands into his front pockets.

“Thanks, but you really didn’t have to do that, having the sign created was more than enough,” I insisted. “Which by the way, I’m positive you painted yourself now.”

“Eh, it’s nothing.” He leaned against the desk and locked eyes with me, neither denying my statement nor confirming it. His brush-off confirmed it for me though, because I was learning Cameron wasn’t the type to boast about his talents—unless they were the ones mentioned in bed. “So, how’s business so far today?”

My shoulders slumped, and I felt my face twist into the same worried/disappointed expression it seemed to have been in all morning. “We’ve only had two customers.”

“Well it’s still early and this is only the first day of being open. People will come. I bet by this Saturday you’ll be slammed.” There was such a positive vibe etched into his words that I almost believed him. “Which is why I’d like to ask you out Saturday night to celebrate.”

My heart froze and then kick-started. I was completely taken off guard by his request. The image of the kiss we’d shared in his bathroom—all hot and steamy—flashed through my mind. A date with him would mean more alone time together, and I wasn’t sure my mind or body could behave. I might end up being like Blaire was with Jason and jumping him on our first date.

“I’m going to head to the back room and get more clothes. Let me know if you need me.” Lauren crossed the shop. She turned to face me before disappearing into the back room, and winked while giving me two thumbs up.

Cameron chuckled, obviously noticing her gesture. “I take it your friend approves of the idea, but what about you?”

I blinked. “Umm…” I could see the tension build around his eyes, and noticed how they darkened in color as I drew out my answer. I was still stuck in the land of indecision for whatever reason.

“Listen, it was just an idea. You don’t have to say yes. I just thought it might be nice to go out to eat…just the two of us.” His brows furrowed together and he flashed me a crooked grin, but I could hear the unease in his voice.

The corners of my mouth turned up at the sight of him appearing so incredibly nervous about my answer, and I caved. “What time?”

His mouth spread into a broad smile. “Six all right with you?”

“Sounds good.” I grinned from ear to ear.

“I’ll pick you up. Have a great opening week.” He smiled and turned to leave the shop, taking my breath with him.

I hung my head back. Holy smokes, I was going on a date with Cameron.


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