Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5) (28 page)

BOOK: Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5)
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I had hoped and prayed for this day for so long that it was hard to believe that it was actually here; but why now? And why was he acting like he knew more than he should? I wasn’t about to question anything though, this is what I wanted, what I’d always wanted since my feelings for him had changed.

It wasn’t even a gradual build up either that change, it just hit me one day out of the blue, like a ton of bricks falling from the sky, and I haven’t been the same since.

And now he was here and he was taking me away with him. I didn’t care where just as long as he was there I knew all would be well. I wouldn’t let my heart really enjoy until I was well away from this place though. Please don’t let her sway him like she usually does.

I hastily threw the only things that meant anything to me into my little cloth sack at the thought. There wasn’t much, mostly mementos and keepsakes from our times together over the years. Whatever she hadn’t found and discarded every chance she got that is.

I didn’t want to take too long, just in case it was a dream and he was gone when I got back down there. Or worse yet she was able to convince him with her lies. I couldn’t stand that-not after he’d held me like that-not after the promise of being taken away from here. I’d just die.




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