Corporate Affair (12 page)

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Authors: Linda Cunningham

BOOK: Corporate Affair
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It was a bold question, as personal a question as she had asked him. Aiden looked up, taken by surprise. “No,” he answered, “not yet.”

“Grace is my parents’ first grandchild. They take care of her during the day. It makes it easier for me to work, not having to worry about her.”

“That’s a good arrangement,” agreed Aiden. He was sobered. The new, young mother, having to work more than full time for a man who called for her full dedication. His mother and both his sisters had been able to stay home with their children. It was a luxury he hadn’t realized before this. “Her father doesn’t participate?”

Was it the dim light or had he actually seen her face blanch a little? “No,” she said softly. “No, he doesn’t.” She looked away. Aiden dropped the subject and searched for a new topic of conversation.

“Do you know,” he started, struggling, “that when I asked the Inn owner where to get the pizza, she actually knew I was coming here with it? Doesn’t it infringe on your privacy to have somebody know your every move?”

Jordan took a sip of her beer. “On the contrary. It’s kind of comforting in a way. Everybody knows everybody. Families are intermarried, and it strengthens the fabric of the community. You know who somebody really is. You know their history. You know when somebody is competent in the job they’re being asked to do. You know who to depend on. There’s a network.”

Aiden snorted. “Seems like it compromises the privacy of an individual to me.”

“Well, not really,” Jordan explained. “Nobody really knows the details about what goes on behind closed doors, but the general feeling of camaraderie is there. Don’t get me wrong; people still have their problems. There’s divorce and disagreements and situations that arise, but by and large, everybody in town is his brother’s keeper, even when it’s only the tiniest bit. It makes a difference.”

Aiden watched her; he liked how open she’d become with him. She’d become relaxed, more comfortable, and seemed to now trust him. Their eyes met, but the spell was broken as her cell phone rang. She answered it quickly, and Aiden wondered if he should excuse himself from the room. He leaned forward to stand, but she smiled and gestured with a wave of her hand that he could stay seated.


“Jordan?” Aiden could hear Fenton’s voice booming through her phone. Jordan’s demeanor changed in an instant. She caught Aiden’s eyes, and the look on her face was not lost on him. She held the phone away from her ear, allowing Aiden to listen in.

“This is Jordan. Mr. Fenton?” She watched as Aiden shook his head slowly back and forth.

“Sorry to call so late. I hope you’re feeling better. I was wondering when we might get together and finalize our agreement?”

“I’m feeling better,” said Jordan tersely. “Thank you for asking. As far as the agreement goes, I think ChatDotCom and Fenton Enterprises are too far apart for any finalization. I’m sorry, Mr. Fenton. I should have called you earlier. You shouldn’t waste your company’s time trying to acquire Chat any longer. I have a number of merger offers from smaller companies that I feel are more suited to Chat than Fenton.”

“I’m rather shocked to hear that,” the man replied dryly. “I thought you were a smarter girl than that. You’re too young, I guess, to recognize the opportunity I’m providing. I’m sorry you don’t think it’s a good fit, but I’m not giving up. I’ll send you another proposal tomorrow. Let me know what you think. You won’t be able to turn this one down. And keep in mind, I can and will go directly to Gene Palmer.”

“Do what you think you must.” Jordan’s response was light, almost aloof. “Thank you for calling.” She clicked off.

“Fenton!” breathed Aiden, pushing down his anger.

“Yes.” Jordan sat back down, her phone still in her hands. “You heard how he basically insulted me?” She reached for another piece of pizza and nibbled at it.

“What an asshole,” said Aiden bluntly.

“I hope he doesn’t cause any more trouble.” Despite Jordan’s effort to appear unaffected, Aiden could tell the man’s manner upset her, and the whole conversation brought back memories of the night before. “He said he would go directly to Mr. Palmer.”

“Let him.”

“Then I’ll have to tell Mr. Palmer the truth about why I refused what appears to be a more lucrative agreement.”

“Maybe that’s not the worst thing.” Aiden leaned back in the chair, studying the woman across from him. “How old are you, Jordan?”

“I’m twenty-five, last month.”

Aiden smiled. “You are young, but you’re also smart. And you’re the prettiest CEO I’ve ever had to negotiate with.”

He hadn’t meant to say it, but it was said and it was heard. It seemed she realized his sincerity, and he hid his enjoyment at seeing her cheeks flush. Her hand shook slightly, and she dropped her pizza face down on the carpet.

“Damn!” she said, swooping down to pick up the greasy mess just as Aiden bent to accomplish the same task. Their foreheads cracked together.

“Ow!” she cried out before she could help it. She stood up, her hand to her head.

“That hurt!” Aiden stood as well, rubbing his brow, and they both began to laugh. “You’re pretty, you’re smart, and you’ve got a head like a football helmet!”

They looked at each other, and Jordan smiled. “Thank you for that.”

“Hey, you’ve got a mark.” Aiden instinctively reached out and brushed her forehead gently with his fingertips. “Does it hurt?”

“Not now,” she answered. They were standing so close to each other, he could feel the warmth of her body and see the rise and fall of her chest through her shirt. Then, before either of them was quite sure of what was happening, Aiden’s lips were on hers. Jordan’s body drew up to meet him, her lips parting instinctively, inviting him in. A veil seemed to fall over everything as he increased the pressure of his kiss The relief it brought was overwhelming and her warm, earthy taste fanned his smoldering desires to flames. It was as though he had been awakened from a spell he had not realized he was under. He felt her skin grow warm beneath his fingertips. She lifted her face to his, and he let his lips travel lightly down the curve of her neck until they lingered in the hollow of her throat. His hair brushed her chin, and she uttered a small passionate murmur.

Her delicate gasp resonated through Aiden, overwhelming him with an excitement he had not experienced before. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her as close to him as he could. He felt her capitulate; he felt her firm shape melding into him, surrendering to him, urging him on. Her hands gripped him at the waist and moved upward, until she held his face in her fingertips. This time it was Jordan who initiated the most tender of kisses. Aiden savored her sugary taste. He felt himself transported by her touch, and passion rose in him. He slipped his hand down her back, over the soft swell of her buttock, and down her thigh.

Everything after that happened instinctively. Jordan lifted her leg to his hip, and he curled his hand up under her, supporting her against him. He backed up two steps and sank into the wing chair, hoisting her onto his lap. She straddled him, and his hands went up under her T-shirt. The softness of her skin intoxicated him. Their lips explored each other, seeking fulfillment, seeking completion.

Heat was growing in Aiden’s groin. He shifted under her and felt her thighs tighten around him. She lifted herself ever so slightly and brushed back down on him. A groan of ecstasy escaped him. His hands went to her breasts, pushing up under her bra. He felt her taut nipples and took them in his fingertips, squeezing gently, then harder. Jordan lifted her lips from his, flinging her head back with an audible cry as her hips moved instinctively.

Then, just as quickly as their passion had escalated, Jordan wrenched herself out of Aiden’s arms. She stood up, struggling to quiet her rapid breathing, her hand to her heart.

“I—I—I can’t,” she gasped. “I can’t! Right now I can’t.” She looked at Aiden’s face in the dim light of the lamp. “Don’t look like that, Aiden. It’s just that…it’s just been so long. And—and—oh, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” She brought her hands to her face.

Aiden was shaking. He stood and ran both hands through his hair. He struggled for a moment to grasp the situation, to stifle his physical innervation. He felt his ecstasy turn to pain, and he exhaled loudly. Jordan lifted her eyes to his, but Aiden didn’t move a muscle.

“Please,” she whispered. “Please understand. Aiden, it’s not you. I’m so, so attracted to you. I just can’t right now. It’s me.”

In a second, he was in front of her, his arms around her. “Shh,” he murmured into her fragrant hair. “Jordan, it’s all right. We can take this slow. We can.”

Her face was buried in his chest, and he felt the warmth of her breath. “The business,” she continued. “Mr. Palmer is depending on me. My child, my family, they depend on me.” She shook her head back and forth. “How are we going to do business now?”

Aiden took her by the arms and held her out from him. For her sake, he forced a smile. “We’re bigger people than that,” he said. “We’ll get this done. Look—” he paused to take a deep sigh “—I’m going back to the Inn now. I can’t do any more business tonight. We’ll sign this in the morning.” He let her go and stood, his arms at his side. He was completely deflated; all his energy was drained. He had never felt so lost.

She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He saw her hands tremble. “Okay,” she said softly. “Okay. I—”

Aiden held up his hand. His smile was kind but determined. “We’ll continue this another time.” Then he turned to leave.

Jordan’s reply was barely audible. “I can’t promise anything,” she said.

Aiden looked back at her, every nerve in his body on edge. “I’m not giving up on us, Jordan,” he said simply. “I’m not. I don’t care what happens to Chat or Trade Winds. I don’t care what happens with my father or Gene Palmer. I don’t care what people think of us. I won’t give up.”

Jordan turned away as Aiden walked out the door and shut it behind him.

Silent tears overflowed Jordan’s eyes and trickled down her cheeks. She clenched her fists as a sob escaped from her lips. She stayed there, leaning on her desk, until she was sure Aiden had left. Then she gave a shuddering sigh, pulled on her jacket, grabbed her bag, and left her office.

She was shivering as she pulled out of the parking lot, but it was not from the evening chill. Tears still occluded her vision. She just wanted to get home, to get into her own bed and hold her baby close. She pulled out into the street.

The angry blast of a vehicle horn shocked her, and she slammed on the brakes. Panicked, Jordan blinked her eyes against the glare of headlights. She had pulled right out in front of an oncoming truck. The pickup had stopped about a foot from her car door.

“What the hell!” Jordan heard the angry voice of the driver as he jumped out of the truck. “What are you doing? You got your head up your ass?”

Then, the passenger door opened, and Jordan heard Ashley’s familiar voice. “Jordan!”

The young driver glanced at his wife and then back at Jordan, who was getting out of her vehicle.

“Jordan! Is that you? What’s the matter?” said Kyle. “Are you all right?”

Ashley rushed up to her, pulling her into a quick embrace. “Jordan, what’s the matter?”

“I’m okay. I’m okay,” insisted Jordan. “We didn’t collide.” She saw Ashley and Kyle exchange looks.

“You’re shaking,” Ashley said. “Get over to the passenger side. I’m getting in.” Then she turned to her husband. “Kyle, you go home. I’ll call you to come pick me up later. I’m going to make sure she’s okay.”

Jordan overheard Kyle say softly, “Has she been drinking?”

Ashley shook her head as she climbed in behind the wheel. “I doubt it, but something’s going on. I’ll see you later, hon.”

“Call me,” he said as he gave his wife a quick kiss. He got back in his truck and drove away slowly.

Ashley put the Jeep in reverse, guiding it back into the parking lot. Then she threw the shift into park and turned to her friend.

“You don’t look so good, Jordan. Have you been drinking?”

“I had a beer.”

“Well, that doesn’t seem like a lot, but you were sure in a fog. Good thing we weren’t going fast.”

“What are you doing out at ten o’clock at night?”

“Picking up Kyle from a volunteer firefighter’s meeting.”

“Oh.” Jordan paused and took a deep breath. “I’m glad it was you.”

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