CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
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“You, in me,” I garble. He stands up, his
fingers still teasing me and then he slowly, positions himself at the opening
of my sex, teasing me. “Please…” I whimper and ever so gently, he pushes
himself inside me. Then he pulls back and does the same thing again, then

“Yes,” I cry out.

“More?” He asks.

“Yes, faster…” I beg. He picks up the pace,
my muscles instantly clenching. Everything starts to quicken, tighten… –…already?

“Christ… you’re so tight,” he groans.

“Faster Tristan, I’m going to…” I can't
finish my sentence, I have to concentrate or I’ll come and fall to the floor. He
picks up his pace, moving in and out of me, my insides clenching with this
delicious torture. I want to come, but I don’t want him to stop. I would quite
happily spend the rest of my life with Tristan buried in me. The room starts to
fill with the smell of sexy lovemaking, our sweaty bodies and Tristan…
Oh his
scent drives me wild!

“Oh god…” I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to
control the building, but it’s no use it’s going to happen now!

“Tristan!” I call out as we reach our high

“Christ Coral…” he cries out, finding his
release and collapsing on top of me...


Tristan starts to kiss my back. He slowly works his way up across my
shoulders, until he reaches my neck. I turn my head to the side and smile up at

“How about that bath?” he chuckles.

“I think I need it now,” I titter back. He
kisses me briefly, then slowly, he pulls out of me, making we wince.

“Sore?” he asks.

“Yes,” I scold. “No more of your sexing Mr
Freeman.” I tease turning round to face him.

He smiles sweetly at me, then his face
turns serious, brooding as he gently runs a finger down my cheek. “My
beautiful, sweet girl,” he whispers and softly kisses me.

I close my eyes and lean my head against
his chest. “My gorgeous, gentle man that makes me feel so safe and protected,”
I whisper back. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get enough of you.”

“Or I you,” he adds.
Oh Tristan, I love
you so

“I’d better get up there,” I say leaning
back to gaze up at him. “If you want to be fed that is?”

He smiles enigmatically at me then sinks to
his knees.
Oh no! Not more sex?

“Tristan, what are you doing?” I ask

“Lift up your leg.” He says. I frown and
give him my right ankle. He slowly undoes the strap and takes off my wedge,
then does the same with the other leg. Then he slowly pulls down my knickers
and jeans, so I’m just stood there completely naked, while he’s still fully
dressed, well, apart from his impressive manly bits poking out from his jeans. He
looks up at me through his long lashes, his eyes all wide like a puppy.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you
are, how sexy?” he says standing to his feet and taking a step back to admire

“Tristan!” I squeak, trying to cover the
essential bits. “You’re making me feel self-conscious.”

“You should be proud of your body Coral,”
he lightly scolds. Shaking my head at him, I lean down to pick up my clothes
but he stops me by swinging me up into his arms and kissing me swiftly. “Leave
them,” he whispers. “I’ll bring them up when I’ve unpacked the car.”

“Let me help you,” I argue.



He laughs lightly at me. “Do you think
you’ll ever just agree to one of my suggestions?” he questions.

“No,” I chortle. “Except…maybe…” I break

“Maybe what?” he asks, pecking me on the

“Maybe in the bedroom,” I say, grinning
widely. I like Tristan taking control, moving my body how he wants. I like his
moves. Plus, I don’t have any of my own, and I certainly don’t have any
confidence to perform them, even if I did have.

“Hmm, so I can dominate you in the bedroom,
but that’s it?” He says. I frown deeply, my breath kicking up a few notches.
not what I meant!

“Who said anything about domination?” I say
swallowing hard. “Is…is that what you want to do, dominate me?” I squeak

Tristan stops walking, his frown mirroring
mine. “No, I don’t,” he whispers looking confused.
Holy Fuck!
I swallow
hard and try to keep my breathing normal, but I feel like I’m losing it, and
this is the last thing I wanted Tristan to see. He’s bound to pick up on it,
then question me about it.

He narrows his eyes at me. “What’s wrong?”
he softly asks.

“Please let me go,” I beg.

“Permanently?” He questions, his voice low,
his jaw clenching.

“No!” I scold. “Just…please, put me down,
I’d really like my bath now,” I say trying to change the subject. He releases
me so I slide down his body. “Thank you,” I say lightly and kiss his lips.

He’s frowning quizzically at me. I shake my
head at myself and bite my bottom lip.

“Sorry,” I whisper then I reach up and
softly stroke his cheek, holding his worried gaze for a moment. I smile weakly
at him, then silently turn and walk towards the stairs, glad to be away from
conversation happening.


waiting for it to fill up. I have my towel wrapped round me and I
have Tristan’s electronic candles going, making the room feel like a relaxing
spa. I have my favourite enigma album on – The Screen Behind The Mirror – It’s slow,
heavy beat filling the room, relaxing me, soothing me.

I hear a soft tap on the door. “Tristan,
you don’t need to knock,” I chuckle.

He pops his head through the door and
smiles at me. “May I come in?”

“Yes.” I can't help rolling my eyes at him.
He walks over to me, kneels down and looks up at me with those puppy dog eyes

“I’m sorry about earlier,” he says.

“Don’t worry about,” I retort, trying to
change the subject.

“Coral, it’s important…very important. I
don’t want to fuck up in the bedroom and lose you because of it,” he says.

“You’re not going to lose me Tristan, so
it’s irrelevant,” I argue. His lips set into a hard line then he slowly nods
his head.

“I have something for you,” he tells me.
“Give me a moment.” Tristan walks out the bathroom, when he returns he’s
holding a large, gift wrapped box in his hand. “Here, for you,” he says handing
it to me.

I cock one eyebrow up and accept the gift.
The first thing I notice is that it’s heavy, which has my
curiosity peaked. Pulling at the bow, then lifting the lid off, my heart melts
when I see what’s inside – Earlier today as we strolled through the shops, I
spied an Aromatherapy shop and popped in to pick up an oil for my bath tonight.
The shop assistant had taken me over to the samples to help me chose, leaving
Tristan at the counter, talking to the other member of staff. What I evidently
hadn’t noticed, was the gift he swiftly purchased for me, we both had so many
bags in our hands at the time, it would have been easy to disguise; come to
think of it, it was the only time he wasn’t touching me – I run my hand over
the lid that says Aromatherapy Essentials.

“How did you’ – “I have my ways,” he beams
interrupting me.

“Brilliant, but sneaky,” I smile.

“Do you like it?” He tentatively asks.

“Yes, I love it,” I say pushing back tears
of appreciation.
When did I turn into a blubberer?
“Thank you,” I
whisper, leaning down to kiss him.

“Open it,” he says excitedly. I place the
box on my lap and lift the lid. Inside, I can see there are so many bottles of
oils that I could be here all night going through them. As I delve further, I
see there’s a guide to Aromatherapy book, and an oil burner with tea-lights.

“Do you have any idea how sweet and
romantic it is that you bought this for me?”

Tristan shrugs. “I just want to buy you
things I know you’ll like...and use,” he says his cheeky grin appearing.

“You have been listening,” I say dryly.

“Attention to detail,” he says tapping his

“Well, you’ve got both presents right so
far,” I say jingling my bracelet at him.

He smiles shyly at me, gets to his feet,
and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be unpacking the car,” he tells me and slowly
saunters out of the room.

Picking up the small bottle of Sandalwood
oil that I purchased for myself, much to Tristan’s dislike, I shake it so
several drops fall into the bath water. Apparently it’s one that’s used for
relaxation. I know I definitely need to do more of that!
I’m trying, I’m
getting there.

As I'm pinning my hair up, I get a flashback of Tristan in
the store, arguing with me about who was going to pay for a tiny little bottle
of oil.
No wonder he got so agitated when I purchased it, he’d
already bought this gift for me! I shake my head at myself, it must have cost a

With the bath filled, I
switch off
the water, let my towel fall to the floor and step into the humungous egg
shaped bath. I sink down slowly into the warm water, it
wonderful and the scent of Sandalwood in the air is actually making me feel a
little drowsy...

“Hey,” I hear his voice whisper. My eyes
dart open, I must have drifted off for a second. Tristan is leaning his arms on
the edge of the bath, his chin propped on top.

“Hi,” I whisper back.

“May I join you?” He asks very politely –
I love that about him, he’s so gentlemanly

“Yes.” I smile and watch him strip his
clothes off in no time at all.

Leaning forward so he can sit behind me, I
suddenly wonder why I haven’t felt hot. It’s been another sweltering day, yet I
haven’t felt uncomfortable in the house at all. Tristan pulls me gently towards
him so that I’m lying against his chest.

“Has this house got some special coating on
the walls or something?” I say.

“Why do you ask?” He questions.

“Because I didn’t know it was so hot
outside until we went out, this house is well, cool.” I say by way of an

“That’s because it has an Air-Con system,”
he answers.

“A what?” I balk.

Tristan chuckles. “It’s like an
air-conditioning unit, but better.”

“That’s a bit extravagant isn’t it? I mean
it’s not like we normally get summers like this,” I say.

“True, but it’s been useful so far.” His
hands start wandering across my body.

“Oh no you don’t mister,” I playfully slap
his hand that almost reached my breast.

“’re kind of hard to resist,” he
says kissing my cheek.

“Well resist until I have fed you sir,
that’s an order!” I try for a scolding tone but it just comes out as playful.

“Yes ma’am.” Tristan starts massaging my
shoulders, just like in my daydream, I surrender to it, it feels magical. I had
no idea that being with someone could really feel this good. I thought it was
just in books and movies, definitely not in real life. How wrong I have been...

“Nice?” He questions.

“Wonderful,” I breathe.

“Coral, are you afraid of being dominated?
It’s something I need to know baby.”
I instantly tense up, his
hands pause on my shoulders.

“Why? Do you want to dominate me?” I ask.

“Don’t change the subject,” he scolds.

I sigh heavily. “No,” I murmur.

He continues massaging me, and I have to
wonder if he’s doing this on purpose?

“I think what we have is hot, off the
charts hot. But everyone’s different, like’s different things…” He says, but I
detect a hint of nerves.

“I suppose,” I whisper, scowling at the

“This guy that you were with, how long were
you two together?” He asks lightly.

“You really want to know?” I sigh.

“Yes.” His answer is immediate.

Where’s he going with this?

“I just do,” he says nonchalantly.

“Fine!” I huff. “Two years.”

“Really?” Tristan sounds surprised.


“Hmm, I didn’t think it would have been
that long,” he muses.


“I don’t know really, gut feeling maybe.”

“It was on and off, he wanted more…I…I

“When did it end?”

“Why are you asking?”

“Curious.” I don’t believe him, he has an
ulterior motive, I’m sure he has.

I sigh heavily. “Five years ago.”

“So, he never dominated you?”
So much
for a relaxing bath!

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
5.02Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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