Corpus de Crossword (35 page)

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Authors: Nero Blanc

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“Har har, Poly-crates … You won't be acting so smug when your sweetie's off in La-La-Land doing the rumba with Lance diRusa!” Lever took another slug of coffee; Martha immediately refilled the cup, uttering “I assume you'll all be ordering the usual today: cheese omelet, extra fries for Big Al, there; a single poached egg for Sara, rye toast, no butter …” The list trailed off as Martha returned her concentration to Belle. “And you're sure this Darlessen guy's on the up-and-up?”

“I've got his fax right here. The address is a studio in Culver City. I called the number listed. It's the real deal.”

“Wowie …” Martha cooed. “Belle Graham in a movie.”

“Well, not me, Martha.”

“I know. You said. Shay Henlee's doing you. And Greg Trafeo's playing Rosco? He's cute, but he's not Rosco …”

“Chick Darlessen said there was a bit of hitch with Greg Trafeo,” Belle cautioned. “I don't know what that meant.”

“Yeah, but look at you Belle, you're gonna be the show's technical consultant—fancy salary, first class digs, one glorious week of all-star treatment.”

“According to Chick Darlessen.”

“Trafeo and Henlee …” Martha repeated in quiet awe while Rosco beamed at his wife. His pride in having an obvious talent like Shay Henlee play the part of Belle Graham was written all over his face.

“She's not nearly as pretty as Belle, but still …”

prettier, Rosco.” Belle returned his loving gaze and the two were momentarily lost to the group, to the muffled shouts of Kenny the fry cook, to the clink of the cash register, the loud and soft voices of the other patrons, the comforting morning aroma of bacon and sausage, hash browns, eggs sizzling on a griddle, local maple syrup warming, and the soothing cinnamon scent of French toast browning in butter in a pan.

The three other members of the group allowed this intimate moment to pass before Martha spoke up again. “Let me see that fax, Belle.”

Belle handed it over. It was the cast list of
Anatomy of a Crossword.

Martha's shrewd eyes ran down the names. “Louis Gable … who knew that pompous old coot was still around? Plus he's one of DeDero's exes, too. Number four, I think, maybe … or is it five? I get so confused with that dame's amours … Anyway, having Gable around will probably make things real dicey on the set. Nan's not one to appreciate having her leftovers around when she's on the warpath for her new soul mate … Dan Millray plays the victim? That's sure a waste of his talent and looks, if you ask me … Carol Von Deney … Oh, she was
to die for
as the rich witch on that nighttime soap that folded last year … Andy Hofren. Now, he's a
choice for her husband—or anybody's husband, if you ask me … Ginger Bradmin. What an absolute sweetheart! Too bad her marriage to Quinton Hanny didn't work out …”

“Actually—” Belle tried to interrupt, but Martha was on a roll.

“… On the other hand, she's definitely better off without Quint, especially now that he's taken up with … No, wait, that fling's over, too.” A sudden gasp put an end to Martha's monologue. “Jes Nadema's doing Big Al!”

Four pairs of eyes regarded her without comprehension. Unlike Martha, the rest of the Breakfast Bunch had not educated themselves regarding either personal relationships or performance credits of Hollywood's current talent pool.

“Jes Nadema, the ex-pro wrestler …! Mr. I-take-off-my-shirt-in-all-my-close-ups! You guys must know who he is! He does all the ‘muscle man' ads on TV … You've seen the jackhammer one? Where he gets a headache? Boy, did they ever goof on that particular bit of typecasting!” Martha pointedly moved her gaze to Al's less-than-trim waistline while her laughter rose in a gleeful hoop.

“Very funny, Martha,” Al muttered.

Sara murmured a conciliatory, “Well, I think you should take the choice as a compliment, Albert. After all, the studio or whomever it is out there wouldn't have—”

But Sara's kind effort was also interrupted as Martha gulped back her own hoots of amusement. The sound she made was similar to someone choking on a large and dangerous object. “Me! I'm in it, too! I'm Madeline Richter! Madeline ‘Gorgeous Legs' Richter! Hey, everyone, listen up!” Martha turned to the company at large, brandishing the fax as she did so. “Listen up, you all! Guess who's playing yours truly in a TV movie? Madeline Richter, herself!”

At that moment, Belle who had taken Rosco's hand, realized there was no stopping this particular train. Hollywood—or, in this case, Culver City—had apparently appropriated not only her life but everyone with whom she shared it. How could she possibly bring herself to disappoint her friends?

Anatomy of a Crossword

The Answers

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About the Author

Nero Blanc is the pseudonym of Steve Zettler and Cordelia Frances Biddle, who are husband and wife and serious crossword buffs. Biddle is also the author of the Martha Beale historical mystery series, which is set in Philadelphia, Zettler and Biddle's hometown. Their website is

All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2003 by Cordelia F. Biddle and Steve Zettler

Cover design by Tammy Seidick

ISBN: 978-1-4976-7173-7

This edition published in 2014 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.

345 Hudson Street

New York, NY 10014



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