Coven (7 page)

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Authors: Lacey Weatherford

Tags: #romance, #love, #fantasy, #magic, #supernatural, #witch, #teen, #ghost, #spirit

BOOK: Coven
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My dad’s voice filtered into
my head.

I replied with a sigh, feeling
a mental lecture coming on.

I see you left out some crucial details
about your new friend.”

Really? And what’s that? That he’s a
nice guy? Or that he’s extremely good looking? I didn’t really
think that would interest you.”

You don’t know, do you?”

Know what?”
I was starting to get

He’s a warlock.”

Excuse me?”
I practically shouted
through my link, stiffening as Seth slid into the car beside

Fresh-blooded, not demonic. I didn’t get
the feeling that he means you any harm. Otherwise I wouldn’t have
allowed you to go.”

You’re sure about this?”
I asked,
still feeling incredulous.

I’m a demon, sweetheart. A hunter. I
could smell him coming up the sidewalk before he even rang the

Dad, I’m just putting this out there in
case it’s necessary. You cannot eat my friends.”

Loud laughter filled my head.
“I promise
to be on my best behavior.”

Seth started the car and pulled away from
the curb. I was still in shock from my dad’s revelation and
couldn’t think of one thing to say to him.

Do you think he knows about us?”
asked my dad.

Well, seeing how you didn’t know about
him, I’m thinking he probably doesn’t know about you. I wouldn’t
have known except I have the added advantage of being able to smell
the fresh blood. Just be careful, and remember the things you’ve
been taught. Don’t let your guard down. If you need anything, you
know how to reach me.”

Thanks, Dad. I’m sure I’ll be fine. See
you later.”
I didn’t wait for him to reply before raising the
privacy wall between us. I did not want him eavesdropping on
tonight’s event.

“So, you told your dad I asked you to
dinner?” Seth asked, breaking the silence between us.

“Well, technically you did. Just not for
tonight. But he doesn’t need to know that.”

“If you survive, I will totally take you to
dinner.” He didn’t sound like he was joking.

“Sounds great,” I replied, meaning it. I was

“Don’t do this,” he blurted out suddenly,
staring at me. To be honest, he looked a bit washed out, like he
might be sick. “I don’t have a good feeling about this. I’m afraid
you’ve underestimated just how good Jett really is. And Jett
. . . well, he’s just different. He’s . . .
strong . . . with abilities and . . .

I laughed. “Seriously, Seth. There’s no
reason to be worried. I know what I’m doing. You’re going to have
to trust that I can take care of myself.”

“I want to. I’ve just seen what he can do to
grown men. He’s not a guy to trifle with.”

“Which is exactly why I need to do this. I
can’t let him brand me as something I’m not. There’s no coward
here, and I won’t back down. He wants me to prove something, so I’m
going to, even if it’s at his expense. He’s the one who challenged.
So he deserves whatever he gets.”

“You really believe you can beat him, don’t
you?” Seth stared at me skeptically.

“I do.”

He sighed heavily. “Well, do you think you
could possibly do it without getting any bruises?”

“Huh?” I was totally confused.

“Your dad said to bring you home in the same
condition I found you. I’m pretty certain I don’t want to be doing
anything that might incur his wrath—you know, like taking his
daughter to fight in a cage match.”

Laughing, I stared out the window. “Relax,
Seth. It’s going to be fine. Besides, if something bad happens,
which it won’t, I’ll be sure to make you sound completely

“Still don’t like it.”

“I know; and I appreciate you coming to get
me—even if you do think I’m going to lose.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I appreciate that, too.”

“Are you going to be able to fight in those
clothes?” Seth asked, gesturing to my t-shirt and jeans.

“I have a tank top and leggings on
underneath.” Glancing at him, I watched as he nodded; but I could
tell he still wasn’t happy. He was latching onto any reason he
could think of to convince me not to do this. And while I
appreciated his concern, I wondered why it was so difficult for him
to believe I was capable of doing this. I also wondered if he was
ever planning on telling me he was a warlock.

That thought, however, disappeared and the
first butterflies popped into my stomach as soon as I saw the words
“The Ring” painted on the side of a square brick building. It
wasn’t the building that made me nervous, but the dozens and dozens
of cars parked everywhere.

“Word spreads fast around here, I see,” I
commented dryly as he slid into a narrow parking space.

“You have no idea.” Turning off the car, he
stared at the building. “Looks like Jett is already here.” He
gestured over to a very sporty white Dodge Charger SRT8, with black
racing stripes up the middle and equally black tinted windows,
sitting next to the curb.

My attention drifted away from the vehicle
to watch several more groups of teens entering the building. “I
guess we should go get this over with. I’m ready to eat that dinner
you promised me. I didn’t eat at home since I was supposed to be
going out with you. So let’s hurry and kick Jett’s ass and get some
food, shall we?”

A wry laugh escaped him. “I don’t know
whether to cheer you on or cart you off to the asylum.”

“I’ll take the cheering,” I replied,
reaching for the door handle.

“I’ve never met anyone like you.”

I smiled. “That’s because I’m one of a
kind.” Before he could say anything else, I jumped out of the car
and made my way into the building.


The air inside felt stuffy from the crush of
bodies crammed into the small place, raising the temperature even
more. Not that it really bothered me. Fire was a natural magic of
mine and it always made me warmer.

Slipping the plastic safety guard into my
mouth, I knocked my gloved hands against my protective headgear,
making sure it was tight, before glancing toward the big burly guy
standing between Jett and me.

“The only rule is that there are no rules.
You can fight however you wish. First person to fall the other and
pin them for eight seconds wins. All or nothing. Are you

I nodded and Jett growled, the two of us
immediately circling one another.

“Take her to the mat, Jett!” some guy
yelled. “Give it to her hard, like a real man!”

Laughter joined in with the taunting and I
had to tune them out. Centering my sights on my opponent, I
listened only to my own breathing and the blood pounding in my

Jett led with a jab, and I dodged. The first
thing my dad had taught me was that the best way to avoid being
beaten was to not be there when the punch comes. I had trained my
eyes to be quick about calculating the muscle movements of my
opponent, and to anticipate the hit before it was ever thrown.

Jett and I continued to circle and he
continued to jab at me while I dodged and studied his movements,
watching for a possible opening. Then he lunged forward, jabbing
first left, then right. I avoided the first punch, but rolled right
into the second, allowing him to knock me to the floor as a
collective gasp went up from the crowd. As soon as I was on the
floor, I kicked my leg out, swiping his out from underneath him.
The moment his body hit the mat I was up on top of him, straddling,
as I pounded my padded fists against the arms that were covering
his face. I managed to land a hit hard enough to the side of his
head that it knocked his mouthpiece out. I hesitated, glancing at
the referee, wondering if he would call time so Jett could replace

Jett took advantage of my pause, bucking
hard beneath me, throwing me off balance and I slipped to the side.
As fast as lightening, he grabbed my arms and rolled me over,
pinning me beneath him.

“I’m impressed,” he said. “No one’s ever
knocked me off my feet that fast.”

Arching my back I struggled to get away, but
his heavier weight kept me adequately pinned. All around us the
crowd was cheering wildly.

Jett leaned in closer. “Date me,” he
whispered in my ear and I froze, staring up at him with wide eyes.
What the hell was going on with this guy?

“What? No!” I replied in a muffled, nearly
indiscernible sound due to the bite guard in my mouth.

“No?” He honestly seemed surprised, which
caused him to loosen his hold enough that I was able to yank one of
my arms free. Swinging hard I punched him in the side of his head,
sending him lolling to the side.

Quickly, I pushed him hard, climbing back on
top of him and going for his shielded face, once more. What a jerk!
He had a girlfriend, even, and he wanted me to date him? I didn’t
care how hot he was. If he thought I’d do that, then he was an

Anger infused me from his suggestion and I
punched him even harder, wishing briefly I could add my magic to
it, but wanting to keep the fight clean.

“Pin him, girlfriend!” A shrill male voice
screeched from somewhere in the chaos beside me, and I was sure it
was Frankie. “Get his shoulders down!”

Attempting to break apart the arms covering
his face, I slid my gloved hands between his elbows and leaned
forward, trying to force them to the side. The gap between his
forearms allowed me to see his face and he grinned, his eyes
drifting to the scooped neckline of my tank top where I was sure I
was probably flashing him quite the show at the moment; but I
couldn’t afford to look away or try to adjust my clothing.

“Having fun?” he asked breathlessly. I
didn’t reply. “Because I am. The view is great and I’ve never been
so turned on in my life!”

As if to emphasize his point, he bucked
underneath me. Our hips connected immediately, clearly showing the
truth of his words, and I gasped as he rocked into me.

Rolling away, I stood—indignant over his
sexual display right there in front of everyone. I spit out my
mouthpiece as he rose to face me. “You’re a jackass. You know that,

“I’ve been called a lot worse,” he replied,
swinging for me and connecting with my shoulder. I used the
momentum to strike with my opposite fist and clocked him upside the
head, knocking him straight into the mat.

“He’s out!” Someone shouted. Sure enough, it
looked like he wasn’t going to get up. Just to be safe, I went over
and, lying across him, I pressed his shoulders into the mat as the
ref counted down. As soon as he hit eight, the crowd cheered wildly
and Jett’s eyes popped open, staring straight into mine.

“I had to fake it—just so you’d press that
hot body against me one more time.”

“You’re a sick bastard,” I replied,

“I’m serious. Date me. You’re the hottest,
sexiest, girl I’ve ever met.”

“Too bad. Guess you’re just going to have to
fake it with your girlfriend. I have a date with Seth, now.”
Pushing away from him, I got up and crawled out of the ring, only
to be mauled by Frankie who was there with another guy.

“You did it! You did it!” he shouted,
throwing his arms around me. “You just made me a couple hundred

“Glad you got something out of it,” I said,
forcing a smile. I couldn’t feel good about the win now that I knew
Jett had thrown the match. Glancing around, I saw Seth

“You wanna get out of here?” There was a
grim set to his features. He knew what Jett had done. I could see
it on his face.

I nodded. “I have a date,” I said to
Frankie. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow, okay?”

“Sure thing. Have fun and I want to hear all
the deets.”

Smiling, I turned and followed Seth through
the crowd of congratulatory people as we pushed our way

“He threw the match,” Seth said, once we
were safely inside his vehicle.

“Yep.” I confirmed, annoyed.

“What was he saying to you in there?”

I hesitated. I knew Seth and Jett were best
friends, and didn’t think it was fair for me to say anything that I
knew would drive a wedge in between them. But I also wanted to be
honest with Seth.

“Maybe it would be better if I just kept
that to myself.” I picked at imaginary lint on my clothes.

“Did he threaten you?” he asked sharply, his
eyes narrowing, shining hard and glittering like ice.

I sighed heavily. “No, nothing like that. He
asked me out, actually.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s true. He said he’d never been so
turned on his life. That was right before he proceeded to hump me
in front of everyone.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Seth said
menacingly, his jaw set hard.

“No, you aren’t. Regardless of how it
happened, I still technically won. You’re going to take me to
dinner, now, because I’m starving.”

“Sorry.” He started the engine. “It gets
under my skin, though. He knows damn well that I want to date you.”
Gulping, he stared at me as if he hadn’t meant to say that part out
loud. “I mean . . . I have no claim to you. We just met
. . . but I was hoping that maybe . . . you
know since we were hitting it off so well . . .”

“Relax, Seth. I get it. Just please take me
to eat some yummy food. That’s all that matters. Afterward, you can
get your “revenge” by dating me. Of course, I’d also enjoy dating
you without the whole revenge thing.”

He chuckled. “I just want to date you.”

“Then keep asking.”

“I will. He’ll keep asking, too,

“And I’ll keep saying no.”

“What about other guys? After tonight,
they’ll start asking you out, I’m sure.”

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