Corrupt Cravings (18 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Corrupt Cravings
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The angled lines stood out darkly against her pale skin. Where the symbols were left bare by the tone of her flesh, they practically glowed in contrast. Lifting her hand, she ran a finger over the cross that stood over her heart. Ambrose. The vampires. She needed to get back. And the sooner, the better.

Chapter 8

Soft noise rattled in what sounded like the bedroom. Cursing, Marcella let the change of her wolf rush through her.


She tightened the towel around her body while she opened the bathroom door. His sleeping form was lightly snoring on the bed. Confused, she headed toward the living room. The light blue carpet sunk between her toes while she quietly stepped through the entrance. A laugh came from off to the right. The kitchen?

“You can keep coming. I heard you.”

Walking into the room, she saw the same man who’d made the comment about Donavon teaching her respect, the one she had flipped off when her mate was bringing her to the house.

“What are you doing here?”

Marcella stayed close to the entrance. Uneasiness thrummed through her. There was something about this guy that she wasn’t sure of.

“I came to drop off the rest of Arizona’s clothes. From the looks of things, I’d say you really wore him out. He’s pretty much dead to the world. I’m impressed.”

A million things rushed in her head. “He hasn’t been sleeping well at nights. But he’ll be up in no time.”

“I’m not so sure about that. You see, he didn’t even budge when I put my gun to his head.”

Taking a step back, Marcella could smell her wolf’s fear. “Now why would you do a thing like that? If he would have woken up, he’d have killed you, you know.”

“No, I don’t think so. We’re pretty close.” He took a step forward. “So, how was your shower? You like this house?”

“It’s great. Everything’s…great.” Marcella took another step back. “Listen, I’m just going to go and get dressed. I think you should come back after my mate wakes up.”

A smile started to form on the man’s face. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and inched toward her. “What I need can’t wait.”

Marcella spun around but didn’t make it three steps before she was tackled to the ground. The man’s large body covered hers, tightening his arm around her chest. Hot breath brushed against her ear while he nuzzled her neck.

“Why him? You could have had your pick, yet you settled for the first man you met. Why? You were the one who placed the mark first, right?”

“Yes,” she said shakily.

“But why him?”

“I don’t know. Please. Just leave and I promise I won’t say anything.”

“And pass up figuring out what I need to know? No way, sweetheart. I have questions that have been bugging me since I first saw you.”

The grip tightened around her, and he inhaled deeply. A sob came from her mouth as she tried her hardest to break his hold.

“Now, now, honey. Don’t fight. I won’t hurt you. Just let me smell you. There’s something about your scent.”

“Donavon! Dona”

A hand slapped into her mouth, cutting off the end of her words. Blood washed over her tongue while she fought and tried to scream louder. The collector inside stirred, and she could feel the anger rising. Was she going to let this man bully her around, or was she going to fight back? Fuck that. She wasn’t helpless. Far from it.

Pressure of her collector rose through her body, and heat blazed behind her eyes as her transformation ended. Kicking herself over, she felt the man fall to the ground next to her. Marcella quickly straddled him, pinning his hands over his head. The warmth increased in her vision, and she knew her eyes were glowing.

“What the fuck are you?”

The horror that masked his face brought a smile to her lips. The taste of her blood made her moan. “I’m your biggest fucking mistake. You couldn’t just keep your hands to yourself, could you? Couldn’t just walk away?”

Marcella squeezed his fingers tightly in hers. The sounds of his bones snapping in her grip made her smile. He let out a grunt, yet held in the scream she knew he wanted to release.

“Fascinating strength.”

She froze. “You’re not scared anymore. Why not?”

“I’ve seen you in my dreams. I was trying to figure out what you were before you freaked out on me.”

“Fuck.” Marcella groaned. He wasn’t going to force himself on her. He just wanted to see why the hell her scent was different. Calming herself, she took in his awed expression. “No one touches me without my permission. Are you going to keep your hands to yourself if I let you go?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“No. What’s your name?”

“Aaron.” One of his eyebrows rose at her question. She wasn’t sure why, but she really didn’t care.

“All right, Aaron. I’m getting up and changing back. If you so much as come within a foot of me, I’ll set you on fire and watch you burn to death.”

His lips parted in shock. “Damn, woman. I get it. I’m not looking to be turned into a crispy critter today, thanks.”


Marcella stood and materialized a pair of jeans and a T-shirt to cover her body, then she let her wolf take back over. Aaron gasped and collapsed to the couch.

“That shit is amazing. You didn’t answer my earlier question. What are you?”

“I’m a soul collector. If you so much as tell a single person about what you just witnessed”

“I know, I know, crispy critter.”

She twisted her mouth at him. “Donavon is one of my knights, and I need to win him over so he’ll leave with me.”


A sigh came from her mouth. “Arizona. His real name is Donavon, and he belongs to me.”

“Yeah, well, good luck getting him out of here. Luis won’t let anyone leave. We all joined in with blood. The only way out is through death. Trust me, if I could leave, I would.”

Marcella studied him. He was actually rather handsome but not typically her type. Not to mention, she was starting to see how things in the shifter community really were. Weres didn’t have typical manners. At least, not the ones she’d met so far. Getting used to their touchy-feely ways was definitely going to take some time.

“You weren’t trying to rape me, were you?”

“Rape? Hey, now wait one fucking minute.” Aaron leaned closer, looking offended. “I was just smelling you. You were going to run and wake up your mate. I couldn’t let that happen, so I tackled you. Not once did I touch you anywhere inappropriate.”

“Well, you almost became toast because I was getting ready to off your ass. Think twice before you do anything like that again. You can’t just smell people whenever you feel like it. It’s not normal.”

“It is for me, but I get what you’re saying.” Aaron wiped the sweat from his forehead as he continued to stare at her. “I liked the tattoos. What are they for?”

“The souls I collect.” Marcella folded her legs underneath her while she fought to get comfortable. “Why don’t you tell me about your dreams? I’m interested to know what you see.”

“Can’t remember much. You’re just in them. Some type of leader or something.”


He groaned. “You’re just always standing at this big chair in a room that seems to go on forever. The surroundings make me think it’s the old times or something. I don’t know. I can never make sense of the dreams.”

“You’re talking about my throne that sits in my great hall. I’m sorry, but I don’t know how we’re connected. I don’t remember you.” Staring into his face wasn’t helping. Maybe Samael would know, but that meant she’d have to take Aaron back with her, too. If they were connected, she couldn’t abandon him. When she came back, did everyone’s soul she harbored come back, too? Shit, this was complicated.

“So what now? When do we leave?”

A growl tore through the room. “Oh, hell no! She’s not going anywhere with you. What the fuck are you doing, Aaron?”

Donavon rushed forward, jerking the man off the couch. Aaron was tall, but her mate was taller, and the guy’s poor feet dangled an inch from the ground.

Marcella jumped to her feet and grabbed Donavon’s arm. “Wait. It’s not what you think. Put him down.”

“I fucking trusted you, bro. You’re my right-hand man, and now you’re planning on running off with my mate?”

Aaron’s head snapped back while he was shaken. “Notwhatyouthink.”

Donavon inhaled deeply. “You’re not lying. You better explain, and fast.”

Aaron was dropped to his feet. His eyes shot to Marcella nervously. She quickly stepped in. “I want to leave. Aaron here was telling me about the pack laws. He said Luis wouldn’t allow us to just disappear. We were going over a plan so the three of us could escape.”

Donavon looked between the two of them skeptically. “You’re leaving something out. I sense you’re not completely lying, but something in the statement is not the truth. How do I know that my involvement isn’t the lie? You both could be planning this together with no intention of taking me with you.”

Aaron’s gaze shot back to her, and she inwardly cursed. Stepping forward, Marcella cupped Donavon’s face. “You can tell if I’m lying. Now, I’m going to say something, and you tell me what you think.”

“Okay.” He nodded and lifted her, wrapping his hands under her ass to hold her to him. Not once did he break their stare.

“Donavon, I vow to you that the moment I leave this place, you will come. Neither my heart, nor my mind, could ever betray you. For you are a part of me that not even time can separate. Where I go, so shall you.
are what makes me complete.”

Tears clouded Donavon’s eyes. No words left his mouth as he moved one of his arms to the middle of her back and held her tightly. Marcella encircled her arms around him and buried her face against the soft skin of his neck.

“You didn’t lie.” His voice was hoarse.

“No. You will never be abandoned. I’ve waited too long to find you.”

He pulled back and brushed his lips against hers, all the while searching her face for something. God, she hoped he was remembering. She wanted him to. But they were still a long ways from leaving here. If she didn’t get control over this possessive side, things wouldn’t work back home. And then what would she do?

* * * *

Donavon felt his legs grow weak at her words. Between the vision he’d seen earlier and now this, he wasn’t sure what to think. All he knew was when he thought Aaron and his mate were making plans to leave together, he’d never felt more hostile or desperate. The combination was enough to make him temporarily lose it.

“You really meant what you said? You weren’t lying, but I’m not sure I can believe it. You’ve given up your other men?”

Marcella’s mouth parted, and he knew she hadn’t. The rage came back with a vengeance. “Of course not. I should have known.” He sat her down and headed for the kitchen. Making a glass of water, he stood in the doorway and stared at his most trusted man and his mate.

“Let’s not focus on anything but the present,” Marcella rushed in. “Why don’t we go over dinner? What would you like me to make you?”

He looked at Marcy, feeling the anger melt off of him. “You’re going to cook for me?” Just envisioning her in front a hot stove made him shake his head no. She was meant to be waited on, nothe cut off his thoughts. Why shouldn’t she cook? Where did he get the feeling of her being better than anyone else? As he battled with what his mind screamed, he tried to push away the intrusions.

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