Courting Kate (42 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou Rich

BOOK: Courting Kate
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“I’ll also be warming your bed each night,” she whispered. She lifted her hips and settled over him, taking him deep inside her. She kissed him again, her tongue moving in rhythm with her body.

“And I’ll be bearing your children. So you may as well get used to having me around.”

“Don’t I have any say in the matter?” he managed to croak when she gave him the chance.

“Talk away.” But she didn’t stop what she was doing to listen.

He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t even think. He’d probably be better off keeping his mouth shut. It was always the talking that got him into trouble, anyway. Besides, if he said anything, she might quit. He didn’t plan to say a word.

She brought him to the pinnacle, then she stopped. “Well, Mr. Blaine?”

“Kate, I’ll do anything you say, just untie me.”

“I thought you’d see things my way.” She leaned forward and untied his hands, then she twisted and loosened the strands holding his feet. “One’s caught on your splint.”

“Never mind about that,” he said. Unable to wait, he pulled her down on him and loved her as well as he was able to under the circumstances. But he noticed she wasn’t voicing any complaints.

When it was over and she snuggled next to him, he wondered how he could ever have thought he could let her go. It would be like cutting out his heart.

He had been wrong about Kate. Despite her size and fragile appearance, she had proved to be a woman of both strength and determination. He nuzzled the top of her head and grinned. And since she seemed so determined to have him, how could he refuse?

He kissed her forehead. “I’m no prize, you know.”

“I know. But you’ll learn,” she said, flashing him an impish grin. “And when you get ornery...”

“Two can play at that game, Miss Deveraux.” Before she could move, he had her hands and feet tied to the bed. Then he slowly, thoroughly tormented her the same way she had him. His heart filled with love, he gazed at the panting woman beneath him.

“Tanner, please.”

“Not until you agree to marry me.”



“Whenever you say,” she gasped.

“How about Sunday?”

She frowned. “That’s day after tomorrow. I need more time than that.”

“Sunday week, then.”

“Fine. Now—”

“Sunday week it is.” He untied the fastenings. “Now come here, woman, and give me some proper loving.”

“Proper?” She arched a brow. “All of this is highly
proper, Mr. Blaine.”

She sat up on the side of the bed. “I have to make plans. Let’s see we... need to make invitations, and maybe Jeanne would bake the cake....”

“Talkin’ again.” He silenced her with kisses. “Now about those children...”

“What about them?”

“I’d like at least six. Three boys and three girls.”

“I was hoping for a dozen,” she murmured, pulling him down on the bed.

His passion rising, Tanner hoped those children didn’t come along too soon—he wanted some time to have Kate all to himself.
And when they do come...

She kissed him.

...I’ll have to add onto the house and...

She kissed him again.

...Make a few improvements.... What else?...

She let out an exasperated sigh.

First, I better send for the preacher before she changes her mind.

“Thinking again?” she asked, peering up at him.

He grinned.

“You can think tomorrow.” She pulled his head down and whispered against his lips. “Now about that proper loving...”

“Bossy female.” Tanner took her in his arms, content to let her have her way.




Dear Reader,

Jacksonville has managed to retain much of its earlier charm and many of the old buildings, including Beekman’s bank, still stand. It’s a great place to visit.

I hope you have enjoyed
Courting Kate
and would appreciate your comments. I love to hear from my fans and I read and cherish every letter. Please write to:

Mary Lou Rich

P. O. Box 101

Murphy, Oregon, 97533

If you would like an autographed bookmark and newsletter, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Until our next adventure,

Best always,

Mary Lou Rich

About the Author:
Nominated for Favorite Fiction Author and Reader’s Choice Award, Mary Lou Rich’s books have made the B. Dalton, Waldenbooks, and Barnes & Noble best seller lists. She gets fan mail from all over the world. Mary Lou lives in Oregon with her family and four-legged furry friends.

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