CORAL - Forever (A Romance Trilogy, Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Forever (A Romance Trilogy, Book 3)
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“Ok, I’ll be back in a sec,” I say, I lean up and peck his
lips. “I’ll meet you back here in a couple of minutes, ok.” Without waiting for
him to say anything I scuttle into the music shop and go straight to the
counter – there’s no time for looking – and ask the sales clerk if they have
what I want. He smiles at me – I think he’s trying to flirt – punches some
details into his computer, then nods once at me. I almost jump up and down with

“’s in the back,” he says. “I’ll have to go find it.”

“Ok,” I squeak. “But quick as you can, it’s for a present, I
don't want him to see,” I say gesturing to Tristan walking out the chocolate
shop opposite us.

He looks out the window, his face instantly falling –
he’s a pretty big guy –
He sighs, looking a little glum, but heads off to
the back of the store. I watch Tristan through the window, waiting patiently
for me.
Come on hurry up!

The sales clerk makes me jump as he returns. “Here you go.” He
scans the DVD, and goes to place it in a bag.

“No, it’s ok,” I say taking it off him and stuffing it
inside my bag – luckily it just about fits. “I’ll be wrapping it up when I get
home anyway.” I hand him my card, punch my pin into the machine and wait
impatiently for the payment to go through – Finally he hands me back my card
and receipt, I stuff them into my bag. “Thanks,” I say as I fly out the shop.
“Hey,” I say bounding over to Tristan.

“Hey yourself!” He pulls me into his arms and softly kisses
me on the cheek. “Get your album?”
Oh crap, I should have just picked a
random one up!

“, they’d sold out. I can get one on-line.” I say.
nice save Coral!
I try not to smirk at myself.

“Are you sure, we can find another store?” He says.

“No, really Tristan, I just want to get home.”

“Ok, look.” He holds up a big bag beaming broadly at me.

“Jeez Tristan, how many did you buy?”I say scanning the bag,
I only buy a few at a time, they are very more-ish and I’ll eat too many!

His face falls. “Um...all of them.”

“All of them?” I squeak.

“Well, I’ve never tried them before so...” He trails off
registering my shocked expression. These little babies are not cheap; he must
have spent so much – just on chocolate!

“Ask and ye shall receive,” he says, smiling again.

“Wow!” I titter then I wrap my arms around his waist and
squeeze him tight. “Thank you baby.” He really is the sweetest – his folks did
such a fine job with him.

We start walking again, strolling along in the sunshine
without a care in the world, but now I’ve got the present I want to buy him a
big card too. Plus, I need to get some wrapping paper –
Hmm, what to do?
– Right at that moment his mobile starts ringing. Pulling it out of his pocket,
he answers it and is quickly drawn into a deep conversation. I scan up and down
the lane, thankfully a few doors up I see a card shop.

I gesture to Tristan that I'm going in. He nods and
continues with his conversation.

Entering the shop, I quickly dash over to the big cards and
start scanning; knowing I need to do this quickly.

“Can I help you?” I spin around, and a lady in her fifties
with a kind smile is waiting for me to answer her. I quickly reel off what I'm
looking for and that I’ve got to be quick. “No problem dear, here are the large
cards, have a look through. Do you know what colour wrapping paper you would
like, I can find it for you,” she suggests.

I quickly tell her, and just as I pick the card that I like,
she comes over with some gun metal grey wrapping paper – prefect, very manly!

“Brilliant,” I say and pick up the card. It’s big, about
double the size of A4 and has a beautiful picture of a tropical sunset on it,
and written on the front are the words -
Anywhere is Paradise when I'm with you

Perfect! I open the card and quickly read the inscription.


sunsets are beautiful

Walks on the
beach are romantic, it’s true

But I don't
need any of that because I'm

Already in
paradise with you

That’s how
much I love you baby


I almost start crying, almost. This
is perfect and says exactly how I feel about Tristan. I really don't care where
I am, as long as I'm with him. Dashing over to the counter I give the lady the
card so she can scan it, along with the wrapping paper. I take one more glance
around the store, and I notice, sat up on a dusty clear shelf is a big teddy
from the ‘Me to You’ range – I have to have it. “That teddy,” I say a little
breathlessly, pointing up to it.

“Oh, he’s been there a
while. I can knock you some of the price if you like, people tend to buy the little

“I’ll take him, whatever
the price.” I state.

“Alright then.” She
smiles at me and asks her assistant, a young girl who looks fresh out of school
to fetch it for me. Moments later, she brings it over to me. He’s a bit dusty,
but now I see him up close, he’s even more perfect. There’s a big patch on his
head as though he’s been injured – just like Tristan’s gash on his head – He’s
a shaggy plush grey teddy, with a cute blue nose and he’s holding a big blue
and light pink heart that says ‘I love you this much’ – It really is perfect.

“Tatty teddy that one’s
called,” she tells me. “He’s really soft, don't you think?” And boy is he, he’s
so squidgy.

“Yeah,” I giggle. “He’s
lovely.” But how am I going to get him back to the house without Tristan seeing,
and what am I going to say? “Do you have any of those big bags?”

“Yes, over here. What colour would you like?” she asks.

Hmm, Tristan seems to like silver and greys, and it matches
the teddy bear and the wrapping paper. I pick the bag, she scans it, I hand her
my card to pay for everything and stuff the teddy and the wrapping paper inside
the bag just as Tristan waltzes inside.

“Hey,” I say, thanking the heavens I don't blush and give
myself away.

“What are you doing in here?” He smiles.

Quick Coral, say anything!
“Um...I just
thought I’d um...get a gift for Joyce, you know a little leaving present.” I
turn away from him and swallow hard.

The lady hands me my card and receipt with a conspiratorial
wink. I smile triumphantly back at her and head out the shop with Tristan.

“Everything ok at work?” I ask, so he doesn’t question me
any further.

“Yes, just work you
know...” He says waving his hand and shrugging.

I smile up at him.
“Great, ready to go?”

Tristan pulls me into his
arms. “Darling, if you want to do something for Joyce, organise anything, you
only have to say you know that right?”

“Yes, I do’ – My mobile
buzzes in my bag interrupting us. Tristan releases me so I can answer it. “Debs?”

“Hi.” She sounds so down, it’s not like her.

“What’s wrong?” I ask. I'm immediately suspicious.

“Can I come over?” She whispers.

“Debs what’s wrong?” I ask again.

“I...Oh Coral!” She bursts into tears –

“Debs come round, we should be back shortly.”

“You’re out?” She croaks.

“Yeah, I wanted to stretch my legs.”

“Oh...” She’s still sniffling down the line.

“Do you want me to come to you?” I ask looking up at

“No,’s ok. Um...Lily’s staying over at a friend’s
for the night.” She sounds so despondent.

“Deb’s it’s no problem, you want me to come to you just say

“No...I want...I have to get out of this house,” she

“Then do it,” I say, wondering what the hell is going on.
“Come stay with me for the night?” I look up at Tristan. He’s frowning at my
worried expression and nodding in approval. “Deb’s it’s no problem. Tristan
will leave us to it, he won't mind at all you know.”

“He won't?” She croaks.

“Deb’s even if he did, do you really think I'm the type of
person to let anyone dictate to me who I will and won't spend my time with?” I
say sounding exasperated, Tristan starts smirking at me. I hear her whisper a
laugh. “Debs come over!” I order. “Stay the night.”

“You’re sure?” She asks.

“Yes.” I answer firmly.

“Ok,” she whispers. “I’ll go pack a you in a

“Debs you’re worrying me, you ok to drive?” ‘Stuart’ Tristan
mouths at me. I nod in approval. “I can send Stuart to pick you up?” I get no
response. “Debs?”

“’s a nice idea’ – “I'm sending Stuart.” I say and
cover the phone. “How long?” I ask Tristan.

“He could be there in hour?” He says looking at his

“He’ll be there in forty minutes,” I say to Debs. “Be
She always late!

“I will,” she mumbles.

“Bye Debs, be safe,” I whisper.

“See you.” She hangs up. I put my mobile back in my bag.

“Forty minutes?” Tristan questions, his head cocked to the

“Debs is always late,” I explain. Tristan nods, pulls his
mobile out of his pocket and calls Stuart. He tells him where to pick us up and
we head in that direction...




, I call Rob and let him know what’s going
on, he tells me that I should see Debs this afternoon and we can hang out
tomorrow – I hate letting him down, but he told me not to worry, and we’ll have
just as much fun tomorrow; reluctantly I agreed. Ten minutes later, Stuart
drops us off at the house and heads back out to pick Debs up.

“Do you mind if I head out?” Tristan says.

“Tristan, you don't need my permission to go out!” I bite

“I wasn’t asking for your permission. I just...if you want
me here for any reason, then I’d stay.” I immediately feel guilty.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. “I'm
sorry, that was uncalled for.”

Tristan wraps his arms around me and gently rocks us. “You’re
stressed?” He says.

“Yes, I'm worried about Debs. I’ve never heard her like
that, ever!”

“Really?” He asks, surprised.

“Yeah...she’s always been really up and perky, like Gladys.”

“Well, whatever it is, I'm sure you’ll soon hear about it.”

“Yeah...” I sigh. “Just because I'm curious, where are you
off to?”

“Thought I’d call Joyce, see if she wants a game of golf.”

“You can play golf?” I squeak, looking up at him.

“Yeah?” He smiles down at me then pecks my lips.

“Will you teach me?”

“You want to learn how to play golf?” He chuckles.

I narrow my eyes at him. “What’s funny about that?”

“Nothing,” he chuckles releasing me. “I’ll go call her.”

“Ok.” I watch him walk into his office. Damn, he hasn’t even
left and I'm already missing him.

Shaking my head at myself, I head outside onto the patio, and
carefully lie down on one of the sun loungers trying my best to stay still and
soak up some rays. A couple of minutes later Tristan re-appears and sits on my
lounger, he lifts my legs and places them on his lap.

“You have such sexy legs,” he says, running both hands up
and down my stumpy, chunky legs.

I involuntarily snort then look away from Tristan, and I
know he’s going to do it. Reaching up he pulls on my chin so I have to look at
him. “Ah yes, the kitchen.” I know exactly what he’s talking
about. “Come on, out with it,” he says, his hands skimming up and down my legs again–
He’s turning me on, big time!

“Ok, well for starters can you please stop doing that?” His
face falls, his eyes darkening. “Oh...I didn’t mean...I...bollocks!” I hiss.
“Tristan I just asked you to stop because you were turning me on – big time!” I
quickly add.

He instantly looks relieved and relaxes. “Ok,” he smirks,
leaning down to kiss my one knee, then the other.
Whoa! His lips on my legs...

I take a deep calming breath. “Ok, not helping!” I breathe. He
cocks his head to the side, grinning broadly at me. “You are such a tease!” I softly
scold, laughing at him.

“I'm sorry,” he says then his face falls as he stares down
at my legs again. “You don't like them, do you?” I bite my lip and frown.
has he worked that out?

“Tristan, you know...I’m still working on...well, liking
myself, you know being ok being me, feeling ok about being in my own skin. I
know I’ve still got a long, long way to go.”

Tristan nods several times his eyes still on my legs, then he
leans down once more and kisses my knees again – It sends tingles...everywhere.

“I’ve going to kiss every inch of these beautiful legs
tonight...maybe my kisses will help to heal you?” He says leaning in to kiss my
Oh my god!
I think my heart just exploded with love.

“Oh Tristan!” I mewl, kissing him back and crying at the
same time. Then I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, trying my best to
crush him to me. “I love much.” I choke, gripping him tighter, then wincing
in pain.

“Careful baby,” he says, gently rubbing my back. Then he
takes my arms from around his neck, and skims my cheeks with his knuckles
again. “Are you in pain?”

“Yes.” I say, trying to catch my breath.

“Nurse Terry will be here soon.” He says, wrapping his arm
around my waist and pulling me closer to him, I wrap my arms around his torso
and rest my head on his shoulder. “Joyce is out, with Gladys,” he adds.

“Oh, I'm sorry baby.” I lean up and run my hands through his
hair; he looks a little upset about it. “Oh!”
“Tristan, call
Malcolm – I know he plays and Gladys told me in the hospital that he really
likes you, thinks you’re a fine man!” I say.

Tristan gazes adoringly at me. “You...are so sweet,” he says
brushing his knuckles down my cheek. I laugh and smile shyly at him. “It’s a
great idea baby, I’ll call him.” He adds, leaning down to peck me on the lips,
then he stands and walks back into the house...


kissing Tristan goodbye. Apparently,
Malcolm jumped at his offer, and also suggested they eat out too, so I know I
won't see Tristan for hours – It’s already killing me knowing that fact.

I hear the Jag rumbling down the driveway so I pull back and
gaze up at Tristan. “Have a good time baby,” I say, leaning up to peck him on
the lips once more.

“Please, for me, be careful,” he says, kissing me back.

“I will, I promise.” Tristan pulls me into his arms and hugs
me tight. Nurse Terry has been and given me another shot, so it doesn’t hurt
too much.

Stuart pulls to a stop and Tristan – the gentleman that he
is – walks over and opens the back door for Debs. She jumps out without even
thanking him and runs towards me, arms open wide, and I can see she’s been
crying, a lot?
Oh no! Debs...

Reaching me, she hugs me a little too hard. “Oh Debs, what’s
wrong?” I gasp, wincing in pain.

“Oh crap! Did I hurt you?” she says pulling back and
checking me over.

“It’s ok,” I gasp again.

Tristan returns to us and leans down to kiss me goodbye
again. “See you soon baby,” he says, we gaze at one another for a couple of
seconds. “Bye,” I whisper, my heart cracking in two. He takes my good hand,
squeezes it once then turns to Debs.

“Debbie, whatever is wrong, I hope you...well get it
sorted,” he says, his cheeks flaming. He nods solemnly at her.

“Thanks.” She sniffs.

Tristan smiles softly at me once more, before heading over
to the car. Opening the door, he looks back at me again, and holds my gaze for
a couple of seconds – then he smiles at himself, gets into the car and shuts
the door. With a goofy grin on my face, I wave at Tristan as Stuart pulls away.

“Come on,” I say, linking my arm in Debs. “Let’s get you a
drink; you look like you could use one!” Debs smiles at me, but it doesn’t
reach her eyes.

We wonder back into the house and head straight into the
kitchen. “What do you fancy?” I ask. Debs shakes her head at me then bursts
into tears, she puts her face in her hands and sobs, uncontrollably!

“Debs!” I dash around the breakfast bar and pull her into my
arms. Then I shuffle us over to the sofa and we sit, silently, with Debs
cradled in my arms while she cries it out – I don't know how long we stay like
that for, but finally she stops crying, turns her head so we are face to face
and swallows hard.

“Scott’s having an affair,” she whimpers, blinking rapidly
as fresh tears silently stream down her face.

“What!?” I bellow, jumping to my feet – My hands
automatically bunching into fists.

“Calm down Coral,” she sighs, blowing her nose.

“” I can't even get the words out, I am that

“Coral, I can't take it if you’re going to be like this. I
know you love me and that’s why you’re so mad, but I need you to be calm, for
me, please...” she begs, drying her tears with fresh tissues.

I take a deep breath and slowly blow it out –
ok, calm Coral...calm
...I nod at Debs and sit next to her. I take her hand
in mine linking our fingers together – she feels cold.

“Debs your hand is cold, when was the last time you ate?” I
softly ask.

“I...I don't know,” she whispers.

“ should eat,” I softly tell her.
Jeez, I sound
like Tristan!

“I don't have any appetite,” she sniffs.

I nod understanding that completely. “ you want to
talk about it?” I tentatively ask, knowing she has never confided in me.

Debs sighs heavily and seems to regain some of her
composure. “It was a year ago...” She drifts off again.

“A...a year ago?” I say, frowning in confusion.

“Yeah...a new girl that started at Scott’s had
been going on for three months when...” Debs stops again and squeezes her eyes

“Oh Debs, I'm so sorry,” I offer not knowing what else to

“He...Scott just came home one night, he’d organised for
Lily to stay at her friends, said we needed some quality time together, then he
sat me down and told me.”

“He...he told you?” I squeak. Debs nods several times.
I try to think of something logical to ask. “Um... well is it still going on?”
I ask.

She shakes her head at me. “And you know this, for certain?”
I ask. She nods again. “That bastard!” I spit, I can't help it –
He is a
father to my niece, my sister’s husband
how dare he!

“Sorry,” I immediately say. “I'm calm now,” I add, although
I feel anything but calm – I need a drink. “Debs, let me get you a drink?”

“Please,” she sniffs.

“What would you like?” I ask, searching her face.

“I don't know,” she says, sniffing again with a little

“Wine?” She shakes her head –
“Vodka and

“Sounds good,” she sniffs.

“Be right back,” I say and head over to the kitchen. Edith
appears with some clean washing in her hand.

“Hello Coral, would you like me to...Oh!” Edith stops as she
sees Debs, sitting on the sofa.

“Edith, you remember my sister, Debbie?” I whisper.

“Yes,” she whispers back, her eyes wide. “Is she alright?”
she asks as I add ice to Debs drink.

“No, she not,” I say frowning deeply.

“Oh dear...Is there anything I can do?” she asks sweetly.

I turn and place my hand on her arm. “No, but thank you
Edith, it’s very kind of you to ask.”

“Well...” She looks around the kitchen, not knowing what to
do with herself. “I’ll...I’ll just be downstairs then, in the garden. If you
need me just shout,” she says heading off in that direction – I can almost see
the comedy side of it, almost. I head back over to Debs.

“Here you go,” I say sighing deeply and sitting next to her.
“Debs, I don't quite understand, if it happened a year ago’ – “Spain.” She
interrupts, taking several gulps of her drink.

Ok, now I'm really confused.

“I knew there was a part of me that had to forgive him, we
hadn’t exactly been getting along that well’ – “It’s no excuse!” I spit.
“Sorry, I won't interrupt again,” I quickly add.

Debs nods and continues. “Coral, take it from me, it’s not
easy married life. You have to work at it, you have to make the time for one
another, you have to keep letting each other know that that person is still so
special to you, no matter how long you’ve been together. But Scott and I...I
don't know we just kind of...started to drift apart.” She takes another drink.

“We love each other, make no mistake about that, but...I
don't know, I think when you both work, you have a house, a kid, life just kind
of gets in the way sometimes and you forget about each other, in that way I

“What are you trying to say Debs; you guys weren’t...having
sex anymore?” I say, trying not to cringe.

“No of course not, we’s just...” Debs stops and
shakes her head. “You know if there’s one thing I’ve learned is that men are
more insecure than women, they just don't show it, or talk about it like women
do. And believe it or not, what makes them feel secure is knowing that that can
still satisfy you like no other man can.”
Ew! Not sure if I want to hear

“Debs’ – “Fact of life Coral, you’d be wise to heed this
information. Don't make the same mistakes I did.”

“What do you mean?” I whisper.

Debs sighs, takes another drink then laughs at herself. “Fantasies.”
She says, draining her glass –
Ok, I definitely don't want to hear this.

“Another?” I say taking her glass of her and walking into
the kitchen. Unfortunately, Debs follows me.

“You don't want me to tell you, do you?” she says.

“’s not that, I just...” I shake my head, make her
another drink, pour myself an orange juice and turn to stare at her. “Debs, sex
isn’t exactly something I can...comfortably talk about.”
There, I said it!

“What do you mean?” she asks taking her drink off me. “I
know you’ve always been shy...but that’s not what you meant, is it?” I slowly
shake my head at her. “Then what
you mean Coral?”

“Come on, let’s sit,” I say heading back over to the sofa.
We both sit and Debs waits patiently for me to continue. I take a deep breath,
steel myself and say it. “Before I came to live with you and Gladys, I was
sexually abused by a paedophile ring.”

“What!?” She screeches launching to her feet, her vodka and
orange sloshing everywhere.

“Debs, this is going to sound ironic, but I need
be calm right now.” I look up at her, my eyes pleading.

“Oh!” She stares down at me for a moment, blinking rapidly,
then she knocks her drink back in one go, grabs a load of tissues, gets to her
knees and cleans up the sloshes of liquid. When she done, she silently takes a
seat next to me and takes hold of my hand. “Why didn’t you tell me Coral?” she
whispers, staring at the floor – I think she’s in shock.

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