Courting Miss Vallois (22 page)

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Authors: Gail Whitiker

BOOK: Courting Miss Vallois
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Sophie smiled. ‘And what about your other concern? The fact that, like myself, Antoine is French?'

‘Ah, Sophie.' Robert pressed his lips to her hair. ‘You see a fool standing before you. It wasn't a Frenchman
who shot my brother. It was an Englishman working both sides of the war. The
man who shot Lord Longworth and left him for dead.'


‘He told me as much a few days ago. And for all those years, I carried hatred in my soul for a man who didn't even exist.' Robert looked down at her, searching her face for signs that it was still an issue between them. ‘When I think what it nearly cost me—'

‘No.' Sophie placed her fingers against his lips. ‘This is not the time for regrets. All that matters is that you do not resent Antoine for being French, or for being in love with your sister.'

‘How could I resent him when I saw how he felt about her,' Robert said. ‘Antoine was the only man who ever really
at Jane. He didn't see her handicap. He saw a beautiful, intelligent woman and he fell in love with her. I couldn't ask for a better husband for my sister.'

‘And Antoine could not ask for a better husband for his,' Sophie said softly. ‘Thank you, Robert, for everything.'

‘It is not your thanks I want, darling girl. Only your love.'

‘That you have. But now, I think we should find Nicholas and Lavinia and tell them the wonderful news. It was very good of them to give us this time alone together.'

‘I think they knew you were about to receive yet another proposal of marriage. You will marry me, won't you, Sophie?' Robert asked, gently pulling her back into his arms. ‘And stay with me always?'

Sophie smiled. To think that one day soon she would say the words that would make this wonderful man her
husband. Was it only a few weeks ago that the idea of marriage had seemed so untenable? That the thought of entrusting her heart to a man she'd met in a crowded coaching inn would seem so utterly implausible?

Hard to believe, but it was—and she wouldn't have changed a thing. Because everything she'd gone through had brought her to this moment. To this conclusion. To this man standing before her. ‘Yes, I will marry you,' she said without hesitation. ‘And I will stay with you for as long as you wish me to stay. For as long as you love me.'

‘Then I expect we're going to be together for a very long time.' His eyes grew dark as he bent his head to kiss her. ‘And that we are going to be happy for a longer time still.'

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1582-5


Copyright © 2010 Gail Whitiker

First North American Publication 2011

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