Coreyography: A Memoir (35 page)

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Authors: Corey Feldman

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Tim Stinson: Thank you for your years of dedicated friendship. You have always been there whenever I really needed someone to talk to. There are few people in this world that I would trust with my life—and with my son’s life—and you are one of them. I’m grateful to you for always having been there for me, whether I was on top or at the bottom of my career. God bless you.

Marlene Nadel: Thank you, and the entire Cri-Help staff, for saving my life. You know that I would not be alive today to write this book if it weren’t for you. You are beautiful. Thank you. I would also like to thank Richard Hirsh, Jack Bernstein, John Carlson, Officer Adam Smith, Sergeant Carl, Eric Pearl, Mark Laisure, and all my old school friends who have made me laugh at my weakest moments.

Scott Carlson: Thank you for ten years of digging in the trenches with me. I am grateful for all of the projects that, through your dedication and perseverance, became realities—even those that I had given up on. This book is a perfect example.

Kathy Huck: Thank you, Kathy, for believing in this project through and through. No matter how impossible it seemed at times, you never gave up hope and kept it moving forward. Thank you for helping me realize this vision, and for standing by my side as I bare my soul to the world.

Courtney Hargrave: Thank you for all the hard work on this project, and for all the late-night calls and debates. I think, for the next one, we may just have to relocate you to L.A.! Thank you for keeping me on point, and helping me convey my story in the most forgiving way possible.

St. Martin’s Press: Thank you all for getting behind this and for having the courage to take on the onslaught of controversy that comes with my life. This is an important story to tell, and I couldn’t have found a more respectable group of people to handle the subject matter with such class and enthusiasm. I am eternally grateful for the support of the entire company, and I hope no one will be disappointed with the outcome.

Judy Haim: Thank you for putting up with me all of these years, for being the strong woman you are, and for all that you endured with and for Corey. God bless you. Now, Corey can rest. Wake me when September ends. 222! I love you.

Brian McMullen: Thank you for your support at the times when I needed it most. You are a male angel!

Stacy Hess: Thank you for being there to help me get the truth out to the world, even when nobody wanted to listen, or when I couldn’t afford to tell them.

Courtney Anne Mitchell: I love you for being a real angel in my life. Thank you for showing me so much love, even in the darkest times, and for giving me a reason to try learning how to trust again. I love you.

Hugh Hefner: Thank you, Hef, for always opening your home and your heart to me. Your free-spirited, fun-loving nature and love of art and all things beautiful has inspired me to live each moment to the fullest, and to never even consider growing old. Because of you, my goal is to live to 122. And to the rest of the Playboy family: Keith, Crystal, Morgan, Cooper and Marstin, Zach Whitlow, Sheila Moore, Ron Smith, Joel and Allison, Jimmy Van Patten, Stephen Wayda and playmates Julie McCullough, Tina Jordan, Ava Fabian, Devin DeVasquez, Cathi O’Malley, and Christi Shake.

Additionally, I would like to thank lifelong friends: Mark Marshall; Sean Astin; Joseph and Katherine Jackson and the Jackson family; Majestik Magnificent; Greg Berg; Robin Lively, Jason Lively, and the Lively family; Kristy Swanson and family; Mike and Cathy Sage; Jason Presson; Chelsea Windsor; Chuck Irwin; Rob Heskin; Pharao Barret; Mark Harris; Dr. Jeffrey Hoefflin; Mark London; Jon Carin; Scotty Page; Gary Hayes; Gavin Menzies; Keith Coogan; Dave Dunn; I love you all dearly. No matter how long between calls, no matter how long until I see you again, you are always in my heart.

And friends and inspirations: Steven Spielberg; Joe Dante; Roger Corman; Joel Schumacher; Rob Reiner; Eugenio Mira; Glen Alpert; Joel and Allison Berliner; Ciro Neili; Donald Borchers; Jeff Ballard; Henry Penzi; Susie Sprague; Vanessa Marcil; Drew Barrymore; Weird Al Yankovic; Danny Bonaduce; Peter Curzon; Miko Brando; Josh Brolin; Jeff Cohen; Ke Huy Quan; Kerri Green; Shane Black; Henry Jaglom; Tanna Fredrik; Zach Galligan; Jon Lovitz; Jerry O’Connell; Wil Wheaton; Paul Reubens; David Gilmour; Paul McCartney; Roger Waters; Ringo Starr; Jeff Chonis; Cyndi Lauper; G Tom Mac; Ron Jeremy; Ginger Lynn; Michael J. Fox; Billy Idol; Billy Siegel at Fender guitars; Richie Palmero and Richie, Jr.; Giuseppe Franco, Anna and Mike from
; Kit Lenoir; The Goonies; Kiefer Sutherland; Angus Sutherland; Howard and Alan Teman; Meredith Salenger; my assistants Jake Perry and Robin Allred Zaharis, for aiding me through
The Two Coreys’
shows; Deandre Adams, for twenty-two years of security and protection; Paul Kenner; Mark Karan, Kaya Jones, Fred Durst, DJ R1ckone, Thomas Van Musser, Phil Shapiro, and Gregg Sartiano, and my band Truth Movement (Rob Heskin, Chuck Irwin, Randy Morris, Scotty Page) for all the great years of music. And finally, to all the Angels in my life, both spiritual and physical, for always protecting me.


About the Author

is a film and television actor, producer, musician, and father. He lives in Los Angeles, California, with his son, Zen.


The names of some persons described in this book have been changed.

Copyright © 2013 by Corey Feldman. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Cover design by James Iacobelli

Cover photograph © Stephen Wayda

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Feldman, Corey.

    Coreyography: a memoir / Corey Feldman. — First edition

            pages cm

    ISBN 978-0-312-60933-7 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-250-03878-4 (e-book)

  1.  Feldman, Corey.   2.  Motion picture actors and actresses—United States—Biography.   I.  Title.

    PN2287.F415A3 2013



eISBN 9781250038784

First Edition: October 2013

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